Esempio n. 1
uint QColormap::pixel(const QColor &color) const
    const QColor c = color.toRgb();
    COLORREF rgb = RGB(,,;
    if (d->hpal)
        return PALETTEINDEX(GetNearestPaletteIndex(d->hpal, rgb));
    return rgb;
Esempio n. 2
// Make a color darker if it's too bright
QColor make_color_readable(QColor clr)
    // Gray
    if ( == && == {
        return QColor("black");
    clr = clr.toHsv();
    int value = MIN(clr.value(), 150);
    int saturation = 255;
    clr.setHsv(clr.hue(), saturation, value, 255);
    return clr.toRgb();
Esempio n. 3
uint QColormap::pixel(const QColor &color) const
    const QColor c = color.toRgb();
    const uint r = (   * d->r_max) >> 16;
    const uint g = ( * d->g_max) >> 16;
    const uint b = (  * d->b_max) >> 16;
    if (d->mode != Direct) {
        if (d->mode == Gray)
            return d-> * 30 + g * 59 + b * 11) / 100);
        return d-> * d->g_max * d->b_max + g * d->b_max + b);
    return (r << d->r_shift) + (g << d->g_shift) + (b << d->b_shift);
Esempio n. 4
void Theme::fillDefault()
    addToTheme(mFormats, "text", QColor(Qt::black), QColor(Qt::white));

    QPalette appPlt(QApplication::palette());
    QColor bkg = appPlt.color(QPalette::Base);
    int value = bkg.value();
    if (value > 40)
        bkg.setHsv(bkg.hue(), bkg.saturation(), value - 11);
        bkg.setHsv(bkg.hue(), bkg.saturation(), value + 20);
    addToTheme(mFormats, "currentLine", QColor(Qt::black), bkg.toRgb());
    addToTheme(mFormats, "searchResult",
    addToTheme(mFormats, "matchingBrackets", QColor("#2bc93d"), Qt::yellow, true);
    addToTheme(mFormats, "mismatchedBrackets", Qt::white, QColor(150,0,0));
    addToTheme(mFormats, "evaluatedCode", Qt::black, QColor("#F8A200"));

    QPalette plt(QApplication::palette());
    QColor base = plt.color(QPalette::Base);
    QColor text = plt.color(QPalette::Text);
    int shade = ( + + < 380) ? 160 : 100;

    QColor whitespace_color(( + / 2,
                            ( + / 2,
                            ( + / 2);

    addToTheme(mFormats, "whitespace", whitespace_color);
    addToTheme(mFormats, "keyword", QColor(0,0,230).lighter(shade),
                                    QColor(Qt::transparent), true);
    addToTheme(mFormats, "built-in", QColor(51,51,191).lighter(shade));
    addToTheme(mFormats, "env-var", QColor(140,70,20).lighter(shade));
    addToTheme(mFormats, "class", QColor(0,0,210).lighter(shade));
    addToTheme(mFormats, "number", QColor(152,0,153).lighter(shade));
    addToTheme(mFormats, "symbol", QColor(0,115,0).lighter(shade));
    addToTheme(mFormats, "string", QColor(95,95,95).lighter(shade));
    addToTheme(mFormats, "char", QColor(0,115,0).lighter(shade));
    addToTheme(mFormats, "comment", QColor(191,0,0).lighter(shade));
    addToTheme(mFormats, "primitive", QColor(51,51,191).lighter(shade));
    addToTheme(mFormats, "lineNumbers", plt.color(QPalette::ButtonText), 
    addToTheme(mFormats, "selection", plt.color(QPalette::HighlightedText),
    addToTheme(mFormats, "postwindowtext", plt.color(QPalette::ButtonText));
    addToTheme(mFormats, "postwindowerror", QColor(209, 28, 36));
    addToTheme(mFormats, "postwindowwarning", QColor(165, 119, 6));
    addToTheme(mFormats, "postwindowsuccess", QColor(115, 138, 5));
    addToTheme(mFormats, "postwindowemphasis", Qt::black, Qt::transparent, true);
Esempio n. 5
QColor TCS34725Driver::getCurrentColor() {

    QByteArray clear = writeThenRead(TCS34725Address_, clear_low, 2);
    QByteArray red = writeThenRead(TCS34725Address_, red_low, 2);
    QByteArray green = writeThenRead(TCS34725Address_, green_low, 2);
    QByteArray blue = writeThenRead(TCS34725Address_, blue_low, 2);

    clearvalue_ = clear[1] << 8 | clear[0];
    redvalue_ = red[1] << 8 | red[0];
    greenvalue_ = green[1] << 8 | green[0];
    bluevalue_ = blue[1] << 8 | blue[0];

    QColor color = QColor(static_cast<quint8>(redvalue_),

    qDebug() << color.toRgb().name();
    lastColor_ = color;
    return color;
Esempio n. 6
 * Envia um comando de transição de cor para o arduino.
 * @param color
 * Cor destino da transição.
 * @return
 * Estado de comunicação com o arduíno.
bool Arduino::sendColor(const QColor &color)
    if(this->port == nullptr)
        return false;

    QColor rgb = color.toRgb();

    char temp[3];
    temp[0]= (char);
    temp[1]= (char);
    temp[2]= (char);
    qint64 transf = this->port->write(temp, 3);

    if(transf > 0)
        this->recentColor = rgb;
        return true;
        return false;
Esempio n. 7
void tst_QColor::toRgbNonDestructive()
    QColor aColor = QColor::fromRgbF(0.11, 0.22, 0.33, 0.44);
    QCOMPARE(aColor, aColor.toRgb());
BaseLayer( QImage* img, QImage* canvas, int radius, double strength)
/// Covers the canvas in large points. Hues are taken from the palette
///  but no color distortion is added at this point.
/// @param img
///  The reference image.
/// @param canvas
///  The canvas to store the filtered image.
/// @param radius
///  The radius of the points being used for the pointillism algorithm 
///  (actual point radius used will be larger for this stage of the algorithm).
/// @param strength
///  The strength of the pointillistic filter, where 1.0 is very strong and 0.0 is very weak.
/// @return
///  Nothing.
	// Adjust the point radius based on the strength of the filter
	if(strength < 0.5) {
		int new_radius = (int)radius*strength*2;
		if(1.0*new_radius < radius*strength*2) new_radius++;
		radius = new_radius;
		if(radius < 3) radius = 3;

	// Clear the depth buffer ready for drawing
	uchar* depth_buffer = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	for( int i = 0; i < img->width()*img->height(); i++ )
		depth_buffer[i] = 0;

	// Get a poisson disk sampling of the area, and repaint the sampled areas with a brush of small radius
	int spacing = radius*2;
	std::vector<QPoint> poisson = ImageProcessing::GetPoissonDisks(canvas->width(), canvas->height(), spacing);

	while(!poisson.empty()) {
		QPoint pos = poisson.back();

		// Get the hue at this point and find the closest hue in the color palette
		QColor hsv = QColor(img->pixel(pos)).toHsv();
		int hue = hsv.hue();
		int sat = hsv.saturation();
		int val = hsv.value();

		hue = chevreul[ GetPaletteHuePosition( hue ) ];

		// Paint a point of the chosen hue at a random depth value
		hsv.setHsv(hue, sat, val);
		int z = rand()%256;
		DrawRandomCircle(canvas, pos, hsv.toRgb(), radius, z, depth_buffer);
	delete [] depth_buffer;
EdgeLayer(QImage* img, QImage* canvas, int radius, double hue_distortion, double strength)
/// This final layer repaints over areas determined to be edges in order to bring smaller details
/// that have been covered by points back into the picture. The same color distortions are used
/// as in the main layer.
/// @param img
///  The reference image.
/// @param canvas
///  The canvas to be painted to.
/// @param radius
///  The radius of the points to be painted.
/// @param hue_distortion
///  Determines the strength of the hue distortion where 1.0 is very distorted and 0.0 is not distorted.
/// @param strength
///  The strength of the pointillistic filter, where 1.0 is very strong and 0.0 is very weak.
/// @return
///  Nothing.
	hue_distortion = hue_distortion*strength;
	if( strength < 0.5 ) 
		int new_radius = (int)radius*strength*2;
		if( 1.0*new_radius < radius*strength*2 ) new_radius++;
		radius = new_radius;
		if( radius < 1 ) radius = 1;
	uchar* edges = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	ImageProcessing::CannyEdgeDetection( img->bits(), edges, img->width(), img->height(), 4 );

	uchar* gray = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	ImageProcessing::ConvertToOneChannel( img->bits(), gray, img->width(), img->height());

	uchar* smoothed_gray = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	int kernel = radius;
	if(kernel%2 == 0) kernel++;
	if(kernel < 3) kernel = 3;
	ImageProcessing::GaussianBlur( gray, smoothed_gray, img->width(), img->height(), 1, kernel );
	delete [] gray;

	// Clear the depth buffer ready for painting
	uchar* depth_buffer = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	for( int i = 0; i < img->width()*img->height(); i++ )
		depth_buffer[i] = 0;

	// If there is an edge, find the greatest error in the edge's neighbourhood
	// and at a new stroke at this point.
	for( int y = 0; y < img->height(); y++ ) 
		for( int x = 0; x < img->width(); x++ ) 
			if( edges[y*img->width() + x] > 0 ) 

				// Find the brightest and and darkest spots in the neighbourhood
				int brightest = 0;
				int darkest = 255;
				QPoint brightest_pos = QPoint(0, 0);
				QPoint darkest_pos = QPoint(0, 0);
				for( int j = y - radius; j <= y + radius; j++ ) {
					for( int i = x - radius; i <= x + radius; i++ ) {
						if( i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < img->width() && j < img->height() ) {
							int intensity = smoothed_gray[j*img->width() + i];
							if(intensity > brightest) {
								brightest_pos = QPoint(i, j);
								brightest = intensity;
							if(intensity < darkest) {
								darkest_pos = QPoint(i, j);
								darkest = intensity;

				// For each position in the neighbourhood, find if most spots
				// are closer to the brightest or darkest
				int dark = 0;
				int bright = 0;
				for( int j = y - radius; j <= y + radius; j++ ) 
					for( int i = x - radius; i <= x + radius; i++ ) 
						if( i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < img->width() && j < img->height() ) {
							int intensity = smoothed_gray[j*img->width() + i];
							int bright_diff = brightest - intensity;
							int dark_diff = intensity - darkest;
							if(bright_diff < dark_diff) 

				// Paint at the side that needs defining
				QPoint new_point;
				if(bright < dark && bright != 0) 
					new_point = brightest_pos;
				else if(dark != 0) 
					new_point = darkest_pos;
					new_point = QPoint(x, y);

				// Paint circle at this position
				QColor hsv = QColor(img->pixel( new_point )).toHsv();
				int hue = hsv.hue();
				int val = hsv.value();
				int sat = hsv.saturation();

				// Find closest hue in palette
				int new_pos = GetPaletteHuePosition( hsv.hue() );

				if( ( rand()%100)/100.0 < strength ) 
					hue = GetRandomNeighbour( new_pos );
					hue = chevreul[new_pos];

				// Hue distortion
				double r = ( rand()%100 )/100.0;
				if( ( r < hue_distortion && new_pos != 8 ) || r < hue_distortion/3 ) 
					int n = ChangeHue(smoothed_gray[new_point.y()*img->width() + new_point.x()]/256.0)*2;
					if( n > -1 ) 
						new_pos = n;
						if( sat < 70 && val < 0.3 ) sat = 70;
					hue = chevreul[new_pos];
				sat = ChangeSaturation( sat, val, 0.35*strength, strength );
				int z = rand()%256;
				hsv.setHsv( hue, sat, val );
				DrawRandomCircle( canvas, new_point, hsv.toRgb(), radius - 1, z, depth_buffer );

	delete [] smoothed_gray;
	delete [] edges;
	delete [] depth_buffer;
MainLayer( QImage* img, QImage* canvas, int radius, double strength )
/// Paint the main pointillism layer, adding smaller details and more color distortion.
/// Points are painted where the color error between the canvas and the original image
/// is high. Color difference is based on color intensity (i.e. brightness) to avoid
/// difference due to hue distortion. Saturation distortion and divisionism are applied
/// in addition to palette restriction.
/// @param img
///  The reference image.
/// @param canvas
///  The canvas to be painted to.
/// @param radius
///  The radius of the points being painted.
/// @param strength
///  The strength of the pointillistic filter, where 1.0 is very strong and 0.0 is very weak.
/// @return
///  Nothing.
	// Adjust the point radius based on the strength of the filter
	if(strength < 0.5) 
		int new_radius = (int)radius*strength*2;
		if(1.0*new_radius < radius*strength*2) new_radius++;
		radius = new_radius;
		if(radius < 1) radius = 1;

	// Get gray scale of original image
	uchar* gray = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	ImageProcessing::ConvertToOneChannel( img->bits(), gray, img->width(), img->height() );

	// Blur the grayscale image
	uchar* smoothed_gray = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	int kernel = radius;
	if(kernel%2 == 0) kernel++;
	if(kernel < 3) kernel = 3;
	ImageProcessing::GaussianBlur( gray, smoothed_gray, img->width(), img->height(), 1, kernel );
	delete [] gray;

	// Clear the depth buffer ready for painting
	uchar* depth_buffer = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	for( int i = 0; i < img->width()*img->height(); i++ )
		depth_buffer[i] = 0;

	// At each grid point, find maximum error based on difference
	// between intensity at canvas and intensity of blurred image
	// Paint stroke at this location
	for( int y = (int)radius/2; y < img->height(); y += radius ) 
		for( int x = (int)radius/2; x < img->width(); x += radius ) 
			int total_error = 0;
			int max_error = 0;
			QPoint max_error_at = QPoint(0, 0);

			// Get error of each pixel in the neighbourhood
			int min_x = x - radius/2;
			int min_y = y - radius/2;
			int max_x = x + radius/2;
			int max_y = y + radius/2;

			if(min_x < 0) min_x = 0;
			if(min_y < 0) min_y = 0;
			if(max_x >= img->width()) max_x = img->width() - 1;
			if(max_y >= img->height()) max_y = img->height() - 1;

			for( int j = min_y; j <= max_y; j++ ) 
				for( int i = min_x; i <= max_x; i++ ) 
					// Get error at this pixel
					int intensity = QColor(canvas->pixel( i, j )).toHsv().value();
					int error = abs(intensity - smoothed_gray[j*img->width() + i]);

					// Update error stats
					total_error += error;
					if( error > max_error ) 
						max_error = error;
						max_error_at = QPoint( i, j );

			// If the total error is above a threshold
			// Paint a stroke at the area of max error
			if( total_error > 10*strength ) 
				QColor hsv = QColor(img->pixel( x, y )).toHsv();
				int hue = hsv.hue();
				int sat = hsv.saturation();
				int v = hsv.value();

				// Find closest hue in palette, make a method that does this
				int new_pos = GetPaletteHuePosition( hsv.hue() );
				if( (rand()%100)/100.0 < strength ) 
					hue = GetRandomNeighbour(new_pos);
					hue = chevreul[new_pos];
				sat = ChangeSaturation(sat, v, 0.35*strength, strength);
				hsv.setHsv( hue, sat, v );

				int z = rand()%256;
				DrawRandomCircle(canvas, max_error_at, hsv.toRgb(), radius, z, depth_buffer);
	delete [] smoothed_gray;
	delete [] depth_buffer;
Esempio n. 11
void Manager::initDefaults()
    QPalette appPlt( QApplication::palette() );


    setDefault("startWithSession", "last");

    setDefault("autoStart", true);

    setDefault("postWindow/scrollback", 1000);


    setDefault("spaceIndent", false);
    setDefault("indentWidth", 4);
    setDefault("stepForwardEvaluation", false);
    setDefault("lineWrap", true);
    setDefault("disableBlinkingCursor", false);
    setDefault("highlightBracketContents", true);
    setDefault("inactiveEditorFadeAlpha", 64);
    setDefault("insertMatchingTokens", false);

    setDefault("blinkDuration", 600);

    setDefault("font/family", "monospace");
    setDefault("font/antialias", true);


    QTextCharFormat matchingBracketsFormat;
    setDefault("matchingBrackets", QVariant::fromValue(matchingBracketsFormat));

    QTextCharFormat bracketMismatchFormat;
    setDefault("mismatchedBrackets", QVariant::fromValue(bracketMismatchFormat));

    QTextCharFormat evaluatedCodeFormat;
    setDefault("evaluatedCode", QVariant::fromValue(evaluatedCodeFormat));

    QTextCharFormat currentLineFormat;
        QColor bkg = appPlt.color(QPalette::Base);
        int value = bkg.value();
        if (value > 40)
            bkg.setHsv( bkg.hue(), bkg.saturation(), value - 11);
            bkg.setHsv( bkg.hue(), bkg.saturation(), value + 20 );
    setDefault("currentLine", QVariant::fromValue(currentLineFormat));

    QTextCharFormat searchResultFormat;
    setDefault("searchResult", QVariant::fromValue(searchResultFormat));

    endGroup(); // colors

    endGroup(); // highlighting

    endGroup(); // editor

    endGroup(); // IDE
Esempio n. 12
void ColorInspector::setColor(QColor newColor)
    // this is a UI update function, never emit any signals
    // grab the color from color manager, and then update itself, that's it.

    // compare under the same color spec
    newColor = (isRgbColors) ? newColor.toRgb() : newColor.toHsv();

    if (newColor == mCurrentColor)

        QSignalBlocker b1(ui->red_slider); 
        QSignalBlocker b2(ui->green_slider);
        QSignalBlocker b3(ui->blue_slider);
        QSignalBlocker b4(ui->alpha_slider);


        QSignalBlocker b5(ui->RedspinBox);
        QSignalBlocker b6(ui->GreenspinBox);
        QSignalBlocker b7(ui->BluespinBox);
        QSignalBlocker b8(ui->AlphaspinBox);

        QSignalBlocker b1(ui->red_slider);
        QSignalBlocker b2(ui->green_slider);
        QSignalBlocker b3(ui->blue_slider);
        QSignalBlocker b4(ui->alpha_slider);


        QSignalBlocker b5(ui->RedspinBox);
        QSignalBlocker b6(ui->GreenspinBox);
        QSignalBlocker b7(ui->BluespinBox);
        QSignalBlocker b8(ui->AlphaspinBox);

        ui->GreenspinBox->setValue(qRound(newColor.hsvSaturation() / 2.55));
        ui->BluespinBox->setValue(qRound(newColor.value() / 2.55));
        ui->AlphaspinBox->setValue(qRound(newColor.alpha() / 2.55));

    mCurrentColor = newColor;

    QPalette p1 = ui->colorWrapper->palette(), p2 = ui->color->palette();
    p1.setBrush(QPalette::Background, QBrush(QImage(":/background/checkerboard.png")));
    p2.setColor(QPalette::Background, mCurrentColor);
