bool ListBoxDnd::dropEvent( QDropEvent * event ) { if ( dragInside ) { if ( dMode & NullDrop ) { // combined with Move, a NullDrop will delete an item event->accept(); emit dropped( 0 ); // a NullDrop return TRUE; } QPoint pos = event->pos(); QListBoxItem * after = itemAt( pos ); if ( ListBoxItemDrag::decode( event, (QListBox *) src, after ) ) { event->accept(); QListBox * src = (QListBox *) this->src; QListBoxItem * item = ( after ? after->next() : src->firstItem() ); src->setCurrentItem( item ); emit dropped( item ); // ###FIX: Supports only one item! } } line->hide(); dragInside = FALSE; return TRUE; }
//===================================== // XKeyboard get index of item text //------------------------------------- int XKeyboard::getItem ( QComboBox* widget, const QString& item ) { QListBox* list = widget -> listBox(); for (int i=0;i<widget->count();i++) { if (list->item(i)->text() == item ) { return (i); } } return (0); }
void ListBoxDnd::updateLine( const QPoint & dragPos ) { QListBox * src = (QListBox *) this->src; QListBoxItem *item = itemAt( dragPos ); int ypos = item ? ( src->itemRect( item ).bottom() - ( line->height() / 2 ) ) : ( src->itemRect( ((QListBox *)src)->firstItem() ).top() ); line->resize( src->viewport()->width(), line->height() ); line->move( 0, ypos ); }
void KActionSelector::moveItem(QListBoxItem *item) { QListBox *lbFrom = item->listBox(); QListBox *lbTo; if(lbFrom == d->availableListBox) lbTo = d->selectedListBox; else if(lbFrom == d->selectedListBox) lbTo = d->availableListBox; else //?! somewhat unlikely... return; InsertionPolicy p = (lbTo == d->availableListBox) ? d->availableInsertionPolicy : d->selectedInsertionPolicy; lbFrom->takeItem(item); lbTo->insertItem(item, insertionIndex(lbTo, p)); lbTo->setFocus(); lbTo->setCurrentItem(item); if(p == Sorted) lbTo->sort(); if(lbTo == d->selectedListBox) emit added(item); else emit removed(item); }
void TabDialog::setupTab3() { QVBox *tab3 = new QVBox( this ); tab3->setMargin( 5 ); tab3->setSpacing( 5 ); (void)new QLabel( QString( "Open %1 with:" ).arg( filename ), tab3 ); QListBox *prgs = new QListBox( tab3 ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 30; i++ ) { QString prg = QString( "Application %1" ).arg( i ); prgs->insertItem( prg ); } prgs->setCurrentItem( 3 ); (void)new QCheckBox( QString( "Open files with the extension '%1' always with this application" ).arg( fileinfo.extension() ), tab3 ); addTab( tab3, "Applications" ); }
bool KActionSelector::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) { if(d->keyboardEnabled && e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { if((((QKeyEvent *)e)->state() & Qt::ControlButton)) { switch(((QKeyEvent *)e)->key()) { case Key_Right: buttonAddClicked(); break; case Key_Left: buttonRemoveClicked(); break; case Key_Up: buttonUpClicked(); break; case Key_Down: buttonDownClicked(); break; default: return QWidget::eventFilter(o, e); break; } return true; } else if(o->inherits("QListBox")) { switch(((QKeyEvent *)e)->key()) { case Key_Return: case Key_Enter: QListBox *lb = (QListBox *)o; int index = lb->currentItem(); if(index < 0) break; moveItem(lb->item(index)); return true; } } } return QWidget::eventFilter(o, e); }
QListBoxItem * ListBoxDnd::itemAt( QPoint pos ) { QListBox * src = (QListBox *) this->src; QListBoxItem * result = src->itemAt( pos ); QListBoxItem * last = src->item( src->count() - 1 ); int i = src->index( result ); if ( result && ( pos.y() < (src->itemRect(result).top() + src->itemHeight(i)/2) ) ) result = result->prev(); else if ( !result && pos.y() > src->itemRect( last ).bottom() ) result = last; return result; }
void MidiManagerView::updateLists() { vector<MidiClientInfo> *clients = manager.clients(); vector<MidiClientInfo>::iterator i; // keep selection over updating MidiManagerItem *src = (MidiManagerItem *)widget->inputsListBox->item(widget->inputsListBox->currentItem()); MidiManagerItem *dest = (MidiManagerItem *)widget->outputsListBox->item(widget->outputsListBox->currentItem()); long srcID = src?src->info.ID:0; long destID = dest?dest->info.ID:0; // clear everything, and rebuild itemMap.clear(); widget->inputsListBox->clear(); widget->outputsListBox->clear(); for(i = clients->begin(); i != clients->end(); i++) { QListBox *box; if(i->direction == mcdPlay) box = widget->inputsListBox; else box = widget->outputsListBox; MidiManagerItem *item = new MidiManagerItem(*i); itemMap[item->info.ID] = item; box->insertItem(item); } delete clients; // restore selection if(srcID && itemMap[srcID]) widget->inputsListBox->setSelected(itemMap[srcID],true); if(destID && itemMap[destID]) widget->outputsListBox->setSelected(itemMap[destID],true); connectionWidget->repaint(); }
bool KateFileSelector::eventFilter( QObject* o, QEvent *e ) { /* This is rather unfortunate, but: QComboBox does not support setting the size of the listbox to something reasonable. Even using listbox->setVariableWidth() does not yield a satisfying result, something is wrong with the handling of the sizehint. And the popup is rather useless, if the paths are only partly visible. */ QListBox *lb = cmbPath->listBox(); if ( o == lb && e->type() == QEvent::Show ) { int add = lb->height() < lb->contentsHeight() ? lb->verticalScrollBar()->width() : 0; int w = QMIN( mainwin->width(), lb->contentsWidth() + add ); lb->resize( w, lb->height() ); // TODO - move the listbox to a suitable place if nessecary // TODO - decide if it is worth caching the size while untill the contents // are changed. } // TODO - same thing for the completion popup? return QWidget::eventFilter( o, e ); }
KScienceSetup::KScienceSetup( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KDialogBase( parent, name, true, i18n( "Setup Science Screen Saver" ), Ok|Cancel|Help, Ok, true ), saver( 0 ) { readSettings(); initModeInfo(); QWidget *main = makeMainWidget(); QHBoxLayout *lt = new QHBoxLayout( main, 0, spacingHint()); QVBoxLayout *ltm = new QVBoxLayout; lt->addLayout( ltm ); QVBoxLayout *ltc = new QVBoxLayout; lt->addLayout( ltc ); // mode QLabel *label = new QLabel( i18n("Mode:"), main ); ltm->addWidget( label ); QListBox *c = new QListBox( main ); for(int i = 0; i<MAX_MODES; i++) c->insertItem( modeInfo[i].name ); c->setCurrentItem( mode ); c->setFixedHeight( 5 * c->fontMetrics().height() ); connect( c, SIGNAL( highlighted( int ) ), SLOT( slotMode( int ) ) ); ltm->addWidget( c ); // inverse QCheckBox *cbox = checkInverse = new QCheckBox( i18n("Inverse"), main ); cbox->setEnabled( modeInfo[mode].inverseEnable ); cbox->setChecked( inverse[mode] ); connect( cbox, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotInverse() ) ); ltm->addWidget( cbox ); // gravity cbox = checkGravity = new QCheckBox( i18n("Gravity"), main ); cbox->setChecked( gravity[mode] ); connect( cbox, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotGravity() ) ); ltm->addWidget( cbox ); // hide background cbox = checkHideBG = new QCheckBox( i18n("Hide background"), main ); cbox->setChecked( hideBG[mode] ); connect( cbox, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotHideBG() ) ); ltm->addWidget( cbox ); ltm->addStretch(); // size label = new QLabel( i18n("Size:"), main ); ltc->addWidget( label ); slideSize = new QSlider(9, 50, 5, size[mode], QSlider::Horizontal, main ); slideSize->setMinimumSize( 90, 20 ); slideSize->setTickmarks(QSlider::Below); slideSize->setTickInterval(5); connect( slideSize, SIGNAL( sliderMoved( int ) ), SLOT( slotSize( int ) ) ); connect( slideSize, SIGNAL( sliderPressed() ), SLOT( slotSliderPressed() ) ); connect( slideSize, SIGNAL( sliderReleased() ), SLOT( slotSliderReleased() ) ); ltc->addWidget( slideSize ); // intensity label = new QLabel( i18n("Intensity:"), main ); ltc->addWidget( label ); slideIntensity = new QSlider(0, 10, 1, intensity[mode], QSlider::Horizontal, main ); slideIntensity->setMinimumSize( 90, 20 ); slideIntensity->setTickmarks(QSlider::Below); slideIntensity->setTickInterval(1); connect( slideIntensity, SIGNAL( sliderMoved( int ) ), SLOT( slotIntensity( int )) ); connect( slideIntensity, SIGNAL( sliderPressed() ), SLOT( slotSliderPressed() ) ); connect( slideIntensity, SIGNAL( sliderReleased() ), SLOT( slotSliderReleased() ) ); ltc->addWidget( slideIntensity ); // speed label = new QLabel( i18n("Speed:"), main ); ltc->addWidget( label ); slideSpeed = new QSlider(0, SCI_MAX_SPEED, 10, speed[mode], QSlider::Horizontal, main ); slideSpeed->setMinimumSize( 90, 20 ); slideSpeed->setTickmarks(QSlider::Below); slideSpeed->setTickInterval(10); connect( slideSpeed, SIGNAL( sliderMoved( int ) ), SLOT( slotSpeed( int ) ) ); ltc->addWidget( slideSpeed ); // motion label = new QLabel( i18n("Motion:"), main ); ltc->addWidget( label ); QHBoxLayout *ltcm = new QHBoxLayout; ltc->addLayout( ltcm ); slideMoveX = new QSlider(0, SCI_MAX_MOVE, 5, moveX[mode], QSlider::Horizontal, main ); slideMoveX->setMinimumSize( 40, 20 ); slideMoveX->setTickmarks(QSlider::Below); slideMoveX->setTickInterval(5); connect( slideMoveX, SIGNAL( sliderMoved( int ) ), SLOT( slotMoveX( int ) ) ); ltcm->addWidget( slideMoveX ); slideMoveY = new QSlider(0, SCI_MAX_MOVE, 5, moveY[mode], QSlider::Horizontal, main ); slideMoveY->setMinimumSize( 40, 20 ); slideMoveY->setTickmarks(QSlider::Below); slideMoveY->setTickInterval(5); connect( slideMoveY, SIGNAL( sliderMoved( int ) ), SLOT( slotMoveY( int ) ) ); ltcm->addWidget( slideMoveY ); ltc->addStretch(); // preview preview = new KPreviewWidget( main ); preview->setFixedSize( 220, 170 ); QPixmap p( locate("data", "kscreensaver/pics/kscience.png") ); if( p.isNull() ) preview->setBackgroundColor( black ); else preview->setBackgroundPixmap( p ); preview->show(); // otherwise saver does not get correct size lt->addWidget( preview ); // let the preview window display before creating the saver kapp->processEvents(); saver = new KScienceSaver( preview->winId(), true, !p.isNull() ); preview->notifySaver( saver ); }
void KURLBarItem::paint(QPainter *p) { QListBox *box = listBox(); int w = width(box); static const int margin = KDialog::spacingHint(); // draw sunken selection if(isCurrent() || isSelected()) { int h = height(box); QBrush brush = box->colorGroup().brush(QColorGroup::Highlight); p->fillRect(0, 0, w, h, brush); QPen pen = p->pen(); QPen oldPen = pen; pen.setColor(box->colorGroup().mid()); p->setPen(pen); p->drawPoint(0, 0); p->drawPoint(0, h - 1); p->drawPoint(w - 1, 0); p->drawPoint(w - 1, h - 1); p->setPen(oldPen); } if(m_parent->iconSize() < KIcon::SizeMedium) { // small icon -> draw icon next to text // ### mostly cut & paste of QListBoxPixmap::paint() until Qt 3.1 // (where it will properly use pixmap() instead of the internal pixmap) const QPixmap *pm = pixmap(); int yPos = QMAX(0, (height(box) - pm->height()) / 2); p->drawPixmap(margin, yPos, *pm); if(!text().isEmpty()) { QFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics(); if(pm->height() < fm.height()) yPos = fm.ascent() + fm.leading() / 2; else yPos = pm->height() / 2 - fm.height() / 2 + fm.ascent(); yPos += margin; int stringWidth = box->width() - pm->width() - 2 - (margin * 2); QString visibleText = KStringHandler::rPixelSqueeze(text(), fm, stringWidth); int xPos = pm->width() + margin + 2; if(isCurrent() || isSelected()) { p->setPen(box->colorGroup().highlight().dark(115)); p->drawText(xPos + (QApplication::reverseLayout() ? -1 : 1), yPos + 1, visibleText); p->setPen(box->colorGroup().highlightedText()); } p->drawText(xPos, yPos, visibleText); } // end cut & paste (modulo pixmap centering) } else { // big icons -> draw text below icon int y = margin; const QPixmap *pm = pixmap(); if(!pm->isNull()) { int x = (w - pm->width()) / 2; x = QMAX(x, margin); p->drawPixmap(x, y, *pm); } if(!text().isEmpty()) { QFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics(); y += pm->height() + fm.height() - fm.descent(); int stringWidth = box->width() - (margin * 2); QString visibleText = KStringHandler::rPixelSqueeze(text(), fm, stringWidth); int x = (w - fm.width(visibleText)) / 2; x = QMAX(x, margin); if(isCurrent() || isSelected()) { p->setPen(box->colorGroup().highlight().dark(115)); p->drawText(x + (QApplication::reverseLayout() ? -1 : 1), y + 1, visibleText); p->setPen(box->colorGroup().highlightedText()); } p->drawText(x, y, visibleText); } } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Trade dialog class ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TradeDialog::TradeDialog(net::GameState *gamestate, const PlayerState* me, const PlayerState* other, QWidget *parent, const char * name) : QDialog(parent, name, TRUE) { setCaption("Make a trade!"); QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(this, 4, 2, 5, 10, "grid"); const Game_Base & base = gamestate->get_base(); QLabel * lbl = NULL; // titles lbl = new QLabel("Your inventory", this); grid->addWidget( lbl, 0, 0, Qt::AlignCenter ); lbl = new QLabel( other->get_name() + QString("'s inventory") , this); grid->addWidget( lbl , 0, 1, Qt::AlignCenter ); // buttons QPushButton *okbtn = new QPushButton ("Request Trade", this); connect( okbtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(accept())); grid->addWidget( okbtn, 3, 0, Qt::AlignCenter ); QPushButton *cancelbtn = new QPushButton( "Cancel", this); connect(cancelbtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(reject())); grid->addWidget( cancelbtn, 3, 1, Qt::AlignCenter ); // money spinboxes QHBox * lhbox = new QHBox(this); lhbox->setSpacing(5); new QLabel("Money:", lhbox); _my_spin = new QSpinBox( 0, me->get_money(), 1, lhbox); grid->addWidget(lhbox, 2, 0, Qt::AlignCenter ); QHBox * rhbox = new QHBox(this); rhbox->setSpacing(5); new QLabel("Money:", rhbox); _their_spin = new QSpinBox( 0, other->get_money(), 1, rhbox); grid->addWidget(rhbox, 2, 1, Qt::AlignCenter ); net::PropertyList_t::const_iterator it; // current player's inventory QListBox* llbox = _my_list = new QListBox(this); llbox->setSelectionMode( QListBox::Multi ); llbox->setMinimumHeight(100); const net::PropertyList_t & props = me->get_owned_properties(); for(it = props.begin(); it != props.end(); ++it) { net::Property_t id = *it; if(id == 255 || id == 254) { _my_trans.push_back(id); llbox->insertItem( QString("Get out of Jail card - ") + QString::number(id - 253) ); } else { const std::string* name =; if(name != NULL) { _my_trans.push_back(id); llbox->insertItem( *name ); } } } grid->addWidget(llbox, 1, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop ); QListBox* rlbox = _their_list = new QListBox(this); rlbox->setSelectionMode( QListBox::Multi ); rlbox->setMinimumHeight(100); const net::PropertyList_t tprops = other->get_owned_properties(); for(it = tprops.begin(); it != tprops.end(); ++it) { net::Property_t id = *it; if(id == 255 || id == 254) { _their_trans.push_back(id); rlbox->insertItem( QString("Get out of Jail card - ") + QString::number(id - 253) ); } else { const std::string* name =; if(name != NULL) { _their_trans.push_back(id); rlbox->insertItem( *name ); } } } grid->addWidget(rlbox, 1, 1, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop ); }