Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char *args[]) {
    PetscErrorCode ierr;
    ierr=PetscInitialize(&argc,&args,(char *) 0, help); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      Particle pp;
      Vec grid;
      PetscInt  Ngrid;
      PetscTruth flg;
      int rank;

      // Read in the data
      MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
      PetscOptionsGetInt("-n", &Ngrid, &flg);
      if (!flg) Ngrid=64; // Testing, after all
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Using Ngrid=%i\n", (int) Ngrid);
      DensityGrid dg(Ngrid, 2000.0);
      pp.TPMReadSerial("dm_1.0000.bin", 2000.0);
      //CIC and compute the corrfunc the old fashioned way
      grid = dg.Allocate();
      dg.CIC(grid, pp);
      PkStruct Xi1(10.0, 3.0, 60);
      dg.XiFFT(grid, 2.0, Xi1);

      // Generate the shell density grid
      Shell ss(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0, 1800.0);
      Delta del1(Ngrid, 2000.0, 4, 0.75, ss);
      del1.BuildDensityGrid(pp, grid);
      //BuildDensityGrid(Ngrid, 2000.0, ss, pp, 4, 0.75, grid, W);

      // Compute xi
      PkStruct Xi2(10.0,3.0,60);
      dg.XiFFT_W(grid, del1.W,2.0,Xi2);

      // Print out results
      double _xi1, _r1, _xi2, n1;
      FILE *fp;
      for (int ii = Xi1.lo; ii < Xi1.hi; ++ii) {
        _xi1 = Xi1(ii, _r1, n1);
        _xi2 = Xi2(ii);
        if (n1>0) PetscSynchronizedFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, fp, "%6i %9.3f %15.8e %15.8e\n",ii,_r1,_xi1, _xi2);
      PetscFClose(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, fp);


    // Only call this when everything is out of scope
    ierr=PetscFinalize(); CHKERRQ(ierr);

Esempio n. 2
void Delta::BuildDensityGrid(Particle& pp, Vec& delta)
// RS 2010/07/06:  Commented!
  _mydestroy(delta); // Clean up delta 
  DensityGrid dg2(N, L);
  DensityGrid dg3(N, L);
  delta = dg1.Allocate();

  bool rmask = (rmasksmooth > 1e-5);   // RS:  boolean shorthand

  // First the particles
  // RS 2010/07/06:  CIC assign the list of particles to delta.
  // If we're using a mask made from smoothed randoms, don't bother trimming,
  // because the mask will just be a "dummy mask".
  if (!rmask) pp.TrimMask(*maskptr);
  dg1.CIC(delta,pp, false);
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Particles assigned to the grid.....\n");

  // RS 2010/07/06:  If rmasksmooth > 0, smooth CIC-assigned particles before
  // computing overdensity.  Otherwise we'll get unpleasant edge effects.
  if (rmask) dg1.GaussSmooth(delta, rmasksmooth);

  // Normalization factor
  // RS:  This equals the *average* number (per allowed cell) of "randoms"
  // compared to the number of particles from which we're building delta.
  VecPointwiseMult(delta, W);
  double fac;
  VecSum(delta, &fac);
  fac = nrand/fac;

  // Now construct delta
  int lo, hi;
  dg1.slab(lo, hi);
  // RS:  Set up the wrappers to allow us to index delta by (x,y,z).
  dg1.Pull(delta); dg2.Pull(W); dg3.Pull(_W);
  for (int ix=lo; ix < hi; ++ix)
    for (int iy=0; iy < N; ++iy) 
      for (int iz=0; iz < N; ++iz) 
        if (dg2(ix, iy,iz) > 1.e-5) {
          // RS:  In each cell location, if W > 0, divide by _W/fac.
          // Since _W is the average density of regular-grid "randoms" in
          // each cell (accounting for edge effects), _W/fac corresponds to
          // the average density of pp particles.  So W/(_W/fac) = W/_W*fac,
          // i.e., the density contrast, which is what we want.
          dg1(ix, iy, iz) = (dg1(ix, iy, iz)/dg3(ix, iy, iz))*fac - 1.0;
        } else {
          // RS:  If W = 0 (to within epsilon), set delta to zero.
          dg1(ix, iy, iz) = 0.0;
  // RS:  Deallocate the memory we just set up...  and we'll be done.
  dg1.Push(delta, INSERT_VALUES, false);
  dg2.Push(W, INSERT_VALUES, false);
  dg3.Push(_W, INSERT_VALUES, false);

  VecSum(delta, &fac);
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Sum (delta).....%e\n", fac);

Esempio n. 3
Delta::Delta(int _N, double _L, int _nover, double thresh,  Mask3D& _mask,
   Particle& pr, double smooth)
// RS 2010/07/06:  Version of Delta constructor that takes as input a set
// of random particles to define where the mask is or is not.  This is in
// contrast to the regular grid of "randoms" set up to compute the average
// density in the normal Delta constructor above.
  // We're not going to use the Mask3D& for anything, but I make the user
  // pass one in anyway, because Delta can't manage the memory for it without
  // creating the risk either of a memory leak or a seg fault.
  N=_N; L=_L; nover=_nover; maskptr=&_mask; rmasksmooth=smooth;

  // W is the mask, _W is the average density of randoms.
  // dg1 and dg2 are DensityGrid wrappers for these vectors.
  DensityGrid dg2(N, L);
  dg1.Init(N, L);
  _W = dg1.Allocate();
  W = dg1.Allocate(); VecSet(W, 0.0);

  dg1.CIC(_W, pr, false);           // Assign randoms to _W ("no overdensity")
  dg1.GaussSmooth(_W, smooth);      // Smooth by smoothing scale
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "%d grid particles accumulated....\n", pr.npart);

  // RS:  For each cell, if the contents of _W exceed thresh, set W = 1.
  // Use dg1 and dg2 as wrappers to index the copies of _W and W.
  int lo, hi;
  dg1.slab(lo, hi);
  dg1.Pull(_W); dg2.Pull(W);
  for (int ix=lo; ix < hi; ++ix)
    for (int iy=0; iy < N; ++iy) 
      for (int iz=0; iz < N; ++iz) 
        if (dg1(ix,iy,iz) > thresh) {
          dg2(ix,iy,iz) = 1.0;
        } else {
          dg1(ix, iy, iz) = 0.0; // Good to set this explicitly to zero as well
  dg1.Push(_W, INSERT_VALUES, false);
  dg2.Push(W, INSERT_VALUES, false);
  double tmp;
  VecSum(W, &tmp);
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Nonzero grid points in W : %f\n",tmp);
  VecSum(_W, &nrand);
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Sum of background density vector : %f\n",nrand);
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, char *args[]) {
    PetscErrorCode ierr;
    ierr=PetscInitialize(&argc,&args,(char *) 0, help); CHKERRQ(ierr);
    //  Get MPI rank
    int rank; MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

    // Read in configuration file
    char configfn[200]; 
    PetscTruth flg; 

    // See if we need help
    PetscOptionsHasName("-help", &flg);
    if (flg) exit(0);
    PetscOptionsGetString("-configfn", configfn, 200, &flg);
    if (!flg) RAISE_ERR(99,"Specify configuration file");
    // Read in parameters
    ShellParams pars(string(configfn), "shellradial"); 

     * Define seeds
    int const_seed=2147; int randompart_seed=8271;

     * Define the mask and delta
    Shell maskss(,,,,;
    Delta del1(pars.Ngrid, pars.Lbox,,, maskss);
     * Read in pk prior 
    vector<double> kvec, pkvec;
    int nk;
    // Rank 0 job reads in pk function and broadcasts to everyone
    if (rank == 0) {
      double k1, pk1;
      ifstream fp(pars.pkprior.fn.c_str());
      do {
        fp >> k1 >> pk1;
        if (fp) {
          pkvec.push_back(pars.pkprior.bias*pk1 + pars.pkprior.noise);
      } while (fp);
      nk = kvec.size();
    MPI_Bcast(&nk, 1, MPI_INT, 0, PETSC_COMM_WORLD);
    if (rank !=0) {kvec.resize(nk, 0.0); pkvec.resize(nk, 0.0);}
    MPI_Bcast(&kvec[0], nk, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, PETSC_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Bcast(&pkvec[0], nk, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, PETSC_COMM_WORLD);
    PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "%d lines read in from %s...\n",nk, pars.pkprior.fn.c_str());

    // Define the potential solver 
    PotentialSolve psolve(pars.Ngrid, pars.Lbox, pars.recon.maxit);
    psolve.SetupOperator(RADIAL, pars.recon.fval, pars.recon.origin);

    // Loop over files
    list<ShellParams::fn>::iterator files;
    for (files = pars.fnlist.begin(); files !=pars.fnlist.end(); ++files) 
      /* ******************************
       * First we get the various options and print out useful information 
       * ********************************/
      ostringstream hdr;
      hdr << "# Input file is " << files->in << endl; 
      hdr << "# Output file is " << files->out << endl;
      hdr << "# Ngrid=" << setw(5) << pars.Ngrid << endl;
      hdr << "# boxsize=" << setw(8) << fixed << setprecision(2) << pars.Lbox << endl;
      hdr << "# bias=" << setw(8) << setprecision(2) << pars.recon.bias << endl;
      hdr << "# fval=" << setw(8) << setprecision(2) << pars.recon.fval << endl;
      hdr << "# smooth=" << setw(8) << setprecision(2) << pars.recon.smooth << endl;
      hdr << "# " << setw(4) << pars.xi.Nbins << " Xi bins from " << setw(8) << setprecision(2) << pars.xi.rmin
        << " with spacing of " << pars.xi.dr << endl;
      hdr << "# " << "Correlation function smoothed with a smoothing scale of" << setw(8) << setprecision(2) 
        << pars.xi.smooth << endl;
      hdr << "# " << "Survey shell centered at the origin, rmin=" << setprecision(2) << << ", rmax=" << << endl;
      hdr << "# " << "Shell center at " << setprecision(3) << << ", " << << ", " << << endl;
      hdr << "# Mask threshold =" << << endl;
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, (hdr.str()).c_str()); 
       * Read in the particle data here and slab decompose
      Particle pp;
      DensityGrid dg(pars.Ngrid, pars.Lbox);
      pp.TPMReadSerial(files->in.c_str(), pars.Lbox, true, true);
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Read in %i particles.....\n",pp.npart);
      // Test slab decomp
      bool good = dg.TestSlabDecompose(pp);
      if (good) 
         {PetscSynchronizedPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Slab decomposition succeeded on process %i\n",rank);}
         {PetscSynchronizedPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Slab decomposition FAILED on process %i\n",rank);}
      if (!good) RAISE_ERR(99, "Slab decomposition failed");

       * Generate the density field and constrained realization
      Vec grid=PETSC_NULL;
      del1.BuildDensityGridSmooth(pars.recon.smooth, pp, grid);
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Density grid computed.....\n");
      del1.HoffmanRibak(grid, kvec, pkvec, const_seed); const_seed+=1;
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Constrained realization computed.....\n");

       * Now we solve for the potential 
      // Allocate potential solver
      Vec pot;
      pot = dg.Allocate();
      if (psolve.Solve(grid, pot, pars.recon.bias)) {
        // If the potential calculation converged
        PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Potential calculated....\n");
         * Now we shift data and randoms
        // Generate random particles
        Vec dp, qx, qy, qz;
        Particle pr;
        pr.RandomInit(pp.npart*pars.recon.nrandomfac, pars.Lbox, randompart_seed); randompart_seed +=1;
        // Compute derivatives at data positions and shift
        dp = dg.Deriv(pot, 0); qx = dg.Interp3d(dp, pp); _mydestroy(dp);
        dp = dg.Deriv(pot, 1); qy = dg.Interp3d(dp, pp); _mydestroy(dp);
        dp = dg.Deriv(pot, 2); qz = dg.Interp3d(dp, pp); _mydestroy(dp);
        // Print some statistics
        double sum[3];
        VecSum(qx,&sum[0]); VecSum(qy, &sum[1]); VecSum(qz, &sum[2]);
        for (int ii=0; ii < 3; ++ii) sum[ii] /= pp.npart;
        PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Mean x,y,z displacements on particles is : %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",sum[0],sum[1],sum[2]);
        VecNorm(qx,NORM_2,&sum[0]); VecNorm(qy, NORM_2,&sum[1]); VecNorm(qz, NORM_2,&sum[2]);
        for (int ii=0; ii < 3; ++ii) sum[ii] /= sqrt(pp.npart);
        PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "RMS x,y,z displacements on particles is : %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",sum[0],sum[1],sum[2]);

        // Do the shift in two pieces -- first the real space shift
        VecAXPY(pp.px, -1.0, qx);
        VecAXPY(, -1.0, qy);
        VecAXPY(pp.pz, -1.0, qz);
	PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Standard displacements complete\n");

        // Now shift to remove redshift distortions - this requires a little coordinate geometry
        // We need q.p/|r|
        pp.RadialDisplace(qx, qy, qz, pars.recon.origin, -pars.recon.fval);
	PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "zspace displacements complete\n");

        // Cleanup
        _mydestroy(qx); _mydestroy(qy); _mydestroy(qz);
        // Do the same for the randoms
        dp = dg.Deriv(pot, 0); qx = dg.Interp3d(dp, pr); _mydestroy(dp);
        dp = dg.Deriv(pot, 1); qy = dg.Interp3d(dp, pr); _mydestroy(dp);
        dp = dg.Deriv(pot, 2); qz = dg.Interp3d(dp, pr); _mydestroy(dp);
        VecSum(qx,&sum[0]); VecSum(qy, &sum[1]); VecSum(qz, &sum[2]);
        for (int ii=0; ii < 3; ++ii) sum[ii] /= pr.npart;
        PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Mean x,y,z displacements on randoms is : %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",sum[0],sum[1],sum[2]);
        VecNorm(qx,NORM_2,&sum[0]); VecNorm(qy, NORM_2,&sum[1]); VecNorm(qz, NORM_2,&sum[2]);
        for (int ii=0; ii < 3; ++ii) sum[ii] /= sqrt(pr.npart);
        PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "RMS x,y,z displacements on randoms is : %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",sum[0],sum[1],sum[2]);
        VecAXPY(pr.px, -1.0, qx);
        VecAXPY(, -1.0, qy);
        VecAXPY(pr.pz, -1.0, qz);
        PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Displacements calculated....\n");
        // Clean up
        _mydestroy(qx); _mydestroy(qy); _mydestroy(qz);
        // Shifted data and random grid
        Vec gridr=PETSC_NULL;
        del1.BuildDensityGrid(pp, grid);
        del1.BuildDensityGrid(pr, gridr);
        VecAXPY(grid, -1.0, gridr);
        // Correlation fn
        PkStruct xi2(pars.xi.rmin, pars.xi.dr, pars.xi.Nbins);
        dg.XiFFT_W(grid, del1.W, pars.xi.smooth, xi2);
        // Outputs
        FILE *fp;
        double _rvec, _xi2, _n1;
        PetscFOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,files->out.c_str(),"w", &fp);
        PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, fp, (hdr.str()).c_str());
        for (int ii = xi2.lo; ii < xi2.hi; ++ii) {
          _xi2 = xi2(ii, _rvec, _n1);
          if (_n1>0) PetscSynchronizedFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, fp, "%6i %9.3f %15.8e\n",ii,_rvec,_xi2);
      // Cleanup
      _mydestroy(grid); _mydestroy(pot);


Esempio n. 5
int main(int argc, char *args[]) {

    PetscErrorCode ierr;
    ierr=PetscInitialize(&argc,&args,(char *) 0, help);
        Particle pp;
        Vec grid, smooth, pot;
        PetscInt Ngrid;
        PetscBool flg;
        int lo, hi;
        int rank;

        MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
        PetscOptionsGetInt(NULL, "-n", &Ngrid, &flg);
        if (!flg) Ngrid=64; // Testing, after all
        PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Using Ngrid=%i\n", (int) Ngrid);

        DensityGrid dg(Ngrid, BoxSize);
        DensityGrid dg2(Ngrid, BoxSize);
        DensityGrid dg3(Ngrid, BoxSize);
        grid = dg.Allocate();
        smooth = dg.Allocate();
        pp.TPMReadSerial("dm_1.0000.bin", BoxSize);

        // Test slab decomp
        bool good = dg.TestSlabDecompose(pp);
        if (good)
            PetscSynchronizedPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Slab decomposition succeeded on process %i\n",rank);
            PetscSynchronizedPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Slab decomposition FAILED on process %i\n",rank);
        if (!good) RAISE_ERR(99, "Slab decomposition failed");

        dg.CIC(grid, pp);
        double sum;
        VecSum(grid, &sum);
        PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Sum = %f\n",sum);
        VecNorm(grid, NORM_2, &sum);
        sum /= sqrt(pow((double) dg.Ng, 3));
        PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "stdev = %f\n",sum);

        // Smooth
        VecCopy(grid, smooth);
        dg.GaussSmooth(smooth, 20.0);

        // Allocate potential solver
        PotentialSolve psolve(Ngrid, BoxSize);
        pot = dg.Allocate();
        psolve.Solve(smooth, pot);
        VecSum(pot, &sum);
        PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Sum = %f\n",sum);

        // Print out
        dg.slab(lo, hi);
        int icount;
        FILE *fp;
        PetscFOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"testCIC.out","w", &fp);
        for (int ix=lo; ix < hi; ++ix)
            for (int iy=0; iy < dg.Ng; ++iy)
                for (int iz=0; iz < dg.Ng; ++iz) {
                    icount = (ix*dg.Ng + iy)*dg.Ng + iz;
                    if (icount < 10000)
                        PetscSynchronizedFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,fp,"%6i %6i %6i %6i %15.8e %15.8e %15.8e\n",icount, ix,iy, iz,
                                                 dg(ix, iy, iz), dg2(ix, iy, iz), dg3(ix,iy,iz));

        // Cleanup

    // Only call this when everything is out of scope

Esempio n. 6
int main(int argc, char *args[]) {
    PetscErrorCode ierr;
    ierr=PetscInitialize(&argc,&args,(char *) 0, help); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      Particle pp;
      Vec grid, pot;
      PetscInt Ngrid;
      int rank;
      PetscTruth flg;

      MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
      PetscOptionsGetInt("-n", &Ngrid, &flg);
      if (!flg) Ngrid=64; // Testing, after all
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Using Ngrid=%i\n", (int) Ngrid);

      DensityGrid dg(Ngrid, BoxSize);
      grid = dg.Allocate();
      pp.TPMReadSerial("dm_1.0000.bin", BoxSize);

      // Test slab decomp
      bool good = dg.TestSlabDecompose(pp);
      if (good) 
         {PetscSynchronizedPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Slab decomposition succeeded on process %i\n",rank);}
         {PetscSynchronizedPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Slab decomposition FAILED on process %i\n",rank);}
      if (!good) RAISE_ERR(99, "Slab decomposition failed");

      dg.CIC(grid, pp);
      double sum;
      VecSum(grid, &sum);
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Sum = %f\n",sum); 
      VecNorm(grid, NORM_2, &sum);
      sum /= sqrt(pow((double) dg.Ng, 3));
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "stdev = %f\n",sum); 

      // Allocate potential solver
      PotentialSolve psolve(Ngrid, BoxSize);
      pot = dg.Allocate();
      psolve.Solve(grid, pot);
      VecSum(pot, &sum);
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Sum = %f\n",sum);

      // Test result
      Vec negdelta;
      Mat a = psolve.GetOperator();
      VecDuplicate(pot, &negdelta);
      VecNorm(negdelta, NORM_2, &sum);
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "norm = %f\n",sum); 
      MatDestroy(a); _mydestroy(negdelta);

      // Cleanup


    // Only call this when everything is out of scope
    ierr=PetscFinalize(); CHKERRQ(ierr);

Esempio n. 7
void BuildDensityGrid(int N, double L, Mask3D& mask, Particle& pp, int nover, double thresh, Vec& delta, Vec& W, double smooth) {
/* Parameters :
 *   INPUT ---
 *     N     :  grid size
 *     L     :  box size
 *     mask  :  A 3D positive mask (assumed to be 1 or 0)
 *     nover :  Oversampling rate for defining the mean density (we use the GridInitialize routine)
 *              This determines the displacement. 
 *              For a periodic box, nover means there will be nover**3 particles per grid.
 *     thresh:  Fractional threshold below which to remove grid point from survey
 *     smooth:  This is an optional parameter -- if set to > 0, it will smooth the density and mask
 *              fields before computing the overdensity.
 *   OUTPUT ---
 *     delta :  What do think this is???
 *     W     :  Window function, 1 in survey, 0 elsewhere. 
 *   Note that the output vectors are not cleared, so you had better make sure you don't leak memory.

  // Allocate two density grids
  DensityGrid dg1(N,L), dg2(N,L);
  delta = dg1.Allocate();
  W = dg2.Allocate(); 

  // First the particles
  dg2.CIC(delta,pp, false);
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Particles assigned to the grid.....\n");

  // Now do the randoms
  double nrand=0.0, nexp, nthresh;
  nexp = pow((double) nover, 3);
  nthresh = nexp*thresh;
    double tmp = 1./nover, dx, dy, dz;
    VecSet(W, 0.0); // Manually set to zero
    Vec W1; VecDuplicate(W, &W1);
    for (int ix = 0; ix < nover; ++ix) {
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Starting random loop %i of %i....\n",ix,nover-1);
      dx = ix*tmp + tmp/2.0;
      for (int iy = 0; iy < nover; ++iy) {
        dy = iy*tmp + tmp/2.0;
        for (int iz = 0; iz < nover; ++iz) {
          dz = iz*tmp + tmp/2.0;
          Particle rr; // Definition here is important, since it ensures destruction, before recreating
          rr.GridInitialize(N, dx, dy, dz, L);
          rr.TrimMask(mask); nrand += rr.npart;
          // rr.SlabDecompose(dg2); We don't need to slab decompose because nproc divides N by construction
          dg2.CIC(W1, rr, false); // No overdensity
          VecAXPY(W, 1.0, W1);
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "%f grid particles accumulated....\n", nrand);
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Expected number of particles=%f, threshold=%f\n", nexp, nthresh);

  // Smooth if desired
  if (smooth > 1.e-5) {
    dg1.GaussSmooth(delta, smooth);
    dg2.GaussSmooth(W, smooth);

  // Now build up delta
  int lo, hi;
  nrand /= pp.npart;
  dg1.slab(lo, hi);
  dg1.Pull(delta); dg2.Pull(W);
  for (int ix=lo; ix < hi; ++ix)
    for (int iy=0; iy < N; ++iy) 
      for (int iz=0; iz < N; ++iz) {
        if (dg2(ix, iy,iz) > nthresh) {
          dg1(ix, iy,iz) =  (dg1(ix,iy,iz)/dg2(ix, iy, iz)) * nrand - 1.0;
          dg2(ix, iy,iz) = 1.0;
        } else {
          dg1(ix, iy, iz) = 0.0;
          dg2(ix, iy, iz) = 0.0;
  dg1.Push(delta, INSERT_VALUES, false);
  dg2.Push(W, INSERT_VALUES, false);
  VecSum(W, &nrand);
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Nonzero grid points in W : %f\n",nrand);
