Esempio n. 1
bool InsertItems::UpdateItem(const PlaylistItemPtr& updated_item) {
    for (int i=0; i<items_.size(); i++) {
        PlaylistItemPtr item = items_[i];
        if (item->Metadata().url() == updated_item->Metadata().url()) {
            items_[i] = updated_item;
            return true;
    return false;
Esempio n. 2
void Player::EngineMetadataReceived(const Engine::SimpleMetaBundle& bundle) {
  PlaylistItemPtr item = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item();
  if (!item) return;

  Engine::SimpleMetaBundle bundle_copy = bundle;

  // Maybe the metadata is from icycast and has "Artist - Title" shoved
  // together in the title field.
  const int dash_pos = bundle_copy.title.indexOf('-');
  if (dash_pos != -1 && bundle_copy.artist.isEmpty()) {
    // Split on " - " if it exists, otherwise split on "-".
    const int space_dash_pos = bundle_copy.title.indexOf(" - ");
    if (space_dash_pos != -1) {
      bundle_copy.artist = bundle_copy.title.left(space_dash_pos).trimmed();
      bundle_copy.title = bundle_copy.title.mid(space_dash_pos + 3).trimmed();
    } else {
      bundle_copy.artist = bundle_copy.title.left(dash_pos).trimmed();
      bundle_copy.title = bundle_copy.title.mid(dash_pos + 1).trimmed();

  Song song = item->Metadata();

  // Ignore useless metadata
  if (song.title().isEmpty() && song.artist().isEmpty()) return;

  app_->playlist_manager()->active()->SetStreamMetadata(item->Url(), song);
Esempio n. 3
// If song had a CUE and the CUE still exists, the metadata from it will
// be applied here.
PlaylistItemPtr PlaylistBackend::RestoreCueData(
    PlaylistItemPtr item, std::shared_ptr<NewSongFromQueryState> state) {
  // we need library to run a CueParser; also, this method applies only to
  // file-type PlaylistItems
  if (item->type() != "File") {
    return item;
  CueParser cue_parser(app_->library_backend());

  Song song = item->Metadata();
  // we're only interested in .cue songs here
  if (!song.has_cue()) {
    return item;

  QString cue_path = song.cue_path();
  // if .cue was deleted - reload the song
  if (!QFile::exists(cue_path)) {
    return item;

  SongList song_list;
    QMutexLocker locker(&state->mutex_);

    if (!state->cached_cues_.contains(cue_path)) {
      QFile cue(cue_path);;

      song_list =
          cue_parser.Load(&cue, cue_path, QDir(cue_path.section('/', 0, -2)));
      state->cached_cues_[cue_path] = song_list;
    } else {
      song_list = state->cached_cues_[cue_path];

  for (const Song& from_list : song_list) {
    if (from_list.url().toEncoded() == song.url().toEncoded() &&
        from_list.beginning_nanosec() == song.beginning_nanosec()) {
      // we found a matching section; replace the input
      // item with a new one containing CUE metadata
      return PlaylistItemPtr(new SongPlaylistItem(from_list));

  // there's no such section in the related .cue -> reload the song
  return item;
Esempio n. 4
xrme::State Remote::state() const {
  const Playlist* active = player_->playlists()->active();
  const PlaylistItemPtr current_item = player_->GetCurrentItem();

  xrme::State ret;
  ret.can_go_next = active->next_row() != -1;
  ret.can_go_previous = active->previous_row() != -1;
  ret.can_seek = current_item && !current_item->Metadata().is_stream();

  switch (player_->GetState()) {
    case Engine::Playing: ret.playback_state = xrme::State::PlaybackState_Playing; break;
    case Engine::Paused:  ret.playback_state = xrme::State::PlaybackState_Paused;  break;
    case Engine::Idle:
    case Engine::Empty:   ret.playback_state = xrme::State::PlaybackState_Stopped; break;

  ret.position_millisec = player_->engine()->position_nanosec() / kNsecPerMsec;
  ret.volume = double(player_->GetVolume()) / 100;

  if (current_item) {
    const Song m = current_item->Metadata();

    ret.metadata.title = m.title();
    ret.metadata.artist = m.artist();
    ret.metadata.album = m.album();
    ret.metadata.albumartist = m.albumartist();
    ret.metadata.composer = m.composer();
    ret.metadata.genre = m.genre();
    ret.metadata.track = m.track();
    ret.metadata.disc = m.disc();
    ret.metadata.year = m.year();
    ret.metadata.length_millisec = m.length_nanosec() / kNsecPerMsec;
    ret.metadata.rating = m.rating();

  return ret;
Esempio n. 5
QVariantMap Mpris1TrackList::GetMetadata(int pos) const {
  PlaylistItemPtr item = app_->player()->GetItemAt(pos);
  if (!item) return QVariantMap();

  return Mpris1::GetMetadata(item->Metadata());