Esempio n. 1
    If a QAccessibleInterface implementation exists for the given \a object,
    this function returns a pointer to the implementation; otherwise it
    returns 0.

    The function calls all installed factory functions (from most
    recently installed to least recently installed) until one is found
    that provides an interface for the class of \a object. If no
    factory can provide an accessibility implementation for the class
    the function loads installed accessibility plugins, and tests if
    any of the plugins can provide the implementation.

    If no implementation for the object's class is available, the
    function tries to find an implementation for the object's parent
    class, using the above strategy.

    \warning The caller is responsible for deleting the returned
    interface after use.
QAccessibleInterface *QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(QObject *object)
    accessibility_active = true;
    QAccessibleInterface *iface = 0;
    if (!object)
        return 0;

    const QMetaObject *mo = object->metaObject();
    while (mo) {
        const QLatin1String cn(mo->className());
        for (int i = qAccessibleFactories()->count(); i > 0; --i) {
            InterfaceFactory factory = qAccessibleFactories()->at(i - 1);
            iface = factory(cn, object);
            if (iface)
                return iface;
        QAccessibleFactoryInterface *factory = qobject_cast<QAccessibleFactoryInterface*>(loader()->instance(cn));
        if (factory) {
            iface = factory->create(cn, object);
            if (iface)
                return iface;
        mo = mo->superClass();

    QWidget *widget = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(object);
    if (widget)
        return new QAccessibleWidget(widget);
    else if (object == qApp)
        return new QAccessibleApplication();

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
    If a QAccessibleInterface implementation exists for the given \a object,
    this function returns a pointer to the implementation; otherwise it
    returns 0.

    The function calls all installed factory functions (from most
    recently installed to least recently installed) until one is found
    that provides an interface for the class of \a object. If no
    factory can provide an accessibility implementation for the class
    the function loads installed accessibility plugins, and tests if
    any of the plugins can provide the implementation.

    If no implementation for the object's class is available, the
    function tries to find an implementation for the object's parent
    class, using the above strategy.

    \warning The caller is responsible for deleting the returned
    interface after use.
QAccessibleInterface *QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(QObject *object)
    accessibility_active = true;
    QAccessibleInterface *iface = 0;
    if (!object)
        return 0;

    QEvent e(QEvent::AccessibilityPrepare);

    QCoreApplication::sendEvent(object, &e);

    const QMetaObject *mo = object->metaObject();
    while (mo) {
        const QLatin1String cn(mo->className());
        for (int i = qAccessibleFactories()->count(); i > 0; --i) {
            InterfaceFactory factory = qAccessibleFactories()->at(i - 1);
            iface = factory(cn, object);
            if (iface)
                return iface;
        QAccessibleFactoryInterface *factory = qobject_cast<QAccessibleFactoryInterface*>(loader()->instance(cn));
        if (factory) {
            iface = factory->create(cn, object);
            if (iface)
                return iface;
        mo = mo->superClass();

    if (!iface) {
        if (object == qApp)
            iface = new QAccessibleApplication;
    return iface;