// Single closest hit compound sweep
bool PxRigidBodyExt::linearSweepSingle(
	PxRigidBody& body, PxScene& scene, const PxVec3& unitDir, const PxReal distance,
	PxHitFlags outputFlags, PxSweepHit& closestHit, PxU32& shapeIndex,
	const PxQueryFilterData& filterData, PxQueryFilterCallback* filterCall,
	const PxQueryCache* cache, const PxReal inflation)
	shapeIndex = 0xFFFFffff;
	PxReal closestDist = distance;
	PxU32 nbShapes = body.getNbShapes();
	for(PxU32 i=0; i < nbShapes; i++)
		PxShape* shape = NULL;
		body.getShapes(&shape, 1, i);
		PX_ASSERT(shape != NULL);
		PxTransform pose = PxShapeExt::getGlobalPose(*shape, body);
		PxQueryFilterData fd;
		fd.flags = filterData.flags;
		PxU32 or4 = (filterData.data.word0 | filterData.data.word1 | filterData.data.word2 | filterData.data.word3);
		fd.data = or4 ? filterData.data : shape->getSimulationFilterData();
		PxGeometryHolder anyGeom = shape->getGeometry();

		PxSweepBuffer subHit; // touching hits are not allowed to be returned from the filters
		scene.sweep(anyGeom.any(), pose, unitDir, distance, subHit, outputFlags, fd, filterCall, cache, inflation);
		if (subHit.hasBlock && subHit.block.distance < closestDist)
			closestDist = subHit.block.distance;
			closestHit = subHit.block;
			shapeIndex = i;

	return (shapeIndex != 0xFFFFffff);
void PxScaleRigidActor(PxRigidActor& actor, PxReal scale, bool scaleMassProps)
		"PxScaleRigidActor requires that the scale parameter is greater than zero");

	Ps::InlineArray<PxShape*, 64> shapes;
	actor.getShapes(shapes.begin(), shapes.size());

	for(PxU32 i=0;i<shapes.size();i++)
		shapes[i]->setLocalPose(scalePosition(shapes[i]->getLocalPose(), scale));		
		PxGeometryHolder h = shapes[i]->getGeometry();

		case PxGeometryType::eSPHERE:	
			h.sphere().radius *= scale;			
		case PxGeometryType::ePLANE:
		case PxGeometryType::eCAPSULE:
			h.capsule().halfHeight *= scale;
			h.capsule().radius *= scale;
		case PxGeometryType::eBOX:
			h.box().halfExtents *= scale;
		case PxGeometryType::eCONVEXMESH:
			h.convexMesh().scale.scale *= scale;
		case PxGeometryType::eTRIANGLEMESH:
			h.triangleMesh().scale.scale *= scale;
		case PxGeometryType::eHEIGHTFIELD:
			h.heightField().heightScale *= scale;
			h.heightField().rowScale *= scale;
			h.heightField().columnScale *= scale;
		case PxGeometryType::eINVALID:
		case PxGeometryType::eGEOMETRY_COUNT:


	PxRigidDynamic* dynamic = (&actor)->is<PxRigidDynamic>();

	PxReal scale3 = scale*scale*scale;
	dynamic->setCMassLocalPose(scalePosition(dynamic->getCMassLocalPose(), scale));
Esempio n. 3
void SampleSubmarine::explode(PxRigidActor* actor, const PxVec3& explosionPos, const PxReal explosionStrength)
	size_t numRenderActors = mRenderActors.size();
	for(PxU32 i = 0; i < numRenderActors; i++)
		if(&(mRenderActors[i]->getPhysicsShape()->getActor()) == actor)
			PxShape* shape = mRenderActors[i]->getPhysicsShape();
			PxTransform pose = PxShapeExt::getGlobalPose(*shape);
			PxGeometryHolder geom = shape->getGeometry();

			// create new actor from shape (to split compound)
			PxRigidDynamic* newActor = mPhysics->createRigidDynamic(pose);
			if(!newActor) fatalError("createRigidDynamic failed!");

			PxShape* newShape = newActor->createShape(geom.any(), *mMaterial);
			newShape->userData = mRenderActors[i];
			newActor->setActorFlag(PxActorFlag::eVISUALIZATION, true);
			PxRigidBodyExt::updateMassAndInertia(*newActor, 1.0f);
			PxVec3 explosion = pose.p - explosionPos;
			PxReal len = explosion.normalize();
			explosion *= (explosionStrength / len);


// Multiple hits compound sweep
// AP: we might be able to improve the return results API but no time for it in 3.3
PxU32 PxRigidBodyExt::linearSweepMultiple(
	PxRigidBody& body, PxScene& scene, const PxVec3& unitDir, const PxReal distance, PxHitFlags outputFlags,
	PxSweepHit* hitBuffer, PxU32* hitShapeIndices, PxU32 hitBufferSize, PxSweepHit& block, PxI32& blockingHitShapeIndex,
	bool& overflow, const PxQueryFilterData& filterData, PxQueryFilterCallback* filterCall,
	const PxQueryCache* cache, const PxReal inflation)
	overflow = false;
	blockingHitShapeIndex = -1;

	for (PxU32 i = 0; i < hitBufferSize; i++)
		hitShapeIndices[i] = 0xFFFFffff;

	PxI32 sumNbResults = 0;

	PxU32 nbShapes = body.getNbShapes();
	PxF32 shrunkMaxDistance = distance;
	for(PxU32 i=0; i < nbShapes; i++)
		PxShape* shape = NULL;
		body.getShapes(&shape, 1, i);
		PX_ASSERT(shape != NULL);
		PxTransform pose = PxShapeExt::getGlobalPose(*shape, body);
		PxQueryFilterData fd;
		fd.flags = filterData.flags;
		PxU32 or4 = (filterData.data.word0 | filterData.data.word1 | filterData.data.word2 | filterData.data.word3);
		fd.data = or4 ? filterData.data : shape->getSimulationFilterData();
		PxGeometryHolder anyGeom = shape->getGeometry();

		PxU32 bufSizeLeft = hitBufferSize-sumNbResults;
		PxSweepHit extraHit;
		PxSweepBuffer buffer(bufSizeLeft == 0 ? &extraHit : hitBuffer+sumNbResults, bufSizeLeft == 0 ? 1 : hitBufferSize-sumNbResults);
		scene.sweep(anyGeom.any(), pose, unitDir, shrunkMaxDistance, buffer, outputFlags, fd, filterCall, cache, inflation);

		// Check and abort on overflow. Assume overflow if result count is bufSize.
		PxU32 nbNewResults = buffer.getNbTouches();
		overflow |= (nbNewResults >= bufSizeLeft);
		if (bufSizeLeft == 0) // this is for when we used the extraHit buffer
			nbNewResults = 0;

		// set hitShapeIndices for each new non-blocking hit
		for (PxU32 j = 0; j < nbNewResults; j++)
			if (sumNbResults + PxU32(j) < hitBufferSize)
				hitShapeIndices[sumNbResults+j] = i;

		if (buffer.hasBlock) // there's a blocking hit in the most recent sweepMultiple results
			// overwrite the return result blocking hit with the new blocking hit if under
			if (blockingHitShapeIndex == -1 || buffer.block.distance < block.distance)
				blockingHitShapeIndex = (PxI32)i;
				block = buffer.block;

			// Remove all the old touching hits below the new maxDist
			// sumNbResults is not updated yet at this point
			//   and represents the count accumulated so far excluding the very last query
			PxI32 nbNewResultsSigned = PxI32(nbNewResults); // need a signed version, see nbNewResultsSigned-- below
			for (PxI32 j = sumNbResults-1; j >= 0; j--) // iterate over "old" hits (up to shapeIndex-1)
				if (buffer.block.distance < hitBuffer[j].distance)
					// overwrite with last "new" hit
					PxI32 sourceIndex = PxI32(sumNbResults)+nbNewResultsSigned-1; PX_ASSERT(sourceIndex >= j);
					hitBuffer[j] = hitBuffer[sourceIndex];
					hitShapeIndices[j] = hitShapeIndices[sourceIndex];
					nbNewResultsSigned--; // can get negative, that means we are shifting the last results array

			sumNbResults += nbNewResultsSigned;
		} else // if there was no new blocking hit we don't need to do anything special, simply append all results to touch array
			sumNbResults += nbNewResults;

		PX_ASSERT(sumNbResults >= 0 && sumNbResults <= PxI32(hitBufferSize));

	return (PxU32)sumNbResults;