Esempio n. 1
void TableEditor::readRows()
    int j = 0;
#ifndef QT_NO_TABLE
    for ( QListBoxItem *i = listRows->firstItem(); i; i = i->next(), ++j ) {
	if ( i->pixmap() )
	    table->verticalHeader()->setLabel( j, *i->pixmap(), i->text() );
	    table->verticalHeader()->setLabel( j, i->text() );
Esempio n. 2
ListBoxItemDrag::ListBoxItemDrag( ListBoxItemList & items, bool sendPtr, QListBox * parent, const char * name )
    : QStoredDrag( "qt/listboxitem", parent, name )
    // ### FIX!
    QByteArray data( sizeof( Q_INT32 ) + sizeof( QListBoxItem ) * items.count() );
    QDataStream stream( data, IO_WriteOnly );

    stream << items.count();
    stream << (Q_UINT8) sendPtr; // just transfer item pointer; omit data

    QListBoxItem * i = items.first();

    if ( sendPtr ) {
	while ( i ) {
	    stream << (unsigned long) i; //###FIX: demands sizeof(ulong) >= sizeof(void*)
	    i =;
    } else {
	while ( i ) {
	    Q_UINT8 b = 0;

	    b = (Q_UINT8) ( i->text() != QString::null ); // does item have text ?
	    stream << b;
	    if ( b ) {
		stream << i->text();
	    b = (Q_UINT8) ( !!i->pixmap() ); // does item have a pixmap ?
	    stream << b;
	    if ( b ) {
		stream << ( *i->pixmap() );

	    stream << (Q_UINT8) i->isSelectable();
	    i =;

    setEncodedData( data );
Esempio n. 3
void ListBoxCombo::slotLeft2Right()
    // Go through all items of the first ListBox
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < lb1->count(); i++ ) {
	QListBoxItem *item = lb1->item( i );
	// if the item is selected...
	if ( item->selected() ) {
	    // ...and it is a text item...
	    if ( item->pixmap() && !item->text().isEmpty() )
		lb2->insertItem( *item->pixmap(), item->text() );
	    else if ( !item->pixmap() )
		lb2->insertItem( item->text() );
	    else if ( item->text().isEmpty() )
		lb2->insertItem( *item->pixmap() );
Esempio n. 4
void ListBoxEditor::applyClicked()
    QListBoxItem *i = 0;
    QValueList<PopulateListBoxCommand::Item> items;
    for ( i = preview->firstItem(); i; i = i->next() ) {
	PopulateListBoxCommand::Item item;
	if ( i->pixmap() )
	    item.pix = *i->pixmap();
	item.text = i->text();
	items.append( item );

    PopulateListBoxCommand *cmd = new PopulateListBoxCommand( tr( "Edit Items of '%1'" ).arg( listbox->name() ),
							      formwindow, listbox, items );
    formwindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
Esempio n. 5
ListBoxEditor::ListBoxEditor( QWidget *parent, QWidget *editWidget, FormWindow *fw )
    : ListBoxEditorBase( parent, 0, TRUE ), formwindow( fw )
    connect( helpButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), MainWindow::self, SLOT( showDialogHelp() ) );
    listbox = (QListBox*)editWidget;

    itemText->setText( "" );
    itemText->setEnabled( FALSE );
    itemPixmap->setText( "" );
    itemChoosePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE );
    itemDeletePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE );

    QListBoxItem *i = 0;
    for ( i = listbox->firstItem(); i; i = i->next() ) {
	if ( i->pixmap() )
	    (void)new QListBoxPixmap( preview, *i->pixmap(), i->text() );
	    (void)new QListBoxText( preview, i->text() );

    if ( preview->firstItem() )
	preview->setCurrentItem( preview->firstItem() );
Esempio n. 6
void ListBoxEditor::moveItemDown()
    if ( preview->currentItem() == -1 || preview->currentItem() > (int)preview->count() - 2 )

    QListBoxItem *i = preview->item( preview->currentItem() );
    bool hasPix = (bool)i->pixmap();
    QPixmap pix;
    if ( hasPix )
	pix = *i->pixmap();
    QString txt = i->text();

    QListBoxItem *n = i->next();
    if ( n->pixmap() )
	preview->changeItem( *n->pixmap(), n->text(), preview->currentItem() );
	preview->changeItem( n->text(), preview->currentItem() );

    if ( hasPix )
	preview->changeItem( pix, txt, preview->currentItem() + 1 );
	preview->changeItem( txt, preview->currentItem() + 1 );
Esempio n. 7
void ListBoxEditor::moveItemUp()
    if ( preview->currentItem() < 1 )

    QListBoxItem *i = preview->item( preview->currentItem() );
    bool hasPix = (bool)i->pixmap();
    QPixmap pix;
    if ( hasPix )
	pix = *i->pixmap();
    QString txt = i->text();

    QListBoxItem *p = i->prev();
    if ( p->pixmap() )
	preview->changeItem( *p->pixmap(), p->text(), preview->currentItem() );
	preview->changeItem( p->text(), preview->currentItem() );

    if ( hasPix )
	preview->changeItem( pix, txt, preview->currentItem() - 1 );
	preview->changeItem( txt, preview->currentItem() - 1 );
Esempio n. 8
void TKComboBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
  QRect r;
  if (editable()){
#ifdef __GNUC__
#warning "Left out for now, lacking a style expert (Werner)"
    //r = QRect( style().comboButtonRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ) );
    r = QRect(4, 2, width()-height()-2, height()-4);
  } else {
    r = QRect(4, 2, width()-height()-2, height()-4);
  int by = 2;
  int bx = r.x() + r.width();
  int bw = width() - bx - 2;
  int bh = height()-4;

  QPainter p( this );
  const QColorGroup& g = colorGroup();

  QRect fr(2,2,width()-4,height()-4);

  if ( hasFocus()) {
    p.fillRect( fr, g.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) );
  } else {
    p.fillRect( fr, g.brush( QColorGroup::Base ) );

  QRect r1(1,1,width()-1,height()-1);
  qDrawShadePanel( &p, r1, g, true, 1 );

  static const char* arrow_down[] = {
  "7 7 2 1",
  "X c Gray0",
  "  c None",
  "       ",
  " XXXXX ",
  "  XXX  ",
  "   X   "};

  QPixmap pixmap(arrow_down);

  style().drawControl( QStyle::CE_PushButton, &p, this, QRect( bx, by, bw, bh ), colorGroup() );
  style().drawItem( &p, QRect( bx, by, bw, bh), AlignCenter, colorGroup(), isEnabled(), &pixmap, QString::null );

  if ( hasFocus()) {
    style().drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_FocusRect, &p, fr, g );

  if (!editable()) {
    p.setPen( g.text() );
    p.setBackgroundColor( g.background() );

    if ( listBox()->item(currentItem()) ) {
      QListBoxItem * item = listBox()->item(currentItem());
      const QPixmap *pix = item->pixmap();
      QString text = item->text();
      int x = r.x();
      if ( pix ) {
        p.drawPixmap( x, r.y() + ( r.height() - pix->height() ) / 2 +1, *pix );
        x += pix->width()+3;
      if (!text.isEmpty())
        p.drawText( x, r.y(), r.width()-x, r.height(), AlignLeft|AlignVCenter|SingleLine, text );