void SystemMenu::onShowHideDock() { //qDebug() << "SYSMENU SHOW/HIDE DOCK"; int f = 0; QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction *>(sender()); if (app->dock->dockState == Dockbar::Normal) { action->setText("Turn Hiding Off"); app->dock->setAutoHide(true); f = 1; } else if (app->dock->dockState == Dockbar::Hidden) { //app->dock->animateShow(); app->dock->setAutoHide(false); action->setText("Turn Hiding On"); f = 0; } // Notify AnticoDeluxe WM for changing dock size QDBusInterface *iface = new QDBusInterface("org.freedesktop.AnticoPref", "/", "org.freedesktop.AnticoPref.WMCtrl", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); if (!iface->isValid()) qDebug() << "NOT VALID INTERFACE" << qPrintable(QDBusConnection::sessionBus().lastError().message()); else iface->call("callFunction", 30, f); }
void quitApplicationsOverDBus() { QDBusConnection connection = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); QDBusConnectionInterface *bus = connection.interface(); const QStringList services = bus->registeredServiceNames(); foreach (const QString &service, services) { if (service.startsWith(QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.DBus")) || service.startsWith(QLatin1Char(':'))) { continue; } QDBusInterface *iface = new QDBusInterface(service, QLatin1String("/MainApplication"), QLatin1String("org.kde.KApplication"), connection); if (!iface->isValid()) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid interface of service %s\n", service.toLatin1().data()); } continue; } iface->call("quit"); if (iface->lastError().isValid()) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "killing %s with result\n", iface->lastError().message().toLatin1().data()); } } delete iface; } }
void sendLinkToEngine (QString link, int cat, QObject* obj, int debugChannel) { QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); QDBusInterface *interface = new QDBusInterface("org.amule.engine", "/Link", "org.amule.engine", bus, obj); interface->call("engine_add_link", link, cat); kDebug(debugChannel) << "Sent Link " << link << "with cat " << cat; }
KCookiesMain::KCookiesMain (QWidget* parent, const QVariantList&) : KCModule (KioConfigFactory::componentData(), parent) { management = 0; bool managerOK = true; QDBusInterface kded ("org.kde.kded", "/kded", "org.kde.kded"); QDBusReply<bool> reply = kded.call ("loadModule", QString ("kcookiejar")); if (!reply.isValid()) { managerOK = false; kDebug (7103) << "kcm_kio: KDED could not load KCookiejar!"; KMessageBox::sorry (0, i18n ("Unable to start the cookie handler service.\n" "You will not be able to manage the cookies that " "are stored on your computer.")); } QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout (this); tab = new QTabWidget (this); layout->addWidget (tab); policies = new KCookiesPolicies (componentData(), this); tab->addTab (policies, i18n ("&Policy")); connect (policies, SIGNAL (changed (bool)), SIGNAL (changed (bool))); if (managerOK) { management = new KCookiesManagement (componentData(), this); tab->addTab (management, i18n ("&Management")); connect (management, SIGNAL (changed (bool)), SIGNAL (changed (bool))); } }
void UnrestrictedModel::restartSysuid() { QDBusInterface *unrestricted = new QDBusInterface("com.nokia.unrestricted", "/menuwindow", "com.nokia.unrestricted", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); unrestricted->call("resetMenuWidget"); delete unrestricted; }
void ResetApplet::userGuide () { QDBusInterface userguide ("com.nokia.userguide", "/", "com.nokia.UserGuideIf"); userguide.call ("pageByPath", "tips.cfg"); SYS_DEBUG (""); }
void ThemeWidget::oviActivated () { static const char OviIf[] = "com.nokia.OviStoreClient"; QDBusInterface OviStore (OviIf, "/", OviIf); OviStore.call ("LaunchWithKeyword", QString ("themes")); }
void UPower::ChangeState (State state) { QDBusInterface face ("org.freedesktop.UPower", "/org/freedesktop/UPower", "org.freedesktop.UPower", QDBusConnection::systemBus ()); face.call (QDBus::NoBlock, State2Method (state)); }
void TestContactsd::importTest() { const QString host("com.nokia.contactsd"); QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); QDBusInterface *interface = new QDBusInterface("com.nokia.contactsd", "/","com.nokia.contacts.importprogress",bus,this); QDBusReply<QStringList> result = interface->call("hasActiveImports"); QVERIFY2(result.isValid() == true, result.error().message().toLatin1()); QCOMPARE(result.value().count(), 0); }
void Profile::showProfileDialog() { QDBusInterface launcher ("com.nokia.DuiControlPanel", "/", "com.nokia.DuiControlPanelIf"); launcher.call ("appletPage", "Profile"); // Hide the status indicator menu if(MStatusIndicatorMenuInterface *menu = plugin->statusIndicatorMenuInterface()) { menu->hideStatusIndicatorMenu(); } }
QVariant QUPowerInterface::getProperty(const QString &property) { QVariant var; QDBusInterface *interface = new QDBusInterface(UPOWER_SERVICE, UPOWER_PATH, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", QDBusConnection::systemBus()); if (interface && interface->isValid()) { QDBusReply<QVariant> r = interface->call("Get", UPOWER_PATH, property); var = r.value(); } return var; }
void SoundPref::onChangeDevices() { // Notify AnticoDeluxe WM for changing sound devices QDBusInterface *iface = new QDBusInterface("org.freedesktop.AnticoDeluxe", "/", "org.freedesktop.AnticoDeluxe.WMCtrl", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); if (!iface->isValid()) qDebug() << "NOT VALID INTERFACE" << qPrintable(QDBusConnection::sessionBus().lastError().message()); else { iface->call("changeSoundDevices", mixerCard, mixerDevice); } }
QVariant QUDisksDeviceInterface::getProperty(const QString &property) { QVariant var; QDBusInterface *iface = new QDBusInterface(UDISKS_SERVICE, path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", QDBusConnection::systemBus()); if (iface && iface->isValid()) { QDBusReply<QVariant> r = iface->call("Get", path, property); var = r.value(); } return var; }
void SoundPref::onVolumeFeedback() { // Notify AnticoDeluxe WM for playing volume feedback QDBusInterface *iface = new QDBusInterface("org.freedesktop.AnticoDeluxe", "/", "org.freedesktop.AnticoDeluxe.WMCtrl", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); if (!iface->isValid()) qDebug() << "NOT VALID INTERFACE" << qPrintable(QDBusConnection::sessionBus().lastError().message()); else { iface->call("soundVolumeFeedback", ui.sndVolFeedbackChk->isChecked()); } saveSettings(); }
static QDBusInterface* searchSkypeDBusInterface() { const QLatin1String service( "com.Skype.API" ); const QLatin1String path( "/com/Skype" ); QDBusInterface *interface = new QDBusInterface( service, path, QString(), QDBusConnection::systemBus() ); if ( !interface->isValid() ) { delete interface; interface = new QDBusInterface( service, path, QString(), Akonadi::DBusConnectionPool::threadConnection() ); } return interface; }
void SoundPref::onShowHideVolumeCtrl() { // Notify AnticoDeluxe WM for show / hide volume control QDBusInterface *iface = new QDBusInterface("org.freedesktop.AnticoDeluxe", "/", "org.freedesktop.AnticoDeluxe.WMCtrl", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); if (!iface->isValid()) qDebug() << "NOT VALID INTERFACE" << qPrintable(QDBusConnection::sessionBus().lastError().message()); else { iface->call("showSoundVolumeCtrl", ui.showCtrlChk->isChecked()); } saveSettings(); }
static void release_QDBusInterface(void *sipCppV,int) { QDBusInterface *sipCpp = reinterpret_cast<QDBusInterface *>(sipCppV); Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS if (QThread::currentThread() == sipCpp->thread()) delete sipCpp; else sipCpp->deleteLater(); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS }
static QDBusInterface *searchSkypeDBusInterface() { const QString service(QStringLiteral("com.Skype.API")); const QString path(QStringLiteral("/com/Skype")); QDBusInterface *interface = new QDBusInterface(service, path, QString(), QDBusConnection::sessionBus()); if (!interface->isValid()) { delete interface; interface = new QDBusInterface(service, path, QString(), KDBusConnectionPool::threadConnection()); } return interface; }
void ResourceView::editResource() { bool ok = false; ResourceItem *item = currentItem(); if ( !item ) { return; } ResourceCalendar *resource = item->resource(); if ( item->isSubresource() ) { if ( resource->type() == "imap" ) { QString identifier = item->resourceIdentifier(); const QString newResourceName = KInputDialog::getText( i18n( "Rename Calendar Folder" ), i18n( "Please enter a new name for the calendar folder" ), item->text(0), &ok, this ); if ( !ok ) { return; } QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); QDBusInterface *interface = new QDBusInterface( "org.kde.kmail", "/Groupware", "org.kde.kmail.groupware", bus, this ); QDBusReply<int> reply = interface->call( "changeResourceUIName", identifier, newResourceName ); if ( !reply.isValid() ) { kDebug() << "DBUS Call changeResourceUIName() failed "; } } else { const QString subResourceName = resource->labelForSubresource( item->resourceIdentifier() ); KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n ( "<qt>Cannot edit the calendar folder <b>%1</b>.</qt>", subResourceName ) ); } } else { QPointer<KRES::ConfigDialog> dlg = new KRES::ConfigDialog( this, QString( "calendar" ), resource ); if ( dlg->exec() ) { item->setText( 0, resource->resourceName() ); mCalendar->resourceManager()->change( resource ); } delete dlg; } emitResourcesChanged(); }
QFuture<Platform::QueryChangeStateResult> UPower::CanChangeState (State state) { return QtConcurrent::run ([state] () -> QueryChangeStateResult { QDBusInterface face ("org.freedesktop.UPower", "/org/freedesktop/UPower", "org.freedesktop.UPower", QDBusConnection::systemBus ()); if (!face.isValid ()) return { false, tr ("Cannot connect to UPower daemon.") }; return { face.property ("Can" + State2Method (state)).toBool (), {} }; }); }
void DataHandler::startDaemon() { QDBusInterface* interface = new QDBusInterface("org.kde.kdenow", "/KDENow"); //Call a method, to start the kdenowd daemon if it hasn't yet started QDBusReply< QString > reply = interface->call("startDaemon"); if (reply.isValid()) { qDebug() << "Valid Reply received from org.kde.kdenow /KDENow"; qDebug() << reply.value(); } else { qDebug() << "Did not receive a valid reply from org.kde.kdenow /KDENow"; return; } }
ActionReply Helper::dbusaction(const QVariantMap& args) { ActionReply reply; QDBusMessage dbusreply; // Get arguments to method call QString service = args["service"].toString(); QString path = args["path"].toString(); QString interface = args["interface"].toString(); QString method = args["method"].toString(); QList<QVariant> argsForCall = args["argsForCall"].toList(); QDBusConnection systembus = QDBusConnection::systemBus(); QDBusInterface *iface = new QDBusInterface (service, path, interface, systembus, this); if (iface->isValid()) dbusreply = iface->callWithArgumentList(QDBus::AutoDetect, method, argsForCall); delete iface; // Error handling if (method != "Reexecute") { if (dbusreply.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) { reply.setErrorCode(ActionReply::DBusError); reply.setErrorDescription(dbusreply.errorMessage()); } } // Reload systemd daemon to update the enabled/disabled status if (method == "EnableUnitFiles" || method == "DisableUnitFiles" || method == "MaskUnitFiles" || method == "UnmaskUnitFiles") { // systemd does not update properties when these methods are called so we // need to reload the systemd daemon. iface = new QDBusInterface ("org.freedesktop.systemd1", "/org/freedesktop/systemd1", "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager", systembus, this); dbusreply = iface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "Reload"); delete iface; } // return a reply return reply; }
void GnomeSessionClient::connectToSessionManager() { QString startupId = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("DESKTOP_AUTOSTART_ID")); QDBusInterface* managerIface = new QDBusInterface( SM_DBUS_SERVICE, SM_DBUS_PATH, SM_DBUS_INTERFACE, QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); QDBusPendingCall call = managerIface->asyncCall("RegisterClient", d->m_applicationId, startupId); QDBusPendingCallWatcher* watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(call, this); connect(watcher, SIGNAL(finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*)), SLOT(slotRegisterClientFinished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*))); }
void addConnection(QDBusInterface& interface, const QString& connectionName) { qDBusRegisterMetaType<Connection>(); // Create a new connection object Connection connection; // Build up the 'connection' Setting connection["connection"]["uuid"] = QUuid::createUuid().toString().remove('{').remove('}'); connection["connection"]["id"] = connectionName; connection["connection"]["type"] = "802-3-ethernet"; // Build up the '802-3-ethernet' Setting connection["802-3-ethernet"]; // Build up the 'ipv4' Setting connection["ipv4"]["method"] = "auto"; // Call AddConnection QDBusReply<QDBusObjectPath> result = interface.call("AddConnection", QVariant::fromValue(connection)); if (!result.isValid()) { qDebug() << QString("Error adding connection: %1 %2").arg(result.error().name()).arg(result.error().message()); } else { qDebug() << QString("Added: %1").arg(result.value().path()); } }
void TaskWindowJob::start() { const QString operation = operationName(); if (operation == "cascade") { QDBusInterface *kwinInterface = new QDBusInterface("org.kde.kwin", "/KWin", "org.kde.KWin"); QDBusPendingCall pcall = kwinInterface->asyncCall("cascadeDesktop"); // kDebug() << " connected to kwin interface! "; setResult(true); return; } else if (operation == "unclutter") { QDBusInterface *kwinInterface = new QDBusInterface("org.kde.kwin", "/KWin", "org.kde.KWin"); QDBusPendingCall pcall = kwinInterface->asyncCall("unclutterDesktop"); // kDebug() << "connected to kwin interface! "; setResult(true); return; } }
void DBusConnector::enumerateDevices() { QDBusInterface face ("org.freedesktop.UPower", "/org/freedesktop/UPower", "org.freedesktop.UPower", SB_); auto res = face.call ("EnumerateDevices"); for (const auto& argument : res.arguments ()) { auto arg = argument.value<QDBusArgument> (); QList<QDBusObjectPath> paths; arg >> paths; for (const auto& path : paths) requeryDevice (path.path ()); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_X11InitThreads, true); QApplication app(argc, argv); if(QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerService(DBUS_NAME)){ QmlLoader* qmlLoader = new QmlLoader(); qmlLoader->rootContext->setContextProperty("mainObject", qmlLoader); qmlLoader->load(QUrl("qrc:///views/Main.qml")); QObject::connect(qmlLoader->engine, SIGNAL(quit()), QApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit())); if(argc == 2){ QString order = argv[1]; if(order == "show"){ qmlLoader->show(); } else if(order == "toggle"){ qmlLoader->toggle(); } else { qmlLoader->showModule(order); } } return app.exec(); } else { qWarning() << "dde control center is running..."; if(argc == 2){ QDBusInterface *iface; iface = new QDBusInterface(DBUS_NAME, DBUS_PATH, DBUS_NAME, QDBusConnection::sessionBus()); QString order = argv[1]; if(order == "show"){ iface->call("Show"); } else if(order == "toggle"){ iface->call("Toggle"); } else { iface->call("ShowModule", order); } } return 0; } }
QString BTAdaptor::adapterPath () { // Get the Bluez manager dbus interface QDBusInterface mgrIface ("org.bluez", "/", "org.bluez.Manager", QDBusConnection::systemBus ()); if (!mgrIface.isValid ()) { qWarning() << "Unable to get bluez manager iface"; return ""; } // Fetch the default bluetooth adapter QDBusReply<QDBusObjectPath> reply = mgrIface.call (QLatin1String ("DefaultAdapter")); QString adapterPath = reply.value ().path (); qDebug() << "Bluetooth adapter path:" << adapterPath; return adapterPath; }
bool QBluetoothPasskeyAgent_Private::unregisterAgent(const QString &localAdapter, const QString &addr) { QString bluezAdapter = "/org/bluez"; if (!localAdapter.isNull()) { bluezAdapter.append("/"); bluezAdapter.append(localAdapter); } QDBusInterface *iface = new QDBusInterface("org.bluez", bluezAdapter, "org.bluez.Security", QDBusConnection::systemBus()); if (!iface->isValid()) return false; QString bluezMethod; QVariantList args; QString path = m_name; path.prepend('/'); args << path; if (addr.isNull()) { bluezMethod = "UnregisterDefaultPasskeyAgent"; } else { bluezMethod = "UnregisterPasskeyAgent"; args << addr; } QDBusReply<void> reply = iface->callWithArgumentList(QDBus::Block, bluezMethod, args); if (!reply.isValid()) { handleError(reply.error()); return false; } return true; }
// Perform initialization, create the unique KSystemTimeZones instance, // whose only function is to receive D-Bus signals from KTimeZoned, // and create the unique KSystemTimeZonesPrivate instance. KSystemTimeZonesPrivate *KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::instance() { if (!m_instance) { m_instance = new KSystemTimeZonesPrivate; // A KSystemTimeZones instance is required only to catch D-Bus signals. m_parent = new KSystemTimeZones; // Ensure that the KDED time zones module has initialized. The call loads the module on demand. if (!QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->isServiceRegistered(QLatin1String("org.kde.kded"))) KToolInvocation::klauncher(); // this calls startKdeinit, and blocks until it returns const QString dbusIface = QString::fromLatin1(KTIMEZONED_DBUS_IFACE); QDBusInterface *ktimezoned = new QDBusInterface(QLatin1String("org.kde.kded"), QLatin1String("/modules/ktimezoned"), dbusIface); QDBusReply<void> reply = ktimezoned->call(QLatin1String("initialize"), false); m_ktimezonedError = !reply.isValid(); if (m_ktimezonedError) kError(161) << "KSystemTimeZones: ktimezoned initialize() D-Bus call failed: " << reply.error().message() << endl; kDebug(161)<<"instance(): ... initialised"; delete ktimezoned; // Read the time zone config written by ktimezoned readConfig(true); // Go read the database. #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // On Windows, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones // is the place to look. The TZI binary value is the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure. m_instance->updateTimezoneInformation(false); #else // For Unix, read zone.tab. if (!m_zonetab.isEmpty()) m_instance->readZoneTab(false); #endif setLocalZone(); if (!m_localZone.isValid()) m_localZone = KTimeZone::utc(); // ensure a time zone is always returned qAddPostRoutine(KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::cleanup); } return m_instance; }