Esempio n. 1
void LookerUpper::CopyRuleInetrefsToRecordings()
    QMap< QString, ProgramInfo* > recMap;
    QMap< QString, uint32_t > inUseMap = ProgramInfo::QueryInUseMap();
    QMap< QString, bool > isJobRunning = ProgramInfo::QueryJobsRunning(JOB_COMMFLAG);

    ProgramList progList;

    LoadFromRecorded( progList, false, inUseMap, isJobRunning, recMap, -1 );

    for( int n = 0; n < (int)progList.size(); n++)
        ProgramInfo *pginfo = new ProgramInfo(*(progList[n]));
        if (pginfo && pginfo->GetInetRef().isEmpty())
            RecordingRule *rule = new RecordingRule();
            rule->m_recordID = pginfo->GetRecordingRuleID();
            if (!rule->m_inetref.isEmpty())
                QString msg = QString("%1").arg(pginfo->GetTitle());
                if (!pginfo->GetSubtitle().isEmpty())
                    msg += QString(": %1").arg(pginfo->GetSubtitle());
                msg += " has no inetref, but its recording rule does. Copying...";
                LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, msg);
            delete rule;
        delete pginfo;
Esempio n. 2
void LookerUpper::HandleAllRecordings(bool updaterules)
    QMap< QString, ProgramInfo* > recMap;
    QMap< QString, uint32_t > inUseMap = ProgramInfo::QueryInUseMap();
    QMap< QString, bool > isJobRunning = ProgramInfo::QueryJobsRunning(JOB_COMMFLAG);

    m_updaterules = updaterules;

    ProgramList progList;

    LoadFromRecorded( progList, false, inUseMap, isJobRunning, recMap, -1 );

    for( int n = 0; n < (int)progList.size(); n++)
        ProgramInfo *pginfo = new ProgramInfo(*(progList[n]));
        if ((pginfo->GetRecordingGroup() != "Deleted") &&
            (pginfo->GetRecordingGroup() != "LiveTV") &&
            (pginfo->GetInetRef().isEmpty() ||
            (!pginfo->GetSubtitle().isEmpty() &&
            (pginfo->GetSeason() == 0) &&
            (pginfo->GetEpisode() == 0))))
            QString msg = QString("Looking up: %1 %2").arg(pginfo->GetTitle())
            LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, msg);

            m_metadataFactory->Lookup(pginfo, true, false, false);
            delete pginfo;
Esempio n. 3
void LookerUpper::HandleAllRecordings()
    QMap< QString, ProgramInfo* > recMap;
    QMap< QString, uint32_t > inUseMap = ProgramInfo::QueryInUseMap();
    QMap< QString, bool > isJobRunning = ProgramInfo::QueryJobsRunning(JOB_COMMFLAG);

    ProgramList progList;

    LoadFromRecorded( progList, false, inUseMap, isJobRunning, recMap, -1 );

    for( int n = 0; n < (int)progList.size(); n++)
        ProgramInfo *pginfo = new ProgramInfo(*(progList[n]));
        if (pginfo->GetInetRef().isEmpty() ||
            (!pginfo->GetSubtitle().isEmpty() &&
              (pginfo->GetSeason() == 0) &&
              (pginfo->GetEpisode() == 0)))
            QString msg = QString("Looking up: %1 %2").arg(pginfo->GetTitle())
            VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, msg);

            m_metadataFactory->Lookup(pginfo, false, false);
Esempio n. 4
DTC::Program* Guide::GetProgramDetails( int              nChanId,
                                        const QDateTime &dtStartTime )
    if (!dtStartTime.isValid())
        throw( "StartTime is invalid" );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // -=>TODO: Add support for getting Recorded Program Info
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Build add'l SQL statement for Program Listing

    MSqlBindings bindings;
    QString      sSQL = "WHERE program.chanid = :ChanId "
                          "AND program.starttime = :StartTime ";

    bindings[":ChanId"   ] = nChanId;
    bindings[":StartTime"] = dtStartTime;

    // Get all Pending Scheduled Programs

    ProgramList  schedList;
    bool hasConflicts;
    LoadFromScheduler(schedList, hasConflicts);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ProgramList progList;

    LoadFromProgram( progList, sSQL, bindings, schedList, false );

    if ( progList.size() == 0)
        throw( "Error Reading Program Info" );

    // Build Response

    DTC::Program *pProgram = new DTC::Program();
    ProgramInfo  *pInfo    = progList[ 0 ];

    FillProgramInfo( pProgram, pInfo, true );

    return pProgram;
Esempio n. 5
void TVBrowseHelper::GetNextProgramDB(
    BrowseDirection direction, InfoMap &infoMap) const
    uint chanid = infoMap["chanid"].toUInt();
    if (!chanid)
        LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, LOC + "GetNextProgramDB() requires a chanid");

    int chandir = -1;
    switch (direction)
        case BROWSE_UP:       chandir = CHANNEL_DIRECTION_UP;       break;
        case BROWSE_DOWN:     chandir = CHANNEL_DIRECTION_DOWN;     break;
    if (chandir != -1)
        chanid = ChannelUtil::GetNextChannel(
            db_all_visible_channels, chanid, 0 /*mplexid_restriction*/,
            chandir, true /*skip non visible*/, true /*skip same callsign*/);

    infoMap["chanid"]  = QString::number(chanid);
    infoMap["channum"] = db_chanid_to_channum[chanid];

    QDateTime nowtime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
    QDateTime latesttime = nowtime.addSecs(6*60*60);
    QDateTime browsetime = QDateTime::fromString(
        infoMap["dbstarttime"], Qt::ISODate);

    MSqlBindings bindings;
    bindings[":CHANID"] = chanid;
    bindings[":NOWTS"] = nowtime;
    bindings[":LATESTTS"] = latesttime;
    bindings[":BROWSETS"] = browsetime;
    bindings[":BROWSETS2"] = browsetime;

    QString querystr = " WHERE program.chanid = :CHANID ";
    switch (direction)
        case BROWSE_LEFT:
            querystr += " AND program.endtime <= :BROWSETS "
                " AND program.endtime > :NOWTS ";

        case BROWSE_RIGHT:
            querystr += " AND program.starttime > :BROWSETS "
                " AND program.starttime < :LATESTTS ";

            querystr += " AND program.starttime <= :BROWSETS "
                " AND program.endtime > :BROWSETS2 ";

    ProgramList progList;
    ProgramList dummySched;
    LoadFromProgram(progList, querystr, bindings, dummySched);

    if (progList.empty())
        infoMap["dbstarttime"] = "";

    const ProgramInfo *prog = (direction == BROWSE_LEFT) ?
        progList[progList.size() - 1] : progList[0];

    infoMap["dbstarttime"] = prog->GetScheduledStartTime(ISODate);
Esempio n. 6
DTC::ProgramGuide *Guide::GetProgramGuide( const QDateTime &dtStartTime ,
                                           const QDateTime &dtEndTime   ,
                                           int              nStartChanId,
                                           int              nNumChannels,
                                           bool             bDetails      )

    if (!dtStartTime.isValid())
        throw( "StartTime is invalid" );

    if (!dtEndTime.isValid())
        throw( "EndTime is invalid" );

    if (dtEndTime < dtStartTime)
        throw( "EndTime is before StartTime");

    if (nNumChannels == 0)
        nNumChannels = 1;

    if (nNumChannels == -1)
        nNumChannels = SHRT_MAX;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Find the ending channel Id
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    int nEndChanId = nStartChanId;

    MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());

    query.prepare( "SELECT chanid FROM channel WHERE (chanid >= :STARTCHANID )"
                   " ORDER BY chanid LIMIT :NUMCHAN" );

    query.bindValue(":STARTCHANID", nStartChanId );
    query.bindValue(":NUMCHAN"    , nNumChannels );

    if (!query.exec())
        MythDB::DBError("Select ChanId", query);

    query.first();  nStartChanId = query.value(0).toInt();
    query.last();   nEndChanId   = query.value(0).toInt();

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build SQL statement for Program Listing
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ProgramList  progList;
    ProgramList  schedList;
    MSqlBindings bindings;

    QString      sSQL = "WHERE program.chanid >= :StartChanId "
                         "AND program.chanid <= :EndChanId "
                         "AND program.endtime >= :StartDate "
                         "AND program.starttime <= :EndDate "
                        "GROUP BY program.starttime, channel.channum, "
                         "channel.callsign, program.title "
                        "ORDER BY program.chanid ";

    bindings[":StartChanId"] = nStartChanId;
    bindings[":EndChanId"  ] = nEndChanId;
    bindings[":StartDate"  ] = dtStartTime;
    bindings[":EndDate"    ] = dtEndTime;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Get all Pending Scheduled Programs
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    bool hasConflicts;
    LoadFromScheduler(schedList, hasConflicts);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    LoadFromProgram( progList, sSQL, bindings, schedList, false );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build Response
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    DTC::ProgramGuide *pGuide = new DTC::ProgramGuide();

    int               nChanCount = 0;
    uint              nCurChanId = 0;
    DTC::ChannelInfo *pChannel   = NULL;

    for( uint n = 0; n < progList.size(); n++)
        ProgramInfo *pInfo = progList[ n ];

        if ( nCurChanId != pInfo->GetChanID() )

            nCurChanId = pInfo->GetChanID();

            pChannel = pGuide->AddNewChannel();

            FillChannelInfo( pChannel, pInfo, bDetails );

        DTC::Program *pProgram = pChannel->AddNewProgram();

        FillProgramInfo( pProgram, pInfo, false, bDetails );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    pGuide->setStartTime    ( dtStartTime   );
    pGuide->setEndTime      ( dtEndTime     );
    pGuide->setStartChanId  ( nStartChanId  );
    pGuide->setEndChanId    ( nEndChanId    );
    pGuide->setNumOfChannels( nChanCount    );
    pGuide->setDetails      ( bDetails      );
    pGuide->setCount        ( progList.size());
    pGuide->setAsOf         ( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
    pGuide->setVersion      ( MYTH_BINARY_VERSION );
    pGuide->setProtoVer     ( MYTH_PROTO_VERSION  );
    return pGuide;
Esempio n. 7
void LookerUpper::HandleAllArtwork(bool aggressive)
    m_updateartwork = true;

    if (aggressive)
        m_updaterules = true;

    // First, handle all recording rules w/ inetrefs
    vector<ProgramInfo *> recordingList;

    int maxartnum = 3;

    for( int n = 0; n < (int)recordingList.size(); n++)
        ProgramInfo *pginfo = new ProgramInfo(*(recordingList[n]));
        bool dolookup = true;

        if (pginfo->GetInetRef().isEmpty())
            dolookup = false;
        if (dolookup || aggressive)
            ArtworkMap map = GetArtwork(pginfo->GetInetRef(), pginfo->GetSeason(), true);
            if (map.isEmpty() || (aggressive && map.count() < maxartnum))
                QString msg = QString("Looking up artwork for recording rule: %1 %2")
                LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, msg);

                m_metadataFactory->Lookup(pginfo, true, true, true);
        delete pginfo;

    // Now, Attempt to fill in the gaps for recordings
    QMap< QString, ProgramInfo* > recMap;
    QMap< QString, uint32_t > inUseMap = ProgramInfo::QueryInUseMap();
    QMap< QString, bool > isJobRunning = ProgramInfo::QueryJobsRunning(JOB_COMMFLAG);

    ProgramList progList;

    LoadFromRecorded( progList, false, inUseMap, isJobRunning, recMap, -1 );

    for( int n = 0; n < (int)progList.size(); n++)
        ProgramInfo *pginfo = new ProgramInfo(*(progList[n]));

        bool dolookup = true;

        LookupType type = GuessLookupType(pginfo);

        if (type == kProbableMovie)
           maxartnum = 2;

        if ((!aggressive && type == kProbableGenericTelevision) ||
             pginfo->GetRecordingGroup() == "Deleted" ||
             pginfo->GetRecordingGroup() == "LiveTV")
            dolookup = false;
        if (dolookup || aggressive)
            ArtworkMap map = GetArtwork(pginfo->GetInetRef(), pginfo->GetSeason(), true);
            if (map.isEmpty() || (aggressive && map.count() < maxartnum))
               QString msg = QString("Looking up artwork for recording: %1 %2")
                LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, msg);

                m_metadataFactory->Lookup(pginfo, true, true, aggressive);
        delete pginfo;

Esempio n. 8
DTC::ProgramGuide *Guide::GetProgramGuide( const QDateTime &rawStartTime ,
                                           const QDateTime &rawEndTime   ,
                                           int              nStartChanId,
                                           int              nNumChannels,
                                           bool             bDetails,
                                           int              nChannelGroupId )
    if (!rawStartTime.isValid())
        throw( "StartTime is invalid" );

    if (!rawEndTime.isValid())
        throw( "EndTime is invalid" );

    QDateTime dtStartTime = rawStartTime.toUTC();
    QDateTime dtEndTime = rawEndTime.toUTC();

    if (dtEndTime < dtStartTime)
        throw( "EndTime is before StartTime");

    if (nNumChannels == 0)
        nNumChannels = SHRT_MAX;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Find the ending channel Id
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    int nEndChanId = nStartChanId;

    MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());

    query.prepare( "SELECT chanid FROM channel WHERE (chanid >= :STARTCHANID )"
                   " ORDER BY chanid LIMIT :NUMCHAN" );

    query.bindValue(":STARTCHANID", nStartChanId );
    query.bindValue(":NUMCHAN"    , nNumChannels );

    if (!query.exec())
        MythDB::DBError("Select ChanId", query);

    query.first();  nStartChanId = query.value(0).toInt();
    query.last();   nEndChanId   = query.value(0).toInt();

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build SQL statement for Program Listing
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ProgramList  progList;
    ProgramList  schedList;
    MSqlBindings bindings;

    // lpad is to allow natural sorting of numbers
    QString      sSQL;

    if (nChannelGroupId > 0)
        sSQL = "LEFT JOIN channelgroup ON program.chanid = channelgroup.chanid "
                         "WHERE channelgroup.grpid = :CHANGRPID AND ";
        bindings[":CHANGRPID"  ] = nChannelGroupId;
        sSQL = "WHERE ";

    sSQL +=     "visible != 0 "
                "AND program.chanid >= :StartChanId "
                "AND program.chanid <= :EndChanId "
                "AND program.endtime >= :StartDate "
                "AND program.starttime <= :EndDate "
                "AND program.manualid = 0 " // Exclude programmes created purely for 'manual' recording schedules
                "ORDER BY LPAD(CAST(channum AS UNSIGNED), 10, 0), "
                "         LPAD(channum,  10, 0),             "
                "         callsign,                          "
                "         LPAD(program.chanid, 10, 0),       "
                "         program.starttime ";

    bindings[":StartChanId"] = nStartChanId;
    bindings[":EndChanId"  ] = nEndChanId;
    bindings[":StartDate"  ] = dtStartTime;
    bindings[":EndDate"    ] = dtEndTime;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Get all Pending Scheduled Programs
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    bool hasConflicts;
    LoadFromScheduler(schedList, hasConflicts);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    LoadFromProgram( progList, sSQL, bindings, schedList );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build Response
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    DTC::ProgramGuide *pGuide = new DTC::ProgramGuide();

    int               nChanCount = 0;
    uint              nCurChanId = 0;
    DTC::ChannelInfo *pChannel   = NULL;
    QString           sCurCallsign;
    uint              nSkipChanId = 0;

    for( uint n = 0; n < progList.size(); n++)
        ProgramInfo *pInfo = progList[ n ];

        if ( nSkipChanId == pInfo->GetChanID())

        if ( nCurChanId != pInfo->GetChanID() )

            nCurChanId = pInfo->GetChanID();

            // Filter out channels with the same callsign, keeping just the
            // first seen
            if (sCurCallsign == pInfo->GetChannelSchedulingID())
                nSkipChanId = pInfo->GetChanID();

            pChannel = pGuide->AddNewChannel();

            FillChannelInfo( pChannel, pInfo->GetChanID(), bDetails );

            sCurCallsign = pChannel->CallSign();
        DTC::Program *pProgram = pChannel->AddNewProgram();

        FillProgramInfo( pProgram, pInfo, false, bDetails, false ); // No cast info

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    pGuide->setStartTime    ( dtStartTime   );
    pGuide->setEndTime      ( dtEndTime     );
    pGuide->setStartChanId  ( nStartChanId  );
    pGuide->setEndChanId    ( nEndChanId    );
    pGuide->setNumOfChannels( nChanCount    );
    pGuide->setDetails      ( bDetails      );
    pGuide->setCount        ( progList.size());
    pGuide->setAsOf         ( MythDate::current() );
    pGuide->setVersion      ( MYTH_BINARY_VERSION );
    pGuide->setProtoVer     ( MYTH_PROTO_VERSION  );
    return pGuide;
Esempio n. 9
DTC::ProgramList* Guide::GetProgramList(int              nStartIndex,
                                        int              nCount,
                                        const QDateTime& rawStartTime,
                                        const QDateTime& rawEndTime,
                                        int nChanId,
                                        const QString& sTitleFilter,
                                        const QString& sCategoryFilter,
                                        const QString& sPersonFilter,
                                        const QString& sKeywordFilter,
                                        bool bOnlyNew,
                                        bool bDetails,
                                        const QString   &sSort,
                                        bool             bDescending)
    if (!rawStartTime.isNull() && !rawStartTime.isValid())
        throw( "StartTime is invalid" );

    if (!rawEndTime.isNull() && !rawEndTime.isValid())
        throw( "EndTime is invalid" );

    QDateTime dtStartTime = rawStartTime;
    QDateTime dtEndTime = rawEndTime;

    if (!rawEndTime.isNull() && dtEndTime < dtStartTime)
        throw( "EndTime is before StartTime");

    MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build SQL statement for Program Listing
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ProgramList  progList;
    ProgramList  schedList;
    MSqlBindings bindings;

    QString      sSQL;

    if (!sPersonFilter.isEmpty())
        sSQL = ", people, credits " // LEFT JOIN
               "WHERE LIKE :PersonFilter "
               "AND credits.person = people.person "
               "AND program.chanid = credits.chanid "
               "AND program.starttime = credits.starttime AND ";
        bindings[":PersonFilter"] = QString("%%1%").arg(sPersonFilter);
        sSQL = "WHERE ";

    sSQL +=    "visible != 0 AND program.manualid = 0 "; // Exclude programmes created purely for 'manual' recording schedules

    if (nChanId < 0)
        nChanId = 0;

    if (nChanId > 0)
        sSQL += "AND program.chanid = :ChanId ";
        bindings[":ChanId"]      = nChanId;

    if (dtStartTime.isNull())
        dtStartTime = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();

    sSQL += " AND program.endtime >= :StartDate ";
    bindings[":StartDate"] = dtStartTime;

    if (!dtEndTime.isNull())
        sSQL += "AND program.starttime <= :EndDate ";
        bindings[":EndDate"] = dtEndTime;

    if (!sTitleFilter.isEmpty())
        sSQL += "AND program.title LIKE :Title ";
        bindings[":Title"] = QString("%%1%").arg(sTitleFilter);

    if (!sCategoryFilter.isEmpty())
        sSQL += "AND program.category LIKE :Category ";
        bindings[":Category"] = sCategoryFilter;

    if (!sKeywordFilter.isEmpty())
        sSQL += "AND (program.title LIKE :Keyword1 "
                "OR   program.subtitle LIKE :Keyword2 "
                "OR   program.description LIKE :Keyword3) ";

        QString filter = QString("%%1%").arg(sKeywordFilter);
        bindings[":Keyword1"] = filter;
        bindings[":Keyword2"] = filter;
        bindings[":Keyword3"] = filter;

    if (sSort == "starttime")
        sSQL += "ORDER BY program.starttime ";
    else if (sSort == "title")
        sSQL += "ORDER BY program.title ";
    else if (sSort == "channel")
        sSQL += "ORDER BY channel.channum ";
    else if (sSort == "duration")
        sSQL += "ORDER BY (program.endtime - program.starttime) ";
        sSQL += "ORDER BY program.starttime ";

    if (bDescending)
        sSQL += "DESC ";
        sSQL += "ASC ";

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Get all Pending Scheduled Programs
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    bool hasConflicts;
    LoadFromScheduler(schedList, hasConflicts);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    uint nTotalAvailable = 0;
    LoadFromProgram( progList, sSQL, bindings, schedList,
                     (uint)nStartIndex, (uint)nCount, nTotalAvailable);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build Response
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    DTC::ProgramList *pPrograms = new DTC::ProgramList();

    nCount        = (int)progList.size();
    int nEndIndex = (int)progList.size();

    for( int n = 0; n < nEndIndex; n++)
        ProgramInfo *pInfo = progList[ n ];

        DTC::Program *pProgram = pPrograms->AddNewProgram();

        FillProgramInfo( pProgram, pInfo, true, bDetails, false ); // No cast info, loading this takes far too long

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    pPrograms->setStartIndex    ( nStartIndex     );
    pPrograms->setCount         ( nCount          );
    pPrograms->setTotalAvailable( nTotalAvailable );
    pPrograms->setAsOf          ( MythDate::current() );
    pPrograms->setVersion       ( MYTH_BINARY_VERSION );
    pPrograms->setProtoVer      ( MYTH_PROTO_VERSION  );

    return pPrograms;
Esempio n. 10
DTC::ProgramList* Dvr::GetRecordedList( bool           bDescending,
                                        int            nStartIndex,
                                        int            nCount,
                                        const QString &sTitleRegEx,
                                        const QString &sRecGroup,
                                        const QString &sStorageGroup )
    QMap< QString, ProgramInfo* > recMap;

    if (gCoreContext->GetScheduler())
        recMap = gCoreContext->GetScheduler()->GetRecording();

    QMap< QString, uint32_t > inUseMap    = ProgramInfo::QueryInUseMap();
    QMap< QString, bool >     isJobRunning= ProgramInfo::QueryJobsRunning(JOB_COMMFLAG);

    ProgramList progList;

    int desc = 1;
    if (bDescending)
        desc = -1;

    LoadFromRecorded( progList, false, inUseMap, isJobRunning, recMap, desc );

    QMap< QString, ProgramInfo* >::iterator mit = recMap.begin();

    for (; mit != recMap.end(); mit = recMap.erase(mit))
        delete *mit;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build Response
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    DTC::ProgramList *pPrograms = new DTC::ProgramList();
    int nAvailable = 0;

    int nMax      = (nCount > 0) ? nCount : progList.size();

    nAvailable = 0;
    nCount = 0;

    QRegExp rTitleRegEx        = QRegExp(sTitleRegEx, Qt::CaseInsensitive);

    for( unsigned int n = 0; n < progList.size(); n++)
        ProgramInfo *pInfo = progList[ n ];

        if (pInfo->IsDeletePending() ||
            (!sTitleRegEx.isEmpty() && !pInfo->GetTitle().contains(rTitleRegEx)) ||
            (!sRecGroup.isEmpty() && sRecGroup != pInfo->GetRecordingGroup()) ||
            (!sStorageGroup.isEmpty() && sStorageGroup != pInfo->GetStorageGroup()))

        if ((nAvailable < nStartIndex) ||
            (nCount >= nMax))


        DTC::Program *pProgram = pPrograms->AddNewProgram();

        FillProgramInfo( pProgram, pInfo, true );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    pPrograms->setStartIndex    ( nStartIndex     );
    pPrograms->setCount         ( nCount          );
    pPrograms->setTotalAvailable( nAvailable      );
    pPrograms->setAsOf          ( MythDate::current() );
    pPrograms->setVersion       ( MYTH_BINARY_VERSION );
    pPrograms->setProtoVer      ( MYTH_PROTO_VERSION  );

    return pPrograms;
Esempio n. 11
void ViewScheduled::LoadList(bool useExistingData)
    if (m_inFill)

    m_inFill = true;

    MythUIButtonListItem *currentItem = m_schedulesList->GetItemCurrent();

    QString callsign;
    QDateTime startts, recstartts;

    if (currentItem)
        ProgramInfo *currentpginfo = qVariantValue<ProgramInfo*>
        if (currentpginfo)
            callsign   = currentpginfo->GetChannelSchedulingID();
            startts    = currentpginfo->GetScheduledStartTime();
            recstartts = currentpginfo->GetRecordingStartTime();

    QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();

    QMap<int, int> toomanycounts;

    if (m_groupList)


    if (!useExistingData)
        LoadFromScheduler(m_recList, m_conflictBool);

    ProgramList::iterator pit = m_recList.begin();
    QString currentDate;
    m_recgroupList[m_defaultGroup] = ProgramList(false);
    while (pit != m_recList.end())
        ProgramInfo *pginfo = *pit;
        const RecStatusType recstatus = pginfo->GetRecordingStatus();
        if ((pginfo->GetRecordingEndTime() >= now ||
             pginfo->GetScheduledEndTime() >= now) &&
            (m_showAll ||
             recstatus <= rsWillRecord ||
             recstatus == rsDontRecord ||
             (recstatus == rsTooManyRecordings &&
              ++toomanycounts[pginfo->GetRecordingRuleID()] <= 1) ||
             (recstatus > rsTooManyRecordings &&
              recstatus != rsRepeat &&
              recstatus != rsNeverRecord)))
            if (pginfo->GetCardID() > m_maxcard)
                m_maxcard = pginfo->GetCardID();

            if (pginfo->GetInputID() > m_maxinput)
                m_maxinput = pginfo->GetInputID();

            QDate date = (pginfo->GetRecordingStartTime()).date();


            pit = m_recList.erase(pit);

    if (m_groupList)
        QString label;
        QMap<QDate,ProgramList>::iterator dateit = m_recgroupList.begin();
        while (dateit != m_recgroupList.end())
            if (dateit.key().isNull())
                label = tr("All");
                label = dateit.key().toString(m_dateFormat);

            new MythUIButtonListItem(m_groupList, label,
        if (!m_recgroupList.contains(m_currentGroup))


    // Restore position after a list update
    if (!callsign.isEmpty())
        ProgramList plist;

        if (!m_recgroupList.contains(m_currentGroup))
            m_currentGroup = m_defaultGroup;

        plist = m_recgroupList[m_currentGroup];

        int listPos = ((int) plist.size()) - 1;
        int i;
        for (i = listPos; i >= 0; --i)
            ProgramInfo *pginfo = plist[i];
            if (callsign == pginfo->GetChannelSchedulingID() &&
                startts  == pginfo->GetScheduledStartTime())
                listPos = i;
            else if (recstartts <= pginfo->GetRecordingStartTime())
                listPos = i;

    m_inFill = false;
    m_needFill = false;
Esempio n. 12
void StatusBox::doScheduleStatus()
    if (m_iconState)

    QString helpmsg(tr("Schedule Status shows current statistics "
                       "from the scheduler."));
    if (m_helpText)
    if (m_justHelpText)

    MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());

    query.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM record WHERE search = 0");
    if (query.exec() &&
        QString rules = tr("%n standard rule(s) (is) defined", "",
        AddLogLine(rules, helpmsg);
        MythDB::DBError("StatusBox::doScheduleStatus()", query);

    query.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM record WHERE search > 0");
    if (query.exec() &&
        QString rules = tr("%n search rule(s) are defined", "",
        AddLogLine(rules, helpmsg);
        MythDB::DBError("StatusBox::doScheduleStatus()", query);

    QMap<RecStatusType, int> statusMatch;
    QMap<RecStatusType, QString> statusText;
    QMap<int, int> sourceMatch;
    QMap<int, QString> sourceText;
    QMap<int, int> inputMatch;
    QMap<int, QString> inputText;
    QString tmpstr;
    int maxSource = 0;
    int maxInput = 0;
    int lowerpriority = 0;
    int hdflag = 0;

    query.prepare("SELECT MAX(sourceid) FROM videosource");
    if (query.exec())
        if (
            maxSource = query.value(0).toInt();

    query.prepare("SELECT sourceid,name FROM videosource");
    if (query.exec())
        while (
            sourceText[query.value(0).toInt()] = query.value(1).toString();

    query.prepare("SELECT MAX(cardinputid) FROM cardinput");
    if (query.exec())
        if (
            maxInput = query.value(0).toInt();

    query.prepare("SELECT cardinputid,cardid,inputname,displayname "
                  "FROM cardinput");
    if (query.exec())
        while (
            if (!query.value(3).toString().isEmpty())
                inputText[query.value(0).toInt()] = query.value(3).toString();
                inputText[query.value(0).toInt()] = QString("%1: %2")

    ProgramList schedList;

    tmpstr = tr("%n matching showing(s)", "", schedList.size());
    AddLogLine(tmpstr, helpmsg);

    ProgramList::const_iterator it = schedList.begin();
    for (; it != schedList.end(); ++it)
        const ProgramInfo *s = *it;
        const RecStatusType recstatus = s->GetRecordingStatus();

        if (statusMatch[recstatus] < 1)
            statusText[recstatus] = toString(
                recstatus, s->GetRecordingRuleType());


        if (recstatus == rsWillRecord || recstatus == rsRecording)
            if (s->GetRecordingPriority2() < 0)
            if (s->GetVideoProperties() & VID_HDTV)

#define ADD_STATUS_LOG_LINE(rtype, fstate)                      \
    do {                                                        \
        if (statusMatch[rtype] > 0)                             \
        {                                                       \
            tmpstr = QString("%1 %2").arg(statusMatch[rtype])   \
                                     .arg(statusText[rtype]);   \
            AddLogLine(tmpstr, helpmsg, tmpstr, tmpstr, fstate);\
        }                                                       \
    } while (0)
    ADD_STATUS_LOG_LINE(rsRecording, "");
    ADD_STATUS_LOG_LINE(rsWillRecord, "");
    ADD_STATUS_LOG_LINE(rsConflict, "error");
    ADD_STATUS_LOG_LINE(rsTooManyRecordings, "warning");
    ADD_STATUS_LOG_LINE(rsLowDiskSpace, "warning");
    ADD_STATUS_LOG_LINE(rsLaterShowing, "warning");
    ADD_STATUS_LOG_LINE(rsNotListed, "warning");

    QString willrec = statusText[rsWillRecord];

    if (lowerpriority > 0)
        tmpstr = QString("%1 %2 %3").arg(lowerpriority).arg(willrec)
                                    .arg(tr("with lower priority"));
        AddLogLine(tmpstr, helpmsg, tmpstr, tmpstr, "warning");
    if (hdflag > 0)
        tmpstr = QString("%1 %2 %3").arg(hdflag).arg(willrec)
                                    .arg(tr("marked as HDTV"));
        AddLogLine(tmpstr, helpmsg);
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i <= maxSource; ++i)
        if (sourceMatch[i] > 0)
            tmpstr = QString("%1 %2 %3 %4 \"%5\"")
                             .arg(tr("from source")).arg(i).arg(sourceText[i]);
            AddLogLine(tmpstr, helpmsg);
    for (i = 1; i <= maxInput; ++i)
        if (inputMatch[i] > 0)
            tmpstr = QString("%1 %2 %3 %4 \"%5\"")
                             .arg(tr("on input")).arg(i).arg(inputText[i]);
            AddLogLine(tmpstr, helpmsg);
    RG_DEBUG << "updateVariationComboBox() begin...";

    if (!getSelectedInstrument())

    MidiDevice *md =
            dynamic_cast<MidiDevice *>(getSelectedInstrument()->getDevice());
    if (!md) {
        std::cerr << "WARNING: MIDIInstrumentParameterPanel::updateVariationComboBox(): No MidiDevice for Instrument " << getSelectedInstrument()->getId() << '\n';

    RG_DEBUG << "updateVariationComboBox(): Variation type is " << md->getVariationType();

    if (md->getVariationType() == MidiDevice::NoVariations) {

    // Get the variations.

    bool useMSB = (md->getVariationType() == MidiDevice::VariationFromMSB);
    MidiByteList variationBanks;

    if (useMSB) {
        MidiByte lsb = getSelectedInstrument()->getLSB();
        variationBanks = md->getDistinctMSBs(getSelectedInstrument()->isPercussion(),
        RG_DEBUG << "updateVariationComboBox(): Have " << variationBanks.size() << " variations for LSB " << lsb;

    } else {
        MidiByte msb = getSelectedInstrument()->getMSB();
        variationBanks = md->getDistinctLSBs(getSelectedInstrument()->isPercussion(),

        RG_DEBUG << "updateVariationComboBox(): Have " << variationBanks.size() << " variations for MSB " << msb;

    // Convert variationBanks to a ProgramList.

    ProgramList variations;

    // For each variation
    for (size_t i = 0; i < variationBanks.size(); ++i) {
        // Assemble the program for the variation.
        MidiBank bank;
        if (useMSB) {
            bank = MidiBank(getSelectedInstrument()->isPercussion(),
        } else {
            bank = MidiBank(getSelectedInstrument()->isPercussion(),
        MidiProgram program(bank, getSelectedInstrument()->getProgramChange());

        // Skip any programs without names.
        if (md->getProgramName(program) == "")


    // Compute the current variation.
    // ??? This might be combined into the previous for loop.

    int currentVariation = -1;

    // For each variation
    for (size_t i = 0; i < variations.size(); ++i) {
        if (getSelectedInstrument()->getProgram().partialCompare(variations[i])) {
            currentVariation = i;

    // If the variations have changed, repopulate the combobox.
    if (!partialCompareWithName(variations, m_variations)) {
        RG_DEBUG << "updateVariationComboBox(): Repopulating the combobox";

        // Update the cache.
        m_variations = variations;

        // Copy from m_variations to m_variationComboBox.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < m_variations.size(); ++i) {
            std::string programName = md->getProgramName(m_variations[i]);

            // Pick the correct bank number.
            MidiBank bank = m_variations[i].getBank();
            MidiByte variationBank = useMSB ? bank.getMSB() : bank.getLSB();

            m_variationComboBox->addItem(QObject::tr("%1. %2")

    // Display the current variation.

    // Show the variation widgets in either of two cases:
    //   1. More than one variation is available for this program.
    //   2. The variation was not in the Device and there is a variation
    //      to choose from.
    showVariation(m_variations.size() > 1  ||
                  (currentVariation == -1  &&  !m_variations.empty()));

    RG_DEBUG << "updateProgramComboBox()";

    if (!getSelectedInstrument())

    MidiDevice *md =
            dynamic_cast<MidiDevice *>(getSelectedInstrument()->getDevice());
    if (!md) {
        std::cerr << "WARNING: MIDIInstrumentParameterPanel::updateProgramComboBox(): No MidiDevice for Instrument " << getSelectedInstrument()->getId() << '\n';

    RG_DEBUG << "updateProgramComboBox(): variation type is " << md->getVariationType();

    MidiBank bank = getSelectedInstrument()->getProgram().getBank();

    ProgramList programs =
            md->getPrograms0thVariation(getSelectedInstrument()->isPercussion(), bank);

    // Remove the programs that have no name.
    programs.erase(std::remove_if(programs.begin(), programs.end(),

    // If we've got programs, show the Program widgets.
    // Why not "show = (programs.size()>1)"?  Because that would hide the
    // program checkbox which would take away the user's ability to
    // enable/disable program changes.  If we do away with the checkbox
    // in the future, we should re-evaluate this decision.
    bool show = !programs.empty();

    int currentProgram = -1;

    // Compute the current program.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < programs.size(); ++i) {
        // If the program change is the same...
        if (getSelectedInstrument()->getProgram().getProgram() == programs[i].getProgram()) {
            currentProgram = i;

    // If the programs have changed, we need to repopulate the combobox.
    if (!partialCompareWithName(programs, m_programs))
        // Update the cache.
        m_programs = programs;

        // Copy from m_programs to m_programComboBox.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_programs.size(); ++i) {
            m_programComboBox->addItem(QObject::tr("%1. %2")
                                       .arg(m_programs[i].getProgram() + 1)


#if 0
// ??? This is a pretty nifty idea, but unfortunately, it requires
//     that we maintain a bogus combobox entry.  For now, we'll go
//     with the simpler "unselected" approach.

    // If the current program was not found...
    if (currentProgram < 0  &&  !m_programs.empty()) {
        // Format program change and add to combobox.
        MidiByte programChange = getSelectedInstrument()->getProgram().getProgram();
        m_programComboBox.addItem(QString::number(programChange + 1));
        currentProgram = programs.size();

    // Display the current program.