static bool rename(QCString & s, bool java, bool javasettings) { static const struct { const char * o; const char * n; bool java_only; } T[] = { { "enumDecl", "enumPatternDecl", FALSE }, { "set_EnumDecl", "set_EnumPatternDecl", FALSE }, { "enumItemDecl", "enumPatternItemDecl", FALSE }, { "set_EnumItemDecl", "set_EnumPatternItemDecl", FALSE }, { "enumItemCase", "enumPatternItemCase", FALSE }, { "set_EnumItemCase", "set_EnumPatternItemCase", FALSE }, { "setJavaEnumDeclCmd", "setJavaEnumPatternDeclCmd", FALSE }, { "setJavaEnumItemDeclCmd", "setJavaEnumPatternItemDeclCmd", FALSE }, { "setJavaEnumItemCaseCmd", "setJavaEnumPatternItemCaseCmd", FALSE }, { "_setJavaEnumDeclCmd", "_setJavaEnumPatternDeclCmd", TRUE }, { "_setJavaEnumItemDeclCmd", "_setJavaEnumPatternItemDeclCmd", TRUE }, { "_setJavaEnumItemCaseCmd", "_setJavaEnumPatternItemCaseCmd", TRUE }, { "_enum_decl", "_enum_pattern_decl", FALSE }, { "_enum_item_decl", "_enum_pattern_item_decl", FALSE }, { "_enum_item_case", "_enum_pattern_item_case", FALSE } }; int t_index; bool changed = FALSE; for (t_index = 0; t_index != sizeof(T)/sizeof(T[0]); t_index += 1) { if (!T[t_index].java_only || java) { QCString o = T[t_index].o; if (!javasettings) o = ((java) ? "JavaSettings." : "JavaSettings::") + o; int o_len = o.length(); QCString n = T[t_index].n; if (!javasettings) n = ((java) ? "JavaSettings." : "JavaSettings::") + n; int n_len = n.length(); int index = 0; while ((index = s.find(o, index)) != -1) { if (((index == 0) || is_sep(s[index - 1])) && is_sep(s[index + o_len])) { s.replace(index, o_len, n); index += n_len; changed = TRUE; } else index += 1; } } } return changed; }
void UmlItem::replace_alias(QCString & s) { int index = 0; while ((index = s.find("@{", index)) != -1) { int index2 = s.find('}', index + 2); if (index2 == -1) return; UmlBaseItem * obj = this; QCString key = s.mid(index + 2, index2 - index - 2); QCString value; for (;;) { if (obj->propertyValue(key, value)) { s.replace(index, index2 - index + 1, value); index += value.length(); break; } else if ((obj = obj->parent()) == 0) { index = index2 + 1; break; } } } }
void UmlClassItem::remove_comments(QCString & s) { int index1 = 0; while ((index1 = s.find('/', index1)) != -1) { int index2; switch (((const char *) s)[index1 + 1]) { case '/': if ((index2 = s.find('\n', index1 + 2)) != -1) s.remove(index1, index2 - index1 + 1); else s.truncate(index1); break; case '*': if ((index2 = s.find("*/", index1 + 2)) != -1) s.replace(index1, index2 - index1 + 1, " "); else s.truncate(index1); break; default: index1 += 1; } } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // some quasi intelligent brief description abbreviator :^) QCString abbreviate(const char *s,const char *name) { QCString scopelessName=name; int i=scopelessName.findRev("::"); if (i!=-1) scopelessName=scopelessName.mid(i+2); QCString result=s; result=result.stripWhiteSpace(); // strip trailing . if (!result.isEmpty() &&'.') result=result.left(result.length()-1); // strip any predefined prefix QStrList &briefDescAbbrev = Config_getList("ABBREVIATE_BRIEF"); const char *p = briefDescAbbrev.first(); while (p) { QCString s = p; s.replace(QRegExp("\\$name"), scopelessName); // replace $name with entity name s += " "; stripWord(result,s); p =; } // capitalize first word if (!result.isEmpty()) { int c=result[0]; if (c>='a' && c<='z') c+='A'-'a'; result[0]=c; } return result; }
void UmlClass::write(QTextOStream & f) { if (isJavaExternal()) { QCString s = javaDecl().stripWhiteSpace(); int index; if ((index = s.find("${name}")) != -1) s.replace(index, 7, name()); else if ((index = s.find("${Name}")) != -1) s.replace(index, 7, capitalize(name())); else if ((index = s.find("${NAME}")) != -1) s.replace(index, 7, name().upper()); else if ((index = s.find("${nAME}")) != -1) s.replace(index, 7, name().lower()); f << s; } else { UmlClass * toplevel = this; UmlItem * p; QCString s2; while ((p = toplevel->parent())->kind() == aClass) { toplevel = (UmlClass *) p; s2 = dot + p->name() + s2; } UmlArtifact * cp = toplevel->associatedArtifact(); UmlPackage * pack = (UmlPackage *) ((cp != 0) ? (UmlItem *) cp : (UmlItem *) toplevel)->package(); if (pack != UmlArtifact::generation_package()) { QCString s = pack->javaPackage(); if (! s.isEmpty() && (s != "java.lang") && (s.left(10) != "java.lang.")) { s += s2; if (JavaSettings::isForcePackagePrefixGeneration() || !UmlArtifact::generated_one()->is_imported(s, name())) f << s << '.'; } } else if (! s2.isEmpty()) f << s2.mid(1) << '.'; f << name(); } }
QCString replace(QCString f, QCString k, QCString v) { int index = f.find(k); return (index != -1) ? f.replace(index, k.length(), v) : f; }
void UmlOperation::set_java(const char * return_form, const char * params, QCString body, bool inlinep) { QCString s = JavaSettings::operationDef(); int index = s.find("${type}"); s.replace(index, 7, return_form); s.insert(s.find("${)}", index), params); if (inlinep) { s.replace(s.findRev("${body}"), 7, body); set_JavaDef(s); } else { set_JavaDef(s); set_JavaBody(body); } }
void UmlClassItem::remove_arrays(QCString & s) { int index1 = 0; while ((index1 = s.find('[', index1)) != -1) { int index2 = index1 = s.find(']', index1 + 1); if (index2 == -1) { s.truncate(index1); return; } else s.replace(index1, index2 - index1 + 1, " "); } }
QCString legalName(QCString s) { for (unsigned index = 0; index != s.length(); index += 1) { char c =; if ((c != '_') && !((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) && !((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) && !((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))) { s.replace(index, 1, "__"); index += 1; } } return s; }
void JSObjectProxy::addSlotBinding( const QCString &name, KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &object ) { // Lookup and bind slot QMetaObject * mo = obj->metaObject(); int slotid = mo->findSlot(, true ); if ( slotid == -1 ) return ; const QMetaData *md = mo->slot( slotid, true ); if ( md->access != QMetaData::Public ) return ; // Find signature int id = Bindings::JSSlotUtils::findSignature( name ); // kdDebug( 80001 )<<"JSObjectProxy::addSlotBinding()::slot:"<<name<<" id:"<<id<<endl; if ( id < 0 ) return ; QCString jsname = name; jsname.detach(); jsname.replace( QRegExp( "\\([^\\)]*\\)" ), "" ); // Find the return type, we only care if it is a pointer type const QUMethod *m = md->method; const char *retclass = 0; QCString ptr( "ptr" ); if ( m->count && ( m->parameters->inOut == QUParameter::Out ) && ( ptr == m->parameters->type->desc() ) ) { retclass = ( const char * ) m->parameters->typeExtra; // kdDebug(80001) << "Return type is a pointer, type " << retclass << endl; } // Create the Imp JSObjectProxyImp *imp = new JSObjectProxyImp( exec, JSObjectProxyImp::MethodSlot, retclass ? retclass : "", id, name, this ); if ( !object.hasProperty( exec, KJS::Identifier( jsname ) ) ) { // The identifier is unused object.put( exec, KJS::Identifier( ), KJS::Object( imp ) ); } else { // The identifier has already been used QString s( name ); QCString cs = QString( "%1%2" ).arg( jsname ).arg( s.contains( ',' ) + 1 ).ascii(); //kdDebug(80001) << "Method " << jsname << " exists, using " << cs << " for " << s << endl; object.put( exec, KJS::Identifier( ), KJS::Object( imp ) ); } }
void MonitorWindow::save() { QString s = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName ("sim.log", QString::null, this); if (s.isEmpty()) return; QFile f(s); if (!{ QMessageBox::warning(this, i18n("Error"), i18n("Can't create file %1") .arg(s)); return; } QCString t; if (edit->hasSelectedText()){ t = unquoteText(edit->selectedText()).local8Bit(); }else{ t = unquoteText(edit->text()).local8Bit(); } #if defined(WIN32) || defined(__OS2__) t.replace(QRegExp("\n"),"\r\n"); #endif f.writeBlock(t, t.length()); }
QString Namespace::namespacify(QCString s, bool local) { QString r; int index = s.find("::"); if (index == 0) r = ((const char *) s) + 2; else { if (index != -1) { QMap<QCString,QCString>::ConstIterator it = Aliases.find(s.left(index)); if (it != Aliases.end()) s.replace(0, index, *it); } r = (Stack.isEmpty()) ? QString(s) : Stack.last() + QString(s); } return (local) ? r + "\n" + Lex::filename() : r; }
void CppRefType::compute(QList<CppRefType> & dependencies, const QCString & hdef, const QCString & srcdef, QCString & h_incl, QCString & decl, QCString & src_incl, UmlArtifact * who) { UmlPackage * pack = who->package(); QCString hdir; QCString srcdir; if (CppSettings::isRelativePath()) { QCString empty; hdir = pack->header_path(empty); srcdir = pack->source_path(empty); } else if (CppSettings::isRootRelativePath()) hdir = srcdir = UmlPackage::rootDir(); // aze.cpp includes aze.h src_incl += "#include \""; if (CppSettings::includeWithPath()) src_incl += pack->header_path(who->name(), srcdir); else { src_incl += who->name(); src_incl += '.'; src_incl += CppSettings::headerExtension(); } src_incl += "\"\n"; h_incl = ""; // to not be QCString::null decl = ""; // to not be QCString::null CppRefType * ref; for (ref = dependencies.first(); ref != 0; ref = { UmlClass * cl = (ref->type.type) ? ref->type.type : UmlBaseClass::get(ref->type.explicit_type, 0); bool included = ref->included; QCString hform; // form in header QCString srcform; // form in source if (cl == 0) { QCString in = CppSettings::include(ref->type.explicit_type); if (!in.isEmpty()) hform = srcform = in + '\n'; else // doesn't know what it is continue; } else if (cl->isCppExternal()) { hform = cl->cppDecl(); int index; if ((index = hform.find('\n')) == -1) // wrong form continue; hform = hform.mid(index + 1) + '\n'; for (;;) { if ((index = hform.find("${name}")) != -1) hform.replace(index, 7, cl->name()); else if ((index = hform.find("${Name}")) != -1) hform.replace(index, 7, capitalize(cl->name())); else if ((index = hform.find("${NAME}")) != -1) hform.replace(index, 7, cl->name().upper()); else if ((index = hform.find("${nAME}")) != -1) hform.replace(index, 7, cl->name().lower()); else break; } srcform = hform; } else { QCString st = cl->cpp_stereotype(); if ((st == "enum") || (st == "typedef")) included = TRUE; UmlArtifact * art = cl->associatedArtifact(); if (art != 0) { if (art == who) // don't include itself continue; if (CppSettings::includeWithPath()) { UmlPackage * p = art->package(); hform = "#include \"" + p->header_path(art->name(), hdir) + "\"\n"; srcform = "#include \"" + p->header_path(art->name(), srcdir) + "\"\n"; } else srcform = hform = "#include \"" + art->name() + '.' + CppSettings::headerExtension() + "\"\n"; } else if (cl->parent()->kind() != aClass) { write_trace_header(); UmlCom::trace(QCString(" <font color=\"red\"><b> class<i> ") + cl->name() + "</i> referenced but does not have associated <i>artifact</i></b></font><br>"); incr_warning(); continue; } } if (included) { // #include must be placed in the header file if ((h_incl.find(hform) == -1) && (hdef.find(hform) == -1)) h_incl += hform; } else if ((cl != 0) && (cl->parent()->kind() != aClass)) { // else too complicated // #include useless in header file, place it in the source file if ((src_incl.find(srcform) == -1) && (h_incl.find(hform) == -1) && (hdef.find(hform) == -1) && (srcdef.find(srcform) == -1)) src_incl += srcform; if (!cl->isCppExternal()) { // header file must contains the declaration hform = cl->decl(); if (decl.find(hform) == -1) decl += hform; if ((cl->associatedArtifact() == 0) && (cl->parent()->kind() != aClass)) { write_trace_header(); UmlCom::trace(QCString(" <font color=\"red\"><b> class<i> ") + cl->name() + "</i> referenced but does not have associated <i>artifact</i></b></font><br>"); incr_warning(); } } } else if (!hform.isEmpty()) { // have the #include form but does not know if it is a class or other, // generate the #include in the header file EXCEPT if the #include is // already in the header/source file to allow to optimize the generated // code if ((src_incl.find(srcform) == -1) && (h_incl.find(hform) == -1) && (hdef.find(hform) == -1) && (srcdef.find(srcform) == -1)) h_incl += hform; } } }
QString KXFace::fromImage(const QImage &image) { if(image.isNull()) return QString::null; QImage scaledImg = image.smoothScale(48, 48); QByteArray ba; QBuffer buffer(ba);;, "XBM"); QString xbm(ba); xbm.remove(0, xbm.find("{") + 1); xbm.truncate(xbm.find("}")); xbm.remove(" "); xbm.remove(","); xbm.remove("0x"); xbm.remove("\n"); xbm.truncate(576); QCString tmp = QCString(xbm.latin1()); uint len = tmp.length(); for(uint i = 0; i < len; ++i) { switch(tmp[i]) { case '1': tmp[i] = '8'; break; case '2': tmp[i] = '4'; break; case '3': tmp[i] = 'c'; break; case '4': tmp[i] = '2'; break; case '5': tmp[i] = 'a'; break; case '7': tmp[i] = 'e'; break; case '8': tmp[i] = '1'; break; case 'A': case 'a': tmp[i] = '5'; break; case 'B': case 'b': tmp[i] = 'd'; break; case 'C': case 'c': tmp[i] = '3'; break; case 'D': case 'd': tmp[i] = 'b'; break; case 'E': case 'e': tmp[i] = '7'; break; } if(i % 2) { char t = tmp[i]; tmp[i] = tmp[i - 1]; tmp[i - 1] = t; } } tmp.replace(QRegExp("(\\w{12})"), "\\1\n"); tmp.replace(QRegExp("(\\w{4})"), "0x\\1,"); len = tmp.length(); char *fbuf = (char *)malloc(len + 1); strncpy(fbuf, (const char *)tmp, len); fbuf[len] = '\0'; if(!(status = setjmp(comp_env))) { ReadFace(fbuf); GenFace(); CompAll(fbuf); } QString ret(fbuf); free(fbuf); return ret; }
void UmlOperation::set_cpp(const char * return_form_or_inherit, const char * params, QCString body, bool inlinep, const char * if_def, const char * end_if) { if (*return_form_or_inherit == ':') { // inherit if (inlinep) { QCString s = remove_throw(CppSettings::operationDecl()); int index = s.find("${)}"); s.resize(index + 5); s.insert(index, params); s.append(" "); s.append(return_form_or_inherit); if (!body.isEmpty()) { s.append(" {\n "); s.append(body); s.append("}\n"); } else s.append(" {\n}\n"); conditional(s, if_def, end_if); set_CppDecl(s); set_CppDef(""); } else { QCString s = remove_throw(CppSettings::operationDecl()); int index = s.find("${)}"); s.resize(index + 5); s.insert(index, params); s.append(";"); conditional(s, if_def, end_if); set_CppDecl(s); s = remove_throw(CppSettings::operationDef()); index = s.find("${)}"); s.resize(index + 5); s.insert(index, params); s.append(" "); s.append(return_form_or_inherit); if (!body.isEmpty()) { s.append(" {\n "); s.append(body); s.append("}\n"); } else s.append(" {\n}\n"); conditional(s, if_def, end_if); set_CppDef(s); } } else { // return if (inlinep) { QCString s = remove_throw(CppSettings::operationDecl()); int index = s.find("${type}"); s.replace(index, 7, return_form_or_inherit); s.insert(s.find("${)}", index), params); s.resize(s.findRev(";") + 1); if (!body.isEmpty()) { s.append(" {\n "); s.append(body); s.append("}\n"); } else s.append(" {\n}\n"); conditional(s, if_def, end_if); set_CppDecl(s); set_CppDef(""); } else { QCString s = remove_throw(CppSettings::operationDecl()); int index = s.find("${type}"); s.replace(index, 7, return_form_or_inherit); s.insert(s.find("${)}", index), params); conditional(s, if_def, end_if); set_CppDecl(s); s = remove_throw(CppSettings::operationDef()); index = s.find("${type}"); s.replace(index, 7, return_form_or_inherit); s.insert(s.find("${)}", index), params); conditional(s, if_def, end_if); set_CppDef(s); set_CppBody(body); } } }
// from a form 'generic<...C...> var' where C is a class bool UmlRelation::new_one(Class * container, const QCString & name, UmlClass * type, QCString type_def, QCString genericname, aVisibility visibility, bool staticp, bool constp, bool transientp, bool volatilep, const QCString & array, const QCString & value, QCString comment, QCString description, QCString annotation #ifdef ROUNDTRIP , bool roundtrip, QList<UmlItem> & expected_order #endif ) { #ifdef TRACE cout << "RELATION '" << name << "' from '" << cl->Name() << "' to '" << type->Name() << "' array '" << array << "'\n"; #endif if ( #ifdef REVERSE container->from_libp() && #endif (visibility == PrivateVisibility)) { Lex::finish_line(); Lex::clear_comments(); return TRUE; } QCString st = JavaSettings::umlType(genericname); if (st.isEmpty()) st = genericname; UmlClass * cl = container->get_uml(); UmlRelation * rel; #ifdef ROUNDTRIP bool created; if (!roundtrip || ((rel = search_rel(container, name, type, st)) == 0)) { #endif rel = UmlBaseRelation::create(aDirectionalAssociation, cl, type); if (rel == 0) { JavaCatWindow::trace(QCString("<font face=helvetica><b>cannot add relation <i>") + name + "</i> in <i>" + cl->name() + "</i> to <i>" + type->name() + "</i></b></font><br>"); return FALSE; } #ifdef REVERSE # ifndef ROUNDTRIP Statistic::one_relation_more(); # else if (roundtrip) container->set_updated(); created = TRUE; } else created = FALSE; # endif #endif Lex::finish_line(); comment = Lex::get_comments(comment); description = Lex::get_description(description); QCString decl = JavaSettings::relationDecl(array); type_def.replace(0, genericname.length(), "${stereotype}"); decl.replace(decl.find("${type}"), 7, type_def); #ifdef ROUNDTRIP if (roundtrip && !created) { if (rel->visibility() != visibility) { rel->set_Visibility(visibility); container->set_updated(); } if (decl.find("${description}") != -1) { if (nequal(rel->description(), description)) { rel->set_Description(description); container->set_updated(); } } else if (nequal(rel->description(), Lex::simplify_comment(comment))) { rel->set_Description(comment); // comment was set container->set_updated(); } if (rel->isReadOnly() != constp) { rel->set_isReadOnly(constp); container->set_updated(); } if (rel->isJavaTransient() != transientp) { rel->set_isJavaTransient(transientp); container->set_updated(); } if (rel->isVolatile() != volatilep) { rel->set_isVolatile(volatilep); container->set_updated(); } if (rel->isClassMember() != staticp) { rel->set_isClassMember(staticp); container->set_updated(); } if (neq(rel->multiplicity(), array)) { rel->set_Multiplicity(array); container->set_updated(); } if (neq(rel->defaultValue(), value)) { rel->set_DefaultValue(value); container->set_updated(); } if (nequal(rel->javaAnnotations(), annotation)) { rel->set_JavaAnnotations(annotation); container->set_updated(); } if (neq(rel->stereotype(), st) && (rel->stereotype().isEmpty() || (JavaSettings::relationAttributeStereotype(rel->stereotype()) != st))) { rel->set_Stereotype(st); container->set_updated(); } if (neq(rel->javaDecl(), decl)) { rel->set_JavaDecl(decl); container->set_updated(); } // role name is the right one rel->set_usefull(); expected_order.append(rel); } else { #endif rel->set_Visibility(visibility); if (!comment.isEmpty()) rel->set_Description((decl.find("${description}") != -1) ? description : Lex::simplify_comment(comment)); if (constp) rel->set_isReadOnly(TRUE); if (transientp) rel->set_isJavaTransient(TRUE); if (volatilep) rel->set_isVolatile(TRUE); if (staticp) rel->set_isClassMember(TRUE); if (!array.isEmpty()) rel->set_Multiplicity(array); if (! value.isEmpty()) rel->set_DefaultValue(value); if (! annotation.isEmpty()) rel->set_JavaAnnotations(annotation); rel->set_Stereotype(st); rel->set_JavaDecl(decl); rel->set_RoleName(name); #ifdef ROUNDTRIP if (roundtrip) expected_order.append(rel); } #endif return TRUE; }
bool UmlAttribute::manage_enum_item(QCString name, UmlClass * cl #ifdef ROUNDTRIP , bool roundtrip, QList<UmlItem> & expected_order #endif ) { QCString comment = Lex::get_comments(); QCString description = Lex::get_description(); UmlAttribute * item = 0; // initialize to avoid warning #ifdef ROUNDTRIP Class * container = 0; // initialize to avoid warning bool created = FALSE; // initialize to avoid warning #endif if (!Package::scanning()) { #ifdef ROUNDTRIP container = cl->get_class(); if (!roundtrip || ((item = search_attr(container, name)) == 0)) { #endif if ((item = UmlBaseAttribute::create(cl, name)) == 0) { JavaCatWindow::trace(QCString("<font face=helvetica><b>cannot add enum item <i>") + name + "</i> in <i>" + cl->name() + "</i></b></font><br>"); return FALSE; } item->set_Visibility(PublicVisibility); #ifdef ROUNDTRIP if (roundtrip) container->set_updated(); created = TRUE; } #endif } Lex::mark(); QCString aux; QCString s; if ((s = Lex::read_word()).isEmpty()) { if (! Package::scanning()) Lex::premature_eof(); return FALSE; } else if ((s == ";") || (s == "}")) { aux = Lex::region(); Lex::unread_word(s); } else if (s == ",") { aux = Lex::region(); Lex::finish_line(); comment = Lex::get_comments(comment); description = Lex::get_description(description); } else if ((s == "(") || (s == "{")) { char c = UmlOperation::skip_expr(1); // goes after opt init and body if (c == 0) { if (! Package::scanning()) Lex::premature_eof(); return FALSE; } // c is ',' or ';' if (c == ';') Lex::unread_word(";"); aux = Lex::region(); } else { if (! Package::scanning()) Lex::error_near(s); return FALSE; } if (!Package::scanning()) { // here aux = opt init and body + final character , ; or } QCString decl = JavaSettings::enumItemDecl(); int index; if ((decl.find("${name}") == -1) || ((index = decl.find("${value}")) == -1)) { decl = " ${name}${value},${comment}"; index = decl.find("${value}"); } aux.resize(aux.length()); // remove , ; or }, warning resize count \000 if (!aux.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) decl.replace(index, 8, aux); #ifdef ROUNDTRIP if (roundtrip && !created) { if (decl.find("${description}") != -1) { if (nequal(item->description(), description)) { item->set_Description(description); container->set_updated(); } } else if (nequal(item->description(), Lex::simplify_comment(comment))) { item->set_Description(comment); // comment was changed container->set_updated(); } if (neq(item->javaDecl(), decl)) { item->set_JavaDecl(decl); container->set_updated(); } item->set_usefull(); expected_order.append(item); } else { #endif if (!comment.isEmpty()) item->set_Description((decl.find("${description}") != -1) ? description : Lex::simplify_comment(comment)); item->set_JavaDecl(decl); #ifdef ROUNDTRIP if (roundtrip) expected_order.append(item); } #endif } return TRUE; }
QCString UmlPackage::file_path(const QCString & f) { if (! { dir.file = pythonDir(); if (! RootDirRead) { RootDirRead = TRUE; RootDir = PythonSettings::rootDir(); if (!RootDir.isEmpty() && // empty -> error QDir::isRelativePath(RootDir)) { QFileInfo f(getProject()->supportFile()); QDir d(f.dirPath()); RootDir = d.filePath(RootDir); } } QDir d_root(RootDir); if (dir.file.isEmpty()) dir.file = RootDir; else if (QDir::isRelativePath(dir.file)) dir.file = d_root.filePath(dir.file); if (dir.file.isEmpty()) { UmlCom::trace(QCString("<font color=\"red\"><b><b> The generation directory " "must be specified for the package<i> ") + name() + "</i>, edit the <i> generation settings</i> (tab 'directory') " "or edit the package (tab 'Python')</b></font><br>"); UmlCom::bye(n_errors() + 1); UmlCom::fatal_error("UmlPackage::file_path"); } = TRUE; } QDir d(dir.file); if (! d.exists()) { // create directory including the intermediates QCString s = dir.file; int index = 0; char sep = QDir::separator(); if (sep != '/') { while ((index = s.find(sep, index)) != -1) s.replace(index++, 1, "/"); } s = QDir::cleanDirPath(s) + "/"; index = s.find("/"); int index2; while ((index2 = s.find("/", index + 1)) != -1) { QCString s2 = s.left(index2); QDir sd(s2); if (!sd.exists()) { if (!sd.mkdir(s2)) { UmlCom::trace(QCString("<font color=\"red\"><b> cannot create directory <i>") + s2 + "</i></b></font><br>"); UmlCom::bye(n_errors() + 1); UmlCom::fatal_error("UmlPackage::file_path"); } } index = index2; } } return QCString(d.filePath(f)) + QCString(".") + PythonSettings::sourceExtension(); }
void SenderUI::slotSend() { QCString str = MultiLineEdit1->text().utf8(); owarn << "sending: " << << "" << oendl; str = str.replace( QRegExp("\n"), "\r"); ser->send( str ); }
bool UmlAttribute::new_one(Class * container, const QCString & name, const QCString & type, const QCString & modifier, const QCString & pretype, const QCString & array, aVisibility visibility, bool staticp, bool constp, bool typenamep, bool mutablep, bool volatilep, const QCString & bitfield, const QCString & value, QCString comment, QCString description #ifdef ROUNDTRIP , bool roundtrip, QList<UmlItem> & expected_order #endif ) { #ifdef DEBUG_BOUML cout << "ATTRIBUTE '" << name << "' type '" << type << "' modifier '" << modifier << "' array '" << array << "'\n"; #endif if ( #ifdef REVERSE container->from_libp() && #endif (visibility == PrivateVisibility)) { Lex::finish_line(); Lex::clear_comments(); return TRUE; } UmlClass * cl = container->get_uml(); UmlAttribute * at; #ifdef ROUNDTRIP bool created; if (!roundtrip || ((at = search_attr(cl, name)) == 0)) { #endif at = UmlBaseAttribute::create(cl, name); if (at == 0) { UmlCom::trace(QCString("<font face=helvetica><b>cannot add attribute <i>") + name + "</i> in <i>" + QCString(cl->name()) + "</i></b></font><br><hr>"); return FALSE; } #ifdef REVERSE # ifndef ROUNDTRIP Statistic::one_attribute_more(); # else if (roundtrip) container->set_updated(); created = TRUE; } else created = FALSE; # endif #endif Lex::finish_line(); comment = Lex::get_comments(comment); description = Lex::get_description(description); bool pfunc = (type.find('$') != -1); UmlTypeSpec typespec; QCString typeform; QCString stereotype; if (! pfunc) { typeform = (pretype.isEmpty()) ? QCString("${type}") : pretype + " ${type}"; container->compute_type(type, typespec, typeform); } else { typespec.explicit_type = type.simplifyWhiteSpace(); int index = typespec.explicit_type.find("${name}"); if (index != -1) typespec.explicit_type.remove(index, 7); } QCString decl = CppSettings::attributeDecl(""); int index = decl.find("${type}"); if ((index == -1) || (decl.find("${const}") == -1) || (decl.find("${name}") == -1) || (decl.find("${mutable}") == -1) || (decl.find("${volatile}") == -1) || (decl.find(';') == -1)) { decl = " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};"; index = decl.find("${type}"); } if (pfunc) decl.replace(index, decl.find("${name}") + 7 - index, type); else { if (!modifier.isEmpty()) decl.insert(index + 7, QCString(" ") + modifier); if (typeform != "${type}") decl.replace(index, 7, typeform); else if (typespec.type == 0) { QCString t = typespec.explicit_type; int index2; if (!t.isEmpty() && ( - 1) == '>') && ((index2 = t.find('<')) > 0)) { stereotype = t.left(index2); typespec.explicit_type = // may be a,b ... t.mid(index2 + 1, t.length() - 2 - index2); decl.replace(index, 7, "${stereotype}<${type}>"); } } if (!array.isEmpty()) decl.insert(decl.find("${name}") + 7, "${multiplicity}"); if (!bitfield.isEmpty()) decl.insert(decl.find(';'), QCString(" : ") + bitfield); } if (typenamep) { int index = decl.find("${const}") + 8; // find cannot return -1 int index2 = decl.find("${mutable}") + 10; // find cannot return -1 int index3 = decl.find("${volatile}") + 11; // find cannot return -1 if (index2 > index) index = index2; if (index3 > index) index = index3; decl.insert(index, "typename "); } if (!value.isEmpty() && ((index = decl.find("${value}")) != -1)) decl.insert(index + 2, "h_"); #ifdef ROUNDTRIP if (roundtrip && !created) { if (decl.find("${description}") != -1) { if (nequal(at->description(), description)) { at->set_Description(description); container->set_updated(); } } else if (nequal(at->description(), Lex::simplify_comment(comment))) { at->set_Description(comment); // comment was set container->set_updated(); } if (at->isReadOnly() != constp) { at->set_isReadOnly(constp); container->set_updated(); } if (at->isCppMutable() != mutablep) { at->set_isCppMutable(mutablep); container->set_updated(); } if (at->isVolatile() != volatilep) { at->set_isVolatile(volatilep); container->set_updated(); } if (at->isClassMember() != staticp) { at->set_isClassMember(staticp); container->set_updated(); } if (neq(at->multiplicity(), array)) { at->set_Multiplicity(array); container->set_updated(); } if (!staticp) { QCString v = at->defaultValue(); if (!v.isEmpty() && (((const char *) v)[0] == '=')) v = v.mid(1); if (nequal(v, value)) { at->set_DefaultValue(value); container->set_updated(); } } if (at->visibility() != visibility) { at->set_Visibility(visibility); container->set_updated(); } if (!stereotype.isEmpty()) { QCString cppst; if (!at->stereotype().isEmpty()) cppst = CppSettings::relationAttributeStereotype(at->stereotype()); if (cppst != stereotype) { at->set_Stereotype(stereotype); container->set_updated(); } } if (!at->type().equal(typespec)) { at->set_Type(typespec); container->set_updated(); } if (neq(at->cppDecl(), decl)) { at->set_CppDecl(decl); container->set_updated(); } at->set_usefull(); expected_order.append(at); } else { #endif if (!comment.isEmpty()) at->set_Description((decl.find("${description}") != -1) ? description : Lex::simplify_comment(comment)); if (constp) at->set_isReadOnly(TRUE); if (mutablep) at->set_isCppMutable(TRUE); if (volatilep) at->set_isVolatile(TRUE); if (staticp) at->set_isClassMember(TRUE); if (!array.isEmpty()) at->set_Multiplicity(array); if (! value.isEmpty()) at->set_DefaultValue(value); at->set_Visibility(visibility); if (! stereotype.isEmpty()) at->set_Stereotype(stereotype); at->set_Type(typespec); at->set_CppDecl(decl); #ifdef ROUNDTRIP if (roundtrip) expected_order.append(at); } #endif return TRUE; }
bool UmlAttribute::new_one(Class * container, const QCString & name, UmlTypeSpec typespec, aVisibility visibility, bool staticp, bool finalp, bool transientp, bool volatilep, const QCString & array, const QCString & value, QCString comment, QCString description, QCString annotation #ifdef ROUNDTRIP , bool roundtrip, QList<UmlItem> & expected_order #endif ) { #ifdef TRACE cout << "ATTRIBUTE '" << name << "'\n"; #endif if ( #ifdef REVERSE container->from_libp() && #endif (visibility == PrivateVisibility)) { Lex::finish_line(); Lex::clear_comments(); return TRUE; } UmlClass * cl = container->get_uml(); UmlAttribute * at; #ifdef ROUNDTRIP bool created; if (!roundtrip || ((at = search_attr(container, name)) == 0)) { #endif at = UmlBaseAttribute::create(cl, name); if (at == 0) { JavaCatWindow::trace(QCString("<font face=helvetica><b>cannot add attribute <i>") + name + "</i> in <i>" + cl->name() + "</i></b></font><br>"); return FALSE; } #ifdef REVERSE # ifndef ROUNDTRIP Statistic::one_attribute_more(); # else if (roundtrip) container->set_updated(); created = TRUE; } else created = FALSE; # endif #endif Lex::finish_line(); comment = Lex::get_comments(comment); description = Lex::get_description(description); QCString decl = JavaSettings::attributeDecl(""); int index = decl.find("${type}"); if ((index == -1) || (decl.find("${name}") == -1)) { decl = " ${comment}${@}${visibility}${static}${final}${transient}${volatile}${type} ${name}${value};"; index = decl.find("${type}"); } #ifdef ROUNDTRIP if (roundtrip && !created) { if (decl.find("${description}") != -1) { if (nequal(at->description(), description)) { at->set_Description(description); container->set_updated(); } } else if (nequal(at->description(), Lex::simplify_comment(comment))) { at->set_Description(comment); // comment was set container->set_updated(); } if (at->isReadOnly() != finalp) { at->set_isReadOnly(finalp); container->set_updated(); } if (at->isJavaTransient() != transientp) { at->set_isJavaTransient(transientp); container->set_updated(); } if (at->isVolatile() != volatilep) { at->set_isVolatile(volatilep); container->set_updated(); } if (at->isClassMember() != staticp) { at->set_isClassMember(staticp); container->set_updated(); } if (!array.isEmpty()) decl.insert(index + 7, "${multiplicity}"); if (neq(at->multiplicity(), array)) { at->set_Multiplicity(array); container->set_updated(); } QCString v = at->defaultValue(); if (!v.isEmpty() && (((const char *) v)[0] == '=')) v = v.mid(1); if (nequal(v, value)) { at->set_DefaultValue(value); container->set_updated(); } if (nequal(at->javaAnnotations(), annotation)) { at->set_JavaAnnotations(annotation); container->set_updated(); } QCString stereotype; bool force_ste = FALSE; if (cl->stereotype() == "enum") { stereotype = "attribute"; force_ste = TRUE; } else if (typespec.type == 0) { QCString t = typespec.explicit_type; int index2; if (!t.isEmpty() && ( - 1) == '>') && ((index2 = t.find('<')) > 0)) { stereotype = t.left(index2); typespec.explicit_type = // may be a,b ... t.mid(index2 + 1, t.length() - 2 - index2); decl.replace(index, 7, "${stereotype}<${type}>"); force_ste = TRUE; } } if (at->visibility() != visibility) { at->set_Visibility(visibility); container->set_updated(); } if (neq(at->stereotype(), stereotype)) { QCString jst; if (! at->stereotype().isEmpty()) jst = JavaSettings::relationAttributeStereotype(at->stereotype()); if ((force_ste) ? (jst != stereotype) : (jst == "attribute")) { at->set_Stereotype(stereotype); container->set_updated(); } } if (neq(at->javaDecl(), decl)) { at->set_JavaDecl(decl); container->set_updated(); } if (!at->type().equal(typespec)) { at->set_Type(typespec); container->set_updated(); } at->set_usefull(); expected_order.append(at); } else { #endif if (!comment.isEmpty()) at->set_Description((decl.find("${description}") != -1) ? description : Lex::simplify_comment(comment)); if (finalp) at->set_isReadOnly(TRUE); if (transientp) at->set_isJavaTransient(TRUE); if (volatilep) at->set_isVolatile(TRUE); if (staticp) at->set_isClassMember(TRUE); if (!array.isEmpty()) { decl.insert(index + 7, "${multiplicity}"); at->set_Multiplicity(array); } if (! value.isEmpty()) at->set_DefaultValue(value); if (! annotation.isEmpty()) at->set_JavaAnnotations(annotation); if ((typespec.type == 0) && (cl->stereotype() != "enum")) { QCString t = typespec.explicit_type; int index2; if (!t.isEmpty() && ( - 1) == '>') && ((index2 = t.find('<')) > 0)) { at->set_Stereotype(t.left(index2)); typespec.explicit_type = // may be a,b ... t.mid(index2 + 1, t.length() - 2 - index2); decl.replace(index, 7, "${stereotype}<${type}>"); } } at->set_Visibility(visibility); if (cl->stereotype() == "enum") { at->set_JavaDecl(decl); at->set_Stereotype("attribute"); } else if (decl != JavaSettings::attributeDecl("")) at->set_JavaDecl(decl); at->set_Type(typespec); #ifdef ROUNDTRIP if (roundtrip) expected_order.append(at); } #endif return TRUE; }
Key * BaseG::parseKeyData(const QCString &output, int &offset, Key *key /* = 0 */) // This function parses the data for a single key which is output by GnuPG // with the following command line arguments: // --batch --list-public-keys --with-fingerprint --with-colons // --fixed-list-mode [--no-expensive-trust-checks] // It expects the key data to start at offset and returns the start of // the next key's data in offset. // Subkeys are currently ignored. { int index = offset; if((strncmp( + offset, "pub:", 4) != 0) && (strncmp( + offset, "sec:", 4) != 0)) { return 0; } if(key == 0) key = new Key(); else key->clear(); QCString keyID; bool firstKey = true; while(true) { int eol; // search the end of the current line if((eol = output.find('\n', index)) == -1) break; bool bIsPublicKey = false; if((bIsPublicKey = !strncmp( + index, "pub:", 4)) || !strncmp( + index, "sec:", 4)) { // line contains primary key data // Example: pub:f:1024:17:63CB691DFAEBD5FC:860451781::379:-:::scESC: // abort parsing if we found the start of the next key if(!firstKey) break; firstKey = false; key->setSecret(!bIsPublicKey); Subkey *subkey = new Subkey(QCString(), !bIsPublicKey); int pos = index + 4; // begin of 2nd field int pos2 = output.find(':', pos); for(int field = 2; field <= 12; field++) { switch(field) { case 2: // the calculated trust if(pos2 > pos) { switch(output[pos]) { case 'o': // unknown (this key is new to the system) break; case 'i': // the key is invalid, e.g. missing self-signature subkey->setInvalid(true); key->setInvalid(true); break; case 'd': // the key has been disabled subkey->setDisabled(true); key->setDisabled(true); break; case 'r': // the key has been revoked subkey->setRevoked(true); key->setRevoked(true); break; case 'e': // the key has expired subkey->setExpired(true); key->setExpired(true); break; case '-': // undefined (no path leads to the key) case 'q': // undefined (no trusted path leads to the key) case 'n': // don't trust this key at all case 'm': // the key is marginally trusted case 'f': // the key is fully trusted case 'u': // the key is ultimately trusted (secret key available) // These values are ignored since we determine the key trust // from the trust values of the user ids. break; default: kdDebug(5100) << "Unknown trust value\n"; } } break; case 3: // length of key in bits if(pos2 > pos) subkey->setKeyLength(output.mid(pos, pos2 - pos).toUInt()); break; case 4: // the key algorithm if(pos2 > pos) subkey->setKeyAlgorithm(output.mid(pos, pos2 - pos).toUInt()); break; case 5: // the long key id keyID = output.mid(pos, pos2 - pos); subkey->setKeyID(keyID); break; case 6: // the creation date (in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00) if(pos2 > pos) subkey->setCreationDate(output.mid(pos, pos2 - pos).toLong()); break; case 7: // the expiration date (in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00) if(pos2 > pos) subkey->setExpirationDate(output.mid(pos, pos2 - pos).toLong()); else subkey->setExpirationDate(-1); // key expires never break; case 8: // local ID (ignored) case 9: // Ownertrust (ignored for now) case 10: // User-ID (always empty in --fixed-list-mode) case 11: // signature class (always empty except for key signatures) break; case 12: // key capabilities for(int i = pos; i < pos2; i++) switch(output[i]) { case 'e': subkey->setCanEncrypt(true); break; case 's': subkey->setCanSign(true); break; case 'c': subkey->setCanCertify(true); break; case 'E': key->setCanEncrypt(true); break; case 'S': key->setCanSign(true); break; case 'C': key->setCanCertify(true); break; default: kdDebug(5100) << "Unknown key capability\n"; } break; } pos = pos2 + 1; pos2 = output.find(':', pos); } key->addSubkey(subkey); } else if(!strncmp( + index, "uid:", 4)) { // line contains a user id // Example: uid:f::::::::Philip R. Zimmermann <*****@*****.**>: UserID *userID = new UserID(""); int pos = index + 4; // begin of 2nd field int pos2 = output.find(':', pos); for(int field = 2; field <= 10; field++) { switch(field) { case 2: // the calculated trust if(pos2 > pos) { switch(output[pos]) { case 'i': // the user id is invalid, e.g. missing self-signature userID->setInvalid(true); break; case 'r': // the user id has been revoked userID->setRevoked(true); break; case '-': // undefined (no path leads to the key) case 'q': // undefined (no trusted path leads to the key) userID->setValidity(KPGP_VALIDITY_UNDEFINED); break; case 'n': // don't trust this key at all userID->setValidity(KPGP_VALIDITY_NEVER); break; case 'm': // the key is marginally trusted userID->setValidity(KPGP_VALIDITY_MARGINAL); break; case 'f': // the key is fully trusted userID->setValidity(KPGP_VALIDITY_FULL); break; case 'u': // the key is ultimately trusted (secret key available) userID->setValidity(KPGP_VALIDITY_ULTIMATE); break; default: kdDebug(5100) << "Unknown trust value\n"; } } break; case 3: // these fields are empty case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: break; case 10: // User-ID QCString uid = output.mid(pos, pos2 - pos); // replace "\xXX" with the corresponding character; // other escaped characters, i.e. \n, \r etc., are ignored // because they shouldn't appear in user IDs for(int idx = 0 ; (idx = uid.find("\\x", idx)) >= 0 ; ++idx) { char str[2] = "x"; str[0] = (char) QString(uid.mid(idx + 2, 2)).toShort(0, 16); uid.replace(idx, 4, str); } QString uidString = QString::fromUtf8(; // check whether uid was utf-8 encoded bool isUtf8 = true; for(unsigned int i = 0; i + 1 < uidString.length(); ++i) { if(uidString[i].unicode() == 0xdbff && uidString[i + 1].row() == 0xde) { // we found a non-Unicode character (see QString::fromUtf8()) isUtf8 = false; break; } } if(!isUtf8) { // The user id isn't utf-8 encoded. It was most likely // created with PGP which either used latin1 or koi8-r. kdDebug(5100) << "User Id '" << uid << "' doesn't seem to be utf-8 encoded." << endl; // We determine the ratio between non-ASCII and ASCII chars. // A koi8-r user id should have lots of non-ASCII chars. int nonAsciiCount = 0, asciiCount = 0; // We only look at the first part of the user id (i. e. everything // before the email address resp. before a comment) for(signed char *ch = (signed char *); *ch && (*ch != '(') && (*ch != '<'); ++ch) { if(((*ch >= 'A') && (*ch <= 'Z')) || ((*ch >= 'a') && (*ch <= 'z'))) ++asciiCount; else if(*ch < 0) ++nonAsciiCount; } kdDebug(5100) << "ascii-nonAscii ratio : " << asciiCount << ":" << nonAsciiCount << endl; if(nonAsciiCount > asciiCount) { // assume koi8-r encoding kdDebug(5100) << "Assume koi8-r encoding." << endl; QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("KOI8-R"); uidString = codec->toUnicode(; // check the case of the first two characters to find out // whether the user id is probably CP1251 encoded (for some // reason in CP1251 the lower case characters have smaller // codes than the upper case characters, so if the first char // of the koi8-r decoded user id is lower case and the second // char is upper case then it's likely that the user id is // CP1251 encoded) if((uidString.length() >= 2) && (uidString[0].lower() == uidString[0]) && (uidString[1].upper() == uidString[1])) { // koi8-r decoded user id has inverted case, so assume // CP1251 encoding kdDebug(5100) << "No, it doesn't seem to be koi8-r. " "Use CP 1251 instead." << endl; QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("CP1251"); uidString = codec->toUnicode(; } } else { // assume latin1 encoding kdDebug(5100) << "Assume latin1 encoding." << endl; uidString = QString::fromLatin1(; } } userID->setText(uidString); break; } pos = pos2 + 1; pos2 = output.find(':', pos); } // user IDs are printed in UTF-8 by gpg (if one uses --with-colons) key->addUserID(userID); } else if(!strncmp( + index, "fpr:", 4)) { // line contains a fingerprint // Example: fpr:::::::::17AFBAAF21064E513F037E6E63CB691DFAEBD5FC: if(key == 0) // invalid key data break; // search the fingerprint (it's in the 10th field) int pos = index + 4; for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) pos = output.find(':', pos) + 1; int pos2 = output.find(':', pos); key->setFingerprint(keyID, output.mid(pos, pos2 - pos)); } index = eol + 1; } //kdDebug(5100) << "finished parsing key data\n"; offset = index; return key; }