Esempio n. 1
/* \internal
   Aquire ownership of the shared double buffer pixmap, subject to the
   following conditions:

   \list 1
   \i double buffering is enabled globally.
   \i the shared double buffer pixmap is not in use.
   \i the size specified in begin() is valid, and within limits.

   If all of these conditions are met, then this QSharedDoubleBuffer
   object becomes the owner of the shared double buffer pixmap.  The
   shared double buffer pixmap is resize if necessary, and this
   function returns a pointer to the pixmap.  Ownership must later be
   relinquished by calling releasePixmap().

   If none of the above conditions are met, this function returns

   \sa releasePixmap()
QPixmap *QSharedDoubleBuffer::getPixmap()
    if ( isDisabled() ) {
	// double buffering disabled globally
	return 0;

    if ( qdb_owner ) {
	// shared pixmap already in use
	return 0;

    if ( rw <= 0 || rh <= 0 ||
	 ( hardLimitWidth > 0 && rw >= hardLimitWidth ) ||
	 ( hardLimitHeight > 0 && rh >= hardLimitHeight ) ) {
	// invalid size, or hard limit reached
	return 0;

    if ( rw >= sharedLimitWidth || rh >= sharedLimitHeight ) {
	if ( flags & Force ) {
	    rw = QMIN(rw, 8000);
	    rh = QMIN(rh, 8000);
	    // need to create a big pixmap and start the cleaner
	    if ( ! qdb_force_pixmap ) {
		qdb_force_pixmap = new QPixmap( rw, rh );
		qdb_pixmap_cleanup.add( &qdb_force_pixmap );
	    } else if ( qdb_force_pixmap->width () < rw ||
			qdb_force_pixmap->height() < rh ) {
		qdb_force_pixmap->resize( rw, rh );
	    qdb_owner = this;
	    return qdb_force_pixmap;

	// size is outside shared limit
	return 0;

    if ( ! qdb_shared_pixmap ) {
	qdb_shared_pixmap = new QPixmap( rw, rh );
	qdb_pixmap_cleanup.add( &qdb_shared_pixmap );
    } else if ( qdb_shared_pixmap->width() < rw ||
		qdb_shared_pixmap->height() < rh ) {
	qdb_shared_pixmap->resize( rw, rh );
    qdb_owner = this;
    return qdb_shared_pixmap;
Esempio n. 2
  Returns the application-wide default style sheet. This style sheet is
  used by rich text rendering classes such as QSimpleRichText,
  QWhatsThis and QMessageBox to define the rendering style and
  available tags within rich text documents. It serves also as initial
  style sheet for the more complex render widgets QTextEdit and

  \sa setDefaultSheet()
QStyleSheet* QStyleSheet::defaultSheet()
    if (!defaultsheet) {
        defaultsheet = new QStyleSheet();
        qt_cleanup_stylesheet.add( defaultsheet );
    return defaultsheet;
Esempio n. 3
QEditorFactory * QEditorFactory::defaultFactory()
    if( defaultfactory == 0 ){
	defaultfactory = new QEditorFactory();
	q_cleanup_editor_factory.add( &defaultfactory );

    return defaultfactory;
Esempio n. 4
  Sets the application-wide default style sheet to \a sheet, deleting
  any style sheet previously set. The ownership is transferred to

  \sa defaultSheet()
void QStyleSheet::setDefaultSheet( QStyleSheet* sheet)
    if ( defaultsheet != sheet ) {
        if ( defaultsheet )
            qt_cleanup_stylesheet.remove( defaultsheet );
        delete defaultsheet;
    defaultsheet = sheet;
    if ( defaultsheet )
        qt_cleanup_stylesheet.add( defaultsheet );
Esempio n. 5
void QEditorFactory::installDefaultFactory( QEditorFactory * factory )
    if( factory == 0 || factory == defaultfactory ) return;

    if( defaultfactory != 0 ){
	q_cleanup_editor_factory.remove( &defaultfactory );
	delete defaultfactory;
    defaultfactory = factory;
    q_cleanup_editor_factory.add( &defaultfactory );
Esempio n. 6
QPluginManager<WidgetInterface> *widgetManager()
    if ( !widgetPluginManager ) {
	QString pluginDir = "/designer";
#if !defined(UIC)
	if ( qwf_plugin_dir )
	    pluginDir = *qwf_plugin_dir;
	widgetPluginManager = new QPluginManager<WidgetInterface>( IID_Widget, QApplication::libraryPaths(), pluginDir );
	cleanup_manager.add( &widgetPluginManager );
#if defined(UIC)
	if ( dbnounload )
	    widgetPluginManager->setAutoUnload( FALSE );
	if ( dbpaths ) {
	    QStringList::ConstIterator it = dbpaths->begin();
	    for ( ; it != dbpaths->end(); ++it )
		widgetPluginManager->addLibraryPath( *it );
    return widgetPluginManager;