Esempio n. 1
bool SIDStil::PositionToEntry(PString entryStr, PFile *inFile, PList<DirList *> &dirs)
	DirList *item = NULL;
	int32 slashIndex;
	int32 startPos;
	int32 i, count;
	int32 pathLen, entryStrLen;
	PString line;
	bool foundIt = false;
	bool globComm = false;
	bool temp;
	PCharSet_MS_WIN_1252 charSet;

		// Seek to the start of the file

		// Get the dirpath
		slashIndex = entryStr.ReverseFind('/');

		// If no slash was found, something is screwed up in the entryStr
		if (slashIndex == -1)
			return (false);

		pathLen = slashIndex + 1;

		// Determine whether a section-global comment is asked for
		entryStrLen = entryStr.GetLength();
		if (pathLen == entryStrLen)
			globComm = true;

		// Find it in the table
		count = dirs.CountItems();
		for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
			item = dirs.GetItem(i);
			if (entryStr.Left(pathLen) == item->dirName)
				foundIt = true;

		if (!foundIt)
			// The directory was not found
			return (false);

		// Jump to the first entry of this section
		inFile->Seek(item->position, PFile::pSeekBegin);
		foundIt = false;

		// Now find the desired entry
			startPos = inFile->GetPosition();
			line     = inFile->ReadLine(&charSet);

			if (inFile->IsEOF())

			// Check if it is the start of an entry
			if (!line.IsEmpty() && (line.GetAt(0) == '/'))
				if (line.Left(pathLen) != item->dirName)
					// We are outside the section - get out of the loop,
					// which will fail the search

				// Check whether we need to find a section-global comment or
				// a specific entry
				if (globComm || (stilVersion > 2.59f))
					temp = (line == entryStr);
					// To be compatible with older versions of STIL, which may have
					// the tune designation on the first line of a STIL entry
					// together with the pathname
					temp = (line.Left(entryStrLen) == entryStr);

				if (temp)
					// Found it!
					foundIt = true;
		while (!foundIt);

		if (foundIt)
			// Reposition the file pointer back to the start of the entry
			inFile->Seek(startPos, PFile::pSeekBegin);
			return (true);
	catch(PFileException e)

	return (false);
Esempio n. 2
PString SIDStil::GetGlobalComment(PString relPathToEntry)
	PString dir;
	int32 lastSlash, pathLen;
	int32 temp;

	if (baseDir.IsEmpty())
		return ("");

	// Save the dirpath
	lastSlash = relPathToEntry.ReverseFind('/');
	if (lastSlash == -1)
		return ("");

	pathLen = lastSlash + 1;
	dir = relPathToEntry.Left(pathLen);

	// Find out whether we have this global comment in the buffer.
	// If the baseDir was changed, we'll have to read it in again,
	// even if it might be in the buffer already
	if ((globalBuf.Left(dir.GetLength()) != dir) || ((globalBuf.Find('\n') != pathLen) && (stilVersion > 2.59f)))
		// The relative pathnames don't match or they're not the same length:
		// We don't have it in the buffer, so pull it in
			PDirectory tempDir;


			stilFile->Open(tempDir.GetDirectory() + "STIL.txt", PFile::pModeRead | PFile::pModeShareRead);

			if (PositionToEntry(dir, stilFile, stilDirs) == false)
				// Copy the dirname to the buffer
				globalBuf = dir + "\n";
				ReadEntry(stilFile, globalBuf);

		catch(PFileException e)
			// Failed reading from the STIL.txt file
			return ("");

	// Position the index to the global comment field
	temp = globalBuf.Find('\n');

	// Check whether this is a NULL entry or not
	if (temp == globalBuf.GetLength())
		return ("");

	return (globalBuf.Mid(temp));