Esempio n. 1
GNumericalExpressionSettingsWidget::GNumericalExpressionSettingsWidget( GNumericalExpression* numericalExpression, QObject* parent /*= NULL*/)	
	m_NumericalExpression = numericalExpression;

	QGroupBox* pExpressionSettings = new QGroupBox;
	QBoxLayout* pExpressionSettingsLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
	QBoxLayout* pExpressionEditLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
	pExpressionSettings->setTitle("Expression Settings");
	pExpressionEditLayout->insertWidget(0, new QLabel("Expression:"), 0);
	pExpressionEditLayout->insertWidget(1, m_NumericalExpression->m_Expression.ProvideNewParamLineEdit(pExpressionSettings), 0);
	pExpressionSettingsLayout->insertLayout(0, pExpressionEditLayout);

	QGroupBox* pVariableSettings = new QGroupBox;
	QGroupBox* pShowVariables = new QGroupBox;
	QBoxLayout* pShowVariablesLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
	QBoxLayout* pVariableSettingsLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
	QRadioButton* pLayoutVariablesVertically = new QRadioButton;
	QRadioButton* pLayoutVariablesHorizontally = new QRadioButton;
	QRadioButton* pLayoutVariablesGrid = new QRadioButton;
	pVariableSettings->setTitle("Variable Settings");
	pShowVariables->setTitle("Show Variables");
	pLayoutVariablesHorizontally->setText("Layout: Horizontal");
	pShowVariablesLayout->insertWidget(0, pLayoutVariablesHorizontally);
	pLayoutVariablesVertically->setText("Layout: Vertical");
	pShowVariablesLayout->insertWidget(1, pLayoutVariablesVertically);
	pLayoutVariablesGrid->setText("Layout: Grid");
	pShowVariablesLayout->insertWidget(2, pLayoutVariablesGrid);
	pVariableSettingsLayout->insertWidget(0, pShowVariables);
	QPushButton* pAcceptButton = new QPushButton;
	QPushButton* pCloseButton = new QPushButton;
	QBoxLayout* pButtonLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
	connect(pAcceptButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(Accept()));
	connect(pCloseButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(close()));
	pButtonLayout->insertWidget(0, pAcceptButton, 1);
	pButtonLayout->insertWidget(1, pCloseButton, 1);

	QBoxLayout* pMainLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
	pMainLayout->insertWidget(0, pExpressionSettings, 1);
	pMainLayout->insertWidget(1, pVariableSettings, 1);
	pMainLayout->insertLayout(2, pButtonLayout, 0);
void layoutOperations::insertLayoutItem( int Index, QWidget *Widget, QLayoutItem *Item, int Stretch )
  if ( Widget == NULL )

  QBoxLayout *Layout = dynamic_cast<QBoxLayout*>( Widget->layout() );
  if ( Layout == NULL )

    QWidget *ItemWidget = Item->widget();
    if ( ItemWidget != NULL )
      Layout->insertWidget( Index, ItemWidget, Stretch );

    QLayout *ItemLayout = Item->layout();
    if ( ItemLayout != NULL )
      Layout->insertLayout( Index, ItemLayout, Stretch );

    QSpacerItem *ItemSpace = Item->spacerItem();
    if ( ItemSpace != NULL )
      Layout->insertSpacerItem( Index, ItemSpace );
  } while ( false );
Esempio n. 3
void PropertyToolBox::addPage( QWidget* page )
    QBoxLayout* pageLayout = qobject_cast<QBoxLayout*>( page->layout() );
    if ( pageLayout && pageLayout->direction() == QBoxLayout::TopToBottom ) {
        pageLayout->setContentsMargins( 5, 5, 5, 5 );
        pageLayout->setSpacing( 3 );
        for ( int i = 0; i < pageLayout->count(); i++ ) {
            QLayoutItem* item = pageLayout->itemAt( i );
            if ( item->spacerItem() )
            QLabel* label = qobject_cast<QLabel*>( item->widget() );
            if ( label ) {
                QString style = "border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid palette(dark);";
                if ( i > 0 )
                    style += "margin-top: 2px;";
                label->setStyleSheet( style );
            QBoxLayout* itemLayout = qobject_cast<QBoxLayout*>( item->layout() );
            if ( itemLayout && itemLayout->direction() == QBoxLayout::LeftToRight ) {
                itemLayout->insertSpacing( 0, 10 );
            } else {
                pageLayout->removeItem( item );
                QHBoxLayout* wrapperLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
                wrapperLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
                wrapperLayout->addItem( item );
                pageLayout->insertLayout( i, wrapperLayout );

    page->setBackgroundRole( QPalette::Base );

    addItem( page, page->windowTitle() );
Esempio n. 4
void QIDialogButtonBox::addExtraLayout (QLayout* aLayout)
    QBoxLayout *layout = boxLayout();
    int index = findEmptySpace (layout);
    layout->insertLayout (index + 1, aLayout);
    layout->insertStretch(index + 2);
Esempio n. 5
pFileDialog::pFileDialog( QWidget* parent, const QString& caption, const QString& directory, const QString& filter, bool textCodecEnabled, bool openReadOnlyEnabled )
	: QFileDialog( parent, caption, directory, filter )
	setFileMode( QFileDialog::AnyFile );
	setOption( QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog );
	// get grid layout
	glDialog = qobject_cast<QGridLayout*>( layout() );
	// assert on gridlayout
	Q_ASSERT( glDialog );
	// relook the dialog to be more friendly
	QLabel* lLookIn = findChild<QLabel*>( "lookInLabel" );
	QComboBox* cbLookIn = findChild<QComboBox*>( "lookInCombo" );
	QToolButton* tbNewFolder = findChild<QToolButton*>( "newFolderButton" );
	QAbstractItemView* sidebar = findChild<QAbstractItemView*>( "sidebar" );
	QFrame* fFrame = findChild<QFrame*>( "frame" );
	QBoxLayout* hLayout = 0;
	// search layout containing tbNewFolder
	foreach ( QLayout* layout, findChildren<QLayout*>() ) {
		if ( layout->indexOf( tbNewFolder ) != -1 ) {
			hLayout = qobject_cast<QBoxLayout*>( layout );
	if ( lLookIn ) {
		lLookIn->setVisible( false );
	if ( hLayout ) {
		hLayout->setSpacing( 3 );
		hLayout->insertStretch( hLayout->indexOf( tbNewFolder ) );
	if ( cbLookIn && fFrame ) {
		QBoxLayout* vLayout = qobject_cast<QBoxLayout*>( fFrame->layout() );
		if ( vLayout ) {
			vLayout->setSpacing( 3 );
			vLayout->insertWidget( 0, cbLookIn );
			if ( hLayout ) {
				glDialog->removeItem( hLayout );
				hLayout->setParent( 0 );
				vLayout->insertLayout( 0, hLayout );
	if ( sidebar ) {
		QWidget* viewport = sidebar->viewport();
		QPalette pal = viewport->palette();
		pal.setColor( viewport->backgroundRole(), QColor( Qt::transparent ) );
		viewport->setPalette( pal );
		sidebar->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame | QFrame::Plain );
		sidebar->setIconSize( QSize( 16, 16 ) );
	// text codec
	mTextCodecEnabled = true;
	lCodec = new QLabel( tr( "Codec:" ), this );
	cbCodec = new QComboBox( this );
	cbCodec->addItems( pCoreUtils::textCodecs() );
	setTextCodec( QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->name() );
	glDialog->addWidget( lCodec, 4, 0 );
	glDialog->addWidget( cbCodec, 4, 1 );
	// read only
	mOpenReadOnlyEnabled = true;
	cbOpenReadOnly = new QCheckBox( tr( "Open in read only." ), this );
	glDialog->addWidget( cbOpenReadOnly, 5, 1 );
	// configuration
	setTextCodecEnabled( textCodecEnabled );
	setOpenReadOnlyEnabled( openReadOnlyEnabled );
Esempio n. 6
void QBoxLayoutProto::insertLayout(int index, QLayout *layout, int stretch)
  QBoxLayout *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QBoxLayout*>(thisObject());
  if (item)
    item->insertLayout(index, layout, stretch);