Esempio n. 1
void addLineInfill(Polygons& result, PointMatrix matrix, int scanline_min_idx, int lineSpacing, AABB boundary, std::vector<std::vector<int64_t> > cutList, int extrusionWidth)
    auto addLine = [&](Point from, Point to)
        PolygonRef p = result.newPoly();
    auto compare_int64_t = [](const void* a, const void* b)
        int64_t n = (*(int64_t*)a) - (*(int64_t*)b);
        if (n < 0) return -1;
        if (n > 0) return 1;
        return 0;
    int scanline_idx = 0;
    for(int64_t x = scanline_min_idx * lineSpacing; x < boundary.max.X; x += lineSpacing)
        qsort(cutList[scanline_idx].data(), cutList[scanline_idx].size(), sizeof(int64_t), compare_int64_t);
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i + 1 < cutList[scanline_idx].size(); i+=2)
            if (cutList[scanline_idx][i+1] - cutList[scanline_idx][i] < extrusionWidth / 5)
            addLine(Point(x, cutList[scanline_idx][i]), Point(x, cutList[scanline_idx][i+1]));
        scanline_idx += 1;
Esempio n. 2
void drawSquares(IplImage* img, CvSeq* squares, PointMatrix &mat)
        CvSeqReader reader;
        IplImage* cpy = cvCloneImage(img);

        cvStartReadSeq(squares, &reader, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < squares->total; i++) {
                CvPoint pt[4], *rect = pt;
                int count = 4;
                CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt[0], reader);
                CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt[1], reader);
                CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt[2], reader);
                CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt[3], reader);

                cvLine(cpy, pt[0], pt[2], CV_RGB(0, 0, 0), 1);
                cvLine(cpy, pt[1], pt[3], CV_RGB(255, 255, 0), 1);

                MyCvPoint myCvPoint( (pt[0].x + pt[2].x) /2, (pt[1].y + pt[2].y)/2, img->width, img->height);


                cvPolyLine(cpy, &rect, &count, 1, 1, CV_RGB(0, 255, 255), 1, 8, 0);
       // cvShowImage("After Modify", cpy);
Esempio n. 3
void Infill::addLineInfill(Polygons& result, const PointMatrix& rotation_matrix, const int scanline_min_idx, const int line_distance, const AABB boundary, std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>& cut_list, int64_t shift)
    auto compare_int64_t = [](const void* a, const void* b)
        int64_t n = (*(int64_t*)a) - (*(int64_t*)b);
        if (n < 0)
            return -1;
        if (n > 0)
            return 1;
        return 0;

    int scanline_idx = 0;
    for(int64_t x = scanline_min_idx * line_distance + shift; x < boundary.max.X; x += line_distance)
        std::vector<int64_t>& crossings = cut_list[scanline_idx];
        qsort(, crossings.size(), sizeof(int64_t), compare_int64_t);
        for(unsigned int crossing_idx = 0; crossing_idx + 1 < crossings.size(); crossing_idx += 2)
            if (crossings[crossing_idx + 1] - crossings[crossing_idx] < infill_line_width / 5)
            { // segment is too short to create infill
            result.addLine(rotation_matrix.unapply(Point(x, crossings[crossing_idx])), rotation_matrix.unapply(Point(x, crossings[crossing_idx + 1])));
        scanline_idx += 1;
Esempio n. 4
bool polygonCollidesWithlineSegment(PolygonRef poly, Point& transformed_startPoint, Point& transformed_endPoint, PointMatrix transformation_matrix)
    Point p0 = transformation_matrix.apply(poly.back());
    for(Point p1_ : poly)
        Point p1 = transformation_matrix.apply(p1_);
        if ((p0.Y > transformed_startPoint.Y && p1.Y < transformed_startPoint.Y) || (p1.Y > transformed_startPoint.Y && p0.Y < transformed_startPoint.Y))
            int64_t x = p0.X + (p1.X - p0.X) * (transformed_startPoint.Y - p0.Y) / (p1.Y - p0.Y);
            if (x > transformed_startPoint.X && x < transformed_endPoint.X)
                return true;
        p0 = p1;
    return false;
Esempio n. 5
int CBitMask_Test()

		CBitMask< int > test_map;

		// operator overload
		test_map[ bitmask::Point( 0, 0 ) ] = 1;
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( 0, 0 ) ]  == 1 );
		// at 
		test_map.At( CBitMask< int >::Pos( 1, 1 ) ) = 2;
		test_assert( test_map.At( CBitMask< int >::Pos( 1, 1 ) ) == 2 );

	// assign & clear tests

		CBitMask< int > test_map1;

		test_assert( test_map1.Empty() );

		test_map1[ bitmask::Point( 0, 0 ) ] = 1;
		test_assert( test_map1.Empty() == false );


		test_assert( test_map1.Empty() == true );

		CBitMask< int > test_map2;
		test_map2[ bitmask::Point( 5, 5 ) ] = 5;

		test_assert( test_map1.Empty() == true );
		test_map1 = test_map2;
		test_assert( test_map1.Empty() == false );

		test_assert( test_map2[ bitmask::Point( 5, 5 ) ] == 5 );
		test_assert( test_map1[ bitmask::Point( 5, 5 ) ] == 5 );

		CBitMask< int > test_map3( test_map1 );

		test_assert( test_map3.Empty() == false );
		test_assert( test_map3[ bitmask::Point( 5, 5 ) ] == test_map1[ bitmask::Point( 5, 5 ) ] );


	// testing iterators
		CBitMask< int > test_map;

		int object_count = 0;
		for( CBitMask< int  >::Iterator i = test_map.Begin(); i != test_map.End(); ++i )
		test_assert( object_count == 0 );

		test_map[ bitmask::Point( 3, 4 ) ] = 5;
		object_count = 0;
		for( CBitMask< int  >::Iterator i = test_map.Begin(); i != test_map.End(); ++i )
			test_assert( i->first == bitmask::Point( 3, 4 ) );
			test_assert( i->second == 5 );
		test_assert( object_count == 1 );

		// clear things and test that iterator count == 0

		object_count = 0;
		for( CBitMask< int  >::Iterator i = test_map.Begin(); i != test_map.End(); ++i )
		test_assert( object_count == 0 );

	// testing assigning things
	// test Get3x3CBitMask :)
		CBitMask< int > test_map;

		// 1 2 3
		// 4 5 6
		// 7 8 9

		test_map = Get3x3CBitMask();

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1, -1 ) ] == 1 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0, -1 ) ] == 2 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1, -1 ) ] == 3 );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1,  0 ) ] == 4 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0,  0 ) ] == 5 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1,  0 ) ] == 6 );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1,  1 ) ] == 7 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0,  1 ) ] == 8 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1,  1 ) ] == 9 );

	// multiply test
		CBitMask< int > test_map;

		// operator overload
		test_map[ bitmask::Point( 0, 0 ) ] = 1;
		test_map[ bitmask::Point( 3, 1 ) ] = 2;

		bitmask::PointMatrix mat;
		mat.Set( 3.1415962f );

		test_map.Multiply( mat );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( 0, 0 ) ]		== 1 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -3, -1 ) ]	== 2 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( 3, 1 ) ]		== 0 );


	// test multiply stuff
		using namespace bitmask;
		CBitMask< int > test_map;

		test_map = Get3x3CBitMask();
		// 1 2 3
		// 4 5 6
		// 7 8 9

		PointMatrix mat;
		mat.Set( 3.1415962f );

		// -1, 0
		// 0, -1
		test_assert( mat.col1.x == -1 );	test_assert( mat.col2.x == 0 );
		test_assert( mat.col1.y == 0 );		test_assert( mat.col2.y == -1 );

		// before multiply
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1, -1 ) ] == 1 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0, -1 ) ] == 2 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1, -1 ) ] == 3 );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1,  0 ) ] == 4 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0,  0 ) ] == 5 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1,  0 ) ] == 6 );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1,  1 ) ] == 7 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0,  1 ) ] == 8 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1,  1 ) ] == 9 );

		test_map.Multiply( mat );		

		// 1 2 3			9 8 7
		// 4 5 6	->		6 5 4
		// 7 8 9			3 2 1

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1, -1 ) ] == 9 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0, -1 ) ] == 8 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1, -1 ) ] == 7 );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1,  0 ) ] == 6 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0,  0 ) ] == 5 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1,  0 ) ] == 4 );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1,  1 ) ] == 3 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0,  1 ) ] == 2 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1,  1 ) ] == 1 );


	// rotate left
		using namespace bitmask;
		CBitMask< int > test_map;

		test_map = Get3x3CBitMask();
		// 1 2 3
		// 4 5 6
		// 7 8 9

		PointMatrix mat;
		mat.Set( 3.1415962f * 0.5f );

		// 0, -1
		// 1, 0
		test_assert( mat.col1.x == 0 );		test_assert( mat.col2.x == -1 );
		test_assert( mat.col1.y == 1 );		test_assert( mat.col2.y == 0 );

		// before multiply
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1, -1 ) ] == 1 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0, -1 ) ] == 2 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1, -1 ) ] == 3 );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1,  0 ) ] == 4 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0,  0 ) ] == 5 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1,  0 ) ] == 6 );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1,  1 ) ] == 7 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0,  1 ) ] == 8 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1,  1 ) ] == 9 );

		test_map.Multiply( mat );		

		// const Point point( 1, 3 );
		// test_assert( result == Point( -3, 1 ) );

		// 1 2 3			7 4 1
		// 4 5 6	->		8 5 2 
		// 7 8 9			9 6 3

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1, -1 ) ] == 7 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0, -1 ) ] == 4 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1, -1 ) ] == 1 );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1,  0 ) ] == 8 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0,  0 ) ] == 5 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1,  0 ) ] == 2 );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1,  1 ) ] == 9 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0,  1 ) ] == 6 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1,  1 ) ] == 3 );

	// rotate left
		using namespace bitmask;
		CBitMask< int > test_map;

		test_map = Get3x3CBitMask();
		// 1 2 3
		// 4 5 6
		// 7 8 9

		PointMatrix mat;
		mat.Set( 3.1415962f + 3.1415962f * 0.5f );

		// 0, 1
		// -1, 0

		test_assert( mat.col1.x == 0 );		test_assert( mat.col2.x == 1 );
		test_assert( mat.col1.y == -1 );	test_assert( mat.col2.y == 0 );
		// before multiply
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1, -1 ) ] == 1 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0, -1 ) ] == 2 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1, -1 ) ] == 3 );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1,  0 ) ] == 4 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0,  0 ) ] == 5 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1,  0 ) ] == 6 );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1,  1 ) ] == 7 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0,  1 ) ] == 8 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1,  1 ) ] == 9 );

		test_map.Multiply( mat );		

		// const Point point( 1, 3 );
		// test_assert( result == Point( 3, -1 ) );

		// 1 2 3			3 6 9
		// 4 5 6	->		2 5 8 
		// 7 8 9			1 4 7

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1, -1 ) ] == 3 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0, -1 ) ] == 6 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1, -1 ) ] == 9 );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1,  0 ) ] == 2 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0,  0 ) ] == 5 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1,  0 ) ] == 8 );

		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point( -1,  1 ) ] == 1 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  0,  1 ) ] == 4 );
		test_assert( test_map[ bitmask::Point(  1,  1 ) ] == 7 );

	return 0;