NewPoissonOp* NewPoissonOpFactory::MGnewOp(const ProblemDomain& a_FineindexSpace, int a_depth, bool a_homoOnly) { CH_assert(a_depth >= 0 ); CH_assert(m_bc != NULL); NewPoissonOp* newOp = new NewPoissonOp(); RealVect dx = m_dx; ProblemDomain domain = a_FineindexSpace; for (int i=0; i<a_depth; i++) { Box d = domain.domainBox(); d.coarsen(8); d.refine(8); if (domain.domainBox() == d) { dx*=2; domain.coarsen(2); } else { return NULL; } } newOp->define(dx, domain, m_bc); return newOp; }
// Define new AMR level void AMRLevelPluto::define(AMRLevel* a_coarserLevelPtr, const ProblemDomain& a_problemDomain, int a_level, int a_refRatio) { if (s_verbosity >= 3) { pout() << "AMRLevelPluto::define " << a_level << endl; } // Call inherited define AMRLevel::define(a_coarserLevelPtr, a_problemDomain, a_level, a_refRatio); // Get setup information from the next coarser level if (a_coarserLevelPtr != NULL) { AMRLevelPluto* amrGodPtr = dynamic_cast<AMRLevelPluto*>(a_coarserLevelPtr); if (amrGodPtr != NULL) { m_cfl = amrGodPtr->m_cfl; m_domainLength = amrGodPtr->m_domainLength; m_refineThresh = amrGodPtr->m_refineThresh; m_tagBufferSize = amrGodPtr->m_tagBufferSize; } else { MayDay::Error("AMRLevelPluto::define: a_coarserLevelPtr is not castable to AMRLevelPluto*"); } } // Compute the grid spacing m_dx = m_domainLength / (a_problemDomain.domainBox().bigEnd(0)-a_problemDomain.domainBox().smallEnd(0)+1.); // Nominally, one layer of ghost cells is maintained permanently and // individual computations may create local data with more m_numGhost = 1; CH_assert(m_patchPluto != NULL); CH_assert(isDefined()); m_patchPluto->define(m_problem_domain,m_dx,m_level,m_numGhost); // Get additional information from the patch integrator m_numStates = m_patchPluto->numConserved(); m_ConsStateNames = m_patchPluto->ConsStateNames(); m_PrimStateNames = m_patchPluto->PrimStateNames(); }
/** Initializes the DisjointBoxLayouts, each step. */ void EBRestart::makeHierarchy(Vector<DisjointBoxLayout>& a_dbl, const ProblemDomain& a_baseDomain, const IntVectSet& a_baseTags, const Vector<int>& a_refRatios, const InputParams& a_inputs) { a_dbl.resize(a_inputs.nlevs); Real fillRatio = 0.85; BRMeshRefine regridder(a_baseDomain, a_refRatios, fillRatio, a_inputs.blocking_factor, a_inputs.buffer_size, a_inputs.max_size); Vector<Vector<Box> > oldGrids(a_inputs.nlevs,1), newGrids(a_inputs.nlevs); oldGrids[0][0]=a_baseDomain.domainBox(); for ( int l=1; l<a_inputs.nlevs; ++l ) { oldGrids[l][0]=coarsen(oldGrids[l-1][0], a_refRatios[l-1]); // FIXME: is a_refRatios[l-1] correct?? } regridder.regrid(newGrids, a_baseTags, 0, 1, oldGrids); // 0 is baselevel, 1 is toplevel. Vector<int> procs; for (int l=0; l<a_inputs.nlevs; l++) { newGrids[l].sort(); LoadBalance(procs, newGrids[l]); a_dbl[l] = DisjointBoxLayout(newGrids[l], procs); } }
void CFStencil::buildPeriodicVector(Vector<Box>& a_periodicVector, const ProblemDomain& a_fineDomain, const DisjointBoxLayout& a_fineBoxes) { Box periodicTestBox(a_fineDomain.domainBox()); if (a_fineDomain.isPeriodic()) { for (int idir=0; idir<SpaceDim; idir++) { if (a_fineDomain.isPeriodic(idir)) { periodicTestBox.grow(idir,-1); } } } a_periodicVector.clear(); a_periodicVector.reserve(a_fineBoxes.size()); LayoutIterator lit = a_fineBoxes.layoutIterator(); for (lit.reset(); lit.ok(); ++lit) { const Box& box = a_fineBoxes[lit()]; a_periodicVector.push_back(box); // if periodic, also need to add periodic images // only do this IF we're periodic and box // adjacent to the domain box boundary somewhere if (a_fineDomain.isPeriodic() && !periodicTestBox.contains(box)) { ShiftIterator shiftIt = a_fineDomain.shiftIterator(); IntVect shiftMult(a_fineDomain.domainBox().size()); Box shiftedBox(box); for (shiftIt.begin(); shiftIt.ok(); ++shiftIt) { IntVect shiftVect = shiftMult*shiftIt(); shiftedBox.shift(shiftVect); a_periodicVector.push_back(shiftedBox); shiftedBox.shift(-shiftVect); } // end loop over periodic shift directions } // end if periodic } a_periodicVector.sort(); }
void CompGridVTOBC::operator()( FArrayBox& a_state, const Box& a_valid, const ProblemDomain& a_domain, Real a_dx, bool a_homogeneous) { const Box& domainBox = a_domain.domainBox(); for (int idir = 0; idir < SpaceDim; idir++) { if (!a_domain.isPeriodic(idir)) { for (SideIterator sit; sit.ok(); ++sit) { Side::LoHiSide side = sit(); if (a_valid.sideEnd(side)[idir] == domainBox.sideEnd(side)[idir]) { // Dirichlet BC int isign = sign(side); Box toRegion = adjCellBox(a_valid, idir, side, 1); // include corner cells if possible by growing toRegion in transverse direction toRegion.grow(1); toRegion.grow(idir, -1); toRegion &=; for (BoxIterator bit(toRegion); bit.ok(); ++bit) { IntVect ivTo = bit(); IntVect ivClose = ivTo - isign*BASISV(idir); for (int ighost=0;ighost<m_nGhosts[0];ighost++,ivTo += isign*BASISV(idir)) { //for (int icomp = 0; icomp < a_state.nComp(); icomp++) a_state(ivTo, icomp) = 0.0; IntVect ivFrom = ivClose; // hardwire to linear BCs for now for (int icomp = 0; icomp < a_state.nComp() ; icomp++) { if (m_bcDiri[idir][side][icomp]) { a_state(ivTo, icomp) = (-1.0)*a_state(ivFrom, icomp); } else { a_state(ivTo, icomp) = (1.0)*a_state(ivFrom, icomp); } } } } // end loop over cells } // if ends match } // end loop over sides } // if not periodic in this direction } // end loop over directions }
void DenseIntVectSet::nestingRegion(int radius, const ProblemDomain& a_domain) { CH_assert(radius >= 0); if (radius == 0) return; DenseIntVectSet tmp; Box region = a_domain.domainBox(); if (!a_domain.isPeriodic()) { tmp = *this; } else { D_TERM6(if (a_domain.isPeriodic(0)) region.grow(0, radius);, if (a_domain.isPeriodic(1)) region.grow(1, radius);, if (a_domain.isPeriodic(2)) region.grow(2, radius);,
int VCAMRPoissonOp2Factory::refToFiner(const ProblemDomain& a_domain) const { int retval = -1; bool found = false; for (int ilev = 0; ilev < m_domains.size(); ilev++) { if (m_domains[ilev].domainBox() == a_domain.domainBox()) { retval = m_refRatios[ilev]; found = true; } } if (!found) { MayDay::Abort("Domain not found in AMR hierarchy"); } return retval; }
void CFStencil::define( const ProblemDomain& a_fineDomain, const Box& a_grid, const DisjointBoxLayout& a_fineBoxes, const DisjointBoxLayout& a_coarBoxes, int a_refRatio, int a_direction, Side::LoHiSide a_hiorlo) { m_isDefined = true; CH_assert(a_refRatio >= 1); CH_assert(a_direction >= 0); CH_assert(a_direction < SpaceDim); CH_assert((a_hiorlo == Side::Lo) || (a_hiorlo == Side::Hi)); CH_assert(!a_fineDomain.isEmpty()); //set internal vars. most of these are kept around //just to keep the class from having an identity crisis. m_direction = a_direction; m_hiorlo = a_hiorlo; Box finebox = a_grid; //compute intvectset of all points on fine grid that //need to be interpolated //shift direction int hilo = sign(a_hiorlo); //create fine stencil Box edgebox; CH_assert((hilo ==1) || (hilo == -1)); if (hilo == -1) { edgebox = adjCellLo(finebox,m_direction,1); } else { edgebox = adjCellHi(finebox,m_direction,1); } edgebox = a_fineDomain & edgebox; if (!edgebox.isEmpty()) { Box periodicTestBox(a_fineDomain.domainBox()); if (a_fineDomain.isPeriodic()) { for (int idir=0; idir<SpaceDim; idir++) { if (a_fineDomain.isPeriodic(idir)) { periodicTestBox.grow(idir,-1); } } } m_fineIVS.define(edgebox); LayoutIterator lit = a_fineBoxes.layoutIterator(); for (lit.reset(); lit.ok(); ++lit) { m_fineIVS -= a_fineBoxes[lit()]; // if periodic, also need to subtract periodic images // only do this IF we're periodic _and_ both boxes // adjoin the domain box boundary somewhere if (a_fineDomain.isPeriodic() && !periodicTestBox.contains(edgebox) && !periodicTestBox.contains(a_fineBoxes[lit()])) { ShiftIterator shiftIt = a_fineDomain.shiftIterator(); IntVect shiftMult(a_fineDomain.domainBox().size()); Box shiftedBox(a_fineBoxes[lit()]); for (shiftIt.begin(); shiftIt.ok(); ++shiftIt) { IntVect shiftVect = shiftMult*shiftIt(); shiftedBox.shift(shiftVect); m_fineIVS -= shiftedBox; shiftedBox.shift(-shiftVect); } // end loop over periodic shift directions } // end if periodic } } //ivs where all coarse slopes are defined //== coarsened fine ivs m_coarIVS.define(m_fineIVS); m_coarIVS.coarsen(a_refRatio); // this is a trick to get around the lack of a IntVectSet intersection // operator which works with a ProblemDomain ProblemDomain coardom= coarsen(a_fineDomain, a_refRatio); Box domainIntersectBox = m_coarIVS.minBox(); domainIntersectBox = coardom & domainIntersectBox; m_coarIVS &= domainIntersectBox; m_packedBox = m_fineIVS.minBox(); if (m_fineIVS.numPts() == m_packedBox.numPts()) { m_isPacked = true; } else { m_isPacked = false; m_packedBox = Box(); } }
void MappedLevelFluxRegister::define(const DisjointBoxLayout& a_dbl, const DisjointBoxLayout& a_dblCoarse, const ProblemDomain& a_dProblem, const IntVect& a_nRefine, int a_nComp, bool a_scaleFineFluxes) { CH_TIME("MappedLevelFluxRegister::define"); m_isDefined = FluxRegDefined; // Basically, define was called m_nRefine = a_nRefine; m_scaleFineFluxes = a_scaleFineFluxes; DisjointBoxLayout coarsenedFine; coarsen(coarsenedFine, a_dbl, a_nRefine); #ifndef DISABLE_TEMPORARY_FLUX_REGISTER_OPTIMIZATION // This doesn't work for multi-block calculations, which are // not properly nested. -JNJ //begin temporary optimization. bvs int numPts = 0; for (LayoutIterator lit = a_dblCoarse.layoutIterator(); lit.ok(); ++lit) { numPts += a_dblCoarse[lit].numPts(); } for (LayoutIterator lit = coarsenedFine.layoutIterator(); lit.ok(); ++lit) { numPts -= coarsenedFine[lit].numPts(); } if (numPts == 0) { m_coarFlux.clear(); // OK, fine region completely covers coarse region. no registers. return; } #endif //end temporary optimization. bvs m_coarFlux.define( a_dblCoarse, a_nComp); m_isDefined |= FluxRegCoarseDefined; m_domain = a_dProblem; ProblemDomain coarsenedDomain; coarsen(coarsenedDomain, a_dProblem, a_nRefine); m_fineFlux.define( coarsenedFine, a_nComp, IntVect::Unit); m_isDefined |= FluxRegFineDefined; m_reverseCopier.ghostDefine(coarsenedFine, a_dblCoarse, coarsenedDomain, IntVect::Unit); for (int i = 0; i < CH_SPACEDIM; i++) { m_coarseLocations[i].define(a_dblCoarse); m_coarseLocations[i + CH_SPACEDIM].define(a_dblCoarse); } DataIterator dC = a_dblCoarse.dataIterator(); LayoutIterator dF = coarsenedFine.layoutIterator(); for (dC.begin(); dC.ok(); ++dC) { const Box& cBox = a_dblCoarse.get(dC); for (dF.begin(); dF.ok(); ++dF) { const Box& fBox = coarsenedFine.get(dF); if (fBox.bigEnd(0) + 1 < cBox.smallEnd(0)) { //can skip this box since they cannot intersect, due to sorting } else if (fBox.smallEnd(0) - 1 > cBox.bigEnd(0)) { //skip to end, since all the rest of boxes will not intersect either dF.end(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < CH_SPACEDIM; i++) { Vector<Box>& lo = m_coarseLocations[i][dC]; Vector<Box>& hi = m_coarseLocations[i + CH_SPACEDIM][dC]; Box loBox = adjCellLo(fBox, i, 1); Box hiBox = adjCellHi(fBox, i, 1); if (cBox.intersectsNotEmpty(loBox)) lo.push_back(loBox & cBox); if (cBox.intersectsNotEmpty(hiBox)) hi.push_back(hiBox & cBox); } } } } Box domainBox = coarsenedDomain.domainBox(); if (a_dProblem.isPeriodic()) { Vector<Box> periodicBoxes[2 * CH_SPACEDIM]; for (dF.begin(); dF.ok(); ++dF) { const Box& fBox = coarsenedFine.get(dF); for (int i = 0; i < CH_SPACEDIM; i++) { if (a_dProblem.isPeriodic(i)) { if (fBox.smallEnd(i) == domainBox.smallEnd(i)) periodicBoxes[i].push_back(adjCellLo(fBox, i, 1)); if (fBox.bigEnd(i) == domainBox.bigEnd(i)) periodicBoxes[i + CH_SPACEDIM].push_back(adjCellHi(fBox, i, 1)); } } } for (int i = 0; i < CH_SPACEDIM; i++) { Vector<Box>& loV = periodicBoxes[i]; Vector<Box>& hiV = periodicBoxes[i + CH_SPACEDIM]; int size = domainBox.size(i); for (int j = 0; j < loV.size(); j++) loV[j].shift(i, size); for (int j = 0; j < hiV.size(); j++) hiV[j].shift(i, -size); } for (dC.begin(); dC.ok(); ++dC) { const Box& cBox = a_dblCoarse.get(dC); for (int i = 0; i < CH_SPACEDIM; i++) if (a_dProblem.isPeriodic(i)) { Vector<Box>& loV = periodicBoxes[i]; Vector<Box>& hiV = periodicBoxes[i + CH_SPACEDIM]; if (cBox.smallEnd(i) == domainBox.smallEnd(i) ) { Vector<Box>& hi = m_coarseLocations[i + CH_SPACEDIM][dC]; for (int j = 0; j < hiV.size(); j++) { if (cBox.intersectsNotEmpty(hiV[j])) hi.push_back(cBox & hiV[j]); } } if (cBox.bigEnd(i) == domainBox.bigEnd(i) ) { Vector<Box>& lo = m_coarseLocations[i][dC]; for (int j = 0; j < loV.size(); j++) { if (cBox.intersectsNotEmpty(loV[j])) lo.push_back(cBox & loV[j]); } } } } } }
void ReductionCopier::define(const BoxLayout& a_level, const BoxLayout& a_dest, const ProblemDomain& a_domain, const IntVect& a_ghost, const Vector<int>& a_transverseDir, bool a_exchange) { #ifdef MULTIDIM_TIMER CH_TIME("ReductionCopier::define") #endif m_isDefined = true; m_transverseDir = a_transverseDir; CH_assert(a_level.isClosed()); CH_assert(a_dest.isClosed()); // CH_assert(a_level.checkPeriodic(a_domain)); clear(); buffersAllocated = false; //bool self = a_dest == a_level; const BoxLayout& level= a_level; const BoxLayout& dest = a_dest; // note that while much of the implementation for the // periodic case remains in this function (as copied, more // or less, from the original Copier), at least at the moment // periodic support is "turned off" for the ReductionCopier // because it's not entirely clear it will do the right thing // for this case. I've left the vast majority of the // periodic implementation in place, however, in case we // change our minds... (DFM 3/10/09) // set up vector of dataIndexes to keep track of which // "to" boxes are not completely contained within the primary // domain. these boxes are then candidates for filling by // periodic images of the "from" data. Vector<DataIndex> periodicallyFilledToVect; // in order to cull which "from" data may be needed to // fill the "to" data, keep track of the radius around the // primary domain in which all these cells lie. // do this by incrementally growing the domain box and // keeping track of what this radius is. // just to make things simpler, start off with a radius of one Box grownDomainCheckBox = a_domain.domainBox(); grownDomainCheckBox.grow(1); int periodicCheckRadius = 1; // since valid regions of the "from" DBL may also be outside // the primary domain, need to keep track of whether any of these // need to be checked separately. Vector<DataIndex> periodicFromVect; // use same domain trick here as well Box grownFromDomainCheckBox = a_domain.domainBox(); int periodicFromCheckRadius = 1; Box domainBox(a_domain.domainBox()); // grab index extents of domain in transverse direction Vector<int> transverseLo(m_transverseDir.size()); Vector<int> transverseHi(m_transverseDir.size()); for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { // grab index extents of domain in transverse direction transverseLo[n] = domainBox.smallEnd(m_transverseDir[n]); transverseHi[n] = domainBox.bigEnd(m_transverseDir[n]); } bool isPeriodic = false; // I think the right thing here is that the ReductionCopier // completely ignores periodicity //if (!domainBox.isEmpty()) //isPeriodic = a_domain.isPeriodic(); // (dfm -- 9/13/05) as currently written, the Copier won't correctly // handle periodic cases where the number of ghost cells is greater // than the width of the domain. We _should_ do multiple wraparounds, // but we don't. So, put in this assertion. We can revisit this if it // becomes an issue if (isPeriodic) { for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++) { if (a_domain.isPeriodic(dir)) { CH_assert (a_ghost[dir] <= domainBox.size(dir)); } } } unsigned int myprocID = procID(); // The following 4 for loops are the result of a performance optimization. // When increasing the size of the problem, we found that the code was // looping over every destination box for every source box which was N1*N2 // loop iterations (essentially an N-squared approach). // The following code attempts to simply reduce N1 and N2 by first separating // the boxes (or LayoutIndexes to boxes) that reside on the current processor. // Then the loop to determine which boxes of the first list intersect with // which boxes of the second list can be done in N1' * N2' iterations, // where N1' is the reduced N1 and N2' is the reduced N2. // We have to break up the assigning of MotionItems into two separate // loops and be careful about the local copies. These 4 loops are // significantly faster than the original for loop -- _especially_ // for large problems. (ndk) #ifdef CH_MPI // don't need to do this in serial // make a vector of boxes (or LayoutIndexes to boxes) from destination layout // that are known to reside on this processor. vector<DataIndex> vectorDestDI; vector<DataIndex> vectorDestOnProcDI; for (LayoutIterator to(a_dest.layoutIterator()); to.ok(); ++to) { vectorDestDI.push_back(DataIndex(to())); if (myprocID == dest.procID(to())) { vectorDestOnProcDI.push_back(DataIndex(to())); } } // make a vector of boxes (or LayoutIndexes to boxes) from "level"/src layout // that are known to reside on this processor. vector<DataIndex> vectorLevelDI; vector<DataIndex> vectorLevelOnProcDI; for (LayoutIterator from(a_level.layoutIterator()); from.ok(); ++from) { vectorLevelDI.push_back(DataIndex(from())); if (myprocID == level.procID(from())) { vectorLevelOnProcDI.push_back(DataIndex(from())); } } #else // in serial, it's not very interesting as it's all of them. vector<DataIndex> vectorDestOnProcDI; vector<DataIndex> vectorLevelDI; for (LayoutIterator to(a_dest.layoutIterator()); to.ok(); ++to) { vectorDestOnProcDI.push_back(DataIndex(to())); } for (LayoutIterator from(a_level.layoutIterator()); from.ok(); ++from) { vectorLevelDI.push_back(DataIndex(from())); } #endif // loop over all dest/to DI's on my processor for (vector<DataIndex>::iterator vdi=vectorDestOnProcDI.begin(); vdi != vectorDestOnProcDI.end(); ++vdi) { // at this point, i know myprocID == toProcID const DataIndex todi(*vdi); Box ghost(dest[todi]); // don't do anything if ghost is entirely outside domain // may need to revisit this in the periodic case if (a_domain.intersects(ghost)) { // this is somewhat different from the "normal" Copier. We only want // to look at ghost cells if they're outside the domain. // note that we don't want to do this for domain ghost cells in the // transverse (spreading) directions. for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++) { bool isTransverseDir = false; for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { if (dir == m_transverseDir[n]) isTransverseDir = true; } // only need to do this if we specify a ghost radius if (!isTransverseDir && a_ghost[dir] != 0) { if (ghost.bigEnd(dir) == domainBox.bigEnd(dir)) { ghost.growHi(dir, a_ghost[dir]); } if (ghost.smallEnd(dir) == domainBox.smallEnd(dir)) { ghost.growLo(dir, a_ghost[dir]); } } } Box destBox(ghost); // for this Copier, we want to grow the "dest" region to cover the // entire domain in the transverse direction. In that way, we // will be able to catch all of the source data regions which // project onto the dest boxes // do this for all transverse directions for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { ghost.setSmall(m_transverseDir[n], transverseLo[n]); ghost.setBig(m_transverseDir[n], transverseHi[n]); } // then for each level/from DI, see if they intersect for (vector<DataIndex>::iterator vli = vectorLevelDI.begin(); vli != vectorLevelDI.end(); ++vli) { const DataIndex fromdi(*vli); const unsigned int fromProcID = level.procID(fromdi); Box fromBox(level[fromdi]); // also grow the fromBox if it's near the domain boundary and // if there are ghost cells specified. for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++) { bool isTransverseDir = false; for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { if (dir == m_transverseDir[n]) isTransverseDir = true; } // only need to do this if we specify a ghost radius // and if it's not a transverseDir if (!isTransverseDir && a_ghost[dir] != 0) { if (fromBox.bigEnd(dir) == domainBox.bigEnd(dir)) { fromBox.growHi(dir, a_ghost[dir]); } if (fromBox.smallEnd(dir) == domainBox.smallEnd(dir)) { fromBox.growLo(dir, a_ghost[dir]); } } } if (fromBox.bigEnd(0) < ghost.smallEnd(0)) { //can skip rest cuz we haven't gotten to something interesting continue; } if (ghost.intersectsNotEmpty(fromBox)) { Box box(ghost); // ?? box&=fromBox; // ?? // to get correct toBox, stretch box in the transverse direction // then intersect with the destBox to get the appropriate part // of the destbox Box toBox(box); // do this for all transverse directions for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { toBox.setSmall(m_transverseDir[n], transverseLo[n]); toBox.setBig(m_transverseDir[n], transverseHi[n]); } toBox &= destBox; MotionItem* item = new (s_motionItemPool.getPtr()) MotionItem(fromdi, todi, box, toBox); if (item == NULL) { MayDay::Error("Out of Memory in copier::define"); } if (fromProcID == myprocID) { // local move if (a_exchange && fromdi == todi) s_motionItemPool.returnPtr(item); else m_localMotionPlan.push_back(item); } else { item->procID = fromProcID; m_toMotionPlan.push_back(item); } } if (fromBox.smallEnd(0) > ghost.bigEnd(0)) { //can break out of loop, since we know that the smallEnd // of all the remaining boxes are lexigraphically beyond this ghosted box. break; } } } // end if ghost intersects domain } // Don't need to worry about this in serial as we already // took care of the local copy motion items just above. skip this. #ifdef CH_MPI // loop over all dest/to DI's for (vector<DataIndex>::iterator vdi=vectorDestDI.begin(); vdi != vectorDestDI.end(); ++vdi) { const DataIndex todi(*vdi); Box ghost(dest[todi]); // don't do anything if ghost is outside domain if (a_domain.intersects(ghost) ) { // this is somewhat different from the "normal" Copier. We only want // to look at ghost cells if they're outside the domain. // note that we don't want to do this for domain ghost cells in the // transverse (spreading) directions. for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++) { bool isTransverseDir = false; for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { if (dir == m_transverseDir[n]) isTransverseDir = true; } // only need to do this if we specify a ghost radius if (!isTransverseDir && a_ghost[dir] != 0) { if (ghost.bigEnd(dir) == domainBox.bigEnd(dir)) { ghost.growHi(dir, a_ghost[dir]); } if (ghost.smallEnd(dir) == domainBox.smallEnd(dir)) { ghost.growLo(dir, a_ghost[dir]); } } } Box destBox(ghost); // for this Copier, we want to grow the "dest" region to cover the // entire domain in the transverse direction. In that way, we // will be able to catch all of the source data regions which // project onto the dest boxes // do this for all transverse directions for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { ghost.setSmall(m_transverseDir[n], transverseLo[n]); ghost.setBig(m_transverseDir[n], transverseHi[n]); } const unsigned int toProcID = dest.procID(todi); // then for each level/from DI on this processor, see if they intersect for (vector<DataIndex>::iterator vli = vectorLevelOnProcDI.begin(); vli != vectorLevelOnProcDI.end(); ++vli) { // at this point, i know myprocID == fromProcID const DataIndex fromdi(*vli); Box fromBox(level[fromdi]); // also grow the fromBox if it's near the domain boundary and // if there are ghost cells specified. for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++) { bool isTransverseDir = false; for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { if (dir == m_transverseDir[n]) isTransverseDir = true; } // only need to do this if we specify a ghost radius // and if it's not a transverseDir if (!isTransverseDir && a_ghost[dir] != 0) { if (fromBox.bigEnd(dir) == domainBox.bigEnd(dir)) { fromBox.growHi(dir, a_ghost[dir]); } if (fromBox.smallEnd(dir) == domainBox.smallEnd(dir)) { fromBox.growLo(dir, a_ghost[dir]); } } } if (fromBox.bigEnd(0) < ghost.smallEnd(0)) { //can skip rest cuz we haven't gotten to something interesting continue; } if (ghost.intersectsNotEmpty(fromBox)) { Box box(ghost); // ?? box&=fromBox; // ?? // to get correct toBox, stretch box in the transverse direction // then intersect with the destBox to get the appropriate part // of the destbox // do this for each transverse direction Box toBox(box); for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { toBox.setSmall(m_transverseDir[n], transverseLo[n]); toBox.setBig(m_transverseDir[n], transverseHi[n]); } toBox &= destBox; if (toProcID == myprocID) { // local move // don't push back here! or you will get two. // we already did it above... //m_localMotionPlan.push_back(item); } else { MotionItem* item = new (s_motionItemPool.getPtr()) MotionItem(fromdi, todi, box, toBox); if (item == NULL) { MayDay::Error("Out of Memory in copier::define"); } item->procID = toProcID; m_fromMotionPlan.push_back(item); } } if (fromBox.smallEnd(0) > ghost.bigEnd(0)) { //can break out of loop, since we know that the smallEnd // of all the remaining boxes are lexigraphically beyond this ghosted box. break; } } } // end if ghost intersects domain } #endif // put periodic intersection checking in here for "to" boxes if (isPeriodic) { for (LayoutIterator to(a_dest.layoutIterator()); to.ok(); ++to) { Box ghost(dest[to()]); // don't do anything if ghost doesn't intersect domain if (a_domain.intersects(ghost) ) { // this is somewhat different from the "normal" Copier. We only want // to look at ghost cells if they're outside the domain. // note that we don't want to do this for domain ghost cells in the // transverse (spreading) directions. for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++) { bool isTransverseDir = false; for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { if (dir == m_transverseDir[n]) isTransverseDir = true; } // only need to do this if we specify a ghost radius if (!isTransverseDir && a_ghost[dir] != 0) { if (ghost.bigEnd(dir) == domainBox.bigEnd(dir)) { ghost.growHi(dir, a_ghost[dir]); } if (ghost.smallEnd(dir) == domainBox.smallEnd(dir)) { ghost.growLo(dir, a_ghost[dir]); } } } Box destBox(ghost); // for this Copier, we want to grow the "dest" region to cover the // entire domain in the transverse direction. In that way, we // will be able to catch all of the source data regions which // project onto the dest boxes // do this for each transverse directions for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { ghost.setSmall(m_transverseDir[n], transverseLo[n]); ghost.setBig(m_transverseDir[n], transverseHi[n]); } //unsigned int toProcID = dest.procID(to()); // unused variable // only do this if ghost box hangs over domain edge if (!domainBox.contains(ghost)) { // add the dataIndex for this box to the list // of boxes which we need to come back to periodicallyFilledToVect.push_back(DataIndex(to())); // now check to see if we need to grow the // periodic check radius if (!grownDomainCheckBox.contains(ghost)) { // grow the domainCheckBox until it contains ghost while (!grownDomainCheckBox.contains(ghost)) { grownDomainCheckBox.grow(1); periodicCheckRadius++; } } // end if we need to grow radius around domain } //end if ghost box is not contained in domain } // end if original ghost box didn't intersect domain }// end if periodic } // Here ends the so-called N-squared optimizations. the rest is unchanged. (ndk) // now do periodic checking, if necessary if (isPeriodic) { // the only "from" boxes we will need to check // will be those within periodicCheckRadius of the // domain boundary. so, create a box to screen out // those which we will need to check. Box shrunkDomainBox = a_domain.domainBox(); shrunkDomainBox.grow(-periodicCheckRadius); ShiftIterator shiftIt = a_domain.shiftIterator(); IntVect shiftMult(domainBox.size()); // now loop over "from" boxes for (LayoutIterator from(a_level.layoutIterator()); from.ok(); ++from) { // first check to see whether we need to look at this box const Box& fromBox = level[from()]; if (!shrunkDomainBox.contains(fromBox)) { unsigned int fromProcID = level.procID(from()); // check to see if fromBox is contained in domain, // if not, add it to the list of fromBoxes we need to // go back and check separately to see if it will // fill one of the "to" boxes if (!domainBox.contains(fromBox)) { periodicFromVect.push_back(DataIndex(from())); if (!grownFromDomainCheckBox.contains(fromBox)) { while (!grownFromDomainCheckBox.contains(fromBox)) { grownFromDomainCheckBox.grow(1); periodicFromCheckRadius++; } } // end if we need to grow domain check box } // end if fromBox is outside domain // now loop over those "to" boxes which were not contained // in the domain for (int toRef=0; toRef<periodicallyFilledToVect.size(); toRef++) { DataIndex toIndex = periodicallyFilledToVect[toRef]; unsigned int toProcID = dest.procID(toIndex); // don't worry about anything that doesn't involve this proc if (toProcID != myprocID && fromProcID != myprocID) { // do nothing } else { Box ghost(dest[toIndex]); // don't do anything if ghost doesn't intersect domain if (a_domain.intersects(ghost)) { // this is somewhat different from the "normal" Copier. // We only want // to look at ghost cells if they're outside the domain. // note that we don't want to do this for domain ghost // cells in the transverse (spreading) directions. for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++) { bool isTransverseDir = false; for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { if (dir == m_transverseDir[n]) isTransverseDir = true; } // only need to do this if we specify a ghost radius if (!isTransverseDir && a_ghost[dir] != 0) { if (ghost.bigEnd(dir) == domainBox.bigEnd(dir)) { ghost.growHi(dir, a_ghost[dir]); } if (ghost.smallEnd(dir) == domainBox.smallEnd(dir)) { ghost.growLo(dir, a_ghost[dir]); } } } Box destBox(ghost); // for this Copier, we want to grow the "dest" // region to cover the entire domain in the transverse // direction. In that way, we will be able to catch all // of the source data regions which project onto the // dest boxes // do this for each transverse direction for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { ghost.setSmall(m_transverseDir[n], transverseLo[n]); ghost.setBig(m_transverseDir[n], transverseHi[n]); } // now need to loop over shift vectors and look at images for (shiftIt.begin(); shiftIt.ok(); ++shiftIt) { IntVect shiftVect(shiftIt()*shiftMult); ghost.shift(shiftVect); if (ghost.intersectsNotEmpty(fromBox)) // rarely happens { Box intersectBox(ghost); intersectBox &= fromBox; Box toBox(intersectBox); toBox.shift(-shiftVect); toBox &= destBox; MotionItem* item = new (s_motionItemPool.getPtr()) MotionItem(DataIndex(from()), DataIndex(toIndex), intersectBox, toBox); if (item == NULL) { MayDay::Error("Out of Memory in copier::define"); } if (toProcID == fromProcID) // local move m_localMotionPlan.push_back(item); else if (fromProcID == myprocID) { item->procID = toProcID; m_fromMotionPlan.push_back(item); } else { item->procID = fromProcID; m_toMotionPlan.push_back(item); } } // end if shifted box intersects ghost.shift(-shiftVect); } // end loop over shift vectors } // end if original "ghost" intersected domain } // end if either from box or to box are on this proc } // end loop over destination boxes } // end if source box is close to domain boundary } // end loop over destination boxes // now go back through the "from" boxes which were outside // the domain and see if they intersect any toBoxes if (periodicFromVect.size() != 0) { // the only "to" boxes we will need to check // will be those within periodicCheckRadius of the // domain boundary. so, create a box to screen out // those which we will need to check. shrunkDomainBox = a_domain.domainBox(); shrunkDomainBox.grow(-periodicFromCheckRadius); // now loop over the "to" boxes for (LayoutIterator to(a_dest.layoutIterator()); to.ok(); ++to) { // first check to see whether we need to look at this box Box ghost(dest[to()]); // don't do anything if "ghost" doesn't interesect domain if (a_domain.intersects(ghost)) { // this is somewhat different from the "normal" Copier. // We only want // to look at ghost cells if they're outside the domain. // note that we don't want to do this for domain ghost cells // in the transverse (spreading) directions. for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++) { bool isTransverseDir = false; for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { if (dir == m_transverseDir[n]) isTransverseDir = true; } // only need to do this if we specify a ghost radius if (!isTransverseDir && a_ghost[dir] != 0) { if (ghost.bigEnd(dir) == domainBox.bigEnd(dir)) { ghost.growHi(dir, a_ghost[dir]); } if (ghost.smallEnd(dir) == domainBox.smallEnd(dir)) { ghost.growLo(dir, a_ghost[dir]); } } } Box destBox(ghost); // for this Copier, we want to grow the "dest" region to // cover the entire domain in the transverse direction. // In that way, we will be able to catch all of the source // data regions which project onto the dest boxes // do this for each transverse direction for (int n=0; n<m_transverseDir.size(); n++) { ghost.setSmall(m_transverseDir[n], transverseLo[n]); ghost.setBig(m_transverseDir[n], transverseHi[n]); } if (!shrunkDomainBox.contains(ghost)) { unsigned int toProcID = a_dest.procID(to()); // now loop over those "from" boxes which are not // contained by the domain for (int fromRef = 0; fromRef<periodicFromVect.size(); fromRef++) { DataIndex fromIndex = periodicFromVect[fromRef]; const Box& fromBox = level[fromIndex]; unsigned int fromProcID = level.procID(fromIndex); // don't worry about anything which doesn't involve // this proc if (toProcID != myprocID && fromProcID != myprocID) { // do nothing } else { // now need to loop over shift vectors and look at images for (shiftIt.begin(); shiftIt.ok(); ++shiftIt) { IntVect shiftVect(shiftIt()*shiftMult); ghost.shift(shiftVect); if (ghost.intersectsNotEmpty(fromBox)) { Box intersectBox(ghost); intersectBox &= fromBox; Box toBox(intersectBox); toBox.shift(-shiftVect); toBox &= destBox; MotionItem* item = new (s_motionItemPool.getPtr()) MotionItem(DataIndex(fromIndex), DataIndex(to()), intersectBox, toBox); if (item == NULL) { MayDay::Error("Out of Memory in copier::define"); } if (toProcID == fromProcID) // local move m_localMotionPlan.push_back(item); else if (fromProcID == myprocID) { item->procID = toProcID; m_fromMotionPlan.push_back(item); } else { item->procID = fromProcID; m_toMotionPlan.push_back(item); } } // end if shifted box intersects ghost.shift(-shiftVect); } // end loop over shift vectors } // end if either from box or to box are on this proc } // end loop over "from" boxes } // end if destination box is close to domain boundary } // end if original "ghost" intersects domain } // end loop over destination boxes } // end if any of the "From" boxes were outside the domain } // end if we need to do anything for periodicity }
void ConstBCFunction::operator()(FArrayBox& a_state, const Box& a_valid, const ProblemDomain& a_domain, Real a_dx, bool a_homogeneous) { const Box& domainBox = a_domain.domainBox(); for (int idir = 0; idir < SpaceDim; idir++) { if (!a_domain.isPeriodic(idir)) { for (SideIterator sit; sit.ok(); ++sit) { Side::LoHiSide side = sit(); if (a_valid.sideEnd(side)[idir] == domainBox.sideEnd(side)[idir]) { int bcType; Real bcValue; if (side == Side::Lo) { bcType = m_loSideType [idir]; bcValue = m_loSideValue[idir]; } else { bcType = m_hiSideType [idir]; bcValue = m_hiSideValue[idir]; } if (bcType == 0) { // Neumann BC int isign = sign(side); Box toRegion = adjCellBox(a_valid, idir, side, 1); toRegion &=; Box fromRegion = toRegion; fromRegion.shift(idir, -isign); a_state.copy(a_state, fromRegion, 0, toRegion, 0, a_state.nComp()); if (!a_homogeneous) { for (BoxIterator bit(toRegion); bit.ok(); ++bit) { const IntVect& ivTo = bit(); // IntVect ivClose = ivTo - isign*BASISV(idir); for (int icomp = 0; icomp < a_state.nComp(); icomp++) { a_state(ivTo, icomp) += Real(isign)*a_dx*bcValue; } } } } else if (bcType == 1) { // Dirichlet BC int isign = sign(side); Box toRegion = adjCellBox(a_valid, idir, side, 1); toRegion &=; for (BoxIterator bit(toRegion); bit.ok(); ++bit) { const IntVect& ivTo = bit(); IntVect ivClose = ivTo - isign*BASISV(idir); // IntVect ivFar = ivTo - 2*isign*BASISV(idir); Real inhomogVal = 0.0; if (!a_homogeneous) { inhomogVal = bcValue; } for (int icomp = 0; icomp < a_state.nComp(); icomp++) { Real nearVal = a_state(ivClose, icomp); // Real farVal = a_state(ivFar, icomp); Real ghostVal = linearInterp(inhomogVal, nearVal); a_state(ivTo, icomp) = ghostVal; } } } else { MayDay::Abort("ConstBCFunction::operator() - unknown BC type"); } } // if ends match } // end loop over sides } // if not periodic in this direction } // end loop over directions }
void EBCoarseAverage::define(const DisjointBoxLayout& a_dblFine, const DisjointBoxLayout& a_dblCoar, const EBISLayout& a_ebislFine, const EBISLayout& a_ebislCoar, const ProblemDomain& a_domainCoar, const int& a_nref, const int& a_nvar, const EBIndexSpace* ebisPtr) { CH_TIME("EBCoarseAverage::define"); CH_assert(ebisPtr->isDefined()); ProblemDomain domainFine = a_domainCoar; domainFine.refine(a_nref); EBLevelGrid eblgFine; EBLevelGrid eblgCoar = EBLevelGrid(a_dblCoar, a_ebislCoar, a_domainCoar); EBLevelGrid eblgCoFi; //check to see if the input layout is coarsenable. //if so, proceed with ordinary drill //otherwise, see if the layout covers the domain. //if it does, we can use domainsplit if (a_dblFine.coarsenable(a_nref)) { eblgFine = EBLevelGrid(a_dblFine, a_ebislFine, domainFine); m_useFineBuffer = false; } else { Box fineDomBox = refine(a_domainCoar.domainBox(), a_nref); int numPtsDom = fineDomBox.numPts(); //no need for gathers here because the meta data is global int numPtsLayout = 0; for (LayoutIterator lit = a_dblFine.layoutIterator(); lit.ok(); ++lit) { numPtsLayout += a_dblFine.get(lit()).numPts(); } bool coveringDomain = (numPtsDom == numPtsLayout); if (coveringDomain) { m_useFineBuffer = true; int maxBoxSize = 4*a_nref; Vector<Box> boxes; Vector<int> procs; domainSplit(fineDomBox, boxes, maxBoxSize); mortonOrdering(boxes); LoadBalance(procs, boxes); DisjointBoxLayout dblBufFine(boxes, procs); eblgFine = EBLevelGrid(dblBufFine, domainFine, 2, eblgCoar.getEBIS()); } else { pout() << "EBCoarseAverage::input layout is not coarsenable and does not cover the domain--bailing out" << endl; MayDay::Error(); } } coarsen(eblgCoFi, eblgFine, a_nref); define(eblgFine, eblgCoar, eblgCoFi, a_nref, a_nvar); }
// --------------------------------------------------------- // 7 Dec 2005 Real norm(const BoxLayoutData<NodeFArrayBox>& a_layout, const LevelData<NodeFArrayBox>& a_mask, const ProblemDomain& a_domain, const Real a_dx, const int a_p, const Interval& a_interval, bool a_verbose) { if (a_p == 0) return maxnorm(a_layout, a_mask, a_domain, a_interval, a_verbose); Real normTotal = 0.; int ncomp = a_interval.size(); Box domBox = a_domain.domainBox(); for (DataIterator it = a_layout.dataIterator(); it.ok(); ++it) { const NodeFArrayBox& thisNfab = a_layout[it()]; const FArrayBox& dataFab = thisNfab.getFab(); const FArrayBox& maskFab = a_mask[it()].getFab(); const Box& thisBox(; // CELL-centered NodeFArrayBox dataMasked(thisBox, ncomp); FArrayBox& dataMaskedFab = dataMasked.getFab(); dataMaskedFab.copy(dataFab); // dataMaskedFab *= maskFab; for (int comp = a_interval.begin(); comp <= a_interval.end(); comp++) { // Set dataMaskedFab[comp] *= maskFab[0]. dataMaskedFab.mult(maskFab, 0, comp); } Real thisNfabNorm = 0.; if (thisBox.intersects(domBox)) { Box thisBoxInDomain = thisBox & domBox; thisNfabNorm = norm(dataMasked, a_dx, thisBoxInDomain, a_p, a_interval.begin(), a_interval.size()); } if (a_verbose) cout << a_p << "norm(" << thisBox << ") = " << thisNfabNorm << endl; if (a_p == 1) { normTotal += thisNfabNorm; } else if (a_p == 2) { normTotal += thisNfabNorm * thisNfabNorm; } else { normTotal += pow(thisNfabNorm, Real(a_p)); } } # ifdef CH_MPI Real recv; // add up (a_p is not 0) int result = MPI_Allreduce(&normTotal, &recv, 1, MPI_CH_REAL, MPI_SUM, Chombo_MPI::comm); if (result != MPI_SUCCESS) { //bark!!! MayDay::Error("sorry, but I had a communication error on norm"); } normTotal = recv; # endif // now do sqrt, etc if (a_p == 2) normTotal = sqrt(normTotal); else if ((a_p != 0) && (a_p != 1)) normTotal = pow(normTotal, (Real)1.0/Real(a_p)); return normTotal; }