Esempio n. 1
compute derivative for each particle in particles1 with respect to particles2
SCORING function : chi
For calculation in real space the quantity Delta(r) is needed to get
derivatives of an atom
Delta(r) = f_iatom * sum_i f_i delta(r-r_{i,iatom}) (x_iatom-x_i)
  // e_q = exp( -0.23 * q*q )
void DerivativeCalculator::compute_chisquare_derivative(
    const Profile* model_profile, const Particles& particles1,
    const Particles& particles2,
    Vector<algebra::Vector3D>& derivatives,
    const Vector<double>& effect_size) const {

  algebra::Vector3D dIdx, chisquare_derivative;

  Vector<Vector<double> > sinc_cos_values;
  DeltaDistributionFunction delta_dist = precompute_derivative_helpers(
      model_profile, particles1, particles2, sinc_cos_values);

  unsigned int profile_size =
      std::min(model_profile->size(), exp_profile_->size());
  for (unsigned int iatom = 0; iatom < particles1.size(); iatom++) {
    // Compute a delta distribution per atom
    chisquare_derivative = algebra::Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    for (unsigned int iq = 0; iq < profile_size; iq++) {
      compute_intensity_derivatives(delta_dist, sinc_cos_values, iq, dIdx);
      chisquare_derivative += dIdx * effect_size[iq];
    derivatives[iatom] = chisquare_derivative;

   Particles ps,
   DensityMap *em_map,Float threshold
   ): Restraint("Envelope penetration restraint")
  IMP_LOG_TERSE("Load envelope penetration with the following input:"<<
          "number of particles:"<<ps.size()<<
  target_dens_map_ = em_map;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i< ps.size(); ++i) {
                      "Particle " << ps[i]->get_name()
                      << " is not XYZR"
                      << std::endl);
  IMP_LOG_TERSE("after adding particles"<<std::endl);
  IMP_LOG_TERSE( "Finish initialization" << std::endl);
 * loop over all particles and rigid bodies, and call compute_chi_derivative on
 * them
void DerivativeCalculator::compute_all_derivatives(const Particles& particles,
               const std::vector<Particles>& rigid_bodies,
               const std::vector<core::RigidBody>& rigid_bodies_decorators,
               const Profile& model_profile,
               const std::vector<double>& effect_size,
               DerivativeAccumulator *acc) const
  std::vector<IMP::algebra::VectorD<3> > derivatives;
  const FloatKeys keys = IMP::core::XYZ::get_xyz_keys();

  // 1. compute derivatives for each rigid body
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<rigid_bodies.size(); i++) {
    if(!rigid_bodies_decorators[i].get_coordinates_are_optimized()) continue;
    // contribution from other rigid bodies
    for(unsigned int j=0; j<rigid_bodies.size(); j++) {
      if(i == j) continue;
      compute_chisquare_derivative(model_profile, rigid_bodies[i],
              rigid_bodies[j], derivatives, effect_size);
      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < rigid_bodies[i].size(); k++) {
        rigid_bodies[i][k]->add_to_derivative(keys[0],derivatives[k][0], *acc);
        rigid_bodies[i][k]->add_to_derivative(keys[1],derivatives[k][1], *acc);
        rigid_bodies[i][k]->add_to_derivative(keys[2],derivatives[k][2], *acc);
    if(particles.size() > 0) {
      // contribution from other particles
      compute_chisquare_derivative(model_profile, rigid_bodies[i],
                                          particles, derivatives, effect_size);
      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < rigid_bodies[i].size(); k++) {
        rigid_bodies[i][k]->add_to_derivative(keys[0],derivatives[k][0], *acc);
        rigid_bodies[i][k]->add_to_derivative(keys[1],derivatives[k][1], *acc);
        rigid_bodies[i][k]->add_to_derivative(keys[2],derivatives[k][2], *acc);

  // 2. compute derivatives for other particles
  if(particles.size() > 0) {
    // particles own contribution
    compute_chisquare_derivative(model_profile, particles, derivatives,
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) {
      particles[i]->add_to_derivative(keys[0], derivatives[i][0], *acc);
      particles[i]->add_to_derivative(keys[1], derivatives[i][1], *acc);
      particles[i]->add_to_derivative(keys[2], derivatives[i][2], *acc);
    // rigid bodies contribution
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<rigid_bodies.size(); i++) {
      compute_chisquare_derivative(model_profile, particles, rigid_bodies[i],
              derivatives, effect_size);
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) {
        particles[i]->add_to_derivative(keys[0], derivatives[i][0], *acc);
        particles[i]->add_to_derivative(keys[1], derivatives[i][1], *acc);
        particles[i]->add_to_derivative(keys[2], derivatives[i][2], *acc);
Esempio n. 4
const Particles &_give_particles(Model *m) {
  static Particles ret;
  while (ret.size() < 10) {
    ret.push_back(new Particle(m));
  return ret;
Esempio n. 5
void AnchorsData::set_secondary_structure_probabilities(
    const Particles &ssres_ps, const Ints &indices) {

  IMP_USAGE_CHECK(secondary_structure_ps_.size() == points_.size(),
                  "Secondary structure has not been set up, "
                  "run AnchorsData::setup_secondary_structure() first");
  int anum;
  for (int ssnum = 0; ssnum < (int)ssres_ps.size(); ssnum++) {
        "SSE Particles must be decorated as"
    if (indices.size() == 0)
      anum = ssnum;
      anum = indices[ssnum];
Esempio n. 6
Particles _give_particles_copy(Model *m) {
  Particles ret;
  while (ret.size() < 10) {
    ret.push_back(new Particle(m));
  return ret;
Esempio n. 7
Particles RigidBodyMover::get_particles(Particles ps) {
  Particles ps_norb;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) {
    if (!core::RigidMember::get_is_setup(ps[i])) {
  return ps_norb;
RadiusOfGyrationRestraint::RadiusOfGyrationRestraint(Particles ps,
                                                     int num_residues,
                                                     Float scale):
    Restraint(IMP::internal::get_model(ps), "RadiusOfGyrationRestraint"){
  if (ps.size()==0) return;
  predicted_rog_ = get_approximated_radius_of_gyration(num_residues);
  hub_=new core::HarmonicUpperBound(predicted_rog_*scale_,1);
Esempio n. 9
	virtual void onInitParticles(Particles& particles)
		const float time = parentDocument()->getAnimationTime();
		int oldNb = birth.size();
		int newNb = oldNb + particles.size();

		std::uniform_real_distribution<float> dist(0, variation.getValue());
		for(int i=oldNb; i<newNb; ++i)
			birth[i] = time - dist(gen);	// Giving them negative age based on the variation value
Esempio n. 10
void add_PbcBoxedMover(Particles ps, double dx, algebra::Vector3Ds centers,
                       algebra::Transformation3Ds trs,
                       core::MonteCarloMovers &mvs, Particle *SideXY,
                       Particle *SideZ) {
  IMP_NEW(spb::PbcBoxedMover, mv,
          (ps[0], ps, dx, centers, trs, SideXY, SideXY, SideZ));
  for (unsigned int k = 1; k < ps.size(); ++k) {
    IMP_NEW(core::BallMover, bmv, (ps[k]->get_model(), ps[k]->get_index(), dx));
Esempio n. 11
void randomizeInSphere(Particles& particles, real sphereSize)
    const unsigned size = particles.size();
    //const Real3& spherePos = sphere.p_;
    for (unsigned i=0;i<size;++i) {
        particles.pos_[i]= sphereSize*( Real3(-.5f,-.5f,-.5f)+Real3(randnorm<real>(),randnorm<real>(),randnorm<real>()) ); 
//        particles.pos_[i]= i%2?Real3(sphereSize-0.1,0,0):Real3(-sphereSize+0.1,0,0);
//        particles.vel_[i]= i%2?Real3(2.5,0.5,0):Real3(-3,0,0);
//        particles.acc_[i]=Real3(0.f,0.f,0.f);
Esempio n. 12
TALOSRestraint::TALOSRestraint(Particles p, unsigned N, double R0, double
          chiexp, Particle *kappa) : kappa_(kappa) {
  if (p.size() != 4) {
    IMP_THROW("please provide a list with 4 particles!", ModelException);
  // create von Mises
  double kappaval=Scale(kappa_).get_scale();
  mises_ = new vonMisesSufficient(0, N, R0, chiexp, kappaval);
//LC: added for local (re)localization
void MapModel::distributeLocally(Particles& particles, double roll, double pitch, double yaw,
                                    double x, double y, double z,
                                    UniformGeneratorT& rngUniform, double dist_linear, double dist_angular){        //maxHeight added by LC
  double sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ, minX, minY, minZ;
  //LC: get total map size
  //LC: get minimum values of map bounding box
  m_map->getMetricMin(minX, minY, minZ);

  double weight = 1.0 / particles.size();
  Particles::iterator it = particles.begin();
  while (true){
    if (it == particles.end())

    // obtain a pose hypothesis:
    double x_new = x + dist_linear * ((rngUniform() - 0.5) * 2);
    double y_new = y + dist_linear * ((rngUniform() - 0.5) * 2);
    double z_new = z + dist_linear * ((rngUniform() - 0.5) * 2);

    double roll_new = roll;// + dist_angular * ((rngUniform() - 0.5) * 2);
    double pitch_new = pitch;// + dist_angular * ((rngUniform() - 0.5) * 2);
    double yaw_new = yaw + dist_angular * ((rngUniform() - 0.5) * 2);

    if(it == particles.begin()) {
        // obtain a pose hypothesis:
        x_new = x;
        y_new = y;
        z_new = z;

        roll_new = roll;
        pitch_new = pitch;
        yaw_new = yaw;

    //set new pose

    //set orientation
    it->pose.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(roll_new, pitch_new, yaw_new));

    it->weight = weight;


Esempio n. 14
/** @brief get the central pixel brightess for each coordinate in centers.  */
vector<float> Tracker::getIntensities(const Particles &centers)
    vector<float> ret(centers.size());
    for(size_t p=0; p<centers.size(); ++p)
        //convert real coordinates to integer strides
        boost::array<size_t, 3> tmp;
        for(size_t d=0; d<tmp.size(); ++d)
            tmp[d] = centersMap.strides()[d] * (size_t)centers[p][(fortran_order)?(2-d):d];

        //normlize the value by the size of the image to get rid of the FTTW unnormalization and be in the same unit as the threshold parameter
        ret[p] = (*(data+accumulate(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), 0)))/centersMap.num_elements();
    return ret;
Esempio n. 15
std::vector<core::RigidBody> RigidBodyMover::get_rigid_bodies(
    Particles ps) {
  std::vector<core::RigidBody> rbs;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) {
    if (core::RigidMember::get_is_setup(ps[i])) {
      core::RigidBody rb = core::RigidMember(ps[i]).get_rigid_body();
      std::vector<core::RigidBody>::iterator it =
          find(rbs.begin(), rbs.end(), rb);
      if (it == rbs.end()) {
  return rbs;
Esempio n. 16
display::Geometries get_rigid_body_derivative_geometries(
    Model *m, ParticleIndex pi) {
    RigidBody d(m, pi);
    display::Geometries ret;
    Particles ms = get_as<Particles>(d.get_rigid_members());
    algebra::Transformation3D otr =
    algebra::VectorD<4> rderiv = d.get_rotational_derivatives();
    algebra::Vector3D tderiv = d.get_derivatives();
    algebra::VectorD<4> rot = otr.get_rotation().get_quaternion();
    IMP_LOG_TERSE("Old rotation was " << rot << std::endl);
    Float scale = .1;
    algebra::VectorD<4> dv = rderiv;
    if (dv.get_squared_magnitude() > 0.00001) {
        dv = scale * dv.get_unit_vector();
    rot += dv;
    rot = rot.get_unit_vector();
    algebra::Rotation3D r(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3]);
    IMP_LOG_TERSE("Derivative was " << tderiv << std::endl);
    IMP_LOG_TERSE("New rotation is " << rot << std::endl);
    FloatRange xr =
    Float wid = xr.second - xr.first;
    algebra::Vector3D stderiv = scale * tderiv * wid;
    algebra::Transformation3D ntr(
        algebra::Rotation3D(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3]),
        stderiv + otr.get_translation());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ms.size(); ++i) {
        core::RigidMember dm(ms[i]);
        display::SegmentGeometry *tr = new display::SegmentGeometry(
            algebra::Segment3D(dm.get_coordinates(), dm.get_coordinates() + tderiv),
            display::Color(1, 0, 0));
        algebra::Vector3D ic =
            r.get_rotated(dm.get_internal_coordinates()) + d.get_coordinates();
        display::SegmentGeometry *rtr = new display::SegmentGeometry(
            algebra::Segment3D(dm.get_coordinates(), ic), display::Color(0, 1, 0));
        display::SegmentGeometry *nrtr = new display::SegmentGeometry(
            display::Color(0, 0, 1));
    return ret;
Esempio n. 17

TALOSRestraint::TALOSRestraint(Particles p, Floats data, Particle *kappa)
    : kappa_(kappa) {
  if (p.size() != 4) {
    IMP_THROW("please provide a list with 4 particles!", ModelException);
  // create von Mises
  double kappaval=Scale(kappa_).get_scale();
  mises_ = new vonMisesSufficient(0, data, kappaval);
Esempio n. 18
void Interpolator1D3Order::fieldsAndCurrents( ElectroMagn *EMfields, Particles &particles, SmileiMPI *smpi, int *istart, int *iend, int ithread, LocalFields *JLoc, double *RhoLoc )

    int ipart = *istart;
    double *ELoc = &( smpi->dynamics_Epart[ithread][ipart] );
    double *BLoc = &( smpi->dynamics_Bpart[ithread][ipart] );
    //!\todo Julien, can you check that this is indeed the centered B-field which is passed to the pusher?
    Field1D *Ex1D     = static_cast<Field1D *>( EMfields->Ex_ );
    Field1D *Ey1D     = static_cast<Field1D *>( EMfields->Ey_ );
    Field1D *Ez1D     = static_cast<Field1D *>( EMfields->Ez_ );
    Field1D *Bx1D_m   = static_cast<Field1D *>( EMfields->Bx_m );
    Field1D *By1D_m   = static_cast<Field1D *>( EMfields->By_m );
    Field1D *Bz1D_m   = static_cast<Field1D *>( EMfields->Bz_m );
    Field1D *Jx1D     = static_cast<Field1D *>( EMfields->Jx_ );
    Field1D *Jy1D     = static_cast<Field1D *>( EMfields->Jy_ );
    Field1D *Jz1D     = static_cast<Field1D *>( EMfields->Jz_ );
    Field1D *Rho1D    = static_cast<Field1D *>( EMfields->rho_ );
    // Calculate the normalized positions
    double xjn = particles.position( 0, ipart )*dx_inv_;
    // Calculate coeffs
    coeffs( xjn );
    int nparts( particles.size() );
    // Interpolate the fields from the Dual grid : Ex, By, Bz
    *( ELoc+0*nparts ) = compute( coeffd_, Ex1D,   id_ );
    *( BLoc+1*nparts ) = compute( coeffd_, By1D_m, id_ );
    *( BLoc+2*nparts ) = compute( coeffd_, Bz1D_m, id_ );
    // Interpolate the fields from the Primal grid : Ey, Ez, Bx
    *( ELoc+1*nparts ) = compute( coeffp_, Ey1D,   ip_ );
    *( ELoc+2*nparts ) = compute( coeffp_, Ez1D,   ip_ );
    *( BLoc+0*nparts ) = compute( coeffp_, Bx1D_m, ip_ );
    // Primal Grid : Jy, Jz, Rho
    JLoc->y = compute( coeffp_, Jy1D,  ip_ );
    JLoc->z = compute( coeffp_, Jz1D,  ip_ );
    ( *RhoLoc ) = compute( coeffp_, Rho1D, ip_ );
    // Dual Grid : Jx
    JLoc->x = compute( coeffd_, Jx1D,  id_ );
Esempio n. 19
// Interpolator specific to tracked particles. A selection of particles may be provided
void Interpolator1D3Order::fieldsSelection( ElectroMagn *EMfields, Particles &particles, double *buffer, int offset, vector<unsigned int> *selection )
    if( selection ) {
        int nsel_tot = selection->size();
        for( int isel=0 ; isel<nsel_tot; isel++ ) {
            fields( EMfields, particles, ( *selection )[isel], offset, buffer+isel, buffer+isel+3*offset );
    } else {
        int npart_tot = particles.size();
        for( int ipart=0 ; ipart<npart_tot; ipart++ ) {
            fields( EMfields, particles, ipart, offset, buffer+ipart, buffer+ipart+3*offset );
Esempio n. 20
void update_cells_parallel(int start_row, int end_row, Particles &my_particles, CellMatrix &cells)
    for(int i = 0; i < my_particles.size(); i++)
        particle_t *curr_particle = my_particles[i];
        Point p = get_cell_index(*curr_particle);
        if(p.y >= end_row || p.y < start_row)
Esempio n. 21
void Interpolator1D3Order::fieldsWrapper( ElectroMagn *EMfields, Particles &particles, SmileiMPI *smpi, int *istart, int *iend, int ithread, int ipart_ref )
    std::vector<double> *Epart = &( smpi->dynamics_Epart[ithread] );
    std::vector<double> *Bpart = &( smpi->dynamics_Bpart[ithread] );
    std::vector<int> *iold = &( smpi->dynamics_iold[ithread] );
    std::vector<double> *delta = &( smpi->dynamics_deltaold[ithread] );
    //Loop on bin particles
    int npart_tot = particles.size();
    for( int ipart=*istart ; ipart<*iend; ipart++ ) {
        //Interpolation on current particle
        fields( EMfields, particles, ipart, npart_tot, &( *Epart )[ipart], &( *Bpart )[ipart] );
        //Buffering of iol and delta
        ( *iold )[ipart] = ip_;
        ( *delta )[ipart] = xi;
void MapModel::initGlobal(Particles& particles, double z, double roll, double pitch,
                          const Vector6d& initNoise,
                          UniformGeneratorT& rngUniform, NormalGeneratorT& rngNormal, double maxHeight, double minHeight){        //maxHeight added by LC
  double sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ, minX, minY, minZ;
  //LC: get total map size
  //LC: get minimum values of map bounding box
  m_map->getMetricMin(minX, minY, minZ);

  double weight = 1.0 / particles.size();
  Particles::iterator it = particles.begin();
  while (true){
    if (it == particles.end())
    // obtain a pose hypothesis:
    double x = minX + sizeX * rngUniform();
    double y = minY + sizeY * rngUniform();
    std::vector<double> z_list;
    getHeightlist(x, y, minHeight, maxHeight,z_list);

    //LC: create a pose with random yaw orientation at (x,y) for every entry in the height list
    for (unsigned zIdx = 0; zIdx < z_list.size(); zIdx++){
      if (it == particles.end())

      // not needed => we already know that z contains valid poses
      // distance map: used distance from obstacles:
      //std::abs(node->getLogOdds()) < 0.1){
      //			if (!isOccupied(octomap::point3d(x, y, z[zIdx]))){

      // TODO: sample z, roll, pitch
      it->pose.getOrigin().setZ( + z + rngNormal() * initNoise(2));
      //LC: create yaw orientation from -PI to +PI
      double yaw = rngUniform() * 2 * M_PI  -M_PI;
      it->pose.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(roll, pitch, yaw));
      it->weight = weight;

Esempio n. 23
void ObservationModel::integratePoseMeasurement(Particles& particles, double poseRoll, double posePitch, const tf::StampedTransform& footprintToTorso){
  double poseHeight = footprintToTorso.getOrigin().getZ();
  ROS_DEBUG("Pose measurement z=%f R=%f P=%f", poseHeight, poseRoll, posePitch);
  // TODO cluster xy of particles => speedup
#pragma omp parallel for
  for (unsigned i=0; i < particles.size(); ++i){
    // integrate IMU meas.:
    double roll, pitch, yaw;
    particles[i].pose.getBasis().getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
    particles[i].weight += m_weightRoll * logLikelihood(poseRoll - roll, m_sigmaRoll);
    particles[i].weight += m_weightPitch * logLikelihood(posePitch - pitch, m_sigmaPitch);

    // integrate height measurement (z)
    double heightError = 0;
//    if (getHeightError(particles[i],footprintToTorso, heightError))
//      particles[i].weight += m_weightZ * logLikelihood(heightError, m_sigmaZ);
    particles[i].weight += m_weightZ * logLikelihood(heightError, m_sigmaZ);


SecondaryStructureResidues setup_coarse_secondary_structure_residues(
    const Particles &ssr_ps, Model *mdl, int coarse_factor,
    int start_res_num, bool winner_takes_all_per_res) {
  /* We're presuming that the coarsening starts from 0.
      So if start_res_num%coarse_factor<coarse_factor/2, this
       set starts with the majority of a node.
      Likewise if start_res_num%coarse_factor>=coarse_factor/2, this
       set starts with the minority of a node, so we ignore the first few
      Same thing for the end! If has a little tail, ignore last few residues.
  SecondaryStructureResidues ssrs;
  int start_idx = 0, stop_idx = (int)ssr_ps.size();
  if (start_res_num % coarse_factor >= float(coarse_factor) / 2) {
    start_idx = coarse_factor - start_res_num % coarse_factor;
  if ((stop_idx + start_res_num) % coarse_factor < float(coarse_factor) / 2) {
    stop_idx -= (stop_idx + start_res_num) % coarse_factor;

  // now start grouping
  int prev_coarse = (start_idx + start_res_num) / coarse_factor;
  Particles tmp_ps;
  for (int nr = start_idx; nr < stop_idx; nr++) {
    int this_coarse = (nr + start_res_num) / coarse_factor;
    if (this_coarse != prev_coarse) {
          tmp_ps, mdl, winner_takes_all_per_res));
    prev_coarse = this_coarse;
  if (tmp_ps.size() > 0) {
        tmp_ps, mdl, winner_takes_all_per_res));
  return ssrs;
Esempio n. 25
void MapModel::initGlobal(Particles& particles,
                          const Vector6d& initPose, const Vector6d& initNoise,
                          UniformGeneratorT& rngUniform, NormalGeneratorT& rngNormal){
  double sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ, minX, minY, minZ;
  m_map->getMetricMin(minX, minY, minZ);

  double weight = 1.0 / particles.size();
  Particles::iterator it = particles.begin();
  while (true){
    if (it == particles.end())
    // obtain a pose hypothesis:
    double x = minX + sizeX * rngUniform();
    double y = minY + sizeY * rngUniform();
    std::vector<double> z;
    getHeightlist(x, y, 0.6,z);

    for (unsigned zIdx = 0; zIdx < z.size(); zIdx++){
      if (it == particles.end())

      // not needed => we already know that z contains valid poses
      // distance map: used distance from obstacles:
      //std::abs(node->getLogOdds()) < 0.1){
      //			if (!isOccupied(octomap::point3d(x, y, z[zIdx]))){

      // TODO: sample z, roll, pitch around odom pose!
      it->pose.getOrigin().setZ( + initPose(2) + rngNormal() * initNoise(2));
      double yaw = rngUniform() * 2 * M_PI  -M_PI;
      it->weight = weight;

Esempio n. 26
void add_BallMover(Particles ps, double dx, core::MonteCarloMovers &mvs) {
  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < ps.size(); ++k) {
    IMP_NEW(core::BallMover, bmv, (ps[k]->get_model(), ps[k]->get_index(), dx));
Esempio n. 27
algebra::Vector3Ds CoarseCC::calc_derivatives(const DensityMap *em_map,
                                              const DensityMap *model_map,
                                              const Particles &model_ps,
                                              const FloatKey &w_key,
                                              KernelParameters *kernel_params,
                                              const float &scalefac,
                                              const algebra::Vector3Ds &dv) {
  algebra::Vector3Ds dv_out;
  dv_out.insert(dv_out.end(), dv.size(), algebra::Vector3D(0., 0., 0.));
  double tdvx = 0., tdvy = 0., tdvz = 0., tmp, rsq;
  int iminx, iminy, iminz, imaxx, imaxy, imaxz;

  const DensityHeader *model_header = model_map->get_header();
  const DensityHeader *em_header = em_map->get_header();
  const float *x_loc = em_map->get_x_loc();
  const float *y_loc = em_map->get_y_loc();
  const float *z_loc = em_map->get_z_loc();
  IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(model_ps.size() == dv.size(),
                     "input derivatives array size does not match "
                         << "the number of particles in the model map\n");
  core::XYZRs model_xyzr = core::XYZRs(model_ps);
  // this would go away once we have XYZRW decorator
  const emreal *em_data = em_map->get_data();
  float lim = kernel_params->get_lim();
  long ivox;
  // validate that the model and em maps are not empty
  IMP_USAGE_CHECK(em_header->rms >= EPS,
                  "EM map is empty ! em_header->rms = " << em_header->rms);
  // it may be that CG takes a too large step, which causes the particles
  // to go outside of the density
  // if (model_header->rms <= EPS){
  // IMP_WARN("Model map is empty ! model_header->rms = " << model_header->rms
  //           <<" derivatives are not calculated. the model centroid is : " <<
  //           core::get_centroid(core::XYZs(model_ps))<<
  //           " the map centroid is " << em_map->get_centroid()<<
  //                 "number of particles in model:"<<model_ps.size()
  // return;
  // }
  // Compute the derivatives
  int nx = em_header->get_nx();
  int ny = em_header->get_ny();
  // int nz=em_header->get_nz();
                     "RMS should be calculated for calculating derivatives \n");
  long nvox = em_header->get_number_of_voxels();
  double lower_comp = 1. * nvox * em_header->rms * model_header->rms;

  for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < model_ps.size(); ii++) {
    float x, y, z;
    x = model_xyzr[ii].get_x();
    y = model_xyzr[ii].get_y();
    z = model_xyzr[ii].get_z();
      algebra::Vector3D vv(x, y, z);
          "start value:: (" << x << "," << y << "," << z << " ) "
                            << em_map->get_value(x, y, z) << " : "
                            << em_map->get_dim_index_by_location(vv, 0) << ","
                            << em_map->get_dim_index_by_location(vv, 1) << ","
                            << em_map->get_dim_index_by_location(vv, 2)
                            << std::endl);
    const RadiusDependentKernelParameters &params =
    calc_local_bounding_box(  // em_map,
        model_map, x, y, z, params.get_kdist(), iminx, iminy, iminz, imaxx,
        imaxy, imaxz);
    IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("local bb: [" << iminx << "," << iminy << "," << iminz
                                  << "] [" << imaxx << "," << imaxy << ","
                                  << imaxz << "] \n");
    tdvx = .0;
    tdvy = .0;
    tdvz = .0;
    for (int ivoxz = iminz; ivoxz <= imaxz; ivoxz++) {
      for (int ivoxy = iminy; ivoxy <= imaxy; ivoxy++) {
        ivox = ivoxz * nx * ny + ivoxy * nx + iminx;
        for (int ivoxx = iminx; ivoxx <= imaxx; ivoxx++) {
          /*          if (em_data[ivox]<EPS) {
          float dx = x_loc[ivox] - x;
          float dy = y_loc[ivox] - y;
          float dz = z_loc[ivox] - z;
          rsq = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
          rsq = EXP(-rsq * params.get_inv_sigsq());
          tmp = (x - x_loc[ivox]) * rsq;
          if (std::abs(tmp) > lim) {
            tdvx += tmp * em_data[ivox];
          tmp = (y - y_loc[ivox]) * rsq;
          if (std::abs(tmp) > lim) {
            tdvy += tmp * em_data[ivox];
          tmp = (z - z_loc[ivox]) * rsq;
          if (std::abs(tmp) > lim) {
            tdvz += tmp * em_data[ivox];
    tmp = model_ps[ii]->get_value(w_key) * 2. * params.get_inv_sigsq() *
          scalefac * params.get_normfac() / lower_comp;
    IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("for particle:" << ii << " (" << tdvx << "," << tdvy << ","
                                    << tdvz << ")" << std::endl);
    dv_out[ii][0] = tdvx * tmp;
    dv_out[ii][1] = tdvy * tmp;
    dv_out[ii][2] = tdvz * tmp;

  }  // particles
  return dv_out;
Esempio n. 28
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Project current densities : main projector
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Projector2D4Order::currents( double *Jx, double *Jy, double *Jz, Particles &particles, unsigned int ipart, double invgf, int *iold, double *deltaold )
    int nparts = particles.size();
    // -------------------------------------
    // Variable declaration & initialization
    // -------------------------------------
    int iloc;
    // (x,y,z) components of the current density for the macro-particle
    double charge_weight = inv_cell_volume * ( double )( particles.charge( ipart ) )*particles.weight( ipart );
    double crx_p = charge_weight*dx_ov_dt;
    double cry_p = charge_weight*dy_ov_dt;
    double crz_p = charge_weight*one_third*particles.momentum( 2, ipart )*invgf;
    // variable declaration
    double xpn, ypn;
    double delta, delta2, delta3, delta4;
    // arrays used for the Esirkepov projection method
    double  Sx0[7], Sx1[7], Sy0[7], Sy1[7], DSx[7], DSy[7], tmpJx[7];
    for( unsigned int i=0; i<7; i++ ) {
        Sx1[i] = 0.;
        Sy1[i] = 0.;
        tmpJx[i] = 0.;
    Sx0[0] = 0.;
    Sx0[6] = 0.;
    Sy0[0] = 0.;
    Sy0[6] = 0.;
    // --------------------------------------------------------
    // Locate particles & Calculate Esirkepov coef. S, DS and W
    // --------------------------------------------------------
    // locate the particle on the primal grid at former time-step & calculate coeff. S0
    delta = deltaold[0*nparts];
    delta2 = delta*delta;
    delta3 = delta2*delta;
    delta4 = delta3*delta;
    Sx0[1] = dble_1_ov_384   - dble_1_ov_48  * delta  + dble_1_ov_16 * delta2 - dble_1_ov_12 * delta3 + dble_1_ov_24 * delta4;
    Sx0[2] = dble_19_ov_96   - dble_11_ov_24 * delta  + dble_1_ov_4  * delta2 + dble_1_ov_6  * delta3 - dble_1_ov_6  * delta4;
    Sx0[3] = dble_115_ov_192 - dble_5_ov_8   * delta2 + dble_1_ov_4  * delta4;
    Sx0[4] = dble_19_ov_96   + dble_11_ov_24 * delta  + dble_1_ov_4  * delta2 - dble_1_ov_6  * delta3 - dble_1_ov_6  * delta4;
    Sx0[5] = dble_1_ov_384   + dble_1_ov_48  * delta  + dble_1_ov_16 * delta2 + dble_1_ov_12 * delta3 + dble_1_ov_24 * delta4;
    delta = deltaold[1*nparts];
    delta2 = delta*delta;
    delta3 = delta2*delta;
    delta4 = delta3*delta;
    Sy0[1] = dble_1_ov_384   - dble_1_ov_48  * delta  + dble_1_ov_16 * delta2 - dble_1_ov_12 * delta3 + dble_1_ov_24 * delta4;
    Sy0[2] = dble_19_ov_96   - dble_11_ov_24 * delta  + dble_1_ov_4  * delta2 + dble_1_ov_6  * delta3 - dble_1_ov_6  * delta4;
    Sy0[3] = dble_115_ov_192 - dble_5_ov_8   * delta2 + dble_1_ov_4  * delta4;
    Sy0[4] = dble_19_ov_96   + dble_11_ov_24 * delta  + dble_1_ov_4  * delta2 - dble_1_ov_6  * delta3 - dble_1_ov_6  * delta4;
    Sy0[5] = dble_1_ov_384   + dble_1_ov_48  * delta  + dble_1_ov_16 * delta2 + dble_1_ov_12 * delta3 + dble_1_ov_24 * delta4;
    // locate the particle on the primal grid at current time-step & calculate coeff. S1
    xpn = particles.position( 0, ipart ) * dx_inv_;
    int ip = round( xpn );
    int ipo = iold[0*nparts];
    int ip_m_ipo = ip-ipo-i_domain_begin;
    delta  = xpn - ( double )ip;
    delta2 = delta*delta;
    delta3 = delta2*delta;
    delta4 = delta3*delta;
    Sx1[ip_m_ipo+1] = dble_1_ov_384   - dble_1_ov_48  * delta  + dble_1_ov_16 * delta2 - dble_1_ov_12 * delta3 + dble_1_ov_24 * delta4;
    Sx1[ip_m_ipo+2] = dble_19_ov_96   - dble_11_ov_24 * delta  + dble_1_ov_4  * delta2 + dble_1_ov_6  * delta3 - dble_1_ov_6  * delta4;
    Sx1[ip_m_ipo+3] = dble_115_ov_192 - dble_5_ov_8   * delta2 + dble_1_ov_4  * delta4;
    Sx1[ip_m_ipo+4] = dble_19_ov_96   + dble_11_ov_24 * delta  + dble_1_ov_4  * delta2 - dble_1_ov_6  * delta3 - dble_1_ov_6  * delta4;
    Sx1[ip_m_ipo+5] = dble_1_ov_384   + dble_1_ov_48  * delta  + dble_1_ov_16 * delta2 + dble_1_ov_12 * delta3 + dble_1_ov_24 * delta4;
    ypn = particles.position( 1, ipart ) * dy_inv_;
    int jp = round( ypn );
    int jpo = iold[1*nparts];
    int jp_m_jpo = jp-jpo-j_domain_begin;
    delta  = ypn - ( double )jp;
    delta2 = delta*delta;
    delta3 = delta2*delta;
    delta4 = delta3*delta;
    Sy1[jp_m_jpo+1] = dble_1_ov_384   - dble_1_ov_48  * delta  + dble_1_ov_16 * delta2 - dble_1_ov_12 * delta3 + dble_1_ov_24 * delta4;
    Sy1[jp_m_jpo+2] = dble_19_ov_96   - dble_11_ov_24 * delta  + dble_1_ov_4  * delta2 + dble_1_ov_6  * delta3 - dble_1_ov_6  * delta4;
    Sy1[jp_m_jpo+3] = dble_115_ov_192 - dble_5_ov_8   * delta2 + dble_1_ov_4  * delta4;
    Sy1[jp_m_jpo+4] = dble_19_ov_96   + dble_11_ov_24 * delta  + dble_1_ov_4  * delta2 - dble_1_ov_6  * delta3 - dble_1_ov_6  * delta4;
    Sy1[jp_m_jpo+5] = dble_1_ov_384   + dble_1_ov_48  * delta  + dble_1_ov_16 * delta2 + dble_1_ov_12 * delta3 + dble_1_ov_24 * delta4;
    for( unsigned int i=0; i < 7; i++ ) {
        DSx[i] = Sx1[i] - Sx0[i];
        DSy[i] = Sy1[i] - Sy0[i];
    // calculate Esirkepov coeff. Wx, Wy, Wz when used
    double tmp, tmp2, tmp3, tmpY;
    //Do not compute useless weights.
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // Local current created by the particle
    // calculate using the charge conservation equation
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // ---------------------------
    // Calculate the total current
    // ---------------------------
    ipo -= 3; //This minus 3 come from the order 4 scheme, based on a 7 points stencil from -3 to +3.
    jpo -= 3;
    // i =0
        iloc = ipo*nprimy+jpo;
        tmp2 = 0.5*Sx1[0];
        tmp3 =     Sx1[0];
        Jz[iloc]  += crz_p * ( Sy1[0]*tmp3 );
        tmp = 0;
        tmpY = Sx0[0] + 0.5*DSx[0];
        for( unsigned int j=1 ; j<7 ; j++ ) {
            tmp -= cry_p * DSy[j-1] * tmpY;
            Jy[iloc+j+ipo]  += tmp; //Because size of Jy in Y is nprimy+1.
            Jz[iloc+j]  += crz_p * ( Sy0[j]*tmp2 + Sy1[j]*tmp3 );
    for( unsigned int i=1 ; i<7 ; i++ ) {
        iloc = ( i+ipo )*nprimy+jpo;
        tmpJx[0] -= crx_p *  DSx[i-1] * ( 0.5*DSy[0] );
        Jx[iloc]  += tmpJx[0];
        tmp2 = 0.5*Sx1[i] + Sx0[i];
        tmp3 = 0.5*Sx0[i] + Sx1[i];
        Jz[iloc]  += crz_p * ( Sy1[0]*tmp3 );
        tmp = 0;
        tmpY = Sx0[i] + 0.5*DSx[i];
        for( unsigned int j=1 ; j<7 ; j++ ) {
            tmpJx[j] -= crx_p * DSx[i-1] * ( Sy0[j] + 0.5*DSy[j] );
            Jx[iloc+j]  += tmpJx[j];
            tmp -= cry_p * DSy[j-1] * tmpY;
            Jy[iloc+j+i+ipo]  += tmp; //Because size of Jy in Y is nprimy+1.
            Jz[iloc+j]  += crz_p * ( Sy0[j]*tmp2 + Sy1[j]*tmp3 );
Esempio n. 29
unsigned int _take_particles(Model *, const Particles &ps, base::TextOutput) {
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) {
  return ps.size();
Esempio n. 30
unsigned int _take_particles(const Particles &ps) {
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) {
  return ps.size();