Esempio n. 1
int main ()
  printf ("Results of user_test:\n");
    User user;

    printf ("default user\n");

    dump (user);

    user.SetId ("Id1");
    user.SetNickname ("Nickname");
    user.SetFriend (true);
    user.SetHandle ((const void*)1);

    PropertyMap properties;

    properties.SetProperty ("String", "StringValue");
    properties.SetProperty ("IntValue", 10);

    user.SetProperties (properties);

    printf ("filled user\n");

    dump (user);
  catch (std::exception& exception)
    printf ("exception: %s\n", exception.what ());

  return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int main ()
  printf ("Results of parse_resolve3_test:\n");
    Parser parser (file_name);
    PropertyMap properties;
    properties.SetProperty ("A.D", "Hello");

    printf ("Parse successfull\n");
    ParseNode root = resolve_references (parser.Root (), properties);

    print (root, 0);

    parser.Log ().Print (&print_log);    
  catch (std::exception& e)
    printf ("exception: %s\n", e.what ());

  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
void update_entity_frame_transformations (Frame& frame, Entity& entity, void* user_data, EntityDrawParams& out_params)
  PropertyMap properties =;
  math::mat4f model_view_tm = frame.Properties ().GetMatrix ("myViewMatrix") * entity.WorldMatrix ();  

  out_params.mvp_matrix = frame.Properties ().GetMatrix ("myProjMatrix") * model_view_tm;

  properties.SetProperty ("myObjectMatrix", entity.WorldMatrix ());
Esempio n. 4
int main ()
  printf ("Results of transaction_test:\n");
    Transaction transaction;

    printf ("default transaction\n");

    dump (transaction);

    transaction.SetState (TransactionState_Purchased);
    transaction.SetStatus ("Success");
    transaction.SetProductId ("ProductId");
    transaction.SetQuantity (4);
    transaction.SetReceipt (xtl::xstrlen (RECEIPT), RECEIPT);
    transaction.SetHandle ((const void*)1);

    PropertyMap properties;

    properties.SetProperty ("String", "StringValue");
    properties.SetProperty ("IntValue", 10);

    transaction.SetProperties (properties);

    printf ("filled transaction\n");

    dump (transaction);

    transaction.Finish ();
  catch (std::exception& exception)
    printf ("exception: %s\n", exception.what ());

  return 0;
Esempio n. 5
NodeDeclPtr XmlSceneParser::Impl::PrepareNode (const ParseNode& decl)
      //попытка найти параметры в кеше
    if (NodeDeclPtr* node_decl_ptr = cache.FindValue<NodeDeclPtr> (decl))
      return *node_decl_ptr;

    NodeDeclPtr node_decl (new NodeDecl, false);

      //парсинг базовых свойств
    node_decl->name = get<const char*> (decl, "id", "");

      //парсинг точки поворота

    if (decl.First ("pivot"))      
      stl::auto_ptr<NodeDecl::Pivot> pivot (new NodeDecl::Pivot);

      ParseAttribute (decl, "pivot", pivot->position);

      pivot->has_orientation_pivot = strcmp (get<const char*> (decl, "orientation_pivot", "true"), "true") == 0;
      pivot->has_scale_pivot       = strcmp (get<const char*> (decl, "scale_pivot", "true"), "true") == 0;

      node_decl->pivot = pivot;

      //парсинг трансформаций

    node_decl->is_world_transform = strcmp (get<const char*> (decl, "bind_space", "local"), "world") == 0;

    if (ParseNode tm_node = decl.First ("transform"))
      math::mat4f tm;        
      ParseAttribute (tm_node, "", tm);
      affine_decompose (tm, node_decl->position, node_decl->orientation, node_decl->scale);
      ParseAttribute (decl, "position", node_decl->position);
      ParseAttribute (decl, "scale", node_decl->scale);        
      if (ParseNode rotation_node = decl.First ("rotation"))
        float rotation [3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
        ParseAttribute (rotation_node, "", 3, &rotation [0]);
        node_decl->orientation = to_quat (degree (rotation [0]), degree (rotation [1]), degree (rotation [2]));
        ParseAttribute (decl, "orientation", node_decl->orientation);
    node_decl->orientation_inherit = strcmp (get<const char*> (decl, "orientation_inherit", "true"), "true") == 0;
    node_decl->scale_inherit       = strcmp (get<const char*> (decl, "scale_inherit", "true"), "true") == 0;

      //парсинг пользовательских свойств

    PropertyMap* properties = 0;
    if (decl.First ("property"))
      node_decl->properties.reset (properties = new PropertyMap);

    for (Parser::NamesakeIterator iter = decl.First ("property"); iter; ++iter)
      ParseNode property_decl = *iter;

      const char*  name  = get<const char*> (property_decl, "name");
      PropertyType type  = get_property_type (property_decl.First ("type"));

      size_t property_index = properties->AddProperty (name, type, 1);
      stl::string value = get<const char*> (property_decl, "value");
      properties->SetProperty (property_index, value.c_str ());

      //парсинг after node
    if (ParseNode before_node_decl = decl.First ("before_node"))
      node_decl->before_node.reset (new stl::string);
      *node_decl->before_node = get<const char*> (before_node_decl, "");
      //парсинг привязки к родителю
    if (ParseNode parent_name_decl = decl.First ("parent"))
      node_decl->parent_name.reset (new stl::string);
      *node_decl->parent_name = get<const char*> (parent_name_decl, "");

      //регистрация дескриптора узла
    cache.SetValue (decl, node_decl);
    return node_decl;
  catch (xtl::exception& e)
    e.touch ("scene_graph::XmlSceneParser::Impl::PrepareNode");