PositionVector::append(const PositionVector& v, SUMOReal sameThreshold) {
    if (size() > 0 && v.size() > 0 && back().distanceTo(v[0]) < sameThreshold) {
        copy(v.begin() + 1, v.end(), back_inserter(*this));
    } else {
        copy(v.begin(), v.end(), back_inserter(*this));
Esempio n. 2
void FeatureInvestigator::printBayesian (
   Persistance::TextWriter& writer, Feature& feature, 
   const PositionVector& positions)
   const int motifLength = feature.assignment ().length ();

   CPositionIterator it (positions.begin (), positions.end ());
   for (; it.hasNext () ; it.next())   {
      const SeqPosition& position = *(*it);

      StrBuffer buf;
      USELESS (int middleSection = )
         position.getSeedString (buf, motifLength, _outputLength, '?');

      writer << '(';

      int length = buf.length();
      for (int i=0 ; i<length ; i++) {
         writer << buf [i] << ' ';

      writer << ')';
      writer.writeln ();
Esempio n. 3
void BinaryFormatter::writeAttr(std::ostream& into, const SumoXMLAttr attr, const PositionVector& val) {
    BinaryFormatter::writeAttrHeader(into, attr, BF_LIST);
    FileHelpers::writeInt(into, static_cast<int>(val.size()));
    for (PositionVector::const_iterator pos = val.begin(); pos != val.end(); ++pos) {
        writePosition(into, *pos);
PositionVector::intersectsAtLengths2D(const PositionVector& other) const {
    std::vector<SUMOReal> ret;
    for (const_iterator i = other.begin(); i != other.end() - 1; i++) {
        std::vector<SUMOReal> atSegment = intersectsAtLengths2D(Line(*i, *(i + 1)));
        copy(atSegment.begin(), atSegment.end(), back_inserter(ret));
    return ret;
Esempio n. 5
void FeatureInvestigator::printMotif (  
                           Persistance::TextTableReport::Output& writer,
                           Feature& feature, 
                           const PositionVector& positions)
   CPositionIterator it (positions.begin (), positions.end ());
   for (; it.hasNext () ; it.next ()) {
      printMotifPosition (writer, feature, *(*it));
PositionVector::appendWithCrossingPoint(const PositionVector& v) {
    if (back().distanceTo(v[0]) < 2) { // !!! heuristic
        copy(v.begin() + 1, v.end(), back_inserter(*this));
        return 1;
    Line l1((*this)[static_cast<int>(size()) - 2], back());
    Line l2(v[0], v[1]);
    if (l1.intersects(l2) && l1.intersectsAtLength2D(l2) < l1.length2D() - 100) { // !!! heuristic
        Position p = l1.intersectsAt(l2);
        (*this)[static_cast<int>(size()) - 1] = p;
        copy(v.begin() + 1, v.end(), back_inserter(*this));
        return 2;
    } else {
        copy(v.begin(), v.end(), back_inserter(*this));
        return 3;
Esempio n. 7
NIVissimAbstractEdge::NIVissimAbstractEdge(int id,
        const PositionVector& geom)
    : myID(id), myNode(-1) {
    // convert/publicate geometry
    for (PositionVector::const_iterator i = geom.begin(); i != geom.end(); ++i) {
        Position p = *i;
        if (!NBNetBuilder::transformCoordinates(p)) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Unable to project coordinates for edge '" + toString(id) + "'.");
    dictionary(id, this);
Esempio n. 8
GLHelper::drawFilledPoly(const PositionVector& v, bool close) {
    if (v.size() == 0) {
    glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
    for (PositionVector::const_iterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); i++) {
        const Position& p = *i;
        glVertex2d(p.x(), p.y());
    if (close) {
        const Position& p = *(v.begin());
        glVertex2d(p.x(), p.y());
PositionVector::distances(const PositionVector& s, bool perpendicular) const {
    std::vector<SUMOReal> ret;
    const_iterator i;
    for (i = begin(); i != end(); i++) {
        const SUMOReal dist = s.distance(*i, perpendicular);
        if (dist != GeomHelper::INVALID_OFFSET) {
    for (i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); i++) {
        const SUMOReal dist = distance(*i, perpendicular);
        if (dist != GeomHelper::INVALID_OFFSET) {
    return ret;
PCLoaderXML::myStartElement(int element,
                            const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) {
    if (element != SUMO_TAG_POI && element != SUMO_TAG_POLY) {
    if (element == SUMO_TAG_POI) {
        bool ok = true;
        // get the id, report an error if not given or empty...
        std::string id = attrs.get<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok);
        SUMOReal x = attrs.get<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_X, id.c_str(), ok);
        SUMOReal y = attrs.get<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_Y, id.c_str(), ok);
        std::string type = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, id.c_str(), ok, myOptions.getString("type"));
        if (!ok) {
        Position pos(x, y);
        if (!GeoConvHelper::getProcessing().x2cartesian(pos)) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Unable to project coordinates for POI '" + id + "'.");
        // patch the values
        bool discard = myOptions.getBool("discard");
        SUMOReal layer = (SUMOReal)myOptions.getInt("layer");
        RGBColor color;
        if (myTypeMap.has(type)) {
            const PCTypeMap::TypeDef& def = myTypeMap.get(type);
            id = def.prefix + id;
            type = def.id;
            color = def.color;
            discard = def.discard;
            layer = (SUMOReal)def.layer;
        } else {
            id = myOptions.getString("prefix") + id;
            color = RGBColor::parseColor(myOptions.getString("color"));
        layer = attrs.getOpt<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_LAYER, id.c_str(), ok, layer);
        if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_COLOR)) {
            color = attrs.get<RGBColor>(SUMO_ATTR_COLOR, id.c_str(), ok);
        SUMOReal angle = attrs.getOpt<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_ANGLE, id.c_str(), ok, Shape::DEFAULT_ANGLE);
        std::string imgFile = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_IMGFILE, id.c_str(), ok, Shape::DEFAULT_IMG_FILE);
        if (imgFile != "" && !FileHelpers::isAbsolute(imgFile)) {
            imgFile = FileHelpers::getConfigurationRelative(getFileName(), imgFile);
        SUMOReal imgWidth = attrs.getOpt<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_WIDTH, id.c_str(), ok, Shape::DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH);
        SUMOReal imgHeight = attrs.getOpt<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_HEIGHT, id.c_str(), ok, Shape::DEFAULT_IMG_HEIGHT);
        if (!ok) {
        if (!discard) {
            bool ignorePrunning = false;
            if (OptionsCont::getOptions().isInStringVector("prune.keep-list", id)) {
                ignorePrunning = true;
            PointOfInterest* poi = new PointOfInterest(id, type, color, pos, layer, angle, imgFile, imgWidth, imgHeight);
            if (!myCont.insert(id, poi, (int)layer, ignorePrunning)) {
                WRITE_ERROR("POI '" + id + "' could not be added.");
                delete poi;
    if (element == SUMO_TAG_POLY) {
        bool discard = myOptions.getBool("discard");
        SUMOReal layer = (SUMOReal)myOptions.getInt("layer");
        bool ok = true;
        std::string id = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_ID, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok, "");
        std::string type = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok, myOptions.getString("type"));
        if (!ok) {
        RGBColor color;
        if (myTypeMap.has(type)) {
            const PCTypeMap::TypeDef& def = myTypeMap.get(type);
            id = def.prefix + id;
            type = def.id;
            color = def.color;
            discard = def.discard;
            layer = (SUMOReal)def.layer;
        } else {
            id = myOptions.getString("prefix") + id;
            color = RGBColor::parseColor(myOptions.getString("color"));
        layer = attrs.getOpt<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_LAYER, id.c_str(), ok, layer);
        if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_COLOR)) {
            color = attrs.get<RGBColor>(SUMO_ATTR_COLOR, id.c_str(), ok);
        SUMOReal angle = attrs.getOpt<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_ANGLE, id.c_str(), ok, Shape::DEFAULT_ANGLE);
        std::string imgFile = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_IMGFILE, id.c_str(), ok, Shape::DEFAULT_IMG_FILE);
        if (imgFile != "" && !FileHelpers::isAbsolute(imgFile)) {
            imgFile = FileHelpers::getConfigurationRelative(getFileName(), imgFile);
        bool fill = attrs.getOpt<bool>(SUMO_ATTR_FILL, id.c_str(), ok, false);
        if (!ok) {
        if (!discard) {
            bool ignorePrunning = false;
            if (OptionsCont::getOptions().isInStringVector("prune.keep-list", id)) {
                ignorePrunning = true;
            myCurrentID = id;
            myCurrentType = type;
            myCurrentColor = color;
            myCurrentIgnorePrunning = ignorePrunning;
            myCurrentLayer = layer;
            PositionVector pshape = attrs.get<PositionVector>(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok);
            if (!ok) {
            PositionVector shape;
            for (PositionVector::ContType::const_iterator i = pshape.begin(); i != pshape.end(); ++i) {
                Position pos((*i));
                if (!GeoConvHelper::getProcessing().x2cartesian(pos)) {
                    WRITE_WARNING("Unable to project coordinates for polygon '" + myCurrentID + "'.");
            Polygon* poly = new Polygon(myCurrentID, myCurrentType, myCurrentColor, shape, fill, layer, angle, imgFile);
            if (!myCont.insert(myCurrentID, poly, (int)myCurrentLayer, myCurrentIgnorePrunning)) {
                WRITE_ERROR("Polygon '" + myCurrentID + "' could not be added.");
                delete poly;
Esempio n. 11
// ------------ Adding items to the container
PositionVector::push_back(const PositionVector& p) {
    copy(p.begin(), p.end(), back_inserter(*this));