Esempio n. 1
CoinSpend::CoinSpend(const Params* p, const PrivateCoin& coin,
                     Accumulator& a, const AccumulatorWitness& witness, const SpendMetaData& m):
                             commitmentPoK(&p->serialNumberSoKCommitmentGroup, &p->accumulatorParams.accumulatorPoKCommitmentGroup),
                             metadata(m) {
    // 1: Generate two separate commitments to the public coin (C), each under
    // a different set of public parameters. We do this because the RSA accumulator
    // has specific requirements for the commitment parameters that are not
    // compatible with the group we use for the serial number proof.
    // Specifically, are serial number proof requires the order of the commitment group
    // to be the same as the modulus of the upper group.
    const Commitment fullCommitmentToCoinUnderSerialParams(&p->serialNumberSoKCommitmentGroup, coin.getPublicCoin().getValue());
    this->serialCommitmentToCoinValue = fullCommitmentToCoinUnderSerialParams.getCommitmentValue();

    const Commitment fullCommitmentToCoinUnderAccParams(&p->accumulatorParams.accumulatorPoKCommitmentGroup, coin.getPublicCoin().getValue());
    this->accCommitmentToCoinValue = fullCommitmentToCoinUnderAccParams.getCommitmentValue();
    // 2. Generate a ZK proof that the two commitments contain the same public coin.
    this->commitmentPoK = CommitmentProofOfKnowledge(&p->serialNumberSoKCommitmentGroup, &p->accumulatorParams.accumulatorPoKCommitmentGroup, fullCommitmentToCoinUnderSerialParams, fullCommitmentToCoinUnderAccParams);
    // Now generate the two core ZK proofs:
    // 3. Proves that the committed public coin is in the Accumulator (PoK of "witness")
    this->accumulatorPoK = AccumulatorProofOfKnowledge(&p->accumulatorParams, fullCommitmentToCoinUnderAccParams, witness, a);
    // 4. Proves that the coin is correct w.r.t. serial number and hidden coin secret
    // (This proof is bound to the coin 'metadata', i.e., transaction hash)
    this->serialNumberSoK = SerialNumberSignatureOfKnowledge(p, coin, fullCommitmentToCoinUnderSerialParams, signatureHash());
Esempio n. 2
CoinSpend::CoinSpend(const Params* p, const PrivateCoin& coin,
                     Accumulator& a, const AccumulatorWitness& witness, const SpendMetaData& m):
	commitmentPoK(&p->serialNumberSoKCommitmentGroup, &p->accumulatorParams.accumulatorPoKCommitmentGroup) {

	// Sanity check: let's verify that the Witness is valid with respect to
	// the coin and Accumulator provided.
	if (!(witness.VerifyWitness(a, coin.getPublicCoin()))) {
		throw ZerocoinException("Accumulator witness does not verify");

	// 1: Generate two separate commitments to the public coin (C), each under
	// a different set of public parameters. We do this because the RSA accumulator
	// has specific requirements for the commitment parameters that are not
	// compatible with the group we use for the serial number proof.
	// Specifically, our serial number proof requires the order of the commitment group
	// to be the same as the modulus of the upper group. The Accumulator proof requires a
	// group with a significantly larger order.
	const Commitment fullCommitmentToCoinUnderSerialParams(&p->serialNumberSoKCommitmentGroup, coin.getPublicCoin().getValue());
	this->serialCommitmentToCoinValue = fullCommitmentToCoinUnderSerialParams.getCommitmentValue();

	const Commitment fullCommitmentToCoinUnderAccParams(&p->accumulatorParams.accumulatorPoKCommitmentGroup, coin.getPublicCoin().getValue());
	this->accCommitmentToCoinValue = fullCommitmentToCoinUnderAccParams.getCommitmentValue();

	// 2. Generate a ZK proof that the two commitments contain the same public coin.
	this->commitmentPoK = CommitmentProofOfKnowledge(&p->serialNumberSoKCommitmentGroup, &p->accumulatorParams.accumulatorPoKCommitmentGroup, fullCommitmentToCoinUnderSerialParams, fullCommitmentToCoinUnderAccParams);
	cout << "GNOSIS DEBUG: commitmentPoK is " << this->commitmentPoK.GetSerializeSize(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION) << " bytes" << endl;;

	// Now generate the two core ZK proofs:
	// 3. Proves that the committed public coin is in the Accumulator (PoK of "witness")
	this->accumulatorPoK = AccumulatorProofOfKnowledge(&p->accumulatorParams, fullCommitmentToCoinUnderAccParams, witness, a);
	cout << "GNOSIS DEBUG: accPoK is " << this->accumulatorPoK.GetSerializeSize(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION) << " bytes" << endl;;

	// 4. Proves that the coin is correct w.r.t. serial number and hidden coin secret
	// (This proof is bound to the coin 'metadata', i.e., transaction hash)
	this->serialNumberSoK = SerialNumberSignatureOfKnowledge(p, coin, fullCommitmentToCoinUnderSerialParams, signatureHash(m));
	cout << "GNOSIS DEBUG: snSoK is " << this->serialNumberSoK.GetSerializeSize(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION) << " bytes" << endl;;
        ZerocoinParams* p, const PrivateCoin& coin, const Commitment& commitmentToCoin,
        uint256 msghash):params(p),
	sprime(p->zkp_iterations) {

	// Sanity check: verify that the order of the "accumulatedValueCommitmentGroup" is
	// equal to the modulus of "coinCommitmentGroup". Otherwise we will produce invalid
	// proofs.
	if (params->coinCommitmentGroup.modulus != params->serialNumberSoKCommitmentGroup.groupOrder) {
		throw std::runtime_error("Groups are not structured correctly.");

	CBigNum a = params->coinCommitmentGroup.g;
	CBigNum b = params->coinCommitmentGroup.h;
	CBigNum g = params->serialNumberSoKCommitmentGroup.g;
	CBigNum h = params->serialNumberSoKCommitmentGroup.h;

	CHashWriter hasher(0,0);
	hasher << *params << commitmentToCoin.getCommitmentValue() << coin.getSerialNumber() << msghash;

	vector<CBigNum> r(params->zkp_iterations);
	vector<CBigNum> v_seed(params->zkp_iterations);
    vector<CBigNum> v_expanded(params->zkp_iterations);
	vector<CBigNum> c(params->zkp_iterations);

	for(uint32_t i=0; i < params->zkp_iterations; i++) {
		r[i] = CBigNum::randBignum(params->coinCommitmentGroup.groupOrder);

        //use a random 256 bit seed that expands to 1024 bit for v[i]
        while (true) {
            uint256 hashRand = CBigNum::randBignum(CBigNum(~uint256(0))).getuint256();
            CBigNum bnExpanded = SeedTo1024(hashRand);

            if(bnExpanded > params->serialNumberSoKCommitmentGroup.groupOrder)

            v_seed[i] = CBigNum(hashRand);
            v_expanded[i] = bnExpanded;

	for(uint32_t i=0; i < params->zkp_iterations; i++) {
		// compute g^{ {a^x b^r} h^v} mod p2
		c[i] = challengeCalculation(coin.getSerialNumber(), r[i], v_expanded[i]);

	// We can't hash data in parallel either
	// because OPENMP cannot not guarantee loops
	// execute in order.
	for(uint32_t i=0; i < params->zkp_iterations; i++) {
		hasher << c[i];
	this->hash = hasher.GetHash();
	unsigned char *hashbytes =  (unsigned char*) &hash;

	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < params->zkp_iterations; i++) {
		int bit = i % 8;
		int byte = i / 8;

		bool challenge_bit = ((hashbytes[byte] >> bit) & 0x01);
		if (challenge_bit) {
			s_notprime[i]       = r[i];
			sprime[i]           = v_seed[i];
		} else {
			s_notprime[i]       = r[i] - coin.getRandomness();
			sprime[i]           = v_expanded[i] - (commitmentToCoin.getRandomness() *
			                              b.pow_mod(r[i] - coin.getRandomness(), params->serialNumberSoKCommitmentGroup.groupOrder));