Authenticate::Authenticate(std::map<std::string, std::string> config, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { QSettings settings; authorized = settings.value("authorized").toStringList(); QJSEngine engine; QJSValue eventEngineValue = engine.newQObject(this); engine.globalObject().setProperty("auth", eventEngineValue); QString str = config["authSettings"].c_str(); QFile file(str); if(! { qDebug()<<"failed to open config file: "<<str; return; } QString script = file.readAll(); file.close(); engine.evaluate(script); }
void QJSWorkerThread::run() { qDebug() << "1 Locker is now" << v8::Locker::IsActive(); v8::Locker locker(mIsolate); qDebug() << "2 Locker is now" << v8::Locker::IsActive(); mIsolate->Enter(); v8::Persistent<v8::Context> context = v8::Context::New(); qDebug() << "Locker is:" << v8::Locker::IsActive(); QJSValue workerModule = mEngine->newQObject(mModule); context->Enter(); /* The handle scope's destructor must run before the isolation is exited. */ { v8::HandleScope handleScope; v8::Handle<v8::Value> value = *QJSValuePrivate::get(mFunction); v8::Local<v8::Function> function(v8::Function::Cast(*value)); v8::Handle<v8::Value> arg = *QJSValuePrivate::get(workerModule); v8::Handle<v8::Object> object = *QJSValuePrivate::get(mFunction); function->Call(object, 1, &arg); if (mEngine->hasUncaughtException()) { qDebug() << "Uncaught Exception for Worker: " << mEngine->uncaughtException().toString(); } qDebug() << handleScope.NumberOfHandles(); } context->Exit(); mIsolate->Exit(); }
void JsonDatabase::onQueryFinished() { QJsonDbReadRequest *request = qobject_cast<QJsonDbReadRequest *>(sender()); if (listCallbacks.contains(request)) { QJSValue callback = listCallbacks[request]; QJSEngine *engine = callback.engine(); QJSValueList args; args << QJSValue(QJSValue::UndefinedValue); QList<QJsonObject> objects = request->takeResults(); int count = objects.count(); if (count) { QJSValue response = engine->newArray(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { QString partitionName = objects[i].value(QStringLiteral("name")).toString(); response.setProperty(i, engine->newQObject(partition(partitionName))); } args << response; } else { args << engine->newArray(); }; listCallbacks.remove(request); } }