Esempio n. 1
QString PrivateStorage::saveData(const Jid &AStreamJid, const QDomElement &AElement)
	if (FStanzaProcessor && isOpen(AStreamJid) && !AElement.tagName().isEmpty() && !AElement.namespaceURI().isEmpty())
		Stanza request(STANZA_KIND_IQ);
		QDomElement elem = request.addElement("query",NS_JABBER_PRIVATE);
		if (FStanzaProcessor->sendStanzaRequest(this,AStreamJid,request,PRIVATE_STORAGE_TIMEOUT))
			LOG_STRM_INFO(AStreamJid,QString("Private data save request sent, ns=%1, id=%2").arg(AElement.namespaceURI(),;
			if (FPreClosedStreams.contains(AStreamJid))
			LOG_STRM_WARNING(AStreamJid,QString("Failed to send private data save request, ns=%1").arg(AElement.namespaceURI()));
	else if (!isOpen(AStreamJid))
		REPORT_ERROR("Failed to save private data: Storage is not opened");
	else if (AElement.tagName().isEmpty() || AElement.namespaceURI().isEmpty())
		REPORT_ERROR("Failed to save private data: Invalid data");
	return QString::null;
Esempio n. 2
void QgsMapStylingWidget::apply()
  if ( mStackedWidget->currentIndex() == mVectorPage )
    QString undoName = "Style Change";
    int currentPage = mMapStyleTabs->currentIndex();
    if ( currentPage == mLabelTabIndex )
      emit styleChanged( mCurrentLayer );
      undoName = "Label Change";
    else if ( currentPage == mStyleTabIndex )
      QgsProject::instance()->setDirty( true );
      emit styleChanged( mCurrentLayer );
      QgsVectorLayer* layer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( mCurrentLayer );
      QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata* m = QgsRendererV2Registry::instance()->rendererMetadata( layer->rendererV2()->type() );
      undoName = QString( "Style Change - %1" ).arg( m->visibleName() );
    QString errorMsg;
    QDomDocument doc( "style" );
    QDomElement rootNode = doc.createElement( "qgis" );
    doc.appendChild( rootNode );
    mCurrentLayer->writeStyle( rootNode, doc, errorMsg );
    mCurrentLayer->undoStackStyles()->beginMacro( undoName );
    mCurrentLayer->undoStackStyles()->push( new QgsMapLayerStyleCommand( mCurrentLayer, rootNode, mLastStyleXml ) );
    // Override the last style on the stack
    mLastStyleXml = rootNode.cloneNode();
Esempio n. 3
void KeyframeEdit::addParameter(const QDomElement &e, int activeKeyframe)

    QDomElement na = e.firstChildElement(QStringLiteral("name"));
    QString paramName = i18n(na.text().toUtf8().data());
    QDomElement commentElem = e.firstChildElement(QStringLiteral("comment"));
    QString comment;
    if (!commentElem.isNull())
        comment = i18n(commentElem.text().toUtf8().data());
    int columnId = keyframe_list->columnCount();
    keyframe_list->setHorizontalHeaderItem(columnId, new QTableWidgetItem(paramName));

    DoubleParameterWidget *doubleparam = new DoubleParameterWidget(paramName, 0,
                                                         "default")).toDouble(), comment, columnId,"suffix")),"decimals")).toInt(), this);
    connect(doubleparam, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(slotAdjustKeyframeValue(double)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(showComments(bool)), doubleparam, SLOT(slotShowComment(bool)));
    connect(doubleparam, SIGNAL(setInTimeline(int)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateVisibleParameter(int)));
    m_slidersLayout->addWidget(doubleparam, columnId, 0);
    if (e.attribute(QStringLiteral("intimeline")) == QLatin1String("1")) {

    QStringList frames = e.attribute(QStringLiteral("keyframes")).split(';', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
    for (int i = 0; i < frames.count(); ++i) {
        int frame ='=', 0, 0).toInt();
        bool found = false;
        int j;
        for (j = 0; j < keyframe_list->rowCount(); ++j) {
            int currentPos = getPos(j);
            if (frame == currentPos) {
                keyframe_list->setItem(j, columnId, new QTableWidgetItem('=', 1, 1)));
                found = true;
            } else if (currentPos > frame) {
        if (!found) {
            keyframe_list->setVerticalHeaderItem(j, new QTableWidgetItem(getPosString(frame)));
            keyframe_list->setItem(j, columnId, new QTableWidgetItem('=', 1, 1)));
        if ((activeKeyframe > -1) && (activeKeyframe == frame)) {
            keyframe_list->setCurrentCell(i, columnId);
    button_delete->setEnabled(keyframe_list->rowCount() > 1);
Esempio n. 4
// createRootXmlTags
// This function creates three QStrings, one being an <?xml .. ?> processing
// instruction, and the others being the opening and closing tags of an
// element, <foo> and </foo>.  This basically allows us to get the raw XML
// text needed to open/close an XML stream, without resorting to generating
// the XML ourselves.  This function uses QDom to do the generation, which
// ensures proper encoding and entity output.
static void createRootXmlTags(const QDomElement &root, QString *xmlHeader, QString *tagOpen, QString *tagClose)
	QDomElement e = root.cloneNode(false).toElement();

	// insert a dummy element to ensure open and closing tags are generated
	QDomElement dummy = e.ownerDocument().createElement("dummy");

	// convert to xml->text
	QString str;
		QTextStream ts(&str, QIODevice::WriteOnly);, 0);

	// parse the tags out
	int n = str.indexOf('<');
	int n2 = str.indexOf('>', n);
	*tagOpen = str.mid(n, n2-n);
	n2 = str.lastIndexOf('>');
	n = str.lastIndexOf('<');
	*tagClose = str.mid(n, n2-n);

	// generate a nice xml processing header
	*xmlHeader = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
void QgsLayerStylingWidget::pushUndoItem( const QString &name )
  QString errorMsg;
  QDomDocument doc( QStringLiteral( "style" ) );
  QDomElement rootNode = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "qgis" ) );
  doc.appendChild( rootNode );
  mCurrentLayer->writeStyle( rootNode, doc, errorMsg, QgsReadWriteContext() );
  mCurrentLayer->undoStackStyles()->push( new QgsMapLayerStyleCommand( mCurrentLayer, name, rootNode, mLastStyleXml ) );
  // Override the last style on the stack
  mLastStyleXml = rootNode.cloneNode();
Esempio n. 6
QDomElement KWDWriter::setLayout(QDomElement paragraph, QDomElement layout) {
	QDomElement theLayout;
	if (layout.isNull())
	QDomElement oldLayout=currentLayout(paragraph);
	return theLayout;
Esempio n. 7
bool plotsDialog::saveChanges()
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
    QFile ofile(globalpara.caseName),file("plotTemp.xml");
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
    QDir dir = qApp->applicationDirPath();
    QString bundleDir(dir.absolutePath());
    QFile ofile(globalpara.caseName),file(bundleDir+"/plotTemp.xml");
    QDomDocument odoc,doc;
    QDomElement oroot;
    QTextStream stream;
        globalpara.reportError("Fail to open case file to update plot data.",this);
        return false;
    else if(!odoc.setContent(&ofile))
        globalpara.reportError("Fail to load xml document from case file to update plot data.",this);
        return false;
        globalpara.reportError("Fail to open plot temp file to update plot data.",this);
        return false;
    else if(!doc.setContent(&file))
        globalpara.reportError("Fail to load xml document from plot temp file to update plot data..",this);
        return false;
        QDomElement plotData = doc.elementsByTagName("plotData").at(0).toElement();
        QDomNode copiedPlot = plotData.cloneNode(true);
        oroot = odoc.elementsByTagName("root").at(0).toElement();

        return true;
Esempio n. 8
QWebdavUrlInfo::QWebdavUrlInfo(const QDomElement & dom)
  QDomElement href = dom.namedItem( "href" ).toElement();

  node_ = dom.cloneNode();

  if ( !href.isNull() )
      QString urlStr = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(href.text().toUtf8());
      QDomNodeList propstats = dom.elementsByTagName( "propstat" );
      davParsePropstats( urlStr, propstats );
Esempio n. 9
bool parseFeature(QDomElement& e, Layer* aLayer)
    bool ret= false;
    QDomElement c = e.cloneNode().toElement();

    while(!c.isNull()) {
        if (c.tagName() == "Placemark")
            ret = parsePlacemark(c, aLayer);
            ret = parseContainer(c, aLayer);

        c = c.nextSiblingElement();
    return ret;
Esempio n. 10
EditTransitionCommand::EditTransitionCommand(CustomTrackView *view, const int track, GenTime pos, QDomElement oldeffect, QDomElement effect, bool doIt, QUndoCommand * parent) :
    m_effect = effect.cloneNode().toElement();
    QString effectName;
    QDomElement namenode = effect.firstChildElement("name");
    if (!namenode.isNull()) effectName = i18n(namenode.text().toUtf8().data());
    else effectName = i18n("effect");
    setText(i18n("Edit transition %1", effectName));
Esempio n. 11
bool SxeSession::processSxe(const QDomElement &sxe, const QString &id) {
    // Don't accept duplicates
    if(!id.isEmpty() && usedSxeIds_.contains(id)) {
        qDebug() << QString("Tried to process a duplicate %1 (received: %2).").arg(sxe.attribute("id")).arg(usedSxeIds_.size()).toLatin1();
        return false;

        usedSxeIds_ += id;

    // store incoming edits when queueing
    if(queueing_) {
        // Make sure the element is not already in the queue.
        foreach(IncomingEdit i, queuedIncomingEdits_)
            if(i.xml == sxe)  return false;

        IncomingEdit incoming; = id;
        incoming.xml = sxe.cloneNode(true).toElement();

        return false;

    // create an SxeEdit for each child of the <sxe/>
    QList<SxeEdit*> edits;
    for(QDomNode n = sxe.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) {
        if(n.nodeName() == "new")
            edits.append(new SxeNewEdit(n.toElement()));
        else if(n.nodeName() == "set")
            edits.append(new SxeRecordEdit(n.toElement()));
        else if(n.nodeName() == "remove")
            edits.append(new SxeRemoveEdit(n.toElement()));

    if (edits.size() == 0)  return false;

    // process all the edits
    foreach(SxeEdit* e, edits) {
        SxeRecord* meta;
        if(e->type() == SxeEdit::New)
            meta = createRecord(e->rid());
            meta = record(e->rid());

            meta->apply(doc_, e);
Esempio n. 12
EditEffectCommand::EditEffectCommand(CustomTrackView *view, const int track, GenTime pos, QDomElement oldeffect, QDomElement effect, int stackPos, bool doIt) :
    m_effect = effect.cloneNode().toElement();
    QString effectName;
    QDomNode namenode = effect.elementsByTagName("name").item(0);
    if (!namenode.isNull()) effectName = i18n(namenode.toElement().text().toUtf8().data());
    else effectName = i18n("effect");
    setText(i18n("Edit effect %1", effectName));
Esempio n. 13
QDomElement KWDWriter::startFormat(QDomElement paragraph, QDomElement formatToClone) {
	QDomElement format=formatToClone.cloneNode().toElement();
	if (format.isNull()) { kdWarning(30503) << "startFormat: null format cloned" << endl; }
        if (paragraph.isNull()) { kdWarning(30503) << "startFormat on empty paragraph" << endl; }

	for (QDomElement a=format.firstChild().toElement();!a.isNull();a=a.nextSibling().toElement()) {
		if (a.tagName() == "ANCHOR") {
	return format;
Esempio n. 14
DelTool::DelTool(VPattern *doc, quint32 id, QUndoCommand *parent)
    : QObject(), QUndoCommand(parent), xml(QDomElement()), parentNode(QDomNode()), doc(doc), toolId(id),
    setText(tr("Delete tool"));
    QDomElement domElement = doc->elementById(QString().setNum(id));
    if (domElement.isElement())
        xml = domElement.cloneNode().toElement();
        parentNode = domElement.parentNode();
        qDebug()<<"Can't get tool by id = "<<toolId<<Q_FUNC_INFO;
Esempio n. 15
void VAbstractTool::SaveOption(QSharedPointer<VGObject> &obj)
    QDomElement oldDomElement = doc->elementById(QString().setNum(id));
    if (oldDomElement.isElement())
        QDomElement newDomElement = oldDomElement.cloneNode().toElement();

        SaveOptions(newDomElement, obj);

        SaveToolOptions *saveOptions = new SaveToolOptions(oldDomElement, newDomElement, doc, id);
        connect(saveOptions, &SaveToolOptions::NeedLiteParsing, doc, &VPattern::LiteParseTree);
        qDebug()<<"Can't find tool with id ="<< id << Q_FUNC_INFO;
Esempio n. 16
    void updateItemFromDocument( ProjectBaseItem *item, const QString &name )
        QDomElement child = findElementInDocument( item, name );
        KUrl folder;
        if (item->folder())
            folder = item->folder()->url();
        if (item->file())
            folder = item->file()->url();

        QString relativeFileName =
            KUrl::relativePath(, );
        QDomElement newNode = child.cloneNode().toElement();

        child.parentNode().replaceChild( newNode, child );
Esempio n. 17
// xmlToString
// This function converts a QDomElement into a QString, using stripExtraNS
// to make it pretty.
static QString xmlToString(const QDomElement &e, const QString &fakeNS, const QString &fakeQName, bool clip)
	QDomElement i = e.cloneNode().toElement();

	// It seems QDom can only have one namespace attribute at a time (see docElement 'HACK').
	// Fortunately we only need one kind depending on the input, so it is specified here.
	QDomElement fake = e.ownerDocument().createElementNS(fakeNS, fakeQName);
	fake = stripExtraNS(fake);
	QString out;
		QTextStream ts(&out, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
		fake.firstChild().save(ts, 0);
	// 'clip' means to remove any unwanted (and unneeded) characters, such as a trailing newline
	if(clip) {
		int n = out.lastIndexOf('>');
	return out;
Esempio n. 18
QDomElement KWDWriter::addParagraph(QDomElement parent, QDomElement layoutToClone) {

	QDomElement paragraph=_doc->createElement("PARAGRAPH");
	QDomElement formats=_doc->createElement("FORMATS");
	QDomElement layout;
	if (layoutToClone.isNull()) {
	else {
	QDomElement text=_doc->createElement("TEXT");
	QDomText t=_doc->createTextNode(QString(""));
	return paragraph;
Esempio n. 19
void DomModel::addSite(const QModelIndex &index)
    QString newUuid = QUuid::createUuid().toString();
    // Clone current site or default site
    QString uuid;
        if (type(index) == Site || type(index) == Favorite)
        uuid = data(index, Qt::UserRole).toString();
        uuid = QUuid().toString();
    QDomNodeList siteList = domDocument.elementsByTagName("site");
    for (int i=0; i<siteList.count(); i++) {
        QDomElement site = siteList.item(i).toElement();
        if (site.attribute("uuid") == uuid) {
            QDomElement newSite = site.cloneNode().toElement();
            newSite.setAttribute("uuid", newUuid);
            QDomElement root = domDocument.documentElement();
    // Create site reference
    QDomElement newSiteRef = domDocument.createElement("addsite");
    newSiteRef.setAttribute("uuid", newUuid);
    // New site reference is either child or sibyling
    QModelIndex parentIndex;
    int row;
    if (type(index) == Folder) {
        parentIndex = index;
        row = -1;
    } else {
        parentIndex = index.parent();
        row = index.row();
    DomItem *item = new DomItem(newSiteRef);
    insertRow(row, parentIndex, item);
Esempio n. 20
QDomDocument QgsWCSServer::getCapabilities()
  QgsDebugMsg( "Entering." );
  QDomDocument doc;

  //wcs:WCS_Capabilities element
  QDomElement wcsCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( "WCS_Capabilities"/*wcs:WCS_Capabilities*/ );
  wcsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xmlns", WCS_NAMESPACE );
  wcsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xmlns:xsi", "" );
  wcsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xsi:schemaLocation", WCS_NAMESPACE + "" );
  wcsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xmlns:gml", GML_NAMESPACE );
  wcsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xmlns:xlink", "" );
  wcsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "version", "1.0.0" );
  wcsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "updateSequence", "0" );
  doc.appendChild( wcsCapabilitiesElement );

  if ( mConfigParser )
    mConfigParser->serviceCapabilities( wcsCapabilitiesElement, doc );

  //INSERT Service

  //wcs:Capability element
  QDomElement capabilityElement = doc.createElement( "Capability"/*wcs:Capability*/ );
  wcsCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( capabilityElement );

  //wcs:Request element
  QDomElement requestElement = doc.createElement( "Request"/*wcs:Request*/ );
  capabilityElement.appendChild( requestElement );

  QDomElement getCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( "GetCapabilities"/*wcs:GetCapabilities*/ );
  requestElement.appendChild( getCapabilitiesElement );

  QDomElement dcpTypeElement = doc.createElement( "DCPType"/*wcs:DCPType*/ );
  getCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( dcpTypeElement );
  QDomElement httpElement = doc.createElement( "HTTP"/*wcs:HTTP*/ );
  dcpTypeElement.appendChild( httpElement );

  //Prepare url
  QString hrefString = mConfigParser->wcsServiceUrl();
  if ( hrefString.isEmpty() )
    hrefString = mConfigParser->serviceUrl();
  if ( hrefString.isEmpty() )
    hrefString = serviceUrl();

  QDomElement getElement = doc.createElement( "Get"/*wcs:Get*/ );
  httpElement.appendChild( getElement );
  QDomElement onlineResourceElement = doc.createElement( "OnlineResource"/*wcs:OnlineResource*/ );
  onlineResourceElement.setAttribute( "xlink:type", "simple" );
  onlineResourceElement.setAttribute( "xlink:href", hrefString );
  getElement.appendChild( onlineResourceElement );

  QDomElement getCapabilitiesDhcTypePostElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
  getCapabilitiesDhcTypePostElement.firstChild().firstChild().toElement().setTagName( "Post" );
  getCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( getCapabilitiesDhcTypePostElement );

  QDomElement describeCoverageElement = getCapabilitiesElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as 'GetCapabilities'
  describeCoverageElement.setTagName( "DescribeCoverage" );
  requestElement.appendChild( describeCoverageElement );

  QDomElement getCoverageElement = getCapabilitiesElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as 'GetCapabilities'
  getCoverageElement.setTagName( "GetCoverage" );
  requestElement.appendChild( getCoverageElement );

   * Adding layer list in ContentMetadata
  QDomElement contentMetadataElement = doc.createElement( "ContentMetadata"/*wcs:ContentMetadata*/ );
  wcsCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( contentMetadataElement );
   * Adding layer liste in contentMetadataElement
  if ( mConfigParser )
    mConfigParser->wcsContentMetadata( contentMetadataElement, doc );

  return doc;
Esempio n. 21
void MessageTreeWidget::importSms()
	QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(NULL, "Open File",".","Sms (*.xml)");
		QFile file1(strMessagePathOpen);
		QFile file2(filename);
		QFile file3(strMessagePathOpen);
		if (! return ;
		if (! return ;
		QDomDocument doc1;//文档1
		QDomDocument doc2;//文档2
		if (!doc1.setContent(&file1))
		if (!doc2.setContent(&file2))
			return ;
		QDomElement docElem1 = doc1.documentElement();
		QDomElement docElem2 = doc2.documentElement();
		QDomNodeList list1 = doc1.elementsByTagName("SmsSum");
		QDomElement firstElement;
		for(int i=0; i<list1.count(); i++)
			QDomElement e =;
			QString str= e.attribute("term");
				firstElement = e;
		QDomNodeList list = doc2.elementsByTagName("Sms");
		for(int j=0; j< list.count(); j++)
			QDomElement e =;
			QDomElement tmp = e.cloneNode(true).toElement();
			QString strContent = tmp.text();
			bool key = keydetect(strContent);
				firstElement.appendChild(tmp);//加入以后list 内已经删除了
		if(! | QIODevice::Truncate)) return ;
			QTextStream out(&file3);,4);   //将文档保存到文件,4为子元素缩进字符数
		emit updateTreeAllItem();
		QMessageBox *message=new QMessageBox(QMessageBox::NoIcon, "导入短信", "导入成功"); 
Esempio n. 22
QDomElement OOoReportBuilder::processDetail(const QDomElement &rowDetail)
    QDomElement lastElement = rowDetail;

    if (rowDetail.isNull() || reportBand(rowDetail) != Detail)
        return QDomElement();

    QString textCell = cellText(rowDetail.firstChild().toElement());
    int modelId = textCell.toInt() - 1;

    if (modelId < m_models.count() - 1) {
        return lastElement.previousSibling().toElement();

    QAbstractItemModel *model =;

    for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(); i++) {
        QDomElement tmpRow = rowDetail.cloneNode(true).toElement();

        QDomElement cell = tmpRow.firstChild().toElement();
        cell = cell.nextSibling().toElement();

        while (!cell.isNull()) {
            QString str = cellText(cell);

            if (!str.isEmpty()) {

                if (!QString::compare(str,"rowno",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
                } else if (str[0] == 'P') {

                    QVariant var = processParams(str.mid(2));
                    if (var.type() == QVariant::Double) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    QRegExp rx("col\\d{1,2}");

                    if (rx.indexIn(str) == 0) {
                        int colNo = str.remove(QRegExp("col")).toInt();
                        QVariant var = model->data(model->index(i,colNo));
                        if (colNo <= model->columnCount() - 1) {
                            if (var.type() == QVariant::Double) {
                                setText(cell, var.toDouble());
                            } else
                                setText(cell, var.toString());
                        } else
                    } else

            if (cell.attributes().contains("table:formula")) {
                QString formula = processFormula(cell.attribute("table:formula"), i);

            cell = cell.nextSibling().toElement();

        lastElement = rowDetail.parentNode().insertBefore(tmpRow,rowDetail).toElement();

    return lastElement;
Esempio n. 23
QDomDocument QgsWFSServer::getCapabilities()
  QgsDebugMsg( "Entering." );
  QDomDocument doc;
  //wfs:WFS_Capabilities element
  QDomElement wfsCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( "WFS_Capabilities"/*wms:WFS_Capabilities*/ );
  wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xmlns", "" );
  wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xmlns:xsi", "" );
  wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xsi:schemaLocation", "" );
  wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xmlns:ogc", "" );
  wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xmlns:gml", "" );
  wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xmlns:ows", "" );
  wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xmlns:xlink", "" );
  wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "version", "1.0.0" );
  wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "updateSequence", "0" );
  doc.appendChild( wfsCapabilitiesElement );

  if ( mConfigParser )
    mConfigParser->serviceCapabilities( wfsCapabilitiesElement, doc );

  //wfs:Capability element
  QDomElement capabilityElement = doc.createElement( "Capability"/*wfs:Capability*/ );
  wfsCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( capabilityElement );

  //wfs:Request element
  QDomElement requestElement = doc.createElement( "Request"/*wfs:Request*/ );
  capabilityElement.appendChild( requestElement );
  QDomElement getCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( "GetCapabilities"/*wfs:GetCapabilities*/ );
  requestElement.appendChild( getCapabilitiesElement );
  QDomElement capabilitiesFormatElement = doc.createElement( "Format" );/*wfs:Format*/
  getCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( capabilitiesFormatElement );
  QDomText capabilitiesFormatText = doc.createTextNode( "text/xml" );
  capabilitiesFormatElement.appendChild( capabilitiesFormatText );

  QDomElement dcpTypeElement = doc.createElement( "DCPType"/*wfs:DCPType*/ );
  getCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( dcpTypeElement );
  QDomElement httpElement = doc.createElement( "HTTP"/*wfs:HTTP*/ );
  dcpTypeElement.appendChild( httpElement );

  //Prepare url
  //Some client requests already have http://<SERVER_NAME> in the REQUEST_URI variable
  QString hrefString;
  QString requestUrl = getenv( "REQUEST_URI" );
  QUrl mapUrl( requestUrl );
  mapUrl.setHost( QString( getenv( "SERVER_NAME" ) ) );

  //Add non-default ports to url
  QString portString = getenv( "SERVER_PORT" );
  if ( !portString.isEmpty() )
    bool portOk;
    int portNumber = portString.toInt( &portOk );
    if ( portOk )
      if ( portNumber != 80 )
        mapUrl.setPort( portNumber );

  if ( QString( getenv( "HTTPS" ) ).compare( "on", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
    mapUrl.setScheme( "https" );
    mapUrl.setScheme( "http" );

  QList<QPair<QString, QString> > queryItems = mapUrl.queryItems();
  QList<QPair<QString, QString> >::const_iterator queryIt = queryItems.constBegin();
  for ( ; queryIt != queryItems.constEnd(); ++queryIt )
    if ( queryIt-> "REQUEST", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
      mapUrl.removeQueryItem( queryIt->first );
    else if ( queryIt-> "VERSION", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
      mapUrl.removeQueryItem( queryIt->first );
    else if ( queryIt-> "SERVICE", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
      mapUrl.removeQueryItem( queryIt->first );
    else if ( queryIt-> "_DC", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
      mapUrl.removeQueryItem( queryIt->first );
  hrefString = mapUrl.toString();

  //only Get supported for the moment
  QDomElement getElement = doc.createElement( "Get"/*wfs:Get*/ );
  httpElement.appendChild( getElement );
  QDomElement olResourceElement = doc.createElement( "OnlineResource"/*wfs:OnlineResource*/ );
  olResourceElement.setAttribute( "xlink:type", "simple" );
  requestUrl.truncate( requestUrl.indexOf( "?" ) + 1 );
  olResourceElement.setAttribute( "xlink:href", hrefString );
  getElement.appendChild( olResourceElement );

  QDomElement describeFeatureTypeElement = doc.createElement( "DescribeFeatureType"/*wfs:DescribeFeatureType*/ );
  requestElement.appendChild( describeFeatureTypeElement );
  QDomElement schemaDescriptionLanguageElement = doc.createElement( "SchemaDescriptionLanguage"/*wfs:SchemaDescriptionLanguage*/ );
  describeFeatureTypeElement.appendChild( schemaDescriptionLanguageElement );
  QDomElement xmlSchemaElement = doc.createElement( "XMLSCHEMA"/*wfs:XMLSCHEMA*/ );
  schemaDescriptionLanguageElement.appendChild( xmlSchemaElement );
  QDomElement describeFeatureTypeDhcTypeElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
  describeFeatureTypeElement.appendChild( describeFeatureTypeDhcTypeElement );

  QDomElement getFeatureElement = doc.createElement( "GetFeature"/*wfs:GetFeature*/ );
  requestElement.appendChild( getFeatureElement );
  QDomElement getFeatureFormatElement = doc.createElement( "ResultFormat" );/*wfs:ResultFormat*/
  getFeatureElement.appendChild( getFeatureFormatElement );
  QDomElement gmlFormatElement = doc.createElement( "GML2" );/*wfs:GML2*/
  getFeatureFormatElement.appendChild( gmlFormatElement );
  QDomElement geojsonFormatElement = doc.createElement( "GeoJSON" );/*wfs:GeoJSON*/
  getFeatureFormatElement.appendChild( geojsonFormatElement );
  QDomElement getFeatureDhcTypeElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
  getFeatureElement.appendChild( getFeatureDhcTypeElement );

  //wfs:FeatureTypeList element
  QDomElement featureTypeListElement = doc.createElement( "FeatureTypeList"/*wfs:FeatureTypeList*/ );
  wfsCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( featureTypeListElement );
  //wfs:Operations element
  QDomElement operationsElement = doc.createElement( "Operations"/*wfs:Operations*/ );
  featureTypeListElement.appendChild( operationsElement );
  //wfs:Query element
  QDomElement queryElement = doc.createElement( "Query"/*wfs:Query*/ );
  operationsElement.appendChild( queryElement );
   * Adding layer liste in featureTypeListElement
  if ( mConfigParser )
    mConfigParser->featureTypeList( featureTypeListElement, doc );

   * Adding ogc:Filter_Capabilities in capabilityElement
  //ogc:Filter_Capabilities element
  QDomElement filterCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( "ogc:Filter_Capabilities"/*ogc:Filter_Capabilities*/ );
  capabilityElement.appendChild( filterCapabilitiesElement );
  QDomElement spatialCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( "ogc:Spatial_Capabilities"/*ogc:Spatial_Capabilities*/ );
  filterCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( spatialCapabilitiesElement );
  QDomElement spatialOperatorsElement = doc.createElement( "ogc:Spatial_Operators"/*ogc:Spatial_Operators*/ );
  spatialCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( spatialOperatorsElement );
  QDomElement ogcBboxElement = doc.createElement( "ogc:BBOX"/*ogc:BBOX*/ );
  spatialOperatorsElement.appendChild( ogcBboxElement );
  QDomElement scalarCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( "ogc:Scalar_Capabilities"/*ogc:Scalar_Capabilities*/ );
  filterCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( scalarCapabilitiesElement );
  QDomElement comparisonOperatorsElement = doc.createElement( "ogc:Comparison_Operators"/*ogc:Comparison_Operators*/ );
  scalarCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( comparisonOperatorsElement );
  QDomElement simpleComparisonsElement = doc.createElement( "ogc:Simple_Comparisons"/*ogc:Simple_Comparisons*/ );
  comparisonOperatorsElement.appendChild( simpleComparisonsElement );
  return doc;
Esempio n. 24
  QDomDocument createGetCapabilitiesDocument( QgsServerInterface* serverIface, const QgsProject* project, const QString& version,
      const QgsServerRequest& request )
    Q_UNUSED( version );

    QDomDocument doc;

    QgsWfsProjectParser* configParser = getConfigParser( serverIface );

    //wfs:WFS_Capabilities element
    QDomElement wfsCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "WFS_Capabilities" )/*wms:WFS_Capabilities*/ );
    wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns" ), WFS_NAMESPACE );
    wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:xsi" ), QStringLiteral( "" ) );
    wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xsi:schemaLocation" ), WFS_NAMESPACE + "" );
    wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:ogc" ), OGC_NAMESPACE );
    wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:gml" ), GML_NAMESPACE );
    wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:ows" ), QStringLiteral( "" ) );
    wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:xlink" ), QStringLiteral( "" ) );
    wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "version" ), implementationVersion() );
    wfsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "updateSequence" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) );
    doc.appendChild( wfsCapabilitiesElement );

    configParser->serviceCapabilities( wfsCapabilitiesElement, doc );

    //wfs:Capability element
    QDomElement capabilityElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Capability" )/*wfs:Capability*/ );
    wfsCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( capabilityElement );

    //wfs:Request element
    QDomElement requestElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Request" )/*wfs:Request*/ );
    capabilityElement.appendChild( requestElement );
    QDomElement getCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GetCapabilities" )/*wfs:GetCapabilities*/ );
    requestElement.appendChild( getCapabilitiesElement );

    QDomElement dcpTypeElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "DCPType" )/*wfs:DCPType*/ );
    getCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( dcpTypeElement );
    QDomElement httpElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "HTTP" )/*wfs:HTTP*/ );
    dcpTypeElement.appendChild( httpElement );

    //Prepare url
    QString hrefString = serviceUrl( request, project );

    //only Get supported for the moment
    QDomElement getElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Get" )/*wfs:Get*/ );
    httpElement.appendChild( getElement );
    getElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "onlineResource" ), hrefString );
    QDomElement getCapabilitiesDhcTypePostElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    getCapabilitiesDhcTypePostElement.firstChild().firstChild().toElement().setTagName( QStringLiteral( "Post" ) );
    getCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( getCapabilitiesDhcTypePostElement );

    QDomElement describeFeatureTypeElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "DescribeFeatureType" )/*wfs:DescribeFeatureType*/ );
    requestElement.appendChild( describeFeatureTypeElement );
    QDomElement schemaDescriptionLanguageElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "SchemaDescriptionLanguage" )/*wfs:SchemaDescriptionLanguage*/ );
    describeFeatureTypeElement.appendChild( schemaDescriptionLanguageElement );
    QDomElement xmlSchemaElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "XMLSCHEMA" )/*wfs:XMLSCHEMA*/ );
    schemaDescriptionLanguageElement.appendChild( xmlSchemaElement );
    QDomElement describeFeatureTypeDhcTypeElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    describeFeatureTypeElement.appendChild( describeFeatureTypeDhcTypeElement );
    QDomElement describeFeatureTypeDhcTypePostElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    describeFeatureTypeDhcTypePostElement.firstChild().firstChild().toElement().setTagName( QStringLiteral( "Post" ) );
    describeFeatureTypeElement.appendChild( describeFeatureTypeDhcTypePostElement );

    QDomElement getFeatureElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GetFeature" )/*wfs:GetFeature*/ );
    requestElement.appendChild( getFeatureElement );
    QDomElement getFeatureFormatElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ResultFormat" ) );/*wfs:ResultFormat*/
    getFeatureElement.appendChild( getFeatureFormatElement );
    QDomElement gmlFormatElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GML2" ) );/*wfs:GML2*/
    getFeatureFormatElement.appendChild( gmlFormatElement );
    QDomElement gml3FormatElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GML3" ) );/*wfs:GML3*/
    getFeatureFormatElement.appendChild( gml3FormatElement );
    QDomElement geojsonFormatElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GeoJSON" ) );/*wfs:GeoJSON*/
    getFeatureFormatElement.appendChild( geojsonFormatElement );
    QDomElement getFeatureDhcTypeGetElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    getFeatureElement.appendChild( getFeatureDhcTypeGetElement );
    QDomElement getFeatureDhcTypePostElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    getFeatureDhcTypePostElement.firstChild().firstChild().toElement().setTagName( QStringLiteral( "Post" ) );
    getFeatureElement.appendChild( getFeatureDhcTypePostElement );

    QDomElement transactionElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Transaction" )/*wfs:Transaction*/ );
    requestElement.appendChild( transactionElement );
    QDomElement transactionDhcTypeElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    transactionDhcTypeElement.firstChild().firstChild().toElement().setTagName( QStringLiteral( "Post" ) );
    transactionElement.appendChild( transactionDhcTypeElement );

    //wfs:FeatureTypeList element
    QDomElement featureTypeListElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "FeatureTypeList" )/*wfs:FeatureTypeList*/ );
    wfsCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( featureTypeListElement );
    //wfs:Operations element
    QDomElement operationsElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Operations" )/*wfs:Operations*/ );
    featureTypeListElement.appendChild( operationsElement );
    //wfs:Query element
    QDomElement queryElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Query" )/*wfs:Query*/ );
    operationsElement.appendChild( queryElement );
     * Adding layer liste in featureTypeListElement
    configParser->featureTypeList( featureTypeListElement, doc );

     * Adding ogc:Filter_Capabilities in capabilityElement
    //ogc:Filter_Capabilities element
    QDomElement filterCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Filter_Capabilities" )/*ogc:Filter_Capabilities*/ );
    wfsCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( filterCapabilitiesElement );
    QDomElement spatialCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Spatial_Capabilities" )/*ogc:Spatial_Capabilities*/ );
    filterCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( spatialCapabilitiesElement );
    QDomElement spatialOperatorsElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Spatial_Operators" )/*ogc:Spatial_Operators*/ );
    spatialCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( spatialOperatorsElement );
    spatialOperatorsElement.appendChild( doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:BBOX" )/*ogc:BBOX*/ ) );
    spatialOperatorsElement.appendChild( doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Disjoint" )/*ogc:Disjoint*/ ) );
    spatialOperatorsElement.appendChild( doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Intersect" )/*ogc:Intersects*/ ) );
    spatialOperatorsElement.appendChild( doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Touches" )/*ogc:Touches*/ ) );
    spatialOperatorsElement.appendChild( doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Crosses" )/*ogc:Crosses*/ ) );
    spatialOperatorsElement.appendChild( doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Contains" )/*ogc:Contains*/ ) );
    spatialOperatorsElement.appendChild( doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Overlaps" )/*ogc:Overlaps*/ ) );
    spatialOperatorsElement.appendChild( doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Within" )/*ogc:Within*/ ) );
    QDomElement scalarCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Scalar_Capabilities" )/*ogc:Scalar_Capabilities*/ );
    filterCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( scalarCapabilitiesElement );
    QDomElement comparisonOperatorsElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Comparison_Operators" )/*ogc:Comparison_Operators*/ );
    scalarCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( comparisonOperatorsElement );
    comparisonOperatorsElement.appendChild( doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Simple_Comparisons" )/*ogc:Simple_Comparisons*/ ) );
    comparisonOperatorsElement.appendChild( doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Between" )/*ogc:Between*/ ) );
    comparisonOperatorsElement.appendChild( doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:Like" )/*ogc:Like*/ ) );

    return doc;

Esempio n. 25
  QDomElement getCapabilityElement( QDomDocument &doc, const QgsProject *project, const QgsServerRequest &request )
    //wfs:Capability element
    QDomElement capabilityElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Capability" )/*wfs:Capability*/ );

    //wfs:Request element
    QDomElement requestElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Request" )/*wfs:Request*/ );
    capabilityElement.appendChild( requestElement );
    QDomElement getCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GetCapabilities" )/*wfs:GetCapabilities*/ );
    requestElement.appendChild( getCapabilitiesElement );

    QDomElement dcpTypeElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "DCPType" )/*wfs:DCPType*/ );
    getCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( dcpTypeElement );
    QDomElement httpElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "HTTP" )/*wfs:HTTP*/ );
    dcpTypeElement.appendChild( httpElement );

    //Prepare url
    QString hrefString = serviceUrl( request, project );

    //only Get supported for the moment
    QDomElement getElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Get" )/*wfs:Get*/ );
    httpElement.appendChild( getElement );
    getElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "onlineResource" ), hrefString );
    QDomElement getCapabilitiesDhcTypePostElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    getCapabilitiesDhcTypePostElement.firstChild().firstChild().toElement().setTagName( QStringLiteral( "Post" ) );
    getCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( getCapabilitiesDhcTypePostElement );

    QDomElement describeFeatureTypeElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "DescribeFeatureType" )/*wfs:DescribeFeatureType*/ );
    requestElement.appendChild( describeFeatureTypeElement );
    QDomElement schemaDescriptionLanguageElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "SchemaDescriptionLanguage" )/*wfs:SchemaDescriptionLanguage*/ );
    describeFeatureTypeElement.appendChild( schemaDescriptionLanguageElement );
    QDomElement xmlSchemaElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "XMLSCHEMA" )/*wfs:XMLSCHEMA*/ );
    schemaDescriptionLanguageElement.appendChild( xmlSchemaElement );
    QDomElement describeFeatureTypeDhcTypeElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    describeFeatureTypeElement.appendChild( describeFeatureTypeDhcTypeElement );
    QDomElement describeFeatureTypeDhcTypePostElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    describeFeatureTypeDhcTypePostElement.firstChild().firstChild().toElement().setTagName( QStringLiteral( "Post" ) );
    describeFeatureTypeElement.appendChild( describeFeatureTypeDhcTypePostElement );

    QDomElement getFeatureElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GetFeature" )/*wfs:GetFeature*/ );
    requestElement.appendChild( getFeatureElement );
    QDomElement getFeatureFormatElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ResultFormat" ) );/*wfs:ResultFormat*/
    getFeatureElement.appendChild( getFeatureFormatElement );
    QDomElement gmlFormatElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GML2" ) );/*wfs:GML2*/
    getFeatureFormatElement.appendChild( gmlFormatElement );
    QDomElement gml3FormatElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GML3" ) );/*wfs:GML3*/
    getFeatureFormatElement.appendChild( gml3FormatElement );
    QDomElement geojsonFormatElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GeoJSON" ) );/*wfs:GeoJSON*/
    getFeatureFormatElement.appendChild( geojsonFormatElement );
    QDomElement getFeatureDhcTypeGetElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    getFeatureElement.appendChild( getFeatureDhcTypeGetElement );
    QDomElement getFeatureDhcTypePostElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    getFeatureDhcTypePostElement.firstChild().firstChild().toElement().setTagName( QStringLiteral( "Post" ) );
    getFeatureElement.appendChild( getFeatureDhcTypePostElement );

    QDomElement transactionElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Transaction" )/*wfs:Transaction*/ );
    requestElement.appendChild( transactionElement );
    QDomElement transactionDhcTypeElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    transactionDhcTypeElement.firstChild().firstChild().toElement().setTagName( QStringLiteral( "Post" ) );
    transactionElement.appendChild( transactionDhcTypeElement );

    return capabilityElement;
Esempio n. 26
  QDomDocument createGetCapabilitiesDocument( QgsServerInterface *serverIface, const QgsProject *project, const QString &version,
      const QgsServerRequest &request )
    Q_UNUSED( version );

    QDomDocument doc;

    //wcs:WCS_Capabilities element
    QDomElement wcsCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "WCS_Capabilities" )/*wcs:WCS_Capabilities*/ );
    wcsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns" ), WCS_NAMESPACE );
    wcsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:xsi" ), QStringLiteral( "" ) );
    wcsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xsi:schemaLocation" ), WCS_NAMESPACE + "" );
    wcsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:gml" ), GML_NAMESPACE );
    wcsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:xlink" ), QStringLiteral( "" ) );
    wcsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "version" ), implementationVersion() );
    wcsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "updateSequence" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) );
    doc.appendChild( wcsCapabilitiesElement );

    //INSERT Service
    wcsCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( getServiceElement( doc, project ) );

    //wcs:Capability element
    QDomElement capabilityElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Capability" )/*wcs:Capability*/ );
    wcsCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( capabilityElement );

    //wcs:Request element
    QDomElement requestElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Request" )/*wcs:Request*/ );
    capabilityElement.appendChild( requestElement );

    QDomElement getCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GetCapabilities" )/*wcs:GetCapabilities*/ );
    requestElement.appendChild( getCapabilitiesElement );

    QDomElement dcpTypeElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "DCPType" )/*wcs:DCPType*/ );
    getCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( dcpTypeElement );
    QDomElement httpElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "HTTP" )/*wcs:HTTP*/ );
    dcpTypeElement.appendChild( httpElement );

    //Prepare url
    QString hrefString = serviceUrl( request, project );

    QDomElement getElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Get" )/*wcs:Get*/ );
    httpElement.appendChild( getElement );
    QDomElement onlineResourceElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "OnlineResource" )/*wcs:OnlineResource*/ );
    onlineResourceElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xlink:type" ), QStringLiteral( "simple" ) );
    onlineResourceElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xlink:href" ), hrefString );
    getElement.appendChild( onlineResourceElement );

    QDomElement getCapabilitiesDhcTypePostElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    getCapabilitiesDhcTypePostElement.firstChild().firstChild().toElement().setTagName( QStringLiteral( "Post" ) );
    getCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( getCapabilitiesDhcTypePostElement );

    QDomElement describeCoverageElement = getCapabilitiesElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as 'GetCapabilities'
    describeCoverageElement.setTagName( QStringLiteral( "DescribeCoverage" ) );
    requestElement.appendChild( describeCoverageElement );

    QDomElement getCoverageElement = getCapabilitiesElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as 'GetCapabilities'
    getCoverageElement.setTagName( QStringLiteral( "GetCoverage" ) );
    requestElement.appendChild( getCoverageElement );

    //INSERT ContentMetadata
    wcsCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( getContentMetadataElement( doc, serverIface, project ) );

    return doc;

Esempio n. 27
  QgsFeatureRequest parseFilterElement( const QString &typeName, QDomElement &filterElem, const QgsProject *project )
    QgsFeatureRequest request;

    QDomNodeList fidNodes = filterElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "FeatureId" ) );
    QDomNodeList goidNodes = filterElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "GmlObjectId" ) );
    if ( !fidNodes.isEmpty() )
      QgsFeatureIds fids;
      QDomElement fidElem;
      for ( int f = 0; f < fidNodes.size(); f++ )
        fidElem = f ).toElement();
        if ( !fidElem.hasAttribute( QStringLiteral( "fid" ) ) )
          throw QgsRequestNotWellFormedException( "FeatureId element without fid attribute" );

        QString fid = fidElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "fid" ) );
        if ( fid.contains( QLatin1String( "." ) ) )
          if ( fid.section( QStringLiteral( "." ), 0, 0 ) != typeName )
          fid = fid.section( QStringLiteral( "." ), 1, 1 );
        fids.insert( fid.toInt() );

      if ( !fids.isEmpty() )
        request.setFilterFids( fids );
        throw QgsRequestNotWellFormedException( QStringLiteral( "No FeatureId element correctly parse against typeName '%1'" ).arg( typeName ) );
      request.setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::NoFlags );
      return request;
    else if ( !goidNodes.isEmpty() )
      QgsFeatureIds fids;
      QDomElement goidElem;
      for ( int f = 0; f < goidNodes.size(); f++ )
        goidElem = f ).toElement();
        if ( !goidElem.hasAttribute( QStringLiteral( "id" ) ) && !goidElem.hasAttribute( QStringLiteral( "gml:id" ) ) )
          throw QgsRequestNotWellFormedException( "GmlObjectId element without gml:id attribute" );

        QString fid = goidElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "id" ) );
        if ( fid.isEmpty() )
          fid = goidElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "gml:id" ) );
        if ( fid.contains( QLatin1String( "." ) ) )
          if ( fid.section( QStringLiteral( "." ), 0, 0 ) != typeName )
          fid = fid.section( QStringLiteral( "." ), 1, 1 );
        fids.insert( fid.toInt() );

      if ( !fids.isEmpty() )
        request.setFilterFids( fids );
        throw QgsRequestNotWellFormedException( QStringLiteral( "No GmlObjectId element correctly parse against typeName '%1'" ).arg( typeName ) );
      request.setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::NoFlags );
      return request;
    else if ( filterElem.firstChildElement().tagName() == QLatin1String( "BBOX" ) )
      QDomElement bboxElem = filterElem.firstChildElement();
      QDomElement childElem = bboxElem.firstChildElement();

      while ( !childElem.isNull() )
        if ( childElem.tagName() == QLatin1String( "Box" ) )
          request.setFilterRect( QgsOgcUtils::rectangleFromGMLBox( childElem ) );
        else if ( childElem.tagName() != QLatin1String( "PropertyName" ) )
          QgsGeometry geom = QgsOgcUtils::geometryFromGML( childElem );
          request.setFilterRect( geom.boundingBox() );
        childElem = childElem.nextSiblingElement();
      request.setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect | QgsFeatureRequest::NoFlags );
      return request;
    // Apply BBOX through filterRect even inside an And to use spatial index
    else if ( filterElem.firstChildElement().tagName() == QLatin1String( "And" ) &&
              !filterElem.firstChildElement().firstChildElement( QLatin1String( "BBOX" ) ).isNull() )
      QDomElement childElem = filterElem.firstChildElement().firstChildElement();
      while ( !childElem.isNull() )
        QDomElement childFilterElement = filterElem.ownerDocument().createElement( QLatin1String( "Filter" ) );
        childFilterElement.appendChild( childElem.cloneNode( true ) );
        QgsFeatureRequest childRequest = parseFilterElement( typeName, childFilterElement );
        if ( childElem.tagName() == QLatin1String( "BBOX" ) )
          if ( request.filterRect().isEmpty() )
            request.setFilterRect( childRequest.filterRect() );
            request.setFilterRect( request.filterRect().intersect( childRequest.filterRect() ) );
          if ( !request.filterExpression() )
            request.setFilterExpression( childRequest.filterExpression()->expression() );
            QgsExpressionNode *opLeft = request.filterExpression()->rootNode()->clone();
            QgsExpressionNode *opRight = childRequest.filterExpression()->rootNode()->clone();
            std::unique_ptr<QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator> node = qgis::make_unique<QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator>( QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator::boAnd, opLeft, opRight );
            QgsExpression expr( node->dump() );
            request.setFilterExpression( expr );
        childElem = childElem.nextSiblingElement();
      request.setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect | QgsFeatureRequest::NoFlags );
      return request;
      QgsVectorLayer *layer = nullptr;
      if ( project != nullptr )
        layer = layerByTypeName( project, typeName );
      std::shared_ptr<QgsExpression> filter( QgsOgcUtils::expressionFromOgcFilter( filterElem, layer ) );
      if ( filter )
        if ( filter->hasParserError() )
          throw QgsRequestNotWellFormedException( filter->parserErrorString() );

        if ( filter->needsGeometry() )
          request.setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::NoFlags );
        request.setFilterExpression( filter->expression() );
        return request;
    return request;
Esempio n. 28
  bool OMEMO::decryptMessage(int account, QDomElement &xml) {
    std::shared_ptr<Signal> signal = getSignal(account);

    bool isCarbon = false;
    QDomElement message = xml;

    if (message.firstChild().toElement().attribute("xmlns") == "urn:xmpp:carbons:2") {
      message = message.firstChild().firstChildElement("forwarded").firstChildElement("message");
      isCarbon = true;

    QDomElement encrypted = message.firstChildElement("encrypted");
    if (encrypted.isNull() || encrypted.attribute("xmlns") != OMEMO_XMLNS) {
      return false;

    QString messageId = message.attribute("id");
    if (message.attribute("type") == "groupchat" && m_encryptedGroupMessages.contains(messageId)) {
      QDomElement body = message.ownerDocument().createElement("body");
      return true;

    QDomElement header = encrypted.firstChildElement("header");

    QDomElement keyElement = header.firstChildElement("key");
    while (!keyElement.isNull() && keyElement.attribute("rid").toUInt() != signal->getDeviceId()) {
      keyElement = keyElement.nextSiblingElement("key");
    if (keyElement.isNull()) {
      xml = QDomElement();
      return true;

    QString preKeyAttr = keyElement.attribute("prekey");
    bool isPreKey = preKeyAttr == "true" || preKeyAttr == "1";
    uint32_t preKeyCount = isPreKey ? signal->preKeyCount() : 0;

    QByteArray encryptedKey = QByteArray::fromBase64(keyElement.firstChild().nodeValue().toUtf8());

    uint deviceId = header.attribute("sid").toUInt();
    QString from = message.attribute("from");
    QString sender = m_contactInfoAccessor->realJid(account, from).split("/").first();
    QPair<QByteArray, bool> decryptionResult = signal->decryptKey(sender, EncryptedKey(deviceId, isPreKey, encryptedKey));
    QByteArray decryptedKey = decryptionResult.first;
    bool buildSessionWithPreKey = decryptionResult.second;
    if (buildSessionWithPreKey) {
      // remote has an invalid session, let's recover by overwriting it with a fresh one
      QDomElement emptyMessage = message.cloneNode(false).toElement();
      QString to = message.attribute("to");
      emptyMessage.setAttribute("from", to);
      emptyMessage.setAttribute("to", from);

      auto recipientInvalidSessions = QMap<QString, QVector<uint32_t>>({{to, QVector<uint32_t>({deviceId})}});
      buildSessionsFromBundle(recipientInvalidSessions, QVector<uint32_t>(), to.split("/").first(), account, emptyMessage);
      xml = QDomElement();
      return true;

    QDomElement payloadElement = encrypted.firstChildElement("payload");
    if (!decryptedKey.isNull()) {
      if (isPreKey && signal->preKeyCount() < preKeyCount) {
      if (!payloadElement.isNull()) {
        QByteArray payload(QByteArray::fromBase64(payloadElement.firstChild().nodeValue().toUtf8()));
        QByteArray iv(QByteArray::fromBase64(header.firstChildElement("iv").firstChild().nodeValue().toUtf8()));
        QByteArray tag(OMEMO_AES_GCM_TAG_LENGTH, Qt::Uninitialized);

        if (decryptedKey.size() > OMEMO_AES_128_KEY_LENGTH) {
          tag = decryptedKey.right(decryptedKey.size() - OMEMO_AES_128_KEY_LENGTH);
          decryptedKey = decryptedKey.left(OMEMO_AES_128_KEY_LENGTH);
        } else {
          tag = payload.right(OMEMO_AES_GCM_TAG_LENGTH);

        QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> decryptedBody = Crypto::aes_gcm(Crypto::Decode, iv, decryptedKey, payload, tag);
        if (!decryptedBody.first.isNull()) {
          bool trusted = signal->isTrusted(sender, deviceId);
          QDomElement body = message.ownerDocument().createElement("body");
          QString text = decryptedBody.first;

          if (!trusted) {
            bool res = !isCarbon && m_accountController->appendSysMsg(account, message.attribute("from"),
                                                                      "[OMEMO] The following message is from an untrusted device:");
            if (!res) {
              text = "[UNTRUSTED]: " + text;


          return true;
    xml = QDomElement();
    return true;
Esempio n. 29
void DataFile::upgrade()
	projectVersion version =
		documentElement().attribute( "creatorversion" ).
							replace( "svn", "" );

	if( version < "0.2.1-20070501" )
		QDomNodeList list = elementsByTagName( "arpandchords" );
		for( int i = 0; !list.item( i ).isNull(); ++i )
			QDomElement el = list.item( i ).toElement();
			if( el.hasAttribute( "arpdir" ) )
				int arpdir = el.attribute( "arpdir" ).toInt();
				if( arpdir > 0 )
					el.setAttribute( "arpdir", arpdir - 1 );
					el.setAttribute( "arpdisabled", "1" );

		list = elementsByTagName( "sampletrack" );
		for( int i = 0; !list.item( i ).isNull(); ++i )
			QDomElement el = list.item( i ).toElement();
			if( el.attribute( "vol" ) != "" )
				el.setAttribute( "vol", el.attribute(
						"vol" ).toFloat() * 100.0f );
				QDomNode node = el.namedItem(
							"automation-pattern" );
				if( !node.isElement() ||
					!node.namedItem( "vol" ).isElement() )
					el.setAttribute( "vol", 100.0f );

		list = elementsByTagName( "ladspacontrols" );
		for( int i = 0; !list.item( i ).isNull(); ++i )
			QDomElement el = list.item( i ).toElement();
			QDomNode anode = el.namedItem( "automation-pattern" );
			QDomNode node = anode.firstChild();
			while( !node.isNull() )
				if( node.isElement() )
					QString name = node.nodeName();
					if( name.endsWith( "link" ) )
						el.setAttribute( name,
							node.namedItem( "time" )
							.attribute( "value" ) );
						QDomNode oldNode = node;
						node = node.nextSibling();
						anode.removeChild( oldNode );
				node = node.nextSibling();

		QDomNode node = m_head.firstChild();
		while( !node.isNull() )
			if( node.isElement() )
				if( node.nodeName() == "bpm" )
					int value = node.toElement().attribute(
							"value" ).toInt();
					if( value > 0 )
						m_head.setAttribute( "bpm",
									value );
						QDomNode oldNode = node;
						node = node.nextSibling();
						m_head.removeChild( oldNode );
				else if( node.nodeName() == "mastervol" )
					int value = node.toElement().attribute(
							"value" ).toInt();
					if( value > 0 )
							"mastervol", value );
						QDomNode oldNode = node;
						node = node.nextSibling();
						m_head.removeChild( oldNode );
				else if( node.nodeName() == "masterpitch" )
					m_head.setAttribute( "masterpitch",
							"value" ).toInt() );
					QDomNode oldNode = node;
					node = node.nextSibling();
					m_head.removeChild( oldNode );
			node = node.nextSibling();

	if( version < "0.2.1-20070508" )
		QDomNodeList list = elementsByTagName( "arpandchords" );
		for( int i = 0; !list.item( i ).isNull(); ++i )
			QDomElement el = list.item( i ).toElement();
			if( el.hasAttribute( "chorddisabled" ) )
				el.setAttribute( "chord-enabled",
					!el.attribute( "chorddisabled" )
								.toInt() );
				el.setAttribute( "arp-enabled",
					!el.attribute( "arpdisabled" )
								.toInt() );
			else if( !el.hasAttribute( "chord-enabled" ) )
				el.setAttribute( "chord-enabled", true );
				el.setAttribute( "arp-enabled",
					el.attribute( "arpdir" ).toInt() != 0 );

		while( !( list = elementsByTagName( "channeltrack" ) ).isEmpty() )
			QDomElement el = list.item( 0 ).toElement();
			el.setTagName( "instrumenttrack" );

		list = elementsByTagName( "instrumenttrack" );
		for( int i = 0; !list.item( i ).isNull(); ++i )
			QDomElement el = list.item( i ).toElement();
			if( el.hasAttribute( "vol" ) )
				float value = el.attribute( "vol" ).toFloat();
				value = roundf( value * 0.585786438f );
				el.setAttribute( "vol", value );
				QDomNodeList vol_list = el.namedItem(
							"automation-pattern" )
						.namedItem( "vol" ).toElement()
						.elementsByTagName( "time" );
				for( int j = 0; !vol_list.item( j ).isNull();
									++j )
					QDomElement timeEl = list.item( j )
					int value = timeEl.attribute( "value" )
					value = (int)roundf( value *
								0.585786438f );
					timeEl.setAttribute( "value", value );

	if( version < "0.3.0-rc2" )
		QDomNodeList list = elementsByTagName( "arpandchords" );
		for( int i = 0; !list.item( i ).isNull(); ++i )
			QDomElement el = list.item( i ).toElement();
			if( el.attribute( "arpdir" ).toInt() > 0 )
				el.setAttribute( "arpdir",
					el.attribute( "arpdir" ).toInt() - 1 );

	if( version < "0.3.0" )
		QDomNodeList list;
		while( !( list = elementsByTagName(
					"pluckedstringsynth" ) ).isEmpty() )
			QDomElement el = list.item( 0 ).toElement();
			el.setTagName( "vibedstrings" );
			el.setAttribute( "active0", 1 );

		while( !( list = elementsByTagName( "lb303" ) ).isEmpty() )
			QDomElement el = list.item( 0 ).toElement();
			el.setTagName( "lb302" );

		while( !( list = elementsByTagName( "channelsettings" ) ).
								isEmpty() )
			QDomElement el = list.item( 0 ).toElement();
			el.setTagName( "instrumenttracksettings" );

	if( version < "0.4.0-20080104" )
		QDomNodeList list = elementsByTagName( "fx" );
		for( int i = 0; !list.item( i ).isNull(); ++i )
			QDomElement el = list.item( i ).toElement();
			if( el.hasAttribute( "fxdisabled" ) &&
				el.attribute( "fxdisabled" ).toInt() == 0 )
				el.setAttribute( "enabled", 1 );

	if( version < "0.4.0-20080118" )
		QDomNodeList list;
		while( !( list = elementsByTagName( "fx" ) ).isEmpty() )
			QDomElement fxchain = list.item( 0 ).toElement();
			fxchain.setTagName( "fxchain" );
			QDomNode rack = list.item( 0 ).firstChild();
			QDomNodeList effects = rack.childNodes();
			// move items one level up
			while( effects.count() )
				fxchain.appendChild( 0 ) );
			fxchain.setAttribute( "numofeffects",
				rack.toElement().attribute( "numofeffects" ) );
			fxchain.removeChild( rack );

	if( version < "0.4.0-20080129" )
		QDomNodeList list;
		while( !( list =
			elementsByTagName( "arpandchords" ) ).isEmpty() )
			QDomElement aac = list.item( 0 ).toElement();
			aac.setTagName( "arpeggiator" );
			QDomNode cloned = aac.cloneNode();
			cloned.toElement().setTagName( "chordcreator" );
			aac.parentNode().appendChild( cloned );

	if( version < "0.4.0-20080409" )
		QStringList s;
		s << "note" << "pattern" << "bbtco" << "sampletco" << "time";
		for( QStringList::iterator it = s.begin(); it < s.end(); ++it )
			QDomNodeList list = elementsByTagName( *it );
			for( int i = 0; !list.item( i ).isNull(); ++i )
				QDomElement el = list.item( i ).toElement();
				el.setAttribute( "pos",
					el.attribute( "pos" ).toInt()*3 );
				el.setAttribute( "len",
					el.attribute( "len" ).toInt()*3 );
		QDomNodeList list = elementsByTagName( "timeline" );
		for( int i = 0; !list.item( i ).isNull(); ++i )
			QDomElement el = list.item( i ).toElement();
			el.setAttribute( "lp0pos",
				el.attribute( "lp0pos" ).toInt()*3 );
			el.setAttribute( "lp1pos",
				el.attribute( "lp1pos" ).toInt()*3 );

	if( version < "0.4.0-20080607" )
		QDomNodeList list;
		while( !( list = elementsByTagName( "midi" ) ).isEmpty() )
			QDomElement el = list.item( 0 ).toElement();
			el.setTagName( "midiport" );

	if( version < "0.4.0-20080622" )
		QDomNodeList list;
		while( !( list = elementsByTagName(
					"automation-pattern" ) ).isEmpty() )
			QDomElement el = list.item( 0 ).toElement();
			el.setTagName( "automationpattern" );

		list = elementsByTagName( "bbtrack" );
		for( int i = 0; !list.item( i ).isNull(); ++i )
			QDomElement el = list.item( i ).toElement();
			QString s = el.attribute( "name" );
			s.replace( QRegExp( "^Beat/Baseline " ),
							"Beat/Bassline " );
			el.setAttribute( "name", s );

	if( version < "0.4.0-beta1" )
		// convert binary effect-key-blobs to XML
		QDomNodeList list;
		list = elementsByTagName( "effect" );
		for( int i = 0; !list.item( i ).isNull(); ++i )
			QDomElement el = list.item( i ).toElement();
			QString k = el.attribute( "key" );
			if( !k.isEmpty() )
				const QList<QVariant> l =
					base64::decode( k, QVariant::List ).toList();
				if( !l.isEmpty() )
					QString name = l[0].toString();
					QVariant u = l[1];
					EffectKey::AttributeMap m;
					// VST-effect?
					if( u.type() == QVariant::String )
						m["file"] = u.toString();
					// LADSPA-effect?
					else if( u.type() == QVariant::StringList )
						const QStringList sl = u.toStringList();
						m["plugin"] = sl.value( 0 );
						m["file"] = sl.value( 1 );
					EffectKey key( NULL, name, m );
					el.appendChild( key.saveXML( *this ) );
	if( version < "0.4.0-rc2" )
		QDomNodeList list = elementsByTagName( "audiofileprocessor" );
		for( int i = 0; !list.item( i ).isNull(); ++i )
			QDomElement el = list.item( i ).toElement();
			QString s = el.attribute( "src" );
			s.replace( "drumsynth/misc ", "drumsynth/misc_" );
			s.replace( "drumsynth/r&b", "drumsynth/r_n_b" );
			s.replace( "drumsynth/r_b", "drumsynth/r_n_b" );
			el.setAttribute( "src", s );
		list = elementsByTagName( "lb302" );
		for( int i = 0; !list.item( i ).isNull(); ++i )
			QDomElement el = list.item( i ).toElement();
			int s = el.attribute( "shape" ).toInt();
			if( s >= 1 )
			el.setAttribute( "shape", QString("%1").arg(s) );


	// new default colour for B&B tracks
	QDomNodeList list = elementsByTagName( "bbtco" );
	for( int i = 0; !list.item( i ).isNull(); ++i )
		QDomElement el = list.item( i ).toElement();
		unsigned int rgb = el.attribute( "color" ).toUInt();
		if( rgb == qRgb( 64, 128, 255 ) )
			el.setAttribute( "color", bbTCO::defaultColor() );

	// Time-signature
	if ( !m_head.hasAttribute( "timesig_numerator" ) )
		m_head.setAttribute( "timesig_numerator", 4 );
		m_head.setAttribute( "timesig_denominator", 4 );

	if( !m_head.hasAttribute( "mastervol" ) )
		m_head.setAttribute( "mastervol", 100 );
//printf("%s\n", toString( 2 ).toUtf8().constData());
Esempio n. 30
QDomDocument getCapabilities( QgsServerInterface* serverIface, const QString& version,
                              const QgsServerRequest& request, bool projectSettings )
    QDomDocument doc;
    QDomElement wmsCapabilitiesElement;

    QgsWmsConfigParser* configParser = getConfigParser( serverIface );

    QgsServerRequest::Parameters parameters = request.parameters();

    // Get service URL
    QUrl href = serviceUrl( request, configParser );

    //href needs to be a prefix
    QString hrefString = href.toString( QUrl::FullyDecoded );
    hrefString.append( href.hasQuery() ? "&" : "?" );

    // XML declaration
    QDomProcessingInstruction xmlDeclaration = doc.createProcessingInstruction( QStringLiteral( "xml" ),
            QStringLiteral( "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"" ) );

    // Append format helper
    std::function < void ( QDomElement&, const QString& ) > appendFormat = [&doc]( QDomElement & elem, const QString & format )
        QDomElement formatElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Format" )/*wms:Format*/ );
        formatElem.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( format ) );
        elem.appendChild( formatElem );

    if ( version == QLatin1String( "1.1.1" ) )
        doc = QDomDocument( QStringLiteral( "WMT_MS_Capabilities SYSTEM ''" ) );  //WMS 1.1.1 needs DOCTYPE  "SYSTEM"
        doc.appendChild( xmlDeclaration );
        wmsCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "WMT_MS_Capabilities" )/*wms:WMS_Capabilities*/ );
    else // 1.3.0 as default
        doc.appendChild( xmlDeclaration );
        wmsCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "WMS_Capabilities" )/*wms:WMS_Capabilities*/ );
        wmsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns" ), QStringLiteral( "" ) );
        wmsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:sld" ), QStringLiteral( "" ) );
        wmsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:qgs" ), QStringLiteral( "" ) );
        wmsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:xsi" ), QStringLiteral( "" ) );
        QString schemaLocation = QStringLiteral( "" );
        schemaLocation += QLatin1String( "" );
        schemaLocation += QLatin1String( "" );
        schemaLocation += QLatin1String( "" );
        schemaLocation += QLatin1String( "" );
        if ( configParser && configParser->wmsInspireActivated() )
            wmsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:inspire_common" ), QStringLiteral( "" ) );
            wmsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:inspire_vs" ), QStringLiteral( "" ) );
            schemaLocation += QLatin1String( "" );
            schemaLocation += QLatin1String( "" );

        schemaLocation += " " + hrefString + "SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetSchemaExtension";
        wmsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xsi:schemaLocation" ), schemaLocation );
    wmsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "version" ), version );
    doc.appendChild( wmsCapabilitiesElement );

    configParser->serviceCapabilities( wmsCapabilitiesElement, doc );

    //wms:Capability element
    QDomElement capabilityElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Capability" )/*wms:Capability*/ );
    wmsCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( capabilityElement );
    //wms:Request element
    QDomElement requestElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Request" )/*wms:Request*/ );
    capabilityElement.appendChild( requestElement );

    QDomElement dcpTypeElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "DCPType" )/*wms:DCPType*/ );
    QDomElement httpElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "HTTP" )/*wms:HTTP*/ );
    dcpTypeElement.appendChild( httpElement );

    QDomElement elem;

    elem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GetCapabilities" )/*wms:GetCapabilities*/ );
    appendFormat( elem, ( version == QLatin1String( "1.1.1" ) ? "application/vnd.ogc.wms_xml" : "text/xml" ) );
    elem.appendChild( dcpTypeElement );
    requestElement.appendChild( elem );

    // SOAP platform
    //only give this information if it is not a WMS request to be in sync with the WMS capabilities schema
    // XXX Not even sure that cam be ever true
    if ( parameters.value( QStringLiteral( "SERVICE" ) ).compare( QLatin1String( "WMS" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) != 0 )
        QDomElement soapElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "SOAP" )/*wms:SOAP*/ );
        httpElement.appendChild( soapElement );
        QDomElement soapResourceElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "OnlineResource" )/*wms:OnlineResource*/ );
        soapResourceElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:xlink" ), QStringLiteral( "" ) );
        soapResourceElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xlink:type" ), QStringLiteral( "simple" ) );
        soapResourceElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xlink:href" ), hrefString );
        soapElement.appendChild( soapResourceElement );

    //only Get supported for the moment
    QDomElement getElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Get" )/*wms:Get*/ );
    httpElement.appendChild( getElement );
    QDomElement olResourceElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "OnlineResource" )/*wms:OnlineResource*/ );
    olResourceElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xmlns:xlink" ), QStringLiteral( "" ) );
    olResourceElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xlink:type" ), QStringLiteral( "simple" ) );
    olResourceElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "xlink:href" ), hrefString );
    getElement.appendChild( olResourceElement );

    elem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GetMap" )/*wms:GetMap*/ );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "image/jpeg" ) );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "image/png" ) );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "image/png; mode=16bit" ) );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "image/png; mode=8bit" ) );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "image/png; mode=1bit" ) );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "application/dxf" ) );
    elem.appendChild( dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement() ); //this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    requestElement.appendChild( elem );

    elem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GetFeatureInfo" ) );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "text/plain" ) );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "text/html" ) );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "text/xml" ) );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "application/vnd.ogc.gml" ) );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "application/vnd.ogc.gml/3.1.1" ) );
    elem.appendChild( dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement() ); //this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    requestElement.appendChild( elem );

    elem = doc.createElement(( version == QLatin1String( "1.1.1" ) ? "GetLegendGraphic" : "sld:GetLegendGraphic" )/*wms:GetLegendGraphic*/ );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "image/jpeg" ) );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "image/png" ) );
    elem.appendChild( dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement() ); // this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    requestElement.appendChild( elem );

    elem = doc.createElement(( version == QLatin1String( "1.1.1" ) ? "DescribeLayer" : "sld:DescribeLayer" )/*wms:GetLegendGraphic*/ );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "text/xml" ) );
    elem.appendChild( dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement() ); // this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    requestElement.appendChild( elem );

    elem = doc.createElement(( version == QLatin1String( "1.1.1" ) ? "GetStyles" : "qgs:GetStyles" )/*wms:GetStyles*/ );
    appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "text/xml" ) );
    elem.appendChild( dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement() ); //this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
    requestElement.appendChild( elem );

    if ( projectSettings ) //remove composer templates from GetCapabilities in the long term
        elem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "GetPrint" ) /*wms:GetPrint*/ );
        appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "svg" ) );
        appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "png" ) );
        appendFormat( elem, QStringLiteral( "pdf" ) );
        elem.appendChild( dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement() ); //this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
        requestElement.appendChild( elem );

    //Exception element is mandatory
    elem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Exception" ) );
    appendFormat( elem, ( version == QLatin1String( "1.1.1" ) ? "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml" : "XML" ) );
    capabilityElement.appendChild( elem );

    //UserDefinedSymbolization element
    if ( version == QLatin1String( "1.3.0" ) )
        elem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "sld:UserDefinedSymbolization" ) );
        elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "SupportSLD" ), QStringLiteral( "1" ) );
        elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "UserLayer" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) );
        elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "UserStyle" ), QStringLiteral( "1" ) );
        elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "RemoteWFS" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) );
        elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "InlineFeature" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) );
        elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "RemoteWCS" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) );
        capabilityElement.appendChild( elem );

        if ( configParser->wmsInspireActivated() )
            configParser->inspireCapabilities( capabilityElement, doc );

    if ( projectSettings )
        //Insert <ComposerTemplate> elements derived from wms:_ExtendedCapabilities
        configParser->printCapabilities( capabilityElement, doc );

        //WFS layers
        QStringList wfsLayers = configParser->wfsLayerNames();
        if ( !wfsLayers.isEmpty() )
            QDomElement wfsLayersElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "WFSLayers" ) );
            for ( auto wfsIt = wfsLayers.constBegin() ; wfsIt != wfsLayers.constEnd(); ++wfsIt )
                QDomElement wfsLayerElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "WFSLayer" ) );
                wfsLayerElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "name" ), *wfsIt );
                wfsLayersElem.appendChild( wfsLayerElem );
            capabilityElement.appendChild( wfsLayersElem );

    //add the xml content for the individual layers/styles
    configParser->layersAndStylesCapabilities( capabilityElement, doc, version, projectSettings );

    return doc;