Esempio n. 1
void TouchActionTest::runShadowDOMTest(std::string file) {
  TouchActionTrackingWebViewClient client;

  WebView* webView = setupTest(file, client);

  TrackExceptionState es;

  // Oilpan: see runTouchActionTest() comment why these are persistent
  // references.
  Persistent<Document> document =
  Persistent<StaticElementList> hostNodes =
      document->querySelectorAll("[shadow-host]", es);
  ASSERT_GE(hostNodes->length(), 1u);

  for (unsigned index = 0; index < hostNodes->length(); index++) {
    ShadowRoot* shadowRoot = hostNodes->item(index)->openShadowRoot();
    runTestOnTree(shadowRoot, webView, client);

  // Projections show up in the main document.
  runTestOnTree(document.get(), webView, client);

  // Explicitly reset to break dependency on locally scoped client.
Esempio n. 2
void TouchActionTest::runTestOnTree(ContainerNode* root,
                                    WebView* webView,
                                    TouchActionTrackingWebViewClient& client) {
  // Find all elements to test the touch-action of in the document.
  TrackExceptionState es;

  // Oilpan: see runTouchActionTest() comment why these are persistent
  // references.
  Persistent<StaticElementList> elements =
      root->querySelectorAll("[expected-action]", es);

  for (unsigned index = 0; index < elements->length(); index++) {
    Element* element = elements->item(index);

    std::string failureContext("Test case: ");
    if (element->hasID()) {
    } else if (element->firstChild()) {
    } else {
      failureContext += "<missing ID>";

    // Run each test three times at different positions in the element.
    // Note that we don't want the bounding box because our tests sometimes have
    // elements with multiple border boxes with other elements in between. Use
    // the first border box (which we can easily visualize in a browser for
    // debugging).
    Persistent<ClientRectList> rects = element->getClientRects();
    ASSERT_GE(rects->length(), 0u) << failureContext;
    Persistent<ClientRect> r = rects->item(0);
    FloatRect clientFloatRect =
        FloatRect(r->left(), r->top(), r->width(), r->height());
    IntRect clientRect = enclosedIntRect(clientFloatRect);
    for (int locIdx = 0; locIdx < 3; locIdx++) {
      IntPoint framePoint;
      std::stringstream contextStream;
      contextStream << failureContext << " (";
      switch (locIdx) {
        case 0:
          framePoint =;
          contextStream << "center";
        case 1:
          framePoint = clientRect.location();
          contextStream << "top-left";
        case 2:
          framePoint = clientRect.maxXMaxYCorner();
          framePoint.move(-1, -1);
          contextStream << "bottom-right";
          FAIL() << "Invalid location index.";

      IntPoint windowPoint =
      contextStream << "=" << windowPoint.x() << "," << windowPoint.y() << ").";
      std::string failureContextPos = contextStream.str();

      LocalFrame* mainFrame =
      FrameView* mainFrameView = mainFrame->view();
      IntRect visibleRect = windowClipRect(*mainFrameView);
          << failureContextPos
          << " Test point not contained in visible area: " << visibleRect.x()
          << "," << visibleRect.y() << "-" << visibleRect.maxX() << ","
          << visibleRect.maxY();

      // First validate that a hit test at this point will really hit the
      // element we intended. This is the easiest way for a test to be broken,
      // but has nothing really to do with touch action.  Note that we can't use
      // WebView's hit test API because it doesn't look into shadow DOM.
      IntPoint docPoint(mainFrameView->frameToContents(windowPoint));
      HitTestResult result = mainFrame->eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(
          docPoint, HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active);
      ASSERT_EQ(element, result.innerElement())
          << "Unexpected hit test result " << failureContextPos
          << "  Got element: \""
          << result.innerElement()
          << "\"" << std::endl
          << "Document render tree:" << std::endl
          << externalRepresentation(root->document().frame()).utf8().data();

      // Now send the touch event and check any touch action result.
      sendTouchEvent(webView, WebInputEvent::TouchStart, windowPoint);

      AtomicString expectedAction = element->getAttribute("expected-action");
      if (expectedAction == "auto") {
        // Auto is the default - no action set.
        EXPECT_EQ(0, client.touchActionSetCount()) << failureContextPos;
        EXPECT_EQ(WebTouchActionAuto, client.lastTouchAction())
            << failureContextPos;
      } else {
        // Should have received exactly one touch action.
        EXPECT_EQ(1, client.touchActionSetCount()) << failureContextPos;
        if (client.touchActionSetCount()) {
          if (expectedAction == "none") {
            EXPECT_EQ(WebTouchActionNone, client.lastTouchAction())
                << failureContextPos;
          } else if (expectedAction == "pan-x") {
            EXPECT_EQ(WebTouchActionPanX, client.lastTouchAction())
                << failureContextPos;
          } else if (expectedAction == "pan-y") {
            EXPECT_EQ(WebTouchActionPanY, client.lastTouchAction())
                << failureContextPos;
          } else if (expectedAction == "pan-x-y") {
            EXPECT_EQ((WebTouchActionPan), client.lastTouchAction())
                << failureContextPos;
          } else if (expectedAction == "manipulation") {
            EXPECT_EQ((WebTouchActionManipulation), client.lastTouchAction())
                << failureContextPos;
          } else {
            FAIL() << "Unrecognized expected-action \""
                   << expectedAction.ascii().data() << "\" "
                   << failureContextPos;

      // Reset webview touch state.
      sendTouchEvent(webView, WebInputEvent::TouchCancel, windowPoint);
      EXPECT_EQ(0, client.touchActionSetCount());