bool QLCChannel::loadXML(const QDomElement& root) { if (root.tagName() != KXMLQLCChannel) { qWarning() << "Channel node not found."; return false; } /* Get channel name */ QString str = root.attribute(KXMLQLCChannelName); if (str.isEmpty() == true) return false; setName(str); /* Subtags */ QDomNode node = root.firstChild(); while (node.isNull() == false) { QDomElement tag = node.toElement(); if (tag.tagName() == KXMLQLCCapability) { /* Create a new capability and attempt to load it */ QLCCapability* cap = new QLCCapability(); if (cap->loadXML(tag) == true) { /* Loading succeeded */ if (addCapability(cap) == false) { /* Value overlaps with existing value */ delete cap; } } else { /* Loading failed */ delete cap; } } else if (tag.tagName() == KXMLQLCChannelGroup) { str = tag.attribute(KXMLQLCChannelGroupByte); setControlByte(ControlByte(str.toInt())); setGroup(stringToGroup(tag.text())); } else if (tag.tagName() == KXMLQLCChannelColour) { setColour(stringToColour(tag.text())); } else { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Unknown Channel tag: " << tag.tagName(); } node = node.nextSibling(); } return true; }
void QLCCapability_Test::loadNoMax() { QDomDocument doc; QDomElement root = doc.createElement("Capability"); doc.appendChild(root); root.setAttribute("Min", 13); QDomText name = doc.createTextNode("Test1"); root.appendChild(name); QLCCapability cap; QVERIFY(cap.loadXML(root) == false); QVERIFY(; QVERIFY(cap.min() == 0); QVERIFY(cap.max() == UCHAR_MAX); }
void QLCCapability_Test::load() { QDomDocument doc; QDomElement root = doc.createElement("Capability"); doc.appendChild(root); root.setAttribute("Min", 13); root.setAttribute("Max", 19); QDomText name = doc.createTextNode("Test1"); root.appendChild(name); QLCCapability cap; QVERIFY(cap.loadXML(root) == true); QVERIFY( == "Test1"); QVERIFY(cap.min() == 13); QVERIFY(cap.max() == 19); }
bool QLCChannel::loadXML(const QDomElement* root) { QDomNode node; QDomElement tag; QString str; Q_ASSERT(root != NULL); if (root->tagName() != KXMLQLCChannel) { qWarning() << "Channel node not found."; return false; } /* Get channel name */ str = root->attribute(KXMLQLCChannelName); if (str == QString::null) return false; else setName(str); /* Subtags */ node = root->firstChild(); while (node.isNull() == false) { tag = node.toElement(); if (tag.tagName() == KXMLQLCCapability) { /* Create a new capability and attempt to load it */ QLCCapability* cap = new QLCCapability(); if (cap->loadXML(&tag) == true) { /* Loading succeeded */ if (addCapability(cap) == false) { /* Value overlaps with existing value */ delete cap; } } else { /* Loading failed */ delete cap; } } else if (tag.tagName() == KXMLQLCChannelGroup) { str = tag.attribute(KXMLQLCChannelGroupByte); setControlByte(str.toInt()); setGroup(tag.text()); } else { qDebug() << "Unknown Channel tag: " << tag.tagName(); } node = node.nextSibling(); } return true; }