StitcherView::StitcherView(QWidget * parent) :ImageView(parent) { imageViewPanel()->showSaveButton(true); setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing); /* QGraphicsLineItem * centerVerticalIndicator = new QGraphicsLineItem(0,-100000,0,100000); QGraphicsLineItem * centerHorizontalIndicator = new QGraphicsLineItem(-100000,0,100000,0); centerVerticalIndicator->setZValue(11); centerHorizontalIndicator->setZValue(11); graphicsScene->addItem(centerVerticalIndicator); graphicsScene->addItem(centerHorizontalIndicator); QPen pen = centerHorizontalIndicator->pen(); pen.setColor(Qt::white); pen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine); centerHorizontalIndicator->setPen(pen); centerVerticalIndicator->setPen(pen);*/ /* Solid background */ setBackgroundBrush(QColor("#26466D")); _showIdentifiers = true; setBackgroundDraggable(false); QGraphicsLineItem * centerVerticalIndicator = new QGraphicsLineItem(0,-100,0,100); QGraphicsLineItem * centerHorizontalIndicator = new QGraphicsLineItem(-100,0,100,0); centerVerticalIndicator->setZValue(11); centerHorizontalIndicator->setZValue(11); graphicsScene->addItem(centerVerticalIndicator); graphicsScene->addItem(centerHorizontalIndicator); QPen pen = centerHorizontalIndicator->pen(); pen.setColor(Qt::white); pen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine); centerHorizontalIndicator->setPen(pen); centerVerticalIndicator->setPen(pen); }
void StarView::drawState(HostItem *node) { delete node->stateItem(); QGraphicsLineItem *newItem = 0; unsigned int client = node->client(); QColor color = client ? hostColor(client) : Qt::green; if (node->isCompiling() || node->isActiveClient()) { newItem = new QGraphicsLineItem(qRound(node->centerPosX()), qRound(node->centerPosY()), qRound(m_schedulerItem->centerPosX()), qRound(m_schedulerItem->centerPosY())); if (node->isCompiling()) { newItem->setPen(QPen(color, 0)); newItem->setZValue(-301); } else if (node->isActiveClient()) { newItem->setPen(QPen(color, 1, Qt::DashLine)); newItem->setZValue(-300); } m_canvas->addItem(newItem); } node->setStateItem(newItem); }
void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_cylinder_pressure() { int i; int last_index = -1; int lift_pen = FALSE; int first_plot = TRUE; if (!get_cylinder_pressure_range(&gc)) return; QPointF from, to; for (i = 0; i <; i++) { int mbar; struct plot_data *entry = gc.pi.entry + i; mbar = GET_PRESSURE(entry); if (entry->cylinderindex != last_index) { lift_pen = TRUE; } if (!mbar) { lift_pen = TRUE; continue; } QColor c = get_sac_color(entry->sac, dive->sac); if (lift_pen) { if (!first_plot && entry->cylinderindex == last_index) { /* if we have a previous event from the same tank, * draw at least a short line */ int prev_pr; prev_pr = GET_PRESSURE(entry - 1); QGraphicsLineItem *item = new QGraphicsLineItem(SCALEGC((entry-1)->sec, prev_pr), SCALEGC(entry->sec, mbar)); QPen pen(defaultPen); pen.setColor(c); item->setPen(pen); scene()->addItem(item); } else { first_plot = FALSE; from = QPointF(SCALEGC(entry->sec, mbar)); } lift_pen = FALSE; } else { to = QPointF(SCALEGC(entry->sec, mbar)); QGraphicsLineItem *item = new QGraphicsLineItem(from.x(), from.y(), to.x(), to.y()); QPen pen(defaultPen); pen.setColor(c); item->setPen(pen); scene()->addItem(item); } from = QPointF(SCALEGC(entry->sec, mbar)); last_index = entry->cylinderindex; } }
void OGraphicsEllipseItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { DBG_p("OGraphicsEllipseItem::mouseReleaseEvent\n"); OGraphicsScene *s = dynamic_cast<OGraphicsScene *>(scene()); OASSET(s != NULL); QList<QGraphicsItem *> il = s->selectedItems(); // extractItemsByType(&il, ClassInfo::OConfNode); extractItemsByTypes(&il, ClassInfo::OConfNode, ClassInfo::OLogpoolNode); DBG_p("il.size()=%d\n", il.size()); if (il.size() == 2) { OAbstractNode *no1 = dynamic_cast<OAbstractNode*>(il[0]); OAbstractNode *no2 = dynamic_cast<OAbstractNode*>(il[1]); if (no1 == NULL || no2 == NULL) return; OGraphicsEllipseItem *el1 = no1->getSelectedPoint(); OGraphicsEllipseItem *el2 = no2->getSelectedPoint(); if (OAbstractNode::connect(no1, el1, no2, el2)) { QPointF e_size = QPointF(ELLIPSE_SIZE / 2, ELLIPSE_SIZE / 2); QLineF lf(el1->getAbsolutePos() + e_size, el2->getAbsolutePos() + e_size); QGraphicsLineItem *gli = new QGraphicsLineItem(lf); // gli->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable); el1->setLine(gli); el2->setLine(gli); QPen p; p.setColor(ELLIPSE_DEFAULT_COLOR); p.setCapStyle(Qt::RoundCap); p.setWidth(5); gli->setPen(p); s->addItem(gli); } el1->unselect(); el2->unselect(); s->clearSelection(); } }
void Wall::ShowStructure(QGraphicsScene *c) { Vector offset = Cell::Offset(); double factor = Cell::Factor(); Vector startpoint ( ((offset.x+n1->x)*factor),((offset.y+n1->y)*factor)), endpoint (((offset.x+n2->x)*factor),((offset.y+n2->y)*factor)); Vector linevec = endpoint - startpoint; Vector midline = startpoint + linevec/2.; Vector perpvec = linevec.Normalised().Perp2D(); Vector textpos1 = midline + 100 * perpvec; Vector textpos2 = midline - 100 * perpvec; QGraphicsLineItem *line = new QGraphicsLineItem(0,c); line->setPen( QPen(QColor(par.arrowcolor),2) ); line->setLine(startpoint.x, startpoint.y, endpoint.x, endpoint.y ); line->setZValue(10); line->show(); QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *text1 = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem( QString("%1").arg(c2->Index()),0,c); QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *text2 = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem( QString("%1").arg(c1->Index()),0,c); text1 -> setPos( textpos1.x, textpos1.y ); text2 -> setPos( textpos2.x, textpos2.y ); text1->setZValue(20); text2->setZValue(20); text1->setFont( QFont( "Helvetica", par.nodenumsize, QFont::Bold) ); text2->setFont( QFont( "Helvetica", par.nodenumsize, QFont::Bold) ); text1->setPen ( QColor(par.textcolor) ); text2->setPen ( text1->pen() ); text1->show(); text2->show(); }
void Axis::buildAxis() { m_color.setCosmetic(true); const int nbValues = (m_max - m_min) / m_interval + 1; m_layer = new QGraphicsItemGroup(); for(int i = 0; i < nbValues; ++i) { QGraphicsLineItem* tick = new QGraphicsLineItem(0, 0, 0, 0); tick->setCacheMode( QGraphicsItem::DeviceCoordinateCache ); tick->setPen( m_color ); m_ticks.push_back( tick ); m_layer->addToGroup( tick ); } m_line = new QGraphicsLineItem(); m_line->setCacheMode( QGraphicsItem::DeviceCoordinateCache ); m_line->setPen( m_color ); if( m_showLine ) { m_layer->addToGroup( m_line ); } // Adjust the layer's position and zValue depending on the associated axis m_layer->setPos( m_xAxis->getOrigin(), m_yAxis->getOrigin() ); m_layer->setZValue( m_zValue ); // Add to the scene the unique item which gather the whole set of rectangle graphic items: this->getScene2DRender()->getScene()->addItem( m_layer ); }
void PlayArea::init() { setLayout(QString("res/layout.xml")); QPen p(QColor(255, 255, 255, 255)); QBrush b(QColor(0, 120, 80, 155)); field = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 1280, 720); scene->addItem(field); field->setBrush(b); field->setPen(p); QGraphicsLineItem* line = new QGraphicsLineItem(320, 0, 320, 720, field); line->setPen(p); Card testCard = DatabaseAccessor::getCardById(1); scale = (((float) getPlayerStack("LrigZone")->getHeight()) / ((float) testCard.getPixmap()->height())); qDebug() << getPlayerStack("LrigZone")->getHeight() << scale << testCard.getPixmap()->height(); QString pstack; QString ostack; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { pstack = PlayArea::stackNames[i]; ostack = PlayArea::stackNames[11 - i]; testCard = DatabaseAccessor::getCardById((qrand() % 760) + 1); InPlayCard c(testCard); Stack* zone = getPlayerStack(pstack); zone->getVector()->push_back(c); repaint(zone); InPlayCard c2(testCard); c2.faceDown(); c2.setRotated(true); zone = getOpponentStack(ostack); zone->getVector()->push_back(c2); repaint(zone); } }
void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_temperature_profile() { int last = 0; if (!setup_temperature_limits(&gc)) return; QPointF from; QPointF to; QColor color = getColor(TEMP_PLOT); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { struct plot_data *entry = gc.pi.entry + i; int mkelvin = entry->temperature; int sec = entry->sec; if (!mkelvin) { if (!last) continue; mkelvin = last; } if (last) { to = QPointF(SCALEGC(sec, mkelvin)); QGraphicsLineItem *item = new QGraphicsLineItem(from.x(), from.y(), to.x(), to.y()); QPen pen(defaultPen); pen.setColor(color); item->setPen(pen); scene()->addItem(item); from = to; } else { from = QPointF(SCALEGC(sec, mkelvin)); } last = mkelvin; } }
void MelodyNoteGlyphItem::setLedgerLinesItems(int count) { if (m_ledgerLines.count() == count) return; if (m_ledgerLines.count() < count) { QPen linePen = ledgerLinePen(); while (m_ledgerLines.count() < count) { QGraphicsLineItem *newLedgerLine = new QGraphicsLineItem(this); newLedgerLine->setPen(linePen); newLedgerLine->setVisible(false); m_ledgerLines.append(newLedgerLine); } } if (m_ledgerLines.count() > count) { while (m_ledgerLines.count() > count) { QGraphicsLineItem *ledgerLine = m_ledgerLines.takeLast(); if (ledgerLine != 0) { ledgerLine->setParentItem(0); delete ledgerLine; } } } }
void GraphicsScene::drawEdge(QPointF &lastPos, QPointF &pos, QPoint &ids) { QGraphicsLineItem *edge = new QGraphicsLineItem(lastPos.x() + (cidadeWidth / 2.0),lastPos.y() + (cidadeHeigth / 2.0), pos.x() + (cidadeWidth / 2.0),pos.y() + (cidadeHeigth / 2.0)); edge->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin)); edge->setData(1, 3); edge->setData(2, ids); this->addItem(edge); }
void Main::addLine() { QGraphicsLineItem* i = canvas.addLine(QLineF( qrand()%int(canvas.width()), qrand()%int(canvas.height()), qrand()%int(canvas.width()), qrand()%int(canvas.height()) )); i->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable); i->setPen( QPen(QColor(qrand()%32*8,qrand()%32*8,qrand()%32*8), 6) ); i->setZValue(qrand()%256); }
QGraphicsItemGroup* Document::grid() { QGraphicsItemGroup *group = new QGraphicsItemGroup(); group->setZValue(-1.0); QPen gridPen(QBrush(QColor("#DDDDDD")), 0.0); QPen gridPenDec(QBrush(QColor("#AAAAAA")), 0.0); QPen *activePen; double margin; for (int i = 0; i < size_.height() + 1; ++i) { if (i % 10 == 0) { margin = 10.0; activePen = &gridPenDec; } else { margin = 5.0; activePen = &gridPen; } QGraphicsLineItem *line = new QGraphicsLineItem(-margin, 10.0 * i, 10.0 * size_.width() + margin, 10.0 * i, group); line->setPen(*activePen); } for (int i = 0; i < size_.width() + 1; ++i) { if (i % 10 == 0) { margin = 10.0; activePen = &gridPenDec; } else { margin = 5.0; activePen = &gridPen; } QGraphicsLineItem *line = new QGraphicsLineItem(10.0 * i, -margin, 10.0 * i, 10.0 * size_.height() + margin, group); line->setPen(*activePen); } return group; }
void subObservationVisualiserBase::constructStandardLines(const observation& subObs) { assert(standardLinesItem); const vertexState* state = subObs.getState(); const context::inputGraph& graph = contextObj.getGraph(); const std::vector<context::vertexPosition>& vertexPositions = contextObj.getVertexPositions(); QPen blackPen(QColor("black")); blackPen.setWidthF(pointSize/10); QPen redPen(QColor("red")); redPen.setWidthF(pointSize/10); QVector<qreal> dashPattern; dashPattern.push_back(8); dashPattern.push_back(8); QPen dashedBlackPen(QColor("black")); dashedBlackPen.setDashPattern(dashPattern); QPen dashedRedPen(QColor("red")); dashedRedPen.setDashPattern(dashPattern); context::inputGraph::edge_iterator start, end; boost::tie(start, end) = boost::edges(graph); while(start != end) { context::vertexPosition sourcePosition = vertexPositions[start->m_source], targetPosition = vertexPositions[start->m_target]; QGraphicsLineItem* newItem = new QGraphicsLineItem(sourcePosition.first, sourcePosition.second, targetPosition.first, targetPosition.second, standardLinesItem); if(state[start->m_source].state == FIXED_ON && state[start->m_target].state == FIXED_ON) { newItem->setPen(blackPen); } else if(state[start->m_source].state == FIXED_OFF || state[start->m_target].state == FIXED_OFF) { newItem->setPen(dashedBlackPen); } else { newItem->setPen(redPen); } start++; } }
void TileScene::ToggleGrid(bool show) { if(show == false) { gridLines->hide(); return; } if(gridLines) { delete gridLines; gridLines = new QGraphicsItemGroup; } QPen pen(Qt::DashLine); pen.setColor(QColor(Qt::gray)); QGraphicsLineItem *tempLine; int tileW = tileController->GetTileWidth(); int tileH = tileController->GetTileHeight(); int mapH = tileController->GetCurrentLayerHeight(); int mapW = tileController->GetCurrentLayerWidth(); //loop for the height of the map, draw horizontal lines for(int i = 1; i < mapH; i++) { tempLine = new QGraphicsLineItem(0, (i * tileH), (mapW * tileW), (i * tileH)); tempLine->setPen(pen); gridLines->addToGroup(tempLine); } //loop for the width of the map, draw vertical lines for(int j = 1; j < mapW; j++) { tempLine = new QGraphicsLineItem((j * tileW), 0, (j * tileW), (mapH * tileH)); tempLine->setPen(pen); gridLines->addToGroup(tempLine); } addItem(gridLines); gridLines->setZValue(99); gridLines->show(); }
void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_add_line(int sec, double val, QColor c, QPointF &from) { QPointF to = QPointF(SCALEGC(sec, val)); QGraphicsLineItem *item = new QGraphicsLineItem(from.x(), from.y(), to.x(), to.y()); QPen pen(defaultPen); pen.setColor(c); item->setPen(pen); scene()->addItem(item); from = to; }
void GameBoardScene::drawLine(int index, const QColor &colour) { QGraphicsLineItem* line = new QGraphicsLineItem(lineFromIndex(index)); line->setZValue(10); line->setPen(QPen(QBrush(colour), 2.5)); addItem(line); //draw new line lineList[index] = true; //keep this table in sync indicatorLine->hide(); update(line->boundingRect()); }
void main_menu:: set_line(double a, double b, double c, double d) { a = m_gscene->width() / 2 - a; b = m_gscene->height() / 2 - b; c = m_gscene->width() / 2 - c; d = m_gscene->height() / 2 - d; QGraphicsLineItem* l = new QGraphicsLineItem(a, b, c, d); l->setPen(QPen(QColor(m_style->get_button_def_color()))); m_ggroup->addToGroup(l); }
SEXP qt_qgraphicsLineItem(SEXP x1, SEXP y1, SEXP x2, SEXP y2, SEXP pars) { double px1 = asReal(x1), py1 = asReal(y1), px2 = asReal(x2), py2 = asReal(y2); QGraphicsLineItem *item = new QGraphicsLineItem(px1, py1, px2, py2, 0); item->setPen(asQPen(pars)); return wrapQGraphicsItem(item); }
void HistogramView::draw( QSize sz ) { QGraphicsScene *sc = scene(); assert(sc); m_xRatio = 1.0 * ( sz.width() - 4*m_Border ) / ( m_maxX - m_minX ); m_yRatio = 1.0 * ( sz.height() - 2*m_Border ) / ( m_maxY - m_minY ); // eleimino la vecchia scena if (m_histogramItems != NULL) { sc->removeItem(m_histogramItems); delete m_histogramItems; m_histogramItems = NULL; } m_histogramItems = new QGraphicsItemGroup; // inizio i disegni addAxis( sz ); //texts on axes //addText( m_minY, QPointF( 0, PosY(m_minY,sz) ) ); //addText( m_maxY, QPointF( 0, PosY(m_maxY,sz) ) ); addGridLine( 0, H, sz ); int nlines = 5; for (int i=0; i<nlines; i++) addGridLine( AutoRound( m_minY + (m_maxY-m_minY)*i/nlines ), H, sz ); //vertical line histogram from zero const float y2 = PosY (0, sz); for (auto ih: m_histo) { const float x1 = PosX (ih.first); const float y1 = PosY (ih.second, sz); if (y1 != 0) { QGraphicsLineItem *pt = new QGraphicsLineItem( QLineF(x1, y2, x1, y1) ); pt->setPen(m_measurePen); m_histogramItems->addToGroup(pt); } } sc->addItem(m_histogramItems); //update scene rectangle. QRectF rectSc = m_histogramItems->boundingRect(); scene()->setSceneRect(rectSc); setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, true); //assert(scene()->sceneRect() == sceneRect()); }
void ItemConnection::CreateConnection() { // create lines to draw connections QPen pen(Qt::red, 2, Qt::SolidLine); QGraphicsLineItem* line; for (int i = 0; i < 4 ; ++i) { line = new QGraphicsLineItem(this, scene()); line->setPen(pen); line->setZValue(1.0); mChildrens.push_back(line); } }
void TextFormulaNode::RenderCaret(const int pos, const int anchor) { QRectF r = GetDocumentPosBounds(pos); QGraphicsItemGroup* g = wnd->caret->caretShape; qDeleteAll(g->childItems()); g->childItems().clear(); QGraphicsLineItem* i = new QGraphicsLineItem(r.left(),, r.left(), r.bottom(), g); i->setPen(QPen("red")); g->addToGroup(i); }
void Canvas::setSceneRect(qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h) { currentScene->setSceneRect(x, y, w, h); qreal borderWidth = 0.5; QPen borderPen(QBrush(Qt::black), borderWidth); borderPen.setCapStyle(Qt::SquareCap); borderPen.setJoinStyle(Qt::MiterJoin); qreal shadowWidth = 5; QPen shadowPen(QBrush(Qt::lightGray), shadowWidth); shadowPen.setCapStyle(Qt::SquareCap); shadowPen.setJoinStyle(Qt::MiterJoin); QGraphicsItemGroup * group = new QGraphicsItemGroup; QGraphicsLineItem * shadowRight = new QGraphicsLineItem(x + w + (shadowWidth - borderWidth) / 2, y + shadowWidth, x + w + (shadowWidth - borderWidth) / 2, y + h + shadowWidth / 2); shadowRight->setPen(shadowPen); QGraphicsLineItem * shadowBottom = new QGraphicsLineItem(x + shadowWidth, y + h + (shadowWidth - borderWidth) / 2, x + w + shadowWidth / 2, y + h + (shadowWidth - borderWidth) / 2); shadowBottom->setPen(shadowPen); QGraphicsRectItem * rect = new QGraphicsRectItem(x, y, w, h); rect->setPen(borderPen); group->addToGroup(shadowRight); group->addToGroup(shadowBottom); group->addToGroup(rect); currentScene->addItem(group); }
void NetworkGraphics::updateSelection(QList<NetNode*> nodes){ QList<GraphicNetCloud*> selectedClouds = getClouds(nodes); QList<GraphicNetCloud*> allClouds = cloudMap.values(); for(int i=0; i<allClouds.size(); i++){ GraphicNetCloud* cloud = allClouds[i]; if(selectedClouds.size() == 0){ cloud->setOpacity(1.0); } else{ if(selectedClouds.contains(cloud)){ cloud->setOpacity(1.0); } else{ cloud->setOpacity(0.3); } } } QPen linkPen = QPen(); linkPen.setColor(Qt::gray); linkPen.setWidth(2); QList<QGraphicsLineItem*> links = linkMap.values(); for(int i=0; i<links.size(); i++){ if(links[i] != NULL){ links[i]->setPen(linkPen); } } if(selectedClouds.size() > 0){ QPen linkPen = QPen(); linkPen.setColor(Qt::yellow); linkPen.setWidth(4); for(int i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++){ QList<NetLink*> links = nodes[i]->getLinks(); for(int j=0; j<links.size(); j++){ QGraphicsLineItem* line = linkMap[links[j]]; if(line != NULL){ line->setPen(linkPen); } } } } }
void StitcherView::drawConstraintFit(geometrically_constrained_system *gc){ for(int i = 0;i<gc->n_constraints;i++){ GeometryConstraintType type = gc->constraints[i].type; double fit = gc->constraints[i].best_fit; if(type == RadialLineConstraint){ qreal x1,x2,y1,y2; qreal scale = 10000; x1 = cos(fit)*scale; y1 = sin(fit)*scale; x2 = -x1; y2 = -y1; QGraphicsLineItem * item = new QGraphicsLineItem(x1,y1,x2,y2); QPen p = item->pen(); p.setStyle(Qt::DashLine); QVector<qreal> dashes; dashes << 25 << 15; p.setDashPattern(dashes); p.setColor(Qt::white); item->setPen(p); item->setZValue(10000); scene()->addItem(item); constraintFit.append(item); }else if(type == CircleConstraint){ double radius = fit; QGraphicsEllipseItem * item = new QGraphicsEllipseItem(-radius,-radius,2*radius,2*radius); QPen p = item->pen(); p.setStyle(Qt::DashLine); QVector<qreal> dashes; dashes << 25 << 15; p.setDashPattern(dashes); p.setColor(Qt::white); item->setPen(p); item->setZValue(10000); scene()->addItem(item); constraintFit.append(item); } sp_vector ** cp_g = control_point_list_to_global(gc->constraints[i].points,gc->constraints[i].n_points); QColor color = QColor::fromHsvF(1.0/3+(double)i/gc->n_constraints,1,1,1); for(int j = 0;j<gc->constraints[i].n_points;j++){ QGraphicsEllipseItem * point = new QGraphicsEllipseItem(-4,-4,8,8); point->setZValue(10001); point->setPos(sp_vector_get(cp_g[j],0),sp_vector_get(cp_g[j],1)); point->setPen(QPen(color, 2)); point->setFlags(point->flags() | QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations); scene()->addItem(point); constraintFit.append(point); } } }
QGraphicsLineItem * Plugin::lineItem(const QStringList &tokList) { QStringList tmpList; int tokIdx; tokIdx = tokList.indexOf(QRegExp("x1=" REGEXP_FLOAT)); // error, regexp not found if (tokIdx == -1) { setErrorCmdStr("x1", "line", "0-9[.0-9]"); return 0; } tmpList ='='); qreal x1 =; tokIdx = tokList.indexOf(QRegExp("y1=" REGEXP_FLOAT)); // error, regexp not found if (tokIdx == -1) { setErrorCmdStr("y1", "line", "0-9[.0-9]"); return 0; } tmpList ='='); qreal y1 =; tokIdx = tokList.indexOf(QRegExp("x2=" REGEXP_FLOAT)); // error, regexp not found if (tokIdx == -1) { setErrorCmdStr("x2", "line", "0-9[.0-9]"); return 0; } tmpList ='='); qreal x2 =; tokIdx = tokList.indexOf(QRegExp("y2=" REGEXP_FLOAT)); // error, regexp not found if (tokIdx == -1) { setErrorCmdStr("y2", "line", "0-9[.0-9]"); return 0; } tmpList ='='); qreal y2 =; QGraphicsLineItem *lineItem = new QGraphicsLineItem(x1, y1, x2, y2); lineItem->setPen(m_curPen); return lineItem; }
// Plugin Interface void dmz::QtPluginGraph::update_plugin_state ( const PluginStateEnum State, const UInt32 Level) { if (State == PluginStateInit) { QColor white (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); QPen pen (white); QGraphicsLineItem *spacer = new QGraphicsLineItem (0.0f, 0.0f, -40.0f, 0.0f); spacer->setPen (pen); spacer->setZValue (-1.0f); _scene->addItem (spacer); spacer = new QGraphicsLineItem (0.0f, -_barHeight, 0.0f, -(_barHeight + 20.0f)); spacer->setPen (pen); spacer->setZValue (-1.0f); _scene->addItem (spacer); _xAxis = new QGraphicsLineItem (0.0f, 0.0f, _barWidth + _spaceWidth, 0.0f); _xAxis->setZValue (1.0); _scene->addItem (_xAxis); _yAxis = new QGraphicsLineItem (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -_barHeight); _yAxis->setZValue (1.0); _scene->addItem (_yAxis); } else if (State == PluginStateStart) { } else if (State == PluginStateStop) { } else if (State == PluginStateShutdown) { } }
QGraphicsLineItem *GalaGV::makeLineItem(const QString &cords1, const QString &cords2, QColor color) { QStringList cord1 = cords1.split('/'); qreal x1 =; qreal z1 = -1*; QStringList cord2 = cords2.split('/'); qreal x2 =; qreal z2 = -1*; QGraphicsLineItem *item = new QGraphicsLineItem(QLineF(x1,z1,x2,z2)); item->setPen(QPen(color)); return item; }
void GraphicsScene::createLine(Ball *b) { QLine line( b->getStartPoint()->x(), b->getStartPoint()->y(), b->getEndPoint()->x(), b->getEndPoint()->y() ); QPen pen( b->pen().brush(), 3, Qt::SolidLine); QGraphicsLineItem* lineItem = new QGraphicsLineItem( line ); lineItem->setPen( pen ); lineItemCollection.insert( lineItem ); addItem( lineItem ); }
ParticipantInfoDialog::ParticipantInfoDialog(Participant* participant, QWidget* parent, bool showRemove) : PopupDialog( parent ), m_participant(participant) { setMinimumWidth(400); setMinimumHeight(160); this->setSizeGripEnabled(false); QGraphicsPixmapItem* image = new QGraphicsPixmapItem( participant->pixmap().scaled(80, 80, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation), widget() ); image->setPos( 8, 8 ); QGraphicsLineItem* line = new QGraphicsLineItem( widget() ); line->setPen( QPen( QColor( 100, 100, 100 ) ) ); line->setLine( 8, 110, width() - 2 * 8, 110 ); int buttonRight = width() - 10; QPushButton* button = new QPushButton(); button->setText(tr("New Wave")); QGraphicsProxyWidget* item = scene()->addWidget(button); item->setParentItem( widget() ); item->setPos( buttonRight - item->preferredWidth(), height() - 10 - item->preferredHeight() ); buttonRight -= item->preferredWidth() + 10; //Adds remove button if parent is a waveview if (showRemove) { QPushButton* removeFromWaveButton = new QPushButton(); removeFromWaveButton->setText(tr("Remove")); QGraphicsProxyWidget* removeItem = scene()->addWidget(removeFromWaveButton); removeItem->setParentItem( widget() ); removeItem->setPos( buttonRight - removeItem->preferredWidth(), height() - 10 - removeItem->preferredHeight() ); buttonRight -= removeItem->preferredWidth() + 10; connect( removeFromWaveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(removeParticipant())); } QPushButton* button2 = new QPushButton(); button2->setText(tr("Close")); QGraphicsProxyWidget* item2 = scene()->addWidget(button2); item2->setParentItem( widget() ); item2->setPos( buttonRight - item2->preferredWidth(), height() - 10 - item2->preferredHeight() ); QGraphicsTextItem* text = new QGraphicsTextItem( participant->name(), widget() ); text->setPos( 110, 10 ); text->setFont( QFont( "Arial", 18, QFont::Bold ) ); text = new QGraphicsTextItem( tr("Address") + ": " + participant->address(), widget() ); text->setPos( 110, 50 ); text->setFont( QFont( "Arial", 11 ) ); connect( button, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(newWave())); connect( button2, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(close())); }
GanttMachine::GanttMachine(const QString &id, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsItem(parent), m_id(id), m_cMax(0) { QGraphicsTextItem* text = new QGraphicsTextItem(m_id, this); text->setPos(0, GanttChart::machineHeight/2); text->setFont(QFont("Arial", 12, QFont::Normal, false)); QGraphicsLineItem* line = new QGraphicsLineItem(GanttChart::machineHorizontalOffset, 0, GanttChart::machineHorizontalOffset, GanttChart::machineHeight, this); QPen pen(Qt::black, 2, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin); line->setPen(pen); m_arrow = new Arrow(this); m_arrow->setPen(pen); }