Esempio n. 1
void addLineInfill(Polygons& result, PointMatrix matrix, int scanline_min_idx, int lineSpacing, AABB boundary, std::vector<std::vector<int64_t> > cutList, int extrusionWidth)
    auto addLine = [&](Point from, Point to)
        PolygonRef p = result.newPoly();
    auto compare_int64_t = [](const void* a, const void* b)
        int64_t n = (*(int64_t*)a) - (*(int64_t*)b);
        if (n < 0) return -1;
        if (n > 0) return 1;
        return 0;
    int scanline_idx = 0;
    for(int64_t x = scanline_min_idx * lineSpacing; x < boundary.max.X; x += lineSpacing)
        qsort(cutList[scanline_idx].data(), cutList[scanline_idx].size(), sizeof(int64_t), compare_int64_t);
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i + 1 < cutList[scanline_idx].size(); i+=2)
            if (cutList[scanline_idx][i+1] - cutList[scanline_idx][i] < extrusionWidth / 5)
            addLine(Point(x, cutList[scanline_idx][i]), Point(x, cutList[scanline_idx][i+1]));
        scanline_idx += 1;
Esempio n. 2
void FffPolygonGenerator::processFuzzyWalls(SliceMeshStorage& mesh)
    if (mesh.getSettingAsCount("wall_line_count") == 0)
    int64_t fuzziness = mesh.getSettingInMicrons("magic_fuzzy_skin_thickness");
    int64_t avg_dist_between_points = mesh.getSettingInMicrons("magic_fuzzy_skin_point_dist");
    int64_t min_dist_between_points = avg_dist_between_points * 3 / 4; // hardcoded: the point distance may vary between 3/4 and 5/4 the supplied value
    int64_t range_random_point_dist = avg_dist_between_points / 2;
    for (unsigned int layer_nr = 0; layer_nr < mesh.layers.size(); layer_nr++)
        SliceLayer& layer = mesh.layers[layer_nr];
        for (SliceLayerPart& part :
            Polygons results;
            Polygons& skin = (mesh.getSettingAsSurfaceMode("magic_mesh_surface_mode") == ESurfaceMode::SURFACE)? part.outline : part.insets[0];
            for (PolygonRef poly : skin)
                // generate points in between p0 and p1
                PolygonRef result = results.newPoly();
                int64_t dist_left_over = rand() % (min_dist_between_points / 2); // the distance to be traversed on the line before making the first new point
                Point* p0 = &poly.back();
                for (Point& p1 : poly)
                { // 'a' is the (next) new point between p0 and p1
                    Point p0p1 = p1 - *p0;
                    int64_t p0p1_size = vSize(p0p1);    
                    int64_t dist_last_point = dist_left_over + p0p1_size * 2; // so that p0p1_size - dist_last_point evaulates to dist_left_over - p0p1_size
                    for (int64_t p0pa_dist = dist_left_over; p0pa_dist < p0p1_size; p0pa_dist += min_dist_between_points + rand() % range_random_point_dist)
                        int r = rand() % (fuzziness * 2) - fuzziness;
                        Point perp_to_p0p1 = turn90CCW(p0p1);
                        Point fuzz = normal(perp_to_p0p1, r);
                        Point pa = *p0 + normal(p0p1, p0pa_dist) + fuzz;
                        dist_last_point = p0pa_dist;
                    dist_left_over = p0p1_size - dist_last_point;
                    p0 = &p1;
                while (result.size() < 3 )
                    unsigned int point_idx = poly.size() - 2;
                    if (point_idx == 0) { break; }
                if (result.size() < 3)
                    for (Point& p : poly)
            skin = results;
Esempio n. 3
void FffPolygonGenerator::processInsets(SliceMeshStorage& mesh, unsigned int layer_nr) 
    SliceLayer* layer = &mesh.layers[layer_nr];
    if (mesh.getSettingAsSurfaceMode("magic_mesh_surface_mode") != ESurfaceMode::SURFACE)
        int inset_count = mesh.getSettingAsCount("wall_line_count");
        if (mesh.getSettingBoolean("magic_spiralize") && static_cast<int>(layer_nr) < mesh.getSettingAsCount("bottom_layers") && layer_nr % 2 == 1)//Add extra insets every 2 layers when spiralizing, this makes bottoms of cups watertight.
            inset_count += 5;
        int line_width_x = mesh.getSettingInMicrons("wall_line_width_x");
        int line_width_0 = mesh.getSettingInMicrons("wall_line_width_0");
        if (mesh.getSettingBoolean("alternate_extra_perimeter"))
            inset_count += layer_nr % 2; 
        bool recompute_outline_based_on_outer_wall = mesh.getSettingBoolean("support_enable");
        WallsComputation walls_computation(mesh.getSettingInMicrons("wall_0_inset"), line_width_0, line_width_x, inset_count, recompute_outline_based_on_outer_wall);
    if (mesh.getSettingAsSurfaceMode("magic_mesh_surface_mode") != ESurfaceMode::NORMAL)
        for (PolygonRef polyline : layer->openPolyLines)
            Polygons segments;
            for (unsigned int point_idx = 1; point_idx < polyline.size(); point_idx++)
                PolygonRef segment = segments.newPoly();
Esempio n. 4
void PrimeTower::generateGroundpoly(const SliceDataStorage& storage)
    extruder_count = storage.meshgroup->getExtruderCount();

    int64_t prime_tower_wall_thickness = storage.getSettingInMicrons("prime_tower_wall_thickness");
    int64_t tower_size = storage.getSettingInMicrons("prime_tower_size");

    if (prime_tower_wall_thickness * 2 < tower_size)
        is_hollow = true;

    PolygonRef p = ground_poly.newPoly();
    int tower_distance = 0; 
    int x = storage.getSettingInMicrons("prime_tower_position_x"); // storage.model_max.x
    int y = storage.getSettingInMicrons("prime_tower_position_y"); // storage.model_max.y
    p.add(Point(x + tower_distance, y + tower_distance));
    p.add(Point(x + tower_distance, y + tower_distance + tower_size));
    p.add(Point(x + tower_distance - tower_size, y + tower_distance + tower_size));
    p.add(Point(x + tower_distance - tower_size, y + tower_distance));
    middle = Point(x - tower_size / 2, y + tower_size / 2);

    if (is_hollow)
        ground_poly = ground_poly.difference(ground_poly.offset(-prime_tower_wall_thickness));

    post_wipe_point = Point(x + tower_distance - tower_size / 2, y + tower_distance + tower_size / 2);
Esempio n. 5
void generateLineInfill(const Polygons& in_outline, Polygons& result, int extrusionWidth, int lineSpacing, int infillOverlap, double rotation)
    Polygons outline = in_outline.offset(extrusionWidth * infillOverlap / 100);
    PointMatrix matrix(rotation);
    AABB boundary(outline);
    boundary.min.X = ((boundary.min.X / lineSpacing) - 1) * lineSpacing;
    int lineCount = (boundary.max.X - boundary.min.X + (lineSpacing - 1)) / lineSpacing;
    vector<vector<int64_t> > cutList;
    for(int n=0; n<lineCount; n++)

    for(unsigned int polyNr=0; polyNr < outline.size(); polyNr++)
        Point p1 = outline[polyNr][outline[polyNr].size()-1];
        for(unsigned int i=0; i < outline[polyNr].size(); i++)
            Point p0 = outline[polyNr][i];
            int idx0 = (p0.X - boundary.min.X) / lineSpacing;
            int idx1 = (p1.X - boundary.min.X) / lineSpacing;
            int64_t xMin = p0.X, xMax = p1.X;
            if (p0.X > p1.X) { xMin = p1.X; xMax = p0.X; }
            if (idx0 > idx1) { int tmp = idx0; idx0 = idx1; idx1 = tmp; }
            for(int idx = idx0; idx<=idx1; idx++)
                int x = (idx * lineSpacing) + boundary.min.X + lineSpacing / 2;
                if (x < xMin) continue;
                if (x >= xMax) continue;
                int y = p0.Y + (p1.Y - p0.Y) * (x - p0.X) / (p1.X - p0.X);
            p1 = p0;
    int idx = 0;
    for(int64_t x = boundary.min.X + lineSpacing / 2; x < boundary.max.X; x += lineSpacing)
        std::sort(cutList[idx].begin(), cutList[idx].end());
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i + 1 < cutList[idx].size(); i+=2)
            if (cutList[idx][i+1] - cutList[idx][i] < extrusionWidth / 5)
            PolygonRef p = result.newPoly();
            p.add(matrix.unapply(Point(x, cutList[idx][i])));
            p.add(matrix.unapply(Point(x, cutList[idx][i+1])));
        idx += 1;
Esempio n. 6
void PrimeTower::generateGroundpoly(SliceDataStorage& storage) 
    PolygonRef p = storage.primeTower.ground_poly.newPoly();
    int tower_size = storage.getSettingInMicrons("prime_tower_size");
    int tower_distance = 0; 
    int x = storage.getSettingInMicrons("prime_tower_position_x"); // storage.model_max.x
    int y = storage.getSettingInMicrons("prime_tower_position_y"); // storage.model_max.y
    p.add(Point(x + tower_distance, y + tower_distance));
    p.add(Point(x + tower_distance, y + tower_distance + tower_size));
    p.add(Point(x + tower_distance - tower_size, y + tower_distance + tower_size));
    p.add(Point(x + tower_distance - tower_size, y + tower_distance));

    storage.wipePoint = Point(x + tower_distance - tower_size / 2, y + tower_distance + tower_size / 2);   
Esempio n. 7
void ListPolyIt::convertListPolygonToPolygon(ListPolygon& list_polygon, PolygonRef polygon)
    for (Point& p : list_polygon)
Esempio n. 8
void WallOverlapComputation::convertListPolygonToPolygon(ListPolygon& poly, PolygonRef result)
    for (Point& p : poly)
Esempio n. 9
void AreaSupport::handleWallStruts(
    Polygons& supportLayer_this,
    int supportMinAreaSqrt,
    int supportTowerDiameter
    for (unsigned int p = 0; p < supportLayer_this.size(); p++)
        PolygonRef poly = supportLayer_this[p];
        if (poly.size() < 6) // might be a single wall
            PolygonRef poly = supportLayer_this[p];
            int best = -1;
            int best_length2 = -1;
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < poly.size(); i++)
                int length2 = vSize2(poly[i] - poly[(i+1) % poly.size()]);
                if (length2 > best_length2)
                    best = i;
                    best_length2 = length2;
            if (best_length2 < supportMinAreaSqrt * supportMinAreaSqrt)
                break; // this is a small area, not a wall!
            // an estimate of the width of the area
            int width = sqrt( poly.area() * poly.area() / best_length2 ); // sqrt (a^2 / l^2) instead of a / sqrt(l^2)
            // add square tower (strut) in the middle of the wall
            if (width < supportMinAreaSqrt)
                Point mid = (poly[best] + poly[(best+1) % poly.size()] ) / 2;
                Polygons struts;
                PolygonRef strut = struts.newPoly();
                strut.add(mid + Point( supportTowerDiameter/2,  supportTowerDiameter/2));
                strut.add(mid + Point(-supportTowerDiameter/2,  supportTowerDiameter/2));
                strut.add(mid + Point(-supportTowerDiameter/2, -supportTowerDiameter/2));
                strut.add(mid + Point( supportTowerDiameter/2, -supportTowerDiameter/2));
                supportLayer_this = supportLayer_this.unionPolygons(struts);
Esempio n. 10
void PrimeTower::generatePaths_OLD(SliceDataStorage& storage, unsigned int total_layers)
    if (storage.max_object_height_second_to_last_extruder >= 0 && storage.getSettingBoolean("prime_tower_enable"))
        PolygonRef p = storage.primeTower.ground_poly.newPoly();
        int tower_size = storage.getSettingInMicrons("prime_tower_size");
        int tower_distance = 0; 
        int x = storage.getSettingInMicrons("prime_tower_position_x"); // storage.model_max.x
        int y = storage.getSettingInMicrons("prime_tower_position_y"); // storage.model_max.y
        p.add(Point(x + tower_distance, y + tower_distance));
        p.add(Point(x + tower_distance, y + tower_distance + tower_size));
        p.add(Point(x + tower_distance - tower_size, y + tower_distance + tower_size));
        p.add(Point(x + tower_distance - tower_size, y + tower_distance));

        storage.wipePoint = Point(x + tower_distance - tower_size / 2, y + tower_distance + tower_size / 2);
void FffPolygonGenerator::processInsets(SliceDataStorage& storage, unsigned int layer_nr) 
    for(SliceMeshStorage& mesh : storage.meshes)
        SliceLayer* layer = &mesh.layers[layer_nr];
        if (mesh.getSettingAsSurfaceMode("magic_mesh_surface_mode") != ESurfaceMode::SURFACE)
            int inset_count = mesh.getSettingAsCount("wall_line_count");
            if (mesh.getSettingBoolean("magic_spiralize") && static_cast<int>(layer_nr) < mesh.getSettingAsCount("bottom_layers") && layer_nr % 2 == 1)//Add extra insets every 2 layers when spiralizing, this makes bottoms of cups watertight.
                inset_count += 5;
            int line_width_x = mesh.getSettingInMicrons("wall_line_width_x");
            int line_width_0 = mesh.getSettingInMicrons("wall_line_width_0");
            if (mesh.getSettingBoolean("alternate_extra_perimeter"))
                inset_count += layer_nr % 2; 
            generateInsets(layer, mesh.getSettingInMicrons("machine_nozzle_size"), line_width_0, line_width_x, inset_count, mesh.getSettingBoolean("remove_overlapping_walls_0_enabled"), mesh.getSettingBoolean("remove_overlapping_walls_x_enabled"));

            for(unsigned int partNr=0; partNr<layer->parts.size(); partNr++)
                if (layer->parts[partNr].insets.size() > 0)
//                     sendPolygons(Inset0Type, layer_nr, layer->parts[partNr].insets[0], line_width_0); // done after processing fuzzy skin
                    for(unsigned int inset=1; inset<layer->parts[partNr].insets.size(); inset++)
                        sendPolygons(InsetXType, layer_nr, layer->parts[partNr].insets[inset], line_width_x);
        if (mesh.getSettingAsSurfaceMode("magic_mesh_surface_mode") != ESurfaceMode::NORMAL)
            for (PolygonRef polyline : layer->openPolyLines)
                Polygons segments;
                for (unsigned int point_idx = 1; point_idx < polyline.size(); point_idx++)
                    PolygonRef segment = segments.newPoly();
                sendPolygons(Inset0Type, layer_nr, segments, mesh.getSettingInMicrons("wall_line_width_0"));
void FffPolygonGenerator::processWipeTower(SliceDataStorage& storage, unsigned int totalLayers)
    // TODO: move this code into its own function?
    { // compute storage.max_object_height_second_to_last_extruder, which is used to determine the highest point in the wipe tower
        int max_object_height_per_extruder[MAX_EXTRUDERS];
        { // compute max_object_height_per_extruder
            memset(max_object_height_per_extruder, -1, sizeof(max_object_height_per_extruder));
            for (SliceMeshStorage& mesh : storage.meshes)
                max_object_height_per_extruder[mesh.settings->getSettingAsIndex("extruder_nr")] = 
                    std::max(   max_object_height_per_extruder[mesh.settings->getSettingAsIndex("extruder_nr")]
                            ,   mesh.layer_nr_max_filled_layer  ); 
            int support_extruder_nr = getSettingAsIndex("support_extruder_nr");
            max_object_height_per_extruder[support_extruder_nr] = 
            std::max(   max_object_height_per_extruder[support_extruder_nr]
                    ,  ); 
        { // // compute max_object_height_second_to_last_extruder
            int extruder_max_object_height = 0;
            for (unsigned int extruder_nr = 1; extruder_nr < MAX_EXTRUDERS; extruder_nr++)
                if (max_object_height_per_extruder[extruder_nr] > max_object_height_per_extruder[extruder_max_object_height])
                    extruder_max_object_height = extruder_nr;
            int extruder_second_max_object_height = -1;
            for (int extruder_nr = 0; extruder_nr < MAX_EXTRUDERS; extruder_nr++)
                if (extruder_nr == extruder_max_object_height) { continue; }
                if (max_object_height_per_extruder[extruder_nr] > max_object_height_per_extruder[extruder_second_max_object_height])
                    extruder_second_max_object_height = extruder_nr;
            if (extruder_second_max_object_height < 0)
                storage.max_object_height_second_to_last_extruder = -1;
                storage.max_object_height_second_to_last_extruder = max_object_height_per_extruder[extruder_second_max_object_height];
    if (storage.max_object_height_second_to_last_extruder >= 0 && getSettingInMicrons("wipe_tower_distance") > 0 && getSettingInMicrons("wipe_tower_size") > 0)
        PolygonRef p = storage.wipeTower.newPoly();
        int tower_size = getSettingInMicrons("wipe_tower_size");
        int tower_distance = getSettingInMicrons("wipe_tower_distance");
        p.add(Point(storage.model_min.x - tower_distance, storage.model_max.y + tower_distance));
        p.add(Point(storage.model_min.x - tower_distance, storage.model_max.y + tower_distance + tower_size));
        p.add(Point(storage.model_min.x - tower_distance - tower_size, storage.model_max.y + tower_distance + tower_size));
        p.add(Point(storage.model_min.x - tower_distance - tower_size, storage.model_max.y + tower_distance));

        storage.wipePoint = Point(storage.model_min.x - tower_distance - tower_size / 2, storage.model_max.y + tower_distance + tower_size / 2);
Esempio n. 13
void SlicerLayer::makePolygons(Mesh* mesh, bool keep_none_closed, bool extensive_stitching)
    Polygons openPolygonList;
    for(unsigned int startSegment=0; startSegment < segmentList.size(); startSegment++)
        if (segmentList[startSegment].addedToPolygon)
        Polygon poly;
        unsigned int segmentIndex = startSegment;
        bool canClose;
            canClose = false;
            segmentList[segmentIndex].addedToPolygon = true;
            Point p0 = segmentList[segmentIndex].end;
            int nextIndex = -1;
            const MeshFace& face = mesh->faces[segmentList[segmentIndex].faceIndex];
            for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
                decltype(face_idx_to_segment_index.begin()) it;
                if (face.connected_face_index[i] > -1 && (it = face_idx_to_segment_index.find(face.connected_face_index[i])) != face_idx_to_segment_index.end())
                    int index = (*it).second;
                    Point p1 = segmentList[index].start;
                    Point diff = p0 - p1;
                    if (shorterThen(diff, MM2INT(0.01)))
                        if (index == static_cast<int>(startSegment))
                            canClose = true;
                        if (segmentList[index].addedToPolygon)
                        nextIndex = index;
            if (nextIndex == -1)
            segmentIndex = nextIndex;
        if (canClose)
    //Clear the segmentList to save memory, it is no longer needed after this point.

    //Connecting polygons that are not closed yet, as models are not always perfect manifold we need to join some stuff up to get proper polygons
    //First link up polygon ends that are within 2 microns.
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<openPolygonList.size();i++)
        if (openPolygonList[i].size() < 1) continue;
        for(unsigned int j=0;j<openPolygonList.size();j++)
            if (openPolygonList[j].size() < 1) continue;
            Point diff = openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1] - openPolygonList[j][0];
            int64_t distSquared = vSize2(diff);

            if (distSquared < MM2INT(0.02) * MM2INT(0.02))
                if (i == j)
                    for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[j].size(); n++)


    //Next link up all the missing ends, closing up the smallest gaps first. This is an inefficient implementation which can run in O(n*n*n) time.
        int64_t bestScore = MM2INT(10.0) * MM2INT(10.0);
        unsigned int bestA = -1;
        unsigned int bestB = -1;
        bool reversed = false;
        for(unsigned int i=0;i<openPolygonList.size();i++)
            if (openPolygonList[i].size() < 1) continue;
            for(unsigned int j=0;j<openPolygonList.size();j++)
                if (openPolygonList[j].size() < 1) continue;
                Point diff = openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1] - openPolygonList[j][0];
                int64_t distSquared = vSize2(diff);
                if (distSquared < bestScore)
                    bestScore = distSquared;
                    bestA = i;
                    bestB = j;
                    reversed = false;

                if (i != j)
                    Point diff = openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1] - openPolygonList[j][openPolygonList[j].size()-1];
                    int64_t distSquared = vSize2(diff);
                    if (distSquared < bestScore)
                        bestScore = distSquared;
                        bestA = i;
                        bestB = j;
                        reversed = true;
        if (bestScore >= MM2INT(10.0) * MM2INT(10.0))
        if (bestA == bestB)
            if (reversed)
                if (openPolygonList[bestA].polygonLength() > openPolygonList[bestB].polygonLength())
                    for(unsigned int n=openPolygonList[bestB].size()-1; int(n)>=0; n--)
                    for(unsigned int n=openPolygonList[bestA].size()-1; int(n)>=0; n--)
                for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[bestB].size(); n++)

    if (extensive_stitching)
        //For extensive stitching find 2 open polygons that are touching 2 closed polygons.
        // Then find the sortest path over this polygon that can be used to connect the open polygons,
        // And generate a path over this shortest bit to link up the 2 open polygons.
        // (If these 2 open polygons are the same polygon, then the final result is a closed polyon)
            unsigned int bestA = -1;
            unsigned int bestB = -1;
            gapCloserResult bestResult;
            bestResult.len = POINT_MAX;
            bestResult.polygonIdx = -1;
            bestResult.pointIdxA = -1;
            bestResult.pointIdxB = -1;
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<openPolygonList.size(); i++)
                if (openPolygonList[i].size() < 1) continue;
                    gapCloserResult res = findPolygonGapCloser(openPolygonList[i][0], openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1]);
                    if (res.len > 0 && res.len < bestResult.len)
                        bestA = i;
                        bestB = i;
                        bestResult = res;

                for(unsigned int j=0; j<openPolygonList.size(); j++)
                    if (openPolygonList[j].size() < 1 || i == j) continue;
                    gapCloserResult res = findPolygonGapCloser(openPolygonList[i][0], openPolygonList[j][openPolygonList[j].size()-1]);
                    if (res.len > 0 && res.len < bestResult.len)
                        bestA = i;
                        bestB = j;
                        bestResult = res;
            if (bestResult.len < POINT_MAX)
                if (bestA == bestB)
                    if (bestResult.pointIdxA == bestResult.pointIdxB)
                    else if (bestResult.AtoB)
                        PolygonRef poly = polygonList.newPoly();
                        for(unsigned int j = bestResult.pointIdxA; j != bestResult.pointIdxB; j = (j + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                        for(unsigned int j = openPolygonList[bestA].size() - 1; int(j) >= 0; j--)
                        unsigned int n = polygonList.size();
                        for(unsigned int j = bestResult.pointIdxB; j != bestResult.pointIdxA; j = (j + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                    if (bestResult.pointIdxA == bestResult.pointIdxB)
                        for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[bestA].size(); n++)
                    else if (bestResult.AtoB)
                        Polygon poly;
                        for(unsigned int n = bestResult.pointIdxA; n != bestResult.pointIdxB; n = (n + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                        for(unsigned int n=poly.size()-1;int(n) >= 0; n--)
                        for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[bestA].size(); n++)
                        for(unsigned int n = bestResult.pointIdxB; n != bestResult.pointIdxA; n = (n + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                        for(unsigned int n = openPolygonList[bestA].size() - 1; int(n) >= 0; n--)

    if (keep_none_closed)
        for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList.size(); n++)
            if (openPolygonList[n].size() > 0)
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<openPolygonList.size();i++)
        if (openPolygonList[i].size() > 0)
            openPolygons.newPoly() = openPolygonList[i];

    //Remove all the tiny polygons, or polygons that are not closed. As they do not contribute to the actual print.
    int snapDistance = MM2INT(1.0);
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<polygonList.size();i++)
        int length = 0;

        for(unsigned int n=1; n<polygonList[i].size(); n++)
            length += vSize(polygonList[i][n] - polygonList[i][n-1]);
            if (length > snapDistance)
        if (length < snapDistance)

    //Finally optimize all the polygons. Every point removed saves time in the long run.

    int xy_offset = mesh->getSettingInMicrons("xy_offset");
    if (xy_offset != 0)
        polygonList = polygonList.offset(xy_offset);
Esempio n. 14
void generateZigZagIninfill_noEndPieces(const Polygons& in_outline, Polygons& result, int extrusionWidth, int lineSpacing, double infillOverlap, double rotation)
    if (in_outline.size() == 0) return;
    Polygons outline = in_outline.offset(extrusionWidth * infillOverlap / 100 - extrusionWidth / 2);
    if (outline.size() == 0) return;
    PointMatrix matrix(rotation);
    auto addLine = [&](Point from, Point to)
        PolygonRef p = result.newPoly();
    AABB boundary(outline);
    int scanline_min_idx = boundary.min.X / lineSpacing;
    int lineCount = (boundary.max.X + (lineSpacing - 1)) / lineSpacing - scanline_min_idx;
    std::vector<std::vector<int64_t> > cutList; // mapping from scanline to all intersections with polygon segments
    for(int n=0; n<lineCount; n++)
    for(unsigned int polyNr=0; polyNr < outline.size(); polyNr++)
        std::vector<Point> firstBoundarySegment;
        std::vector<Point> boundarySegment;
        bool isFirstBoundarySegment = true;
        bool firstBoundarySegmentEndsInEven;
        bool isEvenScanSegment = false; 
        Point p0 = outline[polyNr][outline[polyNr].size()-1];
        for(unsigned int i=0; i < outline[polyNr].size(); i++)
            Point p1 = outline[polyNr][i];
            int64_t xMin = p1.X, xMax = p0.X;
            if (xMin == xMax) {
                p0 = p1;
            if (xMin > xMax) { xMin = p0.X; xMax = p1.X; }
            int scanline_idx0 = (p0.X + ((p0.X > 0)? -1 : -lineSpacing)) / lineSpacing; // -1 cause a linesegment on scanline x counts as belonging to scansegment x-1   ...
            int scanline_idx1 = (p1.X + ((p1.X > 0)? -1 : -lineSpacing)) / lineSpacing; // -linespacing because a line between scanline -n and -n-1 belongs to scansegment -n-1 (for n=positive natural number)
            int direction = 1;
            if (p0.X > p1.X) 
                direction = -1; 
                scanline_idx1 += 1; // only consider the scanlines in between the scansegments
            } else scanline_idx0 += 1; // only consider the scanlines in between the scansegments
            if (isFirstBoundarySegment) firstBoundarySegment.push_back(p0);
            else boundarySegment.push_back(p0);
            for(int scanline_idx = scanline_idx0; scanline_idx != scanline_idx1+direction; scanline_idx+=direction)
                int x = scanline_idx * lineSpacing;
                int y = p1.Y + (p0.Y - p1.Y) * (x - p1.X) / (p0.X - p1.X);
                cutList[scanline_idx - scanline_min_idx].push_back(y);
                bool last_isEvenScanSegment = isEvenScanSegment;
                if (scanline_idx % 2 == 0) isEvenScanSegment = true;
                else isEvenScanSegment = false;
                if (!isFirstBoundarySegment)
                    if (last_isEvenScanSegment && !isEvenScanSegment)
                    { // add whole boundarySegment (including the just obtained point)
                        for (unsigned int p = 1; p < boundarySegment.size(); p++)
                            addLine(boundarySegment[p-1], boundarySegment[p]);
                        addLine(boundarySegment[boundarySegment.size()-1], Point(x,y));
                    else if (isEvenScanSegment) // we are either in an end piece or an uneven boundary segment
                    } else
                if (isFirstBoundarySegment) 
                    firstBoundarySegmentEndsInEven = isEvenScanSegment;
                    isFirstBoundarySegment = false;
            if (!isFirstBoundarySegment && isEvenScanSegment)
            p0 = p1;
        if (!isFirstBoundarySegment && isEvenScanSegment && !firstBoundarySegmentEndsInEven)
            for (unsigned int i = 1; i < firstBoundarySegment.size() ; i++)
                addLine(firstBoundarySegment[i-1], firstBoundarySegment[i]);

    addLineInfill(result, matrix, scanline_min_idx, lineSpacing, boundary, cutList, extrusionWidth);

Esempio n. 15
 * adapted from generateLineInfill(.)
 * generate lines within the area of [in_outline], at regular intervals of [lineSpacing]
 * idea:
 * intersect a regular grid of 'scanlines' with the area inside [in_outline]
 * sigzag:
 * include pieces of boundary, connecting the lines, forming an accordion like zigzag instead of separate lines    |_|^|_|
 * we call the areas between two consecutive scanlines a 'scansegment'
 * algorithm:
 * 1. for each line segment of each polygon:
 *      store the intersections of that line segment with all scanlines in a mapping (vector of vectors) from scanline to intersections
 *      (zigzag): add boundary segments to result
 * 2. for each scanline:
 *      sort the associated intersections 
 *      and connect them using the even-odd rule
 * zigzag algorithm:
 * while walking around (each) polygon (1.)
 *  if polygon intersects with even scanline
 *      start boundary segment (add each following segment to the [result])
 *  when polygon intersects with a scanline again
 *      stop boundary segment (stop adding segments to the [result])
 *      if polygon intersects with even scanline again (instead of odd)
 *          dont add the last line segment to the boundary (unless [connect_zigzags])
 *     <--
 *     ___
 *    |   |   |
 *    |   |   |
 *    |   |___|
 *         -->
 *        ^ = even scanline
 * start boundary from even scanline! :D
 *          _____
 *   |     |     | ,
 *   |     |     |  |
 *   |_____|     |__/
 *   ^     ^     ^    scanlines
 *                 ^  disconnected end piece
void generateZigZagIninfill_endPieces(const Polygons& in_outline, Polygons& result, int extrusionWidth, int lineSpacing, double infillOverlap, double rotation, bool connect_zigzags)
//     if (in_outline.size() == 0) return;
//     Polygons outline = in_outline.offset(extrusionWidth * infillOverlap / 100 - extrusionWidth / 2);
    Polygons empty;
    Polygons outline = in_outline.difference(empty); // copy
    if (outline.size() == 0) return;
    PointMatrix matrix(rotation);
    auto addLine = [&](Point from, Point to)
        PolygonRef p = result.newPoly();
    AABB boundary(outline);
    int scanline_min_idx = boundary.min.X / lineSpacing;
    int lineCount = (boundary.max.X + (lineSpacing - 1)) / lineSpacing - scanline_min_idx;
    std::vector<std::vector<int64_t> > cutList; // mapping from scanline to all intersections with polygon segments
    for(int n=0; n<lineCount; n++)
    for(unsigned int polyNr=0; polyNr < outline.size(); polyNr++)
        std::vector<Point> firstBoundarySegment;
        std::vector<Point> unevenBoundarySegment; // stored cause for connected_zigzags a boundary segment which ends in an uneven scanline needs to be included
        bool isFirstBoundarySegment = true;
        bool firstBoundarySegmentEndsInEven;
        bool isEvenScanSegment = false; 
        Point p0 = outline[polyNr][outline[polyNr].size()-1];
        Point lastPoint = p0;
        for(unsigned int i=0; i < outline[polyNr].size(); i++)
            Point p1 = outline[polyNr][i];
            int64_t xMin = p1.X, xMax = p0.X;
            if (xMin == xMax) {
                lastPoint = p1;
                p0 = p1;
            if (xMin > xMax) { xMin = p0.X; xMax = p1.X; }
            int scanline_idx0 = (p0.X + ((p0.X > 0)? -1 : -lineSpacing)) / lineSpacing; // -1 cause a linesegment on scanline x counts as belonging to scansegment x-1   ...
            int scanline_idx1 = (p1.X + ((p1.X > 0)? -1 : -lineSpacing)) / lineSpacing; // -linespacing because a line between scanline -n and -n-1 belongs to scansegment -n-1 (for n=positive natural number)
            int direction = 1;
            if (p0.X > p1.X) 
                direction = -1; 
                scanline_idx1 += 1; // only consider the scanlines in between the scansegments
            } else scanline_idx0 += 1; // only consider the scanlines in between the scansegments
            if (isFirstBoundarySegment) firstBoundarySegment.push_back(p0);
            for(int scanline_idx = scanline_idx0; scanline_idx != scanline_idx1+direction; scanline_idx+=direction)
                int x = scanline_idx * lineSpacing;
                int y = p1.Y + (p0.Y - p1.Y) * (x - p1.X) / (p0.X - p1.X);
                cutList[scanline_idx - scanline_min_idx].push_back(y);
                bool last_isEvenScanSegment = isEvenScanSegment;
                if (scanline_idx % 2 == 0) isEvenScanSegment = true;
                else isEvenScanSegment = false;
                if (!isFirstBoundarySegment)
                    if (last_isEvenScanSegment && (connect_zigzags || !isEvenScanSegment))
                        addLine(lastPoint, Point(x,y));
                    else if (connect_zigzags && !last_isEvenScanSegment && !isEvenScanSegment) // if we end an uneven boundary in an uneven segment
                    { // add whole unevenBoundarySegment (including the just obtained point)
                        for (unsigned int p = 1; p < unevenBoundarySegment.size(); p++)
                            addLine(unevenBoundarySegment[p-1], unevenBoundarySegment[p]);
                        addLine(unevenBoundarySegment[unevenBoundarySegment.size()-1], Point(x,y));
                    if (connect_zigzags && last_isEvenScanSegment && !isEvenScanSegment)
                lastPoint = Point(x,y);
                if (isFirstBoundarySegment) 
                    firstBoundarySegmentEndsInEven = isEvenScanSegment;
                    isFirstBoundarySegment = false;
            if (!isFirstBoundarySegment)
                if (isEvenScanSegment)
                    addLine(lastPoint, p1);
                else if (connect_zigzags)
            lastPoint = p1;
            p0 = p1;
        if (isEvenScanSegment || isFirstBoundarySegment || connect_zigzags)
            for (unsigned int i = 1; i < firstBoundarySegment.size() ; i++)
                if (i < firstBoundarySegment.size() - 1 || !firstBoundarySegmentEndsInEven || connect_zigzags) // only add last element if connect_zigzags or boundary segment ends in uneven scanline
                    addLine(firstBoundarySegment[i-1], firstBoundarySegment[i]);
        else if (!firstBoundarySegmentEndsInEven)
            addLine(firstBoundarySegment[firstBoundarySegment.size()-2], firstBoundarySegment[firstBoundarySegment.size()-1]);
    if (cutList.size() == 0) return;
    if (connect_zigzags && cutList.size() == 1 && cutList[0].size() <= 2) return;  // don't add connection if boundary already contains whole outline!
    addLineInfill(result, matrix, scanline_min_idx, lineSpacing, boundary, cutList, extrusionWidth);
Esempio n. 16
void GCodeExport::writeMove(int x, int y, int z, double speed, double extrusion_mm3_per_mm)
    if (currentPosition.x == x && currentPosition.y == y && currentPosition.z == z)

    assert(speed < 200 && speed > 1); // normal F values occurring in UM2 gcode (this code should not be compiled for release)
    assert(currentPosition != no_point3);
    assert((Point3(x,y,z) - currentPosition).vSize() < MM2INT(300)); // no crazy positions (this code should not be compiled for release)

    if (extrusion_mm3_per_mm < 0)
        logWarning("Warning! Negative extrusion move!");

    if (flavor == EGCodeFlavor::BFB)
        writeMoveBFB(x, y, z, speed, extrusion_mm3_per_mm);

    double extrusion_per_mm = extrusion_mm3_per_mm;
    if (!is_volumatric)
        extrusion_per_mm = extrusion_mm3_per_mm / extruder_attr[current_extruder].filament_area;

    Point gcode_pos = getGcodePos(x,y, current_extruder);

    if (extrusion_mm3_per_mm > 0.000001)
        Point3 diff = Point3(x,y,z) - getPosition();
        if (isZHopped > 0)
            *output_stream << std::setprecision(3) << "G1 Z" << INT2MM(currentPosition.z) << "\n";
            isZHopped = 0;
        double prime_volume = extruder_attr[current_extruder].prime_volume;
        current_e_value += (is_volumatric) ? prime_volume : prime_volume / extruder_attr[current_extruder].filament_area;   
        if (extruder_attr[current_extruder].retraction_e_amount_current)
            if (firmware_retract)
            { // note that BFB is handled differently
                *output_stream << "G11\n";
                //Assume default UM2 retraction settings.
                if (prime_volume > 0)
                    *output_stream << "G1 F" << (extruder_attr[current_extruder].last_retraction_prime_speed * 60) << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << current_e_value << "\n";
                    currentSpeed = extruder_attr[current_extruder].last_retraction_prime_speed;
                estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), current_e_value), 25.0);
                current_e_value += extruder_attr[current_extruder].retraction_e_amount_current;
                *output_stream << "G1 F" << (extruder_attr[current_extruder].last_retraction_prime_speed * 60) << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << current_e_value << "\n";
                currentSpeed = extruder_attr[current_extruder].last_retraction_prime_speed;
                estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), current_e_value), currentSpeed);
            if (getCurrentExtrudedVolume() > 10000.0) //According to having more then 21m of extrusion causes inaccuracies. So reset it every 10m, just to be sure.
            extruder_attr[current_extruder].retraction_e_amount_current = 0.0;
        else if (prime_volume > 0.0)
            current_e_value += prime_volume;
            *output_stream << "G1 F" << (extruder_attr[current_extruder].last_retraction_prime_speed * 60) << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << current_e_value << "\n";
            currentSpeed = extruder_attr[current_extruder].last_retraction_prime_speed;
            estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), current_e_value), currentSpeed);
        extruder_attr[current_extruder].prime_volume = 0.0;
        current_e_value += extrusion_per_mm * diff.vSizeMM();
        *output_stream << "G1";
        *output_stream << "G0";
        if (commandSocket) 
            // we should send this travel as a non-retraction move
            cura::Polygons travelPoly;
            PolygonRef travel = travelPoly.newPoly();
            travel.add(Point(currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y));
            travel.add(Point(x, y));
            commandSocket->sendPolygons(extruder_attr[current_extruder].retraction_e_amount_current ? PrintFeatureType::MoveRetraction : PrintFeatureType::MoveCombing, layer_nr, travelPoly, extruder_attr[current_extruder].retraction_e_amount_current ? MM2INT(0.2) : MM2INT(0.1));

    if (currentSpeed != speed)
        *output_stream << " F" << (speed * 60);
        currentSpeed = speed;

    *output_stream << std::setprecision(3) << 
        " X" << INT2MM(gcode_pos.X) << 
        " Y" << INT2MM(gcode_pos.Y);
    if (z != currentPosition.z + isZHopped)
        *output_stream << " Z" << INT2MM(z + isZHopped);
    if (extrusion_mm3_per_mm > 0.000001)
        *output_stream << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << current_e_value;
    *output_stream << "\n";
    currentPosition = Point3(x, y, z);
    estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), current_e_value), speed);
Esempio n. 17
void SlicerLayer::makePolygons(OptimizedVolume* ov, bool keepNoneClosed, bool extensiveStitching)
    for(unsigned int startSegment=0; startSegment < segmentList.size(); startSegment++)
        if (segmentList[startSegment].addedToPolygon)
        Polygon poly;
        unsigned int segmentIndex = startSegment;
        bool canClose;
            canClose = false;
            segmentList[segmentIndex].addedToPolygon = true;
            Point p0 = segmentList[segmentIndex].end;
            int nextIndex = -1;
            OptimizedFace* face = &ov->faces[segmentList[segmentIndex].faceIndex];
            for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
                if (face->touching[i] > -1 && faceToSegmentIndex.find(face->touching[i]) != faceToSegmentIndex.end())
                    Point p1 = segmentList[faceToSegmentIndex[face->touching[i]]].start;
                    Point diff = p0 - p1;
                    if (shorterThen(diff, MM2INT(0.01)))
                        if (faceToSegmentIndex[face->touching[i]] == (int)startSegment)
                            canClose = true;
                        if (segmentList[faceToSegmentIndex[face->touching[i]]].addedToPolygon)
                        nextIndex = faceToSegmentIndex[face->touching[i]];
            if (nextIndex == -1)
            segmentIndex = nextIndex;
        if (canClose)
    //Clear the segmentList to save memory, it is no longer needed after this point.

    //Connecting polygons that are not closed yet, as models are not always perfect manifold we need to join some stuff up to get proper polygons
    //First link up polygon ends that are within 2 microns.
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<openPolygonList.size();i++)
        if (openPolygonList[i].size() < 1) continue;
        for(unsigned int j=0;j<openPolygonList.size();j++)
            if (openPolygonList[j].size() < 1) continue;
            Point diff = openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1] - openPolygonList[j][0];
            int64_t distSquared = vSize2(diff);

            if (distSquared < MM2INT(0.02) * MM2INT(0.02))
                if (i == j)
                    for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[j].size(); n++)


    //Next link up all the missing ends, closing up the smallest gaps first. This is an inefficient implementation which can run in O(n*n*n) time.
        int64_t bestScore = MM2INT(10.0) * MM2INT(10.0);
        unsigned int bestA = -1;
        unsigned int bestB = -1;
        bool reversed = false;
        for(unsigned int i=0;i<openPolygonList.size();i++)
            if (openPolygonList[i].size() < 1) continue;
            for(unsigned int j=0;j<openPolygonList.size();j++)
                if (openPolygonList[j].size() < 1) continue;
                Point diff = openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1] - openPolygonList[j][0];
                int64_t distSquared = vSize2(diff);
                if (distSquared < bestScore)
                    bestScore = distSquared;
                    bestA = i;
                    bestB = j;
                    reversed = false;

                if (i != j)
                    Point diff = openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1] - openPolygonList[j][openPolygonList[j].size()-1];
                    int64_t distSquared = vSize2(diff);
                    if (distSquared < bestScore)
                        bestScore = distSquared;
                        bestA = i;
                        bestB = j;
                        reversed = true;
        if (bestScore >= MM2INT(10.0) * MM2INT(10.0))
        if (bestA == bestB)
            if (reversed)
                if (openPolygonList[bestA].polygonLength() > openPolygonList[bestB].polygonLength())
                    for(unsigned int n=openPolygonList[bestB].size()-1; int(n)>=0; n--)
                    for(unsigned int n=openPolygonList[bestA].size()-1; int(n)>=0; n--)
                for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[bestB].size(); n++)

    if (extensiveStitching)
        //For extensive stitching find 2 open polygons that are touching 2 closed polygons.
        // Then find the sortest path over this polygon that can be used to connect the open polygons,
        // And generate a path over this shortest bit to link up the 2 open polygons.
        // (If these 2 open polygons are the same polygon, then the final result is a closed polyon)
            unsigned int bestA = -1;
            unsigned int bestB = -1;
            gapCloserResult bestResult;
            bestResult.len = LLONG_MAX;
            bestResult.polygonIdx = -1;
            bestResult.pointIdxA = -1;
            bestResult.pointIdxB = -1;
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<openPolygonList.size(); i++)
                if (openPolygonList[i].size() < 1) continue;
                    gapCloserResult res = findPolygonGapCloser(openPolygonList[i][0], openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1]);
                    if (res.len > 0 && res.len < bestResult.len)
                        bestA = i;
                        bestB = i;
                        bestResult = res;

                for(unsigned int j=0; j<openPolygonList.size(); j++)
                    if (openPolygonList[j].size() < 1 || i == j) continue;
                    gapCloserResult res = findPolygonGapCloser(openPolygonList[i][0], openPolygonList[j][openPolygonList[j].size()-1]);
                    if (res.len > 0 && res.len < bestResult.len)
                        bestA = i;
                        bestB = j;
                        bestResult = res;
            if (bestResult.len < LLONG_MAX)
                if (bestA == bestB)
                    if (bestResult.pointIdxA == bestResult.pointIdxB)
                    else if (bestResult.AtoB)
                        PolygonRef poly = polygonList.newPoly();
                        for(unsigned int j = bestResult.pointIdxA; j != bestResult.pointIdxB; j = (j + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                        for(unsigned int j = openPolygonList[bestA].size() - 1; int(j) >= 0; j--)
                        unsigned int n = polygonList.size();
                        for(unsigned int j = bestResult.pointIdxB; j != bestResult.pointIdxA; j = (j + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                    if (bestResult.pointIdxA == bestResult.pointIdxB)
                        for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[bestA].size(); n++)
                    else if (bestResult.AtoB)
                        Polygon poly;
                        for(unsigned int n = bestResult.pointIdxA; n != bestResult.pointIdxB; n = (n + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                        for(unsigned int n=poly.size()-1;int(n) >= 0; n--)
                        for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[bestA].size(); n++)
                        for(unsigned int n = bestResult.pointIdxB; n != bestResult.pointIdxA; n = (n + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                        for(unsigned int n = openPolygonList[bestA].size() - 1; int(n) >= 0; n--)

    int q=0;
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<openPolygonList.size();i++)
        if (openPolygonList[i].size() < 2) continue;
        if (!q) log("***\n");
        log("S: %f %f\n", float(openPolygonList[i][0].X), float(openPolygonList[i][0].Y));
        log("E: %f %f\n", float(openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1].X), float(openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1].Y));
        q = 1;
    //if (q) exit(1);

    if (keepNoneClosed)
        for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList.size(); n++)
            if (openPolygonList[n].size() > 0)
    //Clear the openPolygonList to save memory, the only reason to keep it after this is for debugging.

    //Remove all the tiny polygons, or polygons that are not closed. As they do not contribute to the actual print.
    int snapDistance = MM2INT(1.0);
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<polygonList.size();i++)
        int length = 0;
        for(unsigned int n=1; n<polygonList[i].size(); n++)
            length += vSize(polygonList[i][n] - polygonList[i][n-1]);
            if (length > snapDistance)
        if (length < snapDistance)

    //Finally optimize all the polygons. Every point removed saves time in the long run.
Esempio n. 18
void GCodeExport::writeMove(int x, int y, int z, double speed, double extrusion_mm3_per_mm)
    if (currentPosition.x == x && currentPosition.y == y && currentPosition.z == z)
    assert(speed < 200 && speed > 1); // normal F values occurring in UM2 gcode (this code should not be compiled for release)
    assert((Point3(x,y,z) - currentPosition).vSize() < MM2INT(300)); // no crazy positions (this code should not be compiled for release)
    if (extrusion_mm3_per_mm < 0)
        logWarning("Warning! Negative extrusion move!");
    double extrusion_per_mm = extrusion_mm3_per_mm;
    if (!is_volumatric)
        extrusion_per_mm = extrusion_mm3_per_mm / getFilamentArea(current_extruder);
    Point gcode_pos = getGcodePos(x,y, current_extruder);

    if (flavor == EGCodeFlavor::BFB)
        //For Bits From Bytes machines, we need to handle this completely differently. As they do not use E values but RPM values.
        float fspeed = speed * 60;
        float rpm = extrusion_per_mm * speed * 60;
        const float mm_per_rpm = 4.0; //All BFB machines have 4mm per RPM extrusion.
        rpm /= mm_per_rpm;
        if (rpm > 0)
            if (isRetracted)
                if (currentSpeed != double(rpm))
                    //fprintf(f, "; %f e-per-mm %d mm-width %d mm/s\n", extrusion_per_mm, lineWidth, speed);
                    //fprintf(f, "M108 S%0.1f\r\n", rpm);
                    *output_stream << "M108 S" << std::setprecision(1) << rpm << "\r\n";
                    currentSpeed = double(rpm);
                //Add M101 or M201 to enable the proper extruder.
                *output_stream << "M" << int((current_extruder + 1) * 100 + 1) << "\r\n";
                isRetracted = false;
            //Fix the speed by the actual RPM we are asking, because of rounding errors we cannot get all RPM values, but we have a lot more resolution in the feedrate value.
            // (Trick copied from KISSlicer, thanks Jonathan)
            fspeed *= (rpm / (roundf(rpm * 100) / 100));

            //Increase the extrusion amount to calculate the amount of filament used.
            Point3 diff = Point3(x,y,z) - getPosition();
            extrusion_amount += extrusion_per_mm * diff.vSizeMM();
            //If we are not extruding, check if we still need to disable the extruder. This causes a retraction due to auto-retraction.
            if (!isRetracted)
                *output_stream << "M103\r\n";
                isRetracted = true;
        *output_stream << std::setprecision(3) << 
            "G1 X" << INT2MM(gcode_pos.X) << 
            " Y" << INT2MM(gcode_pos.Y) << 
            " Z" << INT2MM(z) << std::setprecision(1) << " F" << fspeed << "\r\n";
        //Normal E handling.
        if (extrusion_mm3_per_mm > 0.000001)
            Point3 diff = Point3(x,y,z) - getPosition();
            if (isZHopped > 0)
                // TinyG G1: Straight feed
                *output_stream << std::setprecision(3) << "G1 Z" << INT2MM(currentPosition.z) << "\n";
                isZHopped = 0;
            extrusion_amount += (is_volumatric) ? last_coasted_amount_mm3 : last_coasted_amount_mm3 / getFilamentArea(current_extruder);   
            if (isRetracted)
                if (flavor == EGCodeFlavor::ULTIGCODE || flavor == EGCodeFlavor::REPRAP_VOLUMATRIC)
                    *output_stream << "G11\n"; //TODO try this code and see what happens
                    //Assume default UM2 retraction settings.
                    if (last_coasted_amount_mm3 > 0)
                        *output_stream << "G1 F" << (retractionPrimeSpeed * 60) << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << extrusion_amount << "\n";
                    estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), extrusion_amount), 25.0);
                    // TinyG checked
                    *output_stream << "G1 F" << (retractionPrimeSpeed * 60) << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << extrusion_amount << "\n";
                    currentSpeed = retractionPrimeSpeed;
                    estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), extrusion_amount), currentSpeed);
                if (getExtrusionAmountMM3(current_extruder) > 10000.0) //According to having more then 21m of extrusion causes inaccuracies. So reset it every 10m, just to be sure.
                isRetracted = false;
                if (last_coasted_amount_mm3 > 0)
                    *output_stream << "G1 F" << (retractionPrimeSpeed * 60) << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << extrusion_amount << "\n";
                    estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), extrusion_amount), currentSpeed);
            last_coasted_amount_mm3 = 0;
            extrusion_amount += extrusion_per_mm * diff.vSizeMM();
            // TinyG TODO: add one axis
            *output_stream << "G1";
            *output_stream << "G0";
            if (commandSocket) {
                // we should send this travel as a non-retraction move
                cura::Polygons travelPoly;
                PolygonRef travel = travelPoly.newPoly();
                travel.add(Point(currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y));
                travel.add(Point(x, y));
                commandSocket->sendPolygons(isRetracted ? MoveRetractionType : MoveCombingType, layer_nr, travelPoly, isRetracted ? MM2INT(0.2) : MM2INT(0.1));

        if (currentSpeed != speed)
            *output_stream << " F" << (speed * 60);
            currentSpeed = speed;

        *output_stream << std::setprecision(3) << 
            " X" << INT2MM(gcode_pos.X) << 
            " Y" << INT2MM(gcode_pos.Y);
        if (z != currentPosition.z)
            *output_stream << " Z" << INT2MM(z + isZHopped);
        if (extrusion_mm3_per_mm > 0.000001)
            *output_stream << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << extrusion_amount;
        *output_stream << "\n";
    currentPosition = Point3(x, y, z);
    startPosition = currentPosition;
    estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), extrusion_amount), speed);
Esempio n. 19
  void generateTroctInfill(const Polygons& in_outline, Polygons& result, int extrusionWidth, int lineSpacing, int infillOverlap, double rotation, int posZ)
    Polygons outline = in_outline.offset(extrusionWidth * infillOverlap / 100);
    PointMatrix matrix(rotation);
    AABB boundary(outline);

    // ignore infill for areas smaller than line spacing
    if((abs(boundary.min.X - boundary.max.X) + abs(boundary.min.Y - boundary.max.Y)) < lineSpacing){

    // fix to normalise against diagonal infill
    lineSpacing = lineSpacing * 2;

    uint64_t Zscale = SQRT2MUL(lineSpacing);

    int offset = abs(posZ % (Zscale) - (Zscale/2)) - (Zscale/4);
    boundary.min.X = ((boundary.min.X / lineSpacing) - 1) * lineSpacing;
    boundary.min.Y = ((boundary.min.Y / lineSpacing) - 1) * lineSpacing;

    unsigned int lineCountX = (boundary.max.X - boundary.min.X + (lineSpacing - 1)) / lineSpacing;
    unsigned int lineCountY = (boundary.max.Y - boundary.min.Y + (lineSpacing - 1)) / lineSpacing;
    int rtMod = int(rotation / 90) % 2;
    // with an odd number of lines, sides need to be swapped around
    if(rtMod == 1){
      rtMod = (lineCountX + int(rotation / 90)) % 2;

    // draw non-horizontal walls of octohedrons
    Polygons po;
    PolygonRef p = po.newPoly();
    for(unsigned int ly=0; ly < lineCountY;){
      for(size_t it = 0; it < 2; ly++, it++){
        int side = (2*((ly + it + rtMod) % 2) - 1);
        int y = (ly * lineSpacing) + boundary.min.Y + lineSpacing / 2 - (offset/2 * side);
        int x = boundary.min.X-(offset/2);
        if(it == 1){
          x = (lineCountX * (lineSpacing)) + boundary.min.X + lineSpacing / 2 - (offset/2);
        for(unsigned int lx=0; lx < lineCountX; lx++){
          if(it == 1){
            side = (2*((lx + ly + it + rtMod + lineCountX) % 2) - 1);
            y = (ly * lineSpacing) + boundary.min.Y + lineSpacing / 2 + (offset/2 * side);
            x = ((lineCountX - lx - 1) * lineSpacing) + boundary.min.X + lineSpacing / 2;
            p.add(Point(x+lineSpacing-abs(offset/2), y));
            p.add(Point(x+abs(offset/2), y));
          } else {
            side = (2*((lx + ly + it + rtMod) % 2) - 1);
            y = (ly * lineSpacing) + boundary.min.Y + lineSpacing / 2 + (offset/2 * side);
            x = (lx * lineSpacing) + boundary.min.X + lineSpacing / 2;
            p.add(Point(x+abs(offset/2), y));
            p.add(Point(x+lineSpacing-abs(offset/2), y));
        x = (lineCountX * lineSpacing) + boundary.min.X + lineSpacing / 2 - (offset/2);
        if(it == 1){
          x = boundary.min.X-(offset/2);
        y = (ly * lineSpacing) + boundary.min.Y + lineSpacing / 2 - (offset/2 * side);
    // Generate tops / bottoms of octohedrons
    if(abs((abs(offset) - Zscale/4)) < (extrusionWidth/2)){
      uint64_t startLine = (offset < 0) ? 0 : 1;
      uint64_t coverWidth = OCTSLEN(lineSpacing);
      vector<Point> points;
      for(size_t xi = 0; xi < (lineCountX+1); xi++){
        for(size_t yi = 0; yi < (lineCountY); yi += 2){
          points.push_back(Point(boundary.min.X + OCTDLEN(lineSpacing)
                                 + (xi - startLine + rtMod) * lineSpacing,
                                 boundary.min.Y + OCTDLEN(lineSpacing)
                                 + (yi + (xi%2)) * lineSpacing
                                 + extrusionWidth/2));
      uint64_t order = 0;
      for(Point pp : points){
        PolygonRef p = po.newPoly();
        for(size_t yi = 0; yi <= coverWidth; yi += extrusionWidth) {
          if(order == 0){
            p.add(Point(pp.X, pp.Y + yi));
            p.add(Point(pp.X + coverWidth + extrusionWidth, pp.Y + yi));
          } else {
            p.add(Point(pp.X + coverWidth + extrusionWidth, pp.Y + yi));
            p.add(Point(pp.X, pp.Y + yi));
          order = (order + 1) % 2;
    // intersect with outline polygon(s)
    Polygons pi = po.intersection(outline);
    // Hack to add intersection to result. There doesn't seem
    // to be a direct way to do this
    for(unsigned int polyNr=0; polyNr < pi.size(); polyNr++) {
      PolygonRef p = result.newPoly(); //  = result.newPoly()
      for(unsigned int i=0; i < pi[polyNr].size(); i++) {
        Point p0 = pi[polyNr][i];