Esempio n. 1
/// Makes the destinationSubTreeRoot tree become identical to the tree in sourceSubTreeRoot, 
/// calling begin..() end..() to make the UI update accordingly.
/// This assumes that all the items have a pointer an unique PdmObject 
void UiTreeModelPdm::updateModelSubTree(const QModelIndex& modelIdxOfDestinationSubTreeRoot, PdmUiTreeItem* destinationSubTreeRoot, PdmUiTreeItem* sourceSubTreeRoot)
    // First loop over children in the old ui tree, deleting the ones not present in 
    // the newUiTree

    for (int resultChildIdx = 0; resultChildIdx < destinationSubTreeRoot->childCount() ; ++resultChildIdx)
        PdmUiTreeItem* oldChild = destinationSubTreeRoot->child(resultChildIdx);
        int childIndex = sourceSubTreeRoot->findChildItemIndex(oldChild->dataObject());

        if (childIndex == -1) // Not found
            this->beginRemoveRows(modelIdxOfDestinationSubTreeRoot, resultChildIdx, resultChildIdx);
            destinationSubTreeRoot->removeChildren(resultChildIdx, 1);

    // Then loop over the children in the new ui tree, finding the corresponding items in the old tree. 
    // If they are found, we move them to the correct position. 
    // If not found, we pulls the item out of the old ui tree, inserting it into the new tree to avoid the default delete operation in ~UiTreeItem()

    int sourceChildCount = sourceSubTreeRoot->childCount();
    int sourceChildIdx = 0;

    for (int resultChildIdx = 0; resultChildIdx < sourceChildCount; ++resultChildIdx, ++sourceChildIdx)
        PdmUiTreeItem* newChild = sourceSubTreeRoot->child(sourceChildIdx);
        int childIndex = destinationSubTreeRoot->findChildItemIndex(newChild->dataObject());

        if (childIndex == -1) // Not found
            this->beginInsertRows(modelIdxOfDestinationSubTreeRoot, resultChildIdx, resultChildIdx);
            destinationSubTreeRoot->insertChild(resultChildIdx, newChild);
            sourceSubTreeRoot->removeChildrenNoDelete(sourceChildIdx, 1);
        else if (childIndex != resultChildIdx) // Found, but must be moved
            assert(childIndex > resultChildIdx);

            PdmUiTreeItem* oldChild = destinationSubTreeRoot->child(childIndex);
            this->beginMoveRows(modelIdxOfDestinationSubTreeRoot, childIndex, childIndex, modelIdxOfDestinationSubTreeRoot, resultChildIdx);
            destinationSubTreeRoot->removeChildrenNoDelete(childIndex, 1);
            destinationSubTreeRoot->insertChild(resultChildIdx, oldChild);
            updateModelSubTree( index(resultChildIdx, 0, modelIdxOfDestinationSubTreeRoot), oldChild, newChild);
        else // Found the corresponding item in the right place.
            PdmUiTreeItem* oldChild = destinationSubTreeRoot->child(childIndex);
            updateModelSubTree( index(resultChildIdx, 0, modelIdxOfDestinationSubTreeRoot), oldChild, newChild);

/// Makes the olUiTreeRoot tree become identical to the tree in newUiTreeRoot, 
/// calling begin..() end..() to make the UI update accordingly.
/// This assumes that all the items have a pointer an unique PdmObject 
void UiTreeModelPdm::updateModelSubTree(const QModelIndex& uiSubTreeRootModelIdx, PdmUiTreeItem* uiModelSubTreeRoot, PdmUiTreeItem* updatedPdmSubTreeRoot)
    // First loop over children in the old ui tree, deleting the ones not present in 
    // the newUiTree

    for (int i = 0; i < uiModelSubTreeRoot->childCount() ; ++i)
        PdmUiTreeItem* oldChild = uiModelSubTreeRoot->child(i);
        int childIndex = updatedPdmSubTreeRoot->findChildItemIndex(oldChild->dataObject());

        if (childIndex == -1) // Not found
            this->beginRemoveRows(uiSubTreeRootModelIdx, i, i);
            uiModelSubTreeRoot->removeChildren(i, 1);

    // Then loop over the children in the new ui tree, finding the corresponding items in the old tree. 
    // If they are found, we move them to the correct position. 
    // If not found, we pulls the item out of the old ui tree, inserting it into the old tree.

    for (int i = 0; i < updatedPdmSubTreeRoot->childCount() ; ++i)
        PdmUiTreeItem* newChild = updatedPdmSubTreeRoot->child(i);
        int childIndex = uiModelSubTreeRoot->findChildItemIndex(newChild->dataObject());

        if (childIndex == -1) // Not found
            this->beginInsertRows(uiSubTreeRootModelIdx, i, i);
            uiModelSubTreeRoot->insertChild(i, newChild);
            updatedPdmSubTreeRoot->removeChildrenNoDelete(i, 1);
        else if (childIndex != i) // Found, but must be moved
            assert(childIndex > i);

            PdmUiTreeItem* oldChild = uiModelSubTreeRoot->child(childIndex);
            this->beginMoveRows(uiSubTreeRootModelIdx, childIndex, childIndex, uiSubTreeRootModelIdx, i);
            uiModelSubTreeRoot->removeChildrenNoDelete(childIndex, 1);
            uiModelSubTreeRoot->insertChild(i, oldChild);
            updateModelSubTree( index(i, 0, uiSubTreeRootModelIdx) ,oldChild, newChild);
        else // Found the corresponding item in the right place.
            PdmUiTreeItem* oldChild = uiModelSubTreeRoot->child(childIndex);
            updateModelSubTree( index(i, 0, uiSubTreeRootModelIdx) ,oldChild, newChild);

Esempio n. 3
bool UiTreeModelPdm::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role /*= Qt::EditRole*/)
    if (!index.isValid())
        return false;
    PdmUiTreeItem* treeItem = UiTreeModelPdm::getTreeItemFromIndex(index);
    PdmObject* obj = treeItem->dataObject();
    if (role == Qt::EditRole && obj->userDescriptionField())

        return true;
    else if (role == Qt::CheckStateRole && obj->objectToggleField())
        bool toggleOn = (value == Qt::Checked);


        return true;

    return false;
/// Enable edit of this item if we have a editable user description field for a pdmObject
/// Disable edit for other items
Qt::ItemFlags UiTreeModelPdm::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
    if (!index.isValid())
        return Qt::ItemIsEnabled;

    Qt::ItemFlags flagMask = QAbstractItemModel::flags(index);

    PdmUiTreeItem* treeItem = getTreeItemFromIndex(index);
    if (treeItem)
        PdmObject* pdmObject = treeItem->dataObject();
        if (pdmObject)
            if (pdmObject->userDescriptionField() && !pdmObject->userDescriptionField()->isUiReadOnly())
                flagMask = flagMask | Qt::ItemIsEditable;

            if (pdmObject->objectToggleField())
                flagMask = flagMask | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable;
        flagMask = flagMask & (~Qt::ItemIsEditable);

    return flagMask;
Esempio n. 5
QModelIndex caf::UiTreeModelPdm::getModelIndexFromPdmObjectRecursive(const QModelIndex& currentIndex, const PdmObject * object) const
    if (currentIndex.internalPointer())
        PdmUiTreeItem* treeItem = static_cast<PdmUiTreeItem*>(currentIndex.internalPointer());
        if (treeItem->dataObject() == object) return currentIndex;

   int row;
   for (row = 0; row < rowCount(currentIndex); ++row)
       QModelIndex foundIndex = getModelIndexFromPdmObjectRecursive(index(row, 0, currentIndex), object);
       if (foundIndex.isValid()) return foundIndex;
   return QModelIndex();
Esempio n. 6
QVariant UiTreeModelPdm::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role /*= Qt::DisplayRole */) const
    if (!m_treeItemRoot)
        return QVariant();

    if (!index.isValid())
        return QVariant();

    PdmUiTreeItem* treeItem = UiTreeModelPdm::getTreeItemFromIndex(index);

    PdmObject* obj = treeItem->dataObject();

    if (obj == NULL) return QVariant();

    // We try to find the context of the object first: The parent field
    // If found, use its data to describe the thing
    // Note: This code will only find first field pointing at the current object. Its valid for now,
    // but will not generally be valid if references is introduced in the pdm system

    PdmFieldHandle* parentField = 0;

    PdmUiTreeItem* parentTreeItem = treeItem->parent();
    if (parentTreeItem)
        PdmObject* parentObj = parentTreeItem->dataObject();
        if (parentObj)
            std::vector<PdmFieldHandle*> fields;

            size_t i;
            for (i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i)
                std::vector<PdmObject*> children;
                if (fields[i]) fields[i]->childObjects(&children);
                size_t cIdx;
                for (cIdx = 0; cIdx < children.size(); ++ cIdx)
                    if (children[cIdx] == obj)
                        parentField = fields[i];
                if (parentField) break;


    if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole)
        if (obj->userDescriptionField())
            return obj->userDescriptionField()->uiValue();
            if (parentField && !parentField->uiName().isEmpty())
                return parentField->uiName();
                return  obj->uiName();
    else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole)
        if (parentField && !parentField->uiIcon().isNull())
            return parentField->uiIcon();
            return obj->uiIcon();
    else if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
        if (parentField && !parentField->uiToolTip().isEmpty())
            return parentField->uiToolTip();
            return  obj->uiToolTip();
    else if (role == Qt::WhatsThisRole)
        if (parentField && !parentField->uiWhatsThis().isEmpty())
            return parentField->uiWhatsThis();
            return  obj->uiWhatsThis();
    else if (role == Qt::CheckStateRole)
        if (obj->objectToggleField())
            bool isToggledOn = obj->objectToggleField()->uiValue().toBool();
            if (isToggledOn)
                return Qt::Checked;
                return Qt::Unchecked;

    return QVariant();