PyResult BookmarkService::Handle_DeleteBookmarks(PyCallArgs &call) { if ( !(call.tuple->GetItem( 0 )->IsList()) ) { sLog.Error( "BookmarkService::Handle_DeleteBookmarks()", "%s: call.tuple is of the wrong type: '%s'. Expected PyList type.", call.client->GetName(), call.tuple->TypeString() ); return NULL; } PyList *list = call.tuple->GetItem( 0 )->AsList(); uint32 i; uint32 bookmarkID; std::vector<unsigned long> bookmarkIDs; if( list->size() > 0 ) { for(i=0; i<(list->size()); i++) { bookmarkID = call.tuple->GetItem( 0 )->AsList()->GetItem(i)->AsInt()->value(); bookmarkIDs.push_back( bookmarkID ); } m_db.DeleteBookmarksFromDatabase( call.client->GetCharacterID(),&bookmarkIDs ); } else { sLog.Error( "BookmarkService::Handle_DeleteBookmarks()", "%s: call.tuple->GetItem( 0 )->AsList()->size() == 0. Expected size >= 1.", call.client->GetName() ); return NULL; } return(new PyNone()); }
void XBPython::Process() { if (m_bInitialized) { PyList tmpvec; CSingleLock lock(m_vecPyList); for (PyList::iterator it = m_vecPyList.begin(); it != m_vecPyList.end();) { if (it->bDone) { tmpvec.push_back(*it); it = m_vecPyList.erase(it); m_vecPyList.hadSomethingRemoved = true; } else ++it; } lock.Leave(); //delete scripts which are done tmpvec.clear(); // boost releases the XBPyThreads which, if deleted, calls OnScriptFinalized CSingleLock l2(m_critSection); if(m_iDllScriptCounter == 0 && (XbmcThreads::SystemClockMillis() - m_endtime) > 10000 ) { Finalize(); } } }
PyObject *DBRowToRow(DBResultRow &row, const char *type) { PyDict *args = new PyDict(); PyObject *res = new PyObject( type, args ); //list off the column names: uint32 cc = row.ColumnCount(); PyList *header = new PyList(cc); args->SetItemString("header", header); for(uint32 r = 0; r < cc; r++) { header->SetItemString(r, row.ColumnName(r)); } //lines: PyList *rowlist = new PyList(cc); args->SetItemString("line", rowlist); //add a line entry for the row: for(uint32 r = 0; r < cc; r++) { rowlist->SetItem(r, DBColumnToPyRep(row, r)); } return res; }
PyTuple *DBResultToTupleSet(DBQueryResult &result) { uint32 cc = result.ColumnCount(); if(cc == 0) return new PyTuple(0); uint32 r; PyTuple *res = new PyTuple(2); PyList *cols = new PyList(cc); PyList *reslist = new PyList(); res->items[0] = cols; res->items[1] = reslist; //list off the column names: for(r = 0; r < cc; r++) { cols->SetItemString(r, result.ColumnName(r)); } //add a line entry for each result row: DBResultRow row; while(result.GetRow(row)) { PyList *linedata = new PyList(cc); reslist->items.push_back(linedata); for(r = 0; r < cc; r++) { linedata->SetItem(r, DBColumnToPyRep(row, r)); } } return res; }
PyTuple *DBResultToRowList(DBQueryResult &result, const char *type) { uint32 cc = result.ColumnCount(); if(cc == 0) return(new PyTuple(0)); uint32 r; PyTuple *res = new PyTuple(2); PyList *cols = new PyList(cc); PyList *reslist = new PyList(); res->SetItem( 0, cols ); res->SetItem( 1, reslist ); //list off the column names: for(r = 0; r < cc; r++) { cols->SetItemString(r, result.ColumnName(r)); } //add a line entry for each result row: DBResultRow row; while(result.GetRow(row)) { //this could be more efficient by not building the column list each time, but cloning it instead. PyObject *o = DBRowToRow(row, type); reslist->items.push_back(o); } return res; }
PyPackedRow* InventoryItem::GetItemRow() const { PyList *keywords = new PyList(); keywords->AddItem(new_tuple(new PyString("stacksize"), new PyToken("util.StackSize"))); keywords->AddItem(new_tuple(new PyString("singleton"), new PyToken("util.Singleton"))); DBRowDescriptor* header = new DBRowDescriptor(keywords); header->AddColumn( "itemID", DBTYPE_I8 ); header->AddColumn( "typeID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "ownerID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "locationID", DBTYPE_I8 ); header->AddColumn( "flagID", DBTYPE_I2 ); header->AddColumn( "quantity", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "groupID", DBTYPE_I2 ); header->AddColumn( "categoryID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "customInfo", DBTYPE_STR ); //header->AddColumn( "singleton", DBTYPE_BOOL ); //header->AddColumn( "stacksize" , DBTYPE_I4 ); PyPackedRow* row = new PyPackedRow( header ); GetItemRow( row ); return row; }
void ItemAttributeMgr::Clear(Attr attr) { PyRep *oldValue = NULL; if(GetNotify() == true && !IsRechargable(attr)) { // get old value oldValue = PyGet(attr); } // clear the attribute EVEAdvancedAttributeMgr::Clear(attr); // delete the attribute from DB (no matter if it really is there) if(GetSave() == true) { m_factory.db().EraseAttribute(m_item.itemID(), attr); } if(GetNotify() == true) { std::map<Attr, TauCap>::const_iterator i = m_tauCap.find(attr); if(i != m_tauCap.end()) { // build the special list for rechargables PyList *l = new PyList; l->AddItem( PyGet( attr ) ); l->AddItemLong( Win32TimeNow() ); l->AddItem( _PyGet( GetReal( i->second.tau ) / 5.0 ) ); l->AddItem( PyGet( i->second.cap ) ); oldValue = l; } // send change _SendAttributeChange(attr, oldValue, new PyFloat(GetReal(attr))); } }
void ItemAttributeMgr::SetIntEx(Attr attr, const int_t &v, bool persist) { PyRep *oldValue = NULL; if(GetNotify() == true && !IsRechargable(attr)) { // get old value oldValue = PyGet(attr); } // set the attribute value EVEAdvancedAttributeMgr::SetInt(attr, v); // check if we shall save to DB if(GetSave() == true && (persist || IsPersistent(attr))) { // save to DB m_factory.db().UpdateAttribute_int(m_item.itemID(), attr, v); } if(GetNotify() == true) { std::map<Attr, TauCap>::const_iterator i = m_tauCap.find(attr); if(i != m_tauCap.end()) { // build the special list for rechargables PyList *l = new PyList; l->AddItemInt( v ); l->AddItemLong( Win32TimeNow() ); l->AddItem( _PyGet( GetReal( i->second.tau ) / 5.0 ) ); l->AddItem( PyGet( i->second.cap ) ); oldValue = l; } // send change _SendAttributeChange(attr, oldValue, new PyFloat(v)); } }
/** * this function isn't used. */ void DBResultToIntIntlistDict( DBQueryResult &result, std::map<int32, PyRep *> &into ) { /* this builds a map from the int in result[0], to a list of each result[1] * which is has the same result[0]. This function assumes the result is * ORDER BY result[0] */ uint32 last_key = 0xFFFFFFFF; PyList *l = NULL; DBResultRow row; while( result.GetRow( row ) ) { uint32 k = row.GetUInt(0); if( k != last_key ) { //watch for overwrite, no guarantee we are dealing with a key. std::map<int32, PyRep *>::iterator res = into.find(k); if( res != into.end() ) //log an error or warning? PyDecRef( res->second ); into[k] = l = new PyList(); last_key = k; } l->AddItemInt( row.GetInt( 1 ) ); } }
PyTuple *Character::GetSkillQueue() { // return skills from skill queue PyList *list = new PyList; SkillQueue::iterator cur, end; cur = m_skillQueue.begin(); end = m_skillQueue.end(); for(; cur != end; cur++) { SkillQueue_Element el; el.typeID = cur->typeID; el.level = cur->level; list->AddItem( el.Encode() ); } // now encapsulate it in a tuple with the free points PyTuple *tuple = new PyTuple(2); tuple->SetItem(0, list); // sending 0, as done on retail, doesn't f**k up calculation for some reason // so we can take the same shortcut here tuple->SetItem(1, new PyInt(0)); return tuple; }
void Webifier::StopCycle(bool abort) { double timeLeft = m_AMPC->GetRemainingCycleTimeMS(); timeLeft /= 100; // Create Special Effect: m_Ship->GetPilot()->GetShipSE()->DestinyMgr()->SendSpecialEffect ( m_Ship, m_Item->itemID(), m_Item->typeID(), m_targetID, 0, "effect.decreaseTargetSpeed", 0, 0, 0, timeLeft, 0 ); // Create Destiny Updates: GodmaOther go; go.shipID = m_Ship->itemID(); go.slotID = m_Item->flag(); go.chargeTypeID = 0; GodmaEnvironment ge; ge.selfID = m_Item->itemID(); ge.charID = m_Ship->ownerID(); ge.shipID = go.shipID; ge.targetID = m_targetID; ge.other = go.Encode(); ge.area = new PyList; ge.effectID = effectDecreaseTargetSpeed; Notify_OnGodmaShipEffect shipEff; shipEff.itemID = ge.selfID; shipEff.effectID = ge.effectID; shipEff.timeNow = Win32TimeNow(); shipEff.start = 0; = 0; shipEff.environment = ge.Encode(); shipEff.startTime = (shipEff.timeNow - (timeLeft * Win32Time_Second)); shipEff.duration = timeLeft; shipEff.repeat = 0; shipEff.error = new PyNone; PyList* events = new PyList; events->AddItem(shipEff.Encode()); Notify_OnMultiEvent multi; = events; PyTuple* tmp2 = multi.Encode(); m_Ship->GetPilot()->SendNotification("OnMultiEvent", "clientID", &tmp2); }
void EnergyTurret::Deactivate() { Notify_OnGodmaShipEffect shipEff; shipEff.itemID = m_Item->itemID(); shipEff.effectID = 10; shipEff.when = Win32TimeNow(); shipEff.start = 0; = 0; PyList* env = new PyList; env->AddItem(new PyInt(shipEff.itemID)); env->AddItem(new PyInt(m_Ship->ownerID())); env->AddItem(new PyInt(m_Ship->itemID())); env->AddItem(new PyInt(targetID)); env->AddItem(new PyNone); env->AddItem(new PyNone); env->AddItem(new PyInt(10)); shipEff.environment = env; shipEff.startTime = shipEff.when; shipEff.duration = 1584; shipEff.repeat = new PyInt(0); shipEff.randomSeed = new PyNone; shipEff.error = new PyNone; PyList* events = new PyList; events->AddItem(shipEff.Encode()); Notify_OnMultiEvent multi; = events; PyTuple* tmp = multi.Encode(); m_Ship->GetOperator()->SendDogmaNotification("OnMultiEvent", "clientID", &tmp); }
PyList *TargetManager::GetTargeters() const { PyList *result = new PyList(); std::map<SystemEntity *, TargetedByEntry *>::const_iterator cur, end; cur = m_targetedBy.begin(); end = m_targetedBy.end(); for(; cur != end; cur++) result->AddItemInt( cur->first->GetID() ); return result; }
void MissileLauncher::StopCycle(bool abort) { // Do one last cycle: DoCycle(); Notify_OnGodmaShipEffect shipEff; shipEff.itemID = m_Item->itemID(); shipEff.effectID = effectMissileLaunching; shipEff.when = Win32TimeNow(); shipEff.start = 0; = 0; PyList* env = new PyList; env->AddItem(new PyInt(shipEff.itemID)); env->AddItem(new PyInt(m_Ship->ownerID())); env->AddItem(new PyInt(m_Ship->itemID())); env->AddItem(new PyInt(m_targetID)); env->AddItem(new PyNone); env->AddItem(new PyNone); env->AddItem(new PyInt(shipEff.effectID)); shipEff.environment = env; shipEff.startTime = shipEff.when; shipEff.duration = 1.0; //m_ActiveModuleProc->GetRemainingCycleTimeMS(); // At least, I'm assuming this is the remaining time left in the cycle shipEff.repeat = new PyInt(0); shipEff.randomSeed = new PyNone; shipEff.error = new PyNone; PyList* events = new PyList; events->AddItem(shipEff.Encode()); Notify_OnMultiEvent multi; = events; PyTuple* tmp = multi.Encode(); m_Ship->GetOperator()->SendDogmaNotification("OnMultiEvent", "clientID", &tmp); // Create Special Effect: m_Ship->GetOperator()->GetDestiny()->SendSpecialEffect ( m_Ship, m_Item->itemID(), m_Item->typeID(), m_targetID, m_chargeRef->itemID(), "effects.MissileDeployment", 1, 0, 0, 1.0, 0 ); m_ActiveModuleProc->DeactivateCycle(); }
PyDict* CRowSet::_CreateKeywords(DBRowDescriptor* rowDesc) { assert( rowDesc ); PyDict* keywords = new PyDict; keywords->SetItemString( "header", rowDesc ); uint32 cc = rowDesc->ColumnCount(); PyList* columns = new PyList( cc ); for( uint32 i = 0; i < cc; i++ ) columns->SetItem( i, new PyString( *rowDesc->GetColumnName( i ) ) ); keywords->SetItemString( "columns", columns ); return keywords; }
void XBPython::FreeResources() { CSingleLock lock(m_critSection); if (m_bInitialized) { // with the m_critSection held, we should copy the PyList so that // we can operate on the values once we release it. PyList tmpvec = m_vecPyList; m_vecPyList.clear(); lock.Leave(); //unlock here because the python thread might lock when it exits // cleanup threads that are still running tmpvec.clear(); // boost releases the XBPyThreads which, if deleted, calls FinalizeScript } }
PyList *DBResultToPackedRowList( DBQueryResult &result ) { DBRowDescriptor *header = new DBRowDescriptor( result ); PyList *res = new PyList( result.GetRowCount() ); DBResultRow row; for( uint32 i = 0; result.GetRow( row ); i++ ) { res->SetItem( i, CreatePackedRow( row, header ) ); PyIncRef( header ); } PyDecRef( header ); return res; }
PyList* Contract::GetItemsList() const { std::map<uint32, ContractGetItemsRef>::const_iterator cur, end; std::map<uint32, ContractGetItemsRef> item = items(); PyList* res = new PyList; DBRowDescriptor* header = new DBRowDescriptor; header->AddColumn( "contractID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "itemID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "quantity", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "itemTypeID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "inCrate", DBTYPE_BOOL ); header->AddColumn( "parentID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "productivityLevel", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "materialLevel", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "copy", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "licensedProductionRunsRemaining", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "damage", DBTYPE_R8 ); header->AddColumn( "flagID", DBTYPE_I2 ); cur = item.begin(); end = item.end(); for(; cur != end; *cur++ ) { InventoryItemRef itemInfo = m_itemFactory.GetItem( cur->second->m_itemID ); PyPackedRow* into = new PyPackedRow( header ); GetItemRow( itemInfo, into ); res->AddItem( into ); } std::map<uint32, ContractRequestItemRef>::const_iterator c, e; std::map<uint32, ContractRequestItemRef> requestItem = requestItems(); c = requestItem.begin(); e = requestItem.end(); for(; cur != end; *cur++ ) { PyPackedRow* into = new PyPackedRow( header ); GetRequestItemRow( c->second, into ); res->AddItem( into ); } return res; }
PyResult InfoGatheringMgr::Handle_GetStateAndConfig(PyCallArgs &call) { PyDict *rsp = new PyDict; rsp->SetItemString("clientWorkerInterval", new PyInt(600000)); //Default From packetlogs is 600000 rsp->SetItemString("isEnabled", new PyInt(0)); //0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled. Set to 0 becuase jsut gettting rid of exception. rsp->SetItemString("infoTypeAggregates", new PyNone()); rsp->SetItemString("infoTypesOncePerRun", new PyNone()); rsp->SetItemString("infoTypeParameters", new PyNone()); PyList *infoTypes = new PyList; infoTypes->AddItemInt(999); //Adding a value that was not in live so when its checks list it will always return false for now. rsp->SetItemString("infoTypes", new PyObjectEx_Type1( new PyToken("__builtin__.set"), new_tuple(infoTypes))); return new PyObject( "util.KeyVal", rsp ); }
PyList *Character::GetSkillQueue() { // return skills from skill queue PyList *list = new PyList; SkillQueue::iterator cur, end; cur = m_skillQueue.begin(); end = m_skillQueue.end(); for(; cur != end; cur++) { SkillQueue_Element el; el.typeID = cur->typeID; el.level = cur->level; list->AddItem( el.Encode() ); } return list; }
void ShieldHardener::StopCycle(bool abort) { // Create Destiny Updates: GodmaOther go; go.shipID = m_Ship->itemID(); go.slotID = m_Item->flag(); go.chargeTypeID = 0; GodmaEnvironment ge; ge.selfID = m_Item->itemID(); ge.charID = m_Ship->ownerID(); ge.shipID = go.shipID; ge.targetID = 0; ge.other = go.Encode(); ge.area = new PyList; ge.effectID = effectModifyActiveShieldResonanceAndNullifyPassiveResonance; uint32 timeLeft = m_AMPC->GetRemainingCycleTimeMS(); timeLeft /= 100; Notify_OnGodmaShipEffect shipEff; shipEff.itemID = ge.selfID; shipEff.effectID = ge.effectID; shipEff.timeNow = Win32TimeNow(); shipEff.start = 0; = 0; shipEff.environment = ge.Encode(); shipEff.startTime = (shipEff.timeNow - (timeLeft * Win32Time_Second)); shipEff.duration = timeLeft; shipEff.repeat = 0; shipEff.error = new PyNone; PyList* events = new PyList; events->AddItem(shipEff.Encode()); Notify_OnMultiEvent multi; = events; PyTuple* tmp = multi.Encode(); m_Ship->GetPilot()->SendNotification("OnMultiEvent", "clientID", &tmp); }
void XBPython::Process() { if (m_bLogin) { m_bLogin = false; // - profile CStdString strAutoExecPy = CSpecialProtocol::TranslatePath("special://profile/"); if ( XFILE::CFile::Exists(strAutoExecPy) ) evalFile(strAutoExecPy,ADDON::AddonPtr()); else CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - no profile (%s) found, skipping", __FUNCTION__, strAutoExecPy.c_str()); } CSingleLock lock(m_vecPyList); if (m_bInitialized) { PyList tmpvec; for (PyList::iterator it = m_vecPyList.begin(); it != m_vecPyList.end();) { if (it->bDone) { tmpvec.push_back(*it); it = m_vecPyList.erase(it); } else it++; } lock.Leave(); //delete scripts which are done tmpvec.clear(); // boost releases the XBPyThreads which, if deleted, calls FinalizeScript CSingleLock l2(m_critSection); if(m_iDllScriptCounter == 0 && (XbmcThreads::SystemClockMillis() - m_endtime) > 10000 ) { Finalize(); } } }
void HybridTurret::_ShowCycle() { //m_Item->SetActive(true, effectProjectileFired, m_Item->GetAttribute(AttrSpeed).get_float(), true); // Create Destiny Updates: Notify_OnGodmaShipEffect shipEff; shipEff.itemID = m_Item->itemID(); shipEff.effectID = effectProjectileFired; // From EVEEffectID:: shipEff.when = Win32TimeNow(); shipEff.start = 1; = 1; PyList* env = new PyList; env->AddItem(new PyInt(shipEff.itemID)); env->AddItem(new PyInt(m_Ship->ownerID())); env->AddItem(new PyInt(m_Ship->itemID())); env->AddItem(new PyInt(m_targetID)); env->AddItem(new PyNone); env->AddItem(new PyNone); env->AddItem(new PyInt(shipEff.effectID)); shipEff.environment = env; shipEff.startTime = shipEff.when; shipEff.duration = m_Item->GetAttribute(AttrSpeed).get_float(); shipEff.repeat = new PyInt(1000); shipEff.randomSeed = new PyNone; shipEff.error = new PyNone; PyTuple* tmp = new PyTuple(3); //tmp->SetItem(1, dmgMsg.Encode()); tmp->SetItem(2, shipEff.Encode()); std::vector<PyTuple*> events; //events.push_back(dmgMsg.Encode()); events.push_back(shipEff.Encode()); std::vector<PyTuple*> updates; //updates.push_back(dmgChange.Encode()); m_Ship->GetOperator()->GetDestiny()->SendDestinyUpdate(updates, events, false); // Create Special Effect: m_Ship->GetOperator()->GetDestiny()->SendSpecialEffect ( m_Ship, m_Item->itemID(), m_Item->typeID(), m_targetID, m_chargeRef->typeID(), "effects.HybridFired", 1, 1, 1, m_Item->GetAttribute(AttrSpeed).get_float(), 1000 ); }
PyObject *DBResultToIndexRowset(DBQueryResult &result, uint32 key_index) { uint32 cc = result.ColumnCount(); //start building the IndexRowset PyDict *args = new PyDict(); PyObject *res = new PyObject( new PyString( "util.IndexRowset" ), args ); if(cc == 0 || cc < key_index) return res; //list off the column names: PyList *header = new PyList(cc); args->SetItemString("header", header); for(uint32 i = 0; i < cc; i++) header->SetItemString(i, result.ColumnName(i)); //RowClass: args->SetItemString("RowClass", new PyToken("util.Row")); //idName: args->SetItemString("idName", new PyString( result.ColumnName(key_index) )); //items: PyDict *items = new PyDict(); args->SetItemString("items", items); //add a line entry for each result row: DBResultRow row; while(result.GetRow(row)) { PyRep *key = DBColumnToPyRep(row, key_index); PyList *line = new PyList(cc); for(uint32 i = 0; i < cc; i++) line->SetItem(i, DBColumnToPyRep(row, i)); items->SetItem(key, line); } return res; }
/* function not used */ PyTuple *DBResultToPackedRowListTuple( DBQueryResult &result ) { DBRowDescriptor * header = new DBRowDescriptor( result ); size_t row_count = result.GetRowCount(); PyList * list = new PyList( row_count ); DBResultRow row; uint32 i = 0; while( result.GetRow(row) ) { list->SetItem( i++, CreatePackedRow( row, header ) ); PyIncRef( header ); } PyTuple * root = new PyTuple(2); root->SetItem( 0, header ); root->SetItem( 1, list ); return root; }
CRowSet* Inventory::List( EVEItemFlags _flag, uint32 forOwner ) const { PyList *keywords = new PyList(); keywords->AddItem(new_tuple(new PyString("stacksize"), new PyToken("util.StackSize"))); keywords->AddItem(new_tuple(new PyString("singleton"), new PyToken("util.Singleton"))); DBRowDescriptor* header = new DBRowDescriptor(keywords); header->AddColumn( "itemID", DBTYPE_I8 ); header->AddColumn( "typeID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "ownerID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "locationID", DBTYPE_I8 ); header->AddColumn( "flagID", DBTYPE_I2 ); header->AddColumn( "quantity", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "groupID", DBTYPE_I2 ); header->AddColumn( "categoryID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "customInfo", DBTYPE_STR ); //header->AddColumn( "singleton", DBTYPE_BOOL ); //header->AddColumn( "stacksize" , DBTYPE_I4 ); CRowSet* rowset = new CRowSet( &header ); List( rowset, _flag, forOwner ); return rowset; }
void EnergyTurret::Deactivate() { Notify_OnGodmaShipEffect shipEff; shipEff.itemID = m_Item->itemID(); shipEff.effectID = effectTargetAttack; shipEff.when = Win32TimeNow(); shipEff.start = 0; = 0; PyList* env = new PyList; env->AddItem(new PyInt(shipEff.itemID)); env->AddItem(new PyInt(m_Ship->ownerID())); env->AddItem(new PyInt(m_Ship->itemID())); env->AddItem(new PyInt(m_targetEntity->GetID())); env->AddItem(new PyNone); env->AddItem(new PyNone); env->AddItem(new PyInt(10)); shipEff.environment = env; shipEff.startTime = shipEff.when; shipEff.duration = m_ActiveModuleProc->GetRemainingCycleTimeMS(); // At least, I'm assuming this is the remaining time left in the cycle shipEff.repeat = new PyInt(0); shipEff.randomSeed = new PyNone; shipEff.error = new PyNone; PyList* events = new PyList; events->AddItem(shipEff.Encode()); Notify_OnMultiEvent multi; = events; PyTuple* tmp = multi.Encode(); m_Ship->GetOperator()->SendDogmaNotification("OnMultiEvent", "clientID", &tmp); m_ActiveModuleProc->DeactivateCycle(); }
void InventoryItem::SetOnline(bool online) { SetAttribute(AttrIsOnline, int(online)); Client *c = sEntityList.FindCharacter(m_ownerID); if(c == NULL) { sLog.Error("InventoryItem", "unable to set ourselfs online//offline because we can't find the client"); return; } Notify_OnGodmaShipEffect ogf; ogf.itemID = m_itemID; ogf.effectID = effectOnline; ogf.when = Win32TimeNow(); ogf.start = online?1:0; = online?1:0; PyList *environment = new PyList; environment->AddItem(new PyInt(ogf.itemID)); environment->AddItem(new PyInt(m_ownerID)); environment->AddItem(new PyInt(m_locationID)); environment->AddItem(new PyNone); environment->AddItem(new PyNone); environment->AddItem(new PyNone); environment->AddItem(new PyInt(ogf.effectID)); ogf.environment = environment; ogf.startTime = ogf.when; ogf.duration = 10000; ogf.repeat = online?new PyInt(1000):new PyInt(0); ogf.randomSeed = new PyNone(); ogf.error = new PyNone(); Notify_OnMultiEvent multi; = new PyList;>AddItem( ogf.Encode() ); PyTuple* tmp = multi.Encode(); //this is consumed below c->SendNotification("OnMultiEvent", "clientID", &tmp); }
void InventoryItem::SetActive(bool active, uint32 effectID, double duration, bool repeat) { Client* c = sEntityList.FindCharacter(m_ownerID); if(c == NULL) { sLog.Error("InventoryItem", "unable to set ourselfs online//offline because we can't find the client"); return; } Notify_OnGodmaShipEffect shipEffect; shipEffect.itemID = m_itemID; shipEffect.effectID = effectID; shipEffect.when = Win32TimeNow(); shipEffect.start = active?1:0; = active?1:0; PyList* env = new PyList; env->AddItem(new PyInt(m_itemID)); env->AddItem(new PyInt(ownerID())); env->AddItem(new PyInt(m_locationID)); env->AddItem(new PyNone); //targetID env->AddItem(new PyNone); //otherID env->AddItem(new PyNone); //area env->AddItem(new PyInt(effectID)); shipEffect.environment = env; shipEffect.startTime = shipEffect.when; shipEffect.duration = duration; shipEffect.repeat = repeat?new PyInt(1000):new PyInt(0); shipEffect.randomSeed = new PyNone; shipEffect.error = new PyNone; Notify_OnMultiEvent multi; = new PyList;>AddItem(shipEffect.Encode()); PyTuple* tmp = multi.Encode(); //this is consumed below c->SendNotification("OnMultiEvent", "clientID", &tmp); }
PyObject *DBResultToRowset(DBQueryResult &result) { uint32 r; uint32 cc = result.ColumnCount(); PyDict *args = new PyDict(); PyObject *res = new PyObject( new PyString( "util.Rowset" ), args ); /* check if we have a empty query result and return a empty RowSet */ if( cc == 0 ) return res; //list off the column names: PyList *header = new PyList( cc ); args->SetItemString("header", header); for(r = 0; r < cc; r++) { header->SetItemString( r, result.ColumnName(r)); } //RowClass: args->SetItemString("RowClass", new PyToken("util.Row")); //lines: PyList *rowlist = new PyList(); args->SetItemString("lines", rowlist); //add a line entry for each result row: DBResultRow row; while(result.GetRow(row)) { PyList *linedata = new PyList( cc ); rowlist->AddItem(linedata); for(r = 0; r < cc; r++) { linedata->SetItem( r, DBColumnToPyRep(row, r) ); } } return res; }