Esempio n. 1
bool HuffmanEncoder::createWBT(ifstream &fileIn)
		return false;
	char c;
		int index = (unsigned char) c;
		weight[index] ++;
	PriorityQueue< WeightedBinaryTree<unsigned char> > q;
	WeightedBinaryTree<unsigned char> t, *pT1 = NULL, *pT2 = NULL, *pTRoot = NULL;
	for(int c = 0; c < NUM_CHAR; c++)
		if(weight[c] > 0)
			t.setData( (unsigned char) c);
			t.setWeight((int) weight[c]);
			q.Insert(t, (int) t.getWeight());
 	while(q.getSize() > 2)
		pTRoot = new WeightedBinaryTree<unsigned char>(pT1, pT2);
		q.Insert(pTRoot, pTRoot->getWeight());
		pT1 = NULL;
		pT2 = NULL;
		pTRoot = NULL;
	if(q.getSize() == 2)
		hufEnc.setWeight(pT1->getWeight() + pT2->getWeight());
	return true;
Esempio n. 2
int main()
    // push , pop , top test
        PriorityQueue<int> p;
        assert(p.getSize() == 0);
        assert(p.getCapacity() == 21);

        vector<int> vcmp = {7, 11, 21, 23, 25, 43};

        assert(p.getSize() == 6);
        assert( vcmp == print_queue<int>(p));
        assert(p.getCapacity() == 21);


    // size , capacity , clear , destroy test
        PriorityQueue<int> p;
        assert(p.getSize() == 0);
        assert(p.getCapacity() == 21);

        for(auto i = 0; i<21; i++){
        assert(p.getSize() == 21);
        assert(p.getCapacity() == 42);

        assert(p.getSize() == 0);
        assert(p.getCapacity() == 42);

        assert(p.getSize() == 0);
        assert(p.getCapacity() == 0);

    // heapsort test
        vector<int> v = {1, 16, 12, 2, 25, 5, 6};
        vector<int> cmpv = {1, 2, 5, 6, 12, 16, 25};
        heap_sort(v.begin(), v.end());
        assert(v == cmpv);

    cout<< "All TestCases Pass."<<endl;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
int main()
  cout << "\n\nLab 12a, PriorityQueueDriver.cpp\n";
  cout << "Programmer: Aysin Oruz \n";
  cout << "Editor(s) used: JNotePad and Xcode \n";
  cout << "Compiler(s) used: Xcode and Terminal \n";
  cout << "Description: The purpose of this lab is for you to learn how to create and apply our PriorityQueue file.";
  cout << "File: " <<  __FILE__ << endl;
  cout << "Compiled: " << __DATE__ << " at " << __TIME__ << endl;
  PriorityQueue<int> PQlist;
  cout << "Building a Priority Queue\n\n";
  cout << "1-)Testing getsize function when queue is empty\n";
  cout << "Expected  >> 0\n";
  assert(PQlist.getSize() == 0);
  cout << "Actual >> " << PQlist.getSize() << endl;
  cout << "\n2-)Testing enqueue function by adding new values\n";
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
  cout << "Expected >> 8\n";
  cout << "Actual >> " << PQlist.getSize() << endl;
  cout << "\n3-) Testing Dequeue Function by removing largest value\n";
  cout << "Removed value >> " << PQlist.dequeue() << endl;
  cout << "\n4-)Testing getsize function after dequeue\n";
  cout << "Expected  >> 7\n";
  assert(PQlist.getSize() == 7);
  cout << "Actual >> " << PQlist.getSize() << endl;
  cout << "\n5-) Testing Dequeue Function by removing largest value\n";
  cout << "Removed value >> " << PQlist.dequeue() << endl;
  cout << "\n6-)Testing getsize function after dequeue\n";
  cout << "Expected  >> 6\n";
  assert(PQlist.getSize() == 6);
  cout << "Actual >> " << PQlist.getSize() << endl;
  cout << "\n7-) Testing Dequeue Function by removing largest values\n";
  cout << "Removed value >> " << PQlist.dequeue() << endl;
  cout << "Removed value >> " << PQlist.dequeue() << endl;
  cout << "Removed value >> " << PQlist.dequeue() << endl;
  cout << "Removed value >> " << PQlist.dequeue() << endl;
  cout << "Removed value >> " << PQlist.dequeue() << endl;
  cout << "Removed value >> " << PQlist.dequeue() << endl;
  cout << "\n8-)Testing getsize function after dequeue\n";
  cout << "Expected  >> 0\n";
  assert(PQlist.getSize() == 0);
  cout << "Actual >> " << PQlist.getSize() << endl;
  cout << "\nValues added back to PQ\n";
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
  //Const object copy testing with assignment UPON declaration
    const PriorityQueue<int> copy= PQlist;
    cout << "\nCONST object copy testing with assignment UPON declaration\n";
    cout << "\nTesting getsize()\nExpected >> 8\n";
    cout << "Actual >> " << copy.getSize() << endl;
    assert(copy.getSize() == 8);
  //object copy testing with assignment UPON declaration
    PriorityQueue<int> copy = PQlist;
    cout << "\nobject copy testing with assignment UPON declaration\n";
    cout << "\nTesting getsize()\nExpected >> 8\n";
    cout << "Actual >> " << copy.getSize() << endl;
    assert(copy.getSize() == 8);
    cout << "\nDequeue all the values in the PQ\n";
    assert(copy.dequeue() == 7); assert(copy.dequeue() == 6);
    assert(copy.dequeue() == 5); assert(copy.dequeue() == 4);
    assert(copy.dequeue() == 3); assert(copy.dequeue() == 2);
    assert(copy.dequeue() == 1); assert(copy.dequeue() == 0);
    cout << "\nGetsize() after dequeue\n";
    cout << "Expected >> 0\n";
    cout << "Actual >> " << copy.getSize() << endl;
  // object copy testing with assignment Afterdeclaration
    PriorityQueue<int> copy; copy = PQlist;
    cout << "\nobject copy testing with assignment AFTER declaration\n";
    cout << "\nTesting getsize()\nExpected >> 8\n";
    cout << "Actual >> " << copy.getSize() << endl;
    assert(copy.getSize() == 8);
    cout << "\nDequeue all the values in the PQ\n";
    assert(copy.dequeue() == 7); assert(copy.dequeue() == 6);
    assert(copy.dequeue() == 5); assert(copy.dequeue() == 4);
    assert(copy.dequeue() == 3); assert(copy.dequeue() == 2);
    assert(copy.dequeue() == 1); assert(copy.dequeue() == 0);
    cout << "\nGetsize() after dequeue\n";
    cout << "Expected >> 0\n";
    cout << "Actual >> " << copy.getSize() << endl;
  cout << "\nDequeue() - Empty the list\n";
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
  assert(PQlist.getSize() == 0);
  cout << "List is empty!\n";

int main()
    // print my name and this assignment's title
    cout << "Lab 12b, The \"PriorityQueueBigOh.cpp\" Program \n";
    cout << "Programmer: JEREMY THOMPSON\n";
    cout << "Editor(s) used: JNotePad\n";
    cout << "Compiler(s) used: VC++ 2013\n";
    cout << "File: " << __FILE__ << endl;
    cout << "Complied: " << __DATE__ << " at " << __TIME__ << endl;

    int N = 8000000;
    const int REPS = (N / 100); // REPS for each cycle, less than 1%
    string bigOh = "O(log n)"; // YOUR PREDICTION: O(1), O(log n), O(n), O(n log n), or O(n squared)

    for (int iteration = 1; iteration < 3; iteration++) // 2 cycles per iteration
        int n = N;
        int elapsedTimeTicksNorm = 0;
        double expectedTimeTicks = 0;

        if (iteration == 1) cout << "enqueue, O(log n)" << endl;
        if (iteration == 2) cout << "\ndequeue, O(log n)" << endl;

        for (int cycle = 0; cycle < 4; cycle++, n *= 2) // runs 4 cycles and doubles n each time
            // Creation of test object
            PriorityQueue<double> pQueue;

            for (int i = n; i > 0; i--) pQueue.enqueue(i); // assigning of decreasing values

            assert(pQueue.getSize() == n); // assertion to confirm n is the size of the data struct
            PriorityQueue<double> pQueueCopy(pQueue); // default priority queue

            // START TIMER
            clock_t startTime = clock();

            if (iteration == 1) for (int reps = 0; reps < REPS; reps++) pQueue.enqueue(n + reps);
            if (iteration == 2) for (int reps = 0; reps < REPS; reps++) pQueue.dequeue();

            // STOP TIMER
            clock_t endTime = clock();

            if (iteration == 1) assert(pQueue.getSize() == (n + REPS)); // assertion for size
            if (iteration == 1) assert(pQueue.getSize() == (n + REPS));

            // compute timing results
            long elapsedTimeTicks = (long)(endTime - startTime);
            double factor = pow(2.0, cycle);
            if (cycle == 0)
                elapsedTimeTicksNorm = elapsedTimeTicks;
            else if (bigOh == "O(1)")
                expectedTimeTicks = elapsedTimeTicksNorm;
            else if (bigOh == "O(log n)")
                expectedTimeTicks = log(double(n)) / log(n / factor) * elapsedTimeTicksNorm;
            else if (bigOh == "O(n)")
                expectedTimeTicks = factor * elapsedTimeTicksNorm;
            else if (bigOh == "O(n log n)")
                expectedTimeTicks = factor * log(double(n)) / log(n / factor) * elapsedTimeTicksNorm;
            else if (bigOh == "O(n squared)")
                expectedTimeTicks = factor * factor * elapsedTimeTicksNorm;

            // reporting block
            cout << "\n  " << elapsedTimeTicks;
            if (cycle == 0) cout << " (expected " << bigOh << ')';
            else cout << " (expected " << expectedTimeTicks << ')';
            cout << " for n=" << n;

    cout << "\nPress ENTER to continue...";
Esempio n. 5
int main()
  cout << "\n\nLab 12b, PriorityQueueBigOh.cpp\n";
  cout << "Programmer: Aysin Oruz \n";
  cout << "Editor(s) used: JNotePad and Xcode \n";
  cout << "Compiler(s) used: Xcode and Terminal \n";
  cout << "Description: The purpose of this lab is for you to learn how to create and apply 12b, PriorityQueueBigOh and get values with BigO().\n";
  cout << "File: " <<  __FILE__ << endl;
  cout << "Compiled: " << __DATE__ << " at " << __TIME__ << endl;
  const int REPS = 100000; // for timing fast operations, use REPS up to 100th of the starting n
  int n = 10000000; // THE STARTING PROBLEM SIZE (MAX 250 MILLION)
  string bigOh = "O(log n)"; // YOUR PREDICTION: O(1), O(log n), O(n), O(n log n), or O(n squared)
  int elapsedTimeTicksNorm = 0;
  double expectedTimeTicks = 0;
  cout << "\nEnqueue() O(log n)\n" << endl;
  for (int cycle = 0; cycle < 4; cycle++, n*= 2)
    //Declare PQ
    PriorityQueue<int> List;
    //Go thru loop to enter values
    for (int i = n; i > 0; i--)
    clock_t startTime = clock();  // start the timer
    assert(List.getSize() == n);
    for(int j = 0; j < REPS; j++ )
      List.enqueue(n + j);
    assert(List.getSize() == n + REPS);
    clock_t endTime = clock(); //stop time
    for (int i = 0; i < List.getSize(); i++)
      int first = List.dequeue();
      int second = List.dequeue();
      assert(first >= second);
    // compute timing results
    long elapsedTimeTicks = (long)(endTime - startTime);
    double factor = pow(2.0, cycle);
    if (cycle == 0)
      elapsedTimeTicksNorm = elapsedTimeTicks;
    else if (bigOh == "O(1)")
      expectedTimeTicks = elapsedTimeTicksNorm;
    else if (bigOh == "O(log n)")
      expectedTimeTicks = log(double(n)) / log(n / factor) * elapsedTimeTicksNorm;
    else if (bigOh == "O(n)")
      expectedTimeTicks = factor * elapsedTimeTicksNorm;
    else if (bigOh == "O(n log n)")
      expectedTimeTicks = factor * log(double(n)) / log(n / factor) * elapsedTimeTicksNorm;
    else if (bigOh == "O(n squared)")
      expectedTimeTicks = factor * factor * elapsedTimeTicksNorm;
    cout << elapsedTimeTicks;;
    if (cycle == 0) cout << " (expected " << bigOh << ')';
    else cout << " (expected " << expectedTimeTicks << ')';
    cout << " for n = " << n << endl;
    const int REPS = 10000; // for timing fast operations, use REPS up to 100th of the starting n
    int n = 1000000; // THE STARTING PROBLEM SIZE (MAX 250 MILLION)
    cout << "\nDequeue() O(log n)\n" << endl;
    for (int cycle = 0; cycle < 4; cycle++, n*= 2)
      PriorityQueue<int> List;
      for(int i = n; i > 0; i--)
      assert(List.getSize() == n);
      //start timing
      clock_t startTime = clock();
      for(int j = 0; j < REPS; j++)
      clock_t endTime = clock(); //stop timign
      assert(List.getSize() == n - REPS);
      for (int i = 0; i < List.getSize(); i++)
        int first = List.dequeue();
        int second = List.dequeue();
        assert(first >= second);
      // compute timing results
      long elapsedTimeTicks = (long)(endTime - startTime);
      double factor = pow(2.0, cycle);
      if (cycle == 0)
        elapsedTimeTicksNorm = elapsedTimeTicks;
      else if (bigOh == "O(1)")
        expectedTimeTicks = elapsedTimeTicksNorm;
      else if (bigOh == "O(log n)")
        expectedTimeTicks = log(double(n)) / log(n / factor) * elapsedTimeTicksNorm;
      else if (bigOh == "O(n)")
        expectedTimeTicks = factor * elapsedTimeTicksNorm;
      else if (bigOh == "O(n log n)")
        expectedTimeTicks = factor * log(double(n)) / log(n / factor) * elapsedTimeTicksNorm;
      else if (bigOh == "O(n squared)")
        expectedTimeTicks = factor * factor * elapsedTimeTicksNorm;
      // reporting block
      cout << elapsedTimeTicks;;
      if (cycle == 0) cout << " (expected " << bigOh << ')';
      else cout << " (expected " << expectedTimeTicks << ')';
      cout << " for n = " << n << endl;