Esempio n. 1
/// Manipulate geometry using facroy converter
long LCDDImp::apply(const char* factory_type, int argc, char** argv) {
  string fac = factory_type;
  try {
    long result = PluginService::Create<long>(fac, (LCDD*) this, argc, argv);
    if (0 == result) {
      PluginDebug dbg;
      result = PluginService::Create<long>(fac, (LCDD*) this, argc, argv);
      if ( 0 == result )  {
        throw runtime_error("DD4hep: apply-plugin: Failed to locate plugin " +
                            fac + ". " + dbg.missingFactory(fac));
    result = *(long*) result;
    if (result != 1) {
      throw runtime_error("DD4hep: apply-plugin: Failed to execute plugin " + fac);
    return result;
  catch (const XML::XmlException& e) {
    throw runtime_error(XML::_toString(e.msg) + "\nDD4hep: XML-DOM Exception with plugin:" + fac);
  catch (const exception& e) {
    throw runtime_error(string(e.what()) + "\nDD4hep: with plugin:" + fac);
  catch (...) {
    throw runtime_error("UNKNOWN exception from plugin:" + fac);
  return EINVAL;
Esempio n. 2
/// Create a solid shape using the plugin mechanism from the attributes of the XML element
Solid dd4hep::xml::createShape(Detector& description,
                               const std::string& shape_type,
                               xml::Element element)   {
  string fac  = shape_type + "__shape_constructor";
  xml::Handle_t solid_elt = element;
  Solid solid = Solid(PluginService::Create<TObject*>(fac, &description, &solid_elt));
  if ( !solid.isValid() )  {
    PluginDebug dbg;
    PluginService::Create<TObject*>(fac, &description, &solid_elt);
    except("xml::createShape","Failed to create solid of type %s [%s]", 
  return solid;
Esempio n. 3
void* createPlugin(const std::string& factory, Geometry::LCDD& lcdd, int argc, char** argv, void* (*cast)(void*))
    void* object = PluginService::Create<void*>(factory, &lcdd, argc, argv);
    if ( !object ) {
        PluginDebug dbg;
        object = PluginService::Create<void*>(factory, &lcdd, argc, argv);
        if ( !object )  {
            except("ConditionsManager","DD4hep: plugin: Failed to locate plugin %s. [%s].",
                   factory.c_str(), dbg.missingFactory(factory).c_str());
    if ( cast )   {
        void* obj = cast(object);
        if ( obj ) return obj;
    return object;
Esempio n. 4
 void* createPlugin(const std::string& factory, Detector& description, int argc, char** argv, void* (*cast)(void*))  {
   void* object = PluginService::Create<void*>(factory, &description, argc, argv);
   if ( !object ) {
     PluginDebug dbg;
     object = PluginService::Create<void*>(factory, &description, argc, argv);
     if ( !object )  {
       except("ConditionsManager","dd4hep-plugins: Failed to locate plugin %s. \n%s.",
              factory.c_str(), dbg.missingFactory(factory).c_str());
   if ( cast )   {
     void* obj = cast(object);
     if ( obj ) return obj;
     ComponentCast* c = component(object);
   return object;
Esempio n. 5
/// Process a given DOM (sub-) tree
void DetectorLoad::processXMLElement(const std::string& xmlfile, const xml::Handle_t& xml_root) {
  string tag = xml_root.tag();
  string type = tag + "_XML_reader";
  xml::Handle_t handle = xml_root;
  long result = PluginService::Create<long>(type, m_detDesc, &handle);
  if (0 == result) {
    PluginDebug dbg;
    result = PluginService::Create<long>(type, m_detDesc, &handle);
    if ( 0 == result )  {
      throw runtime_error("dd4hep: Failed to locate plugin to interprete files of type"
                          " \"" + tag + "\" - no factory:" + type + ". " + dbg.missingFactory(type));
  result = *(long*) result;
  if (result != 1) {
    throw runtime_error("dd4hep: Failed to parse the XML file " + xmlfile + " with the plugin " + type);
Esempio n. 6
 void* createProcessor(Detector& description, int argc, char** argv, void* (*cast)(void*))  {
   void* processor = 0;
   if ( argc < 2 )   {
     except("createProcessor","++ dd4hep-plugins: No processor creator name given!");
   for(int i=0; i<argc; ++i)  {
     if ( 0 == ::strncmp(argv[i],"-processor",4) )  {
       std::vector<char*> args;
       std::string fac = argv[++i];
       for(int j=++i; j<argc && argv[j] &&
             0 != ::strncmp(argv[j],"-processor",4) &&
             0 != ::strncmp(argv[j],"-end-processor",8); ++j)
       int num_arg = int(args.size());
       processor = PluginService::Create<void*>(fac,&description,num_arg,&args[0]);
       if ( !processor ) {
         PluginDebug dbg;
         processor = PluginService::Create<void*>(fac,&description,num_arg,&args[0]);
         if ( !processor )  {
           except("createProcessor","dd4hep-plugins: Failed to locate plugin %s. \n%s %s",
                  fac.c_str(), dbg.missingFactory(fac).c_str(),
                  /* ::dlerror() ? ::dlerror() : */ "");
       if ( cast )   {
         void* obj = cast(processor);
         if ( obj ) return obj;
         ComponentCast* c = component(processor);
   if ( !processor )  {
            "dd4hep-plugins: Found arguments in plugin call, but could not make any sense of them: %s",
   return processor;
Esempio n. 7
/// Create a volume using the plugin mechanism from the attributes of the XML element
Volume dd4hep::xml::createVolume(Detector& description,
                                 const std::string& typ,
                                 xml::Element element)   {
  if ( !typ.empty() )   {
    xml_dim_t e(element);
    string fac = typ + "__volume_constructor";
    xml::Handle_t elt = element;
    TObject* obj = PluginService::Create<TObject*>(fac, &description, &elt);
    Volume vol = Volume(dynamic_cast<TGeoVolume*>(obj));
    if ( !vol.isValid() )  {
      PluginDebug dbg;
      PluginService::Create<TObject*>(fac, &description, &elt);
      except("xml::createShape","Failed to create volume of type %s [%s]", 
    if ( e.hasAttr(_U(name)) ) vol->SetName(e.attr<string>(_U(name)).c_str());
    return vol;
  except("xml::createVolume","Failed to create volume. No materiaWNo type specified!");
  return Volume();