Esempio n. 1
void PointSet::GetCenteredPoint(int index, float* p)
	Point4D relative = points[index] - center;
	p[0] = (float)(relative.GetPoint(0)/SCALE);
	p[1] = (float)(relative.GetPoint(1)/SCALE);
	p[2] = (float)(relative.GetPoint(2)/SCALE);
Esempio n. 2
void PointSet::AddPoint(Point4D& p)
	if ( count==capacity ) MemAlloc();
	points[count] = p;
	center = Point4D( 
		(center.GetPoint(2)*count+p.GetPoint(2))/(count+1) );
Esempio n. 3
bool VART::Human::ReachedDestiantion() const
    static const float delta = 1.4;
    Point4D location = adjustment * position * orientation * Point4D::ORIGIN();
    Point4D distanceVector = destination - location;
    //cout << "From " << location << " to " << destination << "\n";
    float distance = abs(distanceVector.Length());
    //~ cout << "distance: " << distance << "\n";
    return (distance < delta);
Esempio n. 4
void Layer::drawOrbit(double orbitAngle) {
	GLfloat WHITE [] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0};

	for(int i = 0; i < 360; i+= 5) {
		Point4D positioninOrbit = getPositionInOrbit(i, radius, orbitAngle);
		glVertex3d(positioninOrbit.GetX(), positioninOrbit.GetY(), positioninOrbit.GetZ());
Esempio n. 5
void VART::Human::StickLeftFoot()
    // Right foot is backwards. Adjustment brings it forward, so...
    position.CopyMatrix(adjustment * position); // current adjustment to human position
    pathToStickPosPtr = &pathToLFoot;
    stickPositionPtr = &lfFront; // now the left foot sticks to ground, but it is forward ...
                                 // ... adjustment will bring it backwards, so we compute how ...
    Point4D leftFootOffset;     // ... much forward it is
    ComputeLocalStickPosition(&leftFootOffset); // ... and add to position as well ...
    Transform trans; // ... as vector, under influence of the human's orientation.
    Point4D forward = position * orientation * (leftFootOffset - lfFront);
    position.CopyMatrix(trans * position);
Esempio n. 6
Rect Matrix4x4::ProjectRectBounds(const Rect& aRect) const
  Point4D points[4];

  points[0] = ProjectPoint(aRect.TopLeft());
  points[1] = ProjectPoint(aRect.TopRight());
  points[2] = ProjectPoint(aRect.BottomRight());
  points[3] = ProjectPoint(aRect.BottomLeft());

  Float min_x = std::numeric_limits<Float>::max();
  Float min_y = std::numeric_limits<Float>::max();
  Float max_x = -std::numeric_limits<Float>::max();
  Float max_y = -std::numeric_limits<Float>::max();

  bool foundPoint = false;
  for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
    // Only use points that exist above the w=0 plane
    if (points[i].HasPositiveWCoord()) {
      foundPoint = true;
      Point point2d = points[i].As2DPoint();
      min_x = min<Float>(point2d.x, min_x);
      max_x = max<Float>(point2d.x, max_x);
      min_y = min<Float>(point2d.y, min_y);
      max_y = max<Float>(point2d.y, max_y);

    int next = (i == 3) ? 0 : i + 1;
    if (points[i].HasPositiveWCoord() != points[next].HasPositiveWCoord()) {
      // If the line between two points crosses the w=0 plane, then interpolate a point
      // as close to the w=0 plane as possible and use that instead.
      Point4D intercept = ComputePerspectivePlaneIntercept(points[i], points[next]);

      Point point2d = intercept.As2DPoint();
      min_x = min<Float>(point2d.x, min_x);
      max_x = max<Float>(point2d.x, max_x);
      min_y = min<Float>(point2d.y, min_y);
      max_y = max<Float>(point2d.y, max_y);

  if (!foundPoint) {
    return Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);

  return Rect(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y);
Esempio n. 7
float VART::Human::AngleToPosition(const Point4D& pos, float* totalAngle) const
// Compute Angle to a position (pos) in World coordinates
    static const float delta = 3.5; // distances smaller than delta are to small to make sharp turns

    Point4D direction = pos - Position();
    float stepAngle = maxStepRotation;
    if (direction.Length() < delta) // if too close to destination, make only a small adjustment
        stepAngle *= 0.01;
    float angle = direction.GenericAngleTo(forward);
    // Compute the Y coordinate of the cross product (we are working on world coordinates)
    // between forward and direction. If it is negative, the angle is also negative.
    if ((forward.GetZ()*direction.GetX() - forward.GetX()*direction.GetZ()) < 0)
    {   // Negative angle
        if (totalAngle)
            *totalAngle = -angle;
        if (angle > stepAngle)
            return -stepAngle;
            return -angle;
    {   // Positive angle
        if (totalAngle)
            *totalAngle = angle;
        if (angle > stepAngle)
            return stepAngle;
            return angle;
Esempio n. 8
Matrix4x4::TransformAndClipRect(const Rect& aRect, const Rect& aClip,
                                Point* aVerts) const
  // Initialize a double-buffered array of points in homogenous space with
  // the input rectangle, aRect.
  Point4D points[2][kTransformAndClipRectMaxVerts];
  Point4D* dstPoint = points[0];
  *dstPoint++ = *this * Point4D(aRect.x, aRect.y, 0, 1);
  *dstPoint++ = *this * Point4D(aRect.XMost(), aRect.y, 0, 1);
  *dstPoint++ = *this * Point4D(aRect.XMost(), aRect.YMost(), 0, 1);
  *dstPoint++ = *this * Point4D(aRect.x, aRect.YMost(), 0, 1);

  // View frustum clipping planes are described as normals originating from
  // the 0,0,0,0 origin.
  Point4D planeNormals[4];
  planeNormals[0] = Point4D(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -aClip.x);
  planeNormals[1] = Point4D(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, aClip.XMost());
  planeNormals[2] = Point4D(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -aClip.y);
  planeNormals[3] = Point4D(0.0, -1.0, 0.0, aClip.YMost());

  // Iterate through each clipping plane and clip the polygon.
  // In each pass, we double buffer, alternating between points[0] and
  // points[1].
  for (int plane=0; plane < 4; plane++) {

    Point4D* srcPoint = points[plane & 1];
    Point4D* srcPointEnd = dstPoint;
    dstPoint = points[~plane & 1];

    Point4D* prevPoint = srcPointEnd - 1;
    float prevDot = planeNormals[plane].DotProduct(*prevPoint);
    while (srcPoint < srcPointEnd) {
      float nextDot = planeNormals[plane].DotProduct(*srcPoint);

      if ((nextDot >= 0.0) != (prevDot >= 0.0)) {
        // An intersection with the clipping plane has been detected.
        // Interpolate to find the intersecting point and emit it.
        float t = -prevDot / (nextDot - prevDot);
        *dstPoint++ = *srcPoint * t + *prevPoint * (1.0 - t);

      if (nextDot >= 0.0) {
        // Emit any source points that are on the positive side of the
        // clipping plane.
        *dstPoint++ = *srcPoint;

      prevPoint = srcPoint++;
      prevDot = nextDot;

  size_t dstPointCount = 0;
  size_t srcPointCount = dstPoint - points[0];
  for (Point4D* srcPoint = points[0]; srcPoint < points[0] + srcPointCount; srcPoint++) {

    Point p;
    if (srcPoint->w == 0.0) {
      // If a point lies on the intersection of the clipping planes at
      // (0,0,0,0), we must avoid a division by zero w component.
      p = Point(0.0, 0.0);
    } else {
      p = srcPoint->As2DPoint();
    // Emit only unique points
    if (dstPointCount == 0 || p != aVerts[dstPointCount - 1]) {
      aVerts[dstPointCount++] = p;

  return dstPointCount;
Esempio n. 9
void PointSet::CreateDelaunayOnSphere(PointSet* ps, FaceSet* fs, double* progress, std::stringstream* myMsg)
	double dummy = 0;
	if ( progress==NULL ) progress = &dummy;

	int p_num =  ps->GetCount();

	PointSet tmpPS;

	tmpPS.count = p_num;
	tmpPS.capacity = p_num*2+4;
	tmpPS.points = new Point4D [tmpPS.capacity];

	const double OVERWRAP = 0.1;
	int* OverwrapID = new int [p_num*2];
	memset( OverwrapID, -1, sizeof(int)*2*p_num );

	double center[3];
	// Estimate Center
		double pntRange[] = {
		for ( int i=0 ; i < p_num; i++ ) {
			Point4D pnt = ps->GetPoint4DAt(i);
			for ( int j=0; j < 3; j++ ) {
				pntRange[j+0] = ( pntRange[j+0]>pnt.GetPoint(j) ? pnt.GetPoint(j) : pntRange[j+0]);
				pntRange[j+3] = ( pntRange[j+3]<pnt.GetPoint(j) ? pnt.GetPoint(j) : pntRange[j+3]);
		for ( int j=0; j < 3; j++ ) {
			center[j] = ( pntRange[j+3]+pntRange[j+0] )/2;

	// Project onto Sphere
		Point4D Center( center[0], center[1], center[2] );
		for ( int i=0; i < p_num; i++ ) {
			double CntPnt[3];

			double lng = atan(CntPnt[1]/CntPnt[2])+( CntPnt[2]>0 ? 0 : M_PI ) +M_PI/2;
			double lat = atan( CntPnt[0]/sqrt(CntPnt[1]*CntPnt[1]+CntPnt[2]*CntPnt[2]) ) +M_PI/2;
			OverwrapID[i] = i;
			tmpPS.points[i].SetPoint( lng, lat, lng*lng+lat*lat);
			if ( lng < OVERWRAP ) {
				OverwrapID[tmpPS.count] = i;
				tmpPS.points[tmpPS.count++].SetPoint( lng+2*M_PI, lat, (lng+2*M_PI)*(lng+2*M_PI)+lat*lat );

	// 外接4角形の作成
	tmpPS.count += 4;
	tmpPS.points[tmpPS.count-4].SetPoint(  6*M_PI,	 2*M_PI, M_PI*M_PI*40 );
	tmpPS.points[tmpPS.count-3].SetPoint(  6*M_PI,	-1*M_PI, M_PI*M_PI*37 );
	tmpPS.points[tmpPS.count-2].SetPoint( -2*M_PI,	-1*M_PI, M_PI*M_PI*5 );
	tmpPS.points[tmpPS.count-1].SetPoint( -2*M_PI,	 2*M_PI, M_PI*M_PI*8 );

	FaceSet myFS;
	myFS.AddNewFace( tmpPS.count-2, tmpPS.count-3, tmpPS.count-4 );
	myFS.AddNewFace( tmpPS.count-4, tmpPS.count-1, tmpPS.count-2 );
	if ( !myFS.CheckDelaunay( &tmpPS ) ) {
		// AfxMessageBox("Invalid initial Delaunay.", MB_ICONERROR);
		// return;
		throw "Invalid initial Delaunay.";
	myFS.MakeDelaunay( &tmpPS, progress, myMsg );

	for ( int i=1; i <= 4; i++ ) {

	// IDの整理
		int f_num = myFS.GetFaceCount(), *f_list=NULL ;
		myFS.GetFaceIDList( &f_list, true );
		for ( int i=0; i < f_num; i++ ) {
			myFS.AddNewFace( OverwrapID[f_list[i*3+0]], OverwrapID[f_list[i*3+1]], OverwrapID[f_list[i*3+2]] );
		delete [] f_list;

	delete [] OverwrapID;

	*fs = myFS;