Esempio n. 1
    // given f and its derivative f_, and a init x0, return its newton_iteration result to find a root
    static bool newton_root(long double x0, const Polynomial & f, const Polynomial & f_, long double & root)
        root = x0;
        long double nf, nf_;
        int iter = 0;
        while (fabs(nf = f.func(root)) > smalleps)
            nf_ = f_.func(root);
            if (fabs(nf_) < smalleps) return false;
            root = root - nf / nf_;

            if (iter >= 128) return false;
        return true;
Esempio n. 2
 // after we find a root of a polynomial, use this method to determine its multiple
 static int findRootMultiple(long double x, const Polynomial & f)
     int ret = 1;
     Polynomial now = f;
     double zeroeps = 1e-6;
     while (true)
         now = now.qiudiao();
         if (now.coff.size() == 0) break;
         long double nowf = now.func(x);
         if (fabs(nowf) < zeroeps) ret++;
         else 	break;
         zeroeps *= 4;
     return ret;