ParamEnum::ParamEnum( QObject *parent, const char* name, int value, const QString& e, int *ptr ) : AbstractParam(parent, name, QVariant::Int) { m_ptr = ptr; QStringList L = e.split('|', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (!L.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < L.size(); ++i) { m_keys.append(L[i]); m_values.append(i); } } else { QObject *p = parent; while (p) { const QMetaObject *mo = p->metaObject(); int index = mo->indexOfEnumerator(e.toLatin1().data()); if (index >= 0) { const QMetaEnum me = mo->enumerator(index); for (int i = 0; i < me.keyCount(); ++i) { m_keys.append(me.key(i)); m_values.append(me.value(i)); } break; } p = p->parent(); } } m_value = m_defaultValue = value; if (m_ptr) *m_ptr = m_value; }
// private: Phantom::Phantom(QObject *parent) : REPLCompletable(parent) , m_terminated(false) , m_returnValue(0) , m_filesystem(0) , m_system(0) { // Skip the first argument, i.e. the application executable (phantomjs). QStringList args = QApplication::arguments(); args.removeFirst(); // Prepare the configuration object based on the command line arguments. // Because this object will be used by other classes, it needs to be ready ASAP. m_config.init(&args); // initialize key map QMetaEnum keys = staticQtMetaObject.enumerator( staticQtMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("Key") ); for(int i = 0; i < keys.keyCount(); ++i) { QString name = keys.key(i); if (name.startsWith("Key_")) { name.remove(0, 4); } m_keyMap[name] = keys.value(i); } }
SignalData::SignalData() { qDebug() << "SignalData ctor" << this; connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(dataArrived()), SLOT(fetchSamples())); connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(started()), this, SIGNAL(started())); connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SIGNAL(finished())); connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(terminated()), this, SIGNAL(finished())); connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(error(QString)), this, SIGNAL(error(QString))); const QMetaObject metaObject = Sample::staticMetaObject; const QMetaEnum metaEnum = metaObject.enumerator(metaObject.indexOfEnumerator("Marker")); for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++) { mSamples.insert((Sample::Marker)metaEnum.value(i), QVector<Sample>()); mBoundingRects.insert((Sample::Marker)metaEnum.value(i), QRectF()); } }
QDebug operator <<(QDebug debug, const Snore::SnorePlugin::PluginTypes &flags) { QMetaEnum e = SnorePlugin::staticMetaObject.enumerator(SnorePlugin::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("PluginType")); debug.nospace() << "PluginTypes("; bool needSeparator = false; int key; for (int i = 0; i < e.keyCount(); ++i) { key = e.value(i); if (flags.testFlag((SnorePlugin::PluginType)key)) { if (needSeparator) { debug.nospace() << '|'; } else { needSeparator = true; } debug.nospace() << e.valueToKey(key); } } debug << ')'; return; }
void GPhotoExposureControl::stateChanged(QCamera::State state) { if (m_state != state) { if (m_state == QCamera::UnloadedState && state == QCamera::LoadedState) { m_state = state; QMetaEnum parameter = metaObject()->enumerator(metaObject()->indexOfEnumerator("ExposureParameter")); for (int i = 0; i < parameter.keyCount(); ++i) { ExposureParameter p = ExposureParameter(parameter.value(i)); if (isParameterSupported(p)) { // Set all parameters requested on start to session object if (m_requestedValues.contains(p)) setValue(p, m_requestedValues.value(p)); // or just notify frontend that it's allowed to get the parameter values from backend else emit actualValueChanged(p); } } } else { m_state = state; } } }
void MainWindow::genLineEnding() { resetPlot(); QMetaEnum endingStyleEnum = QCPLineEnding::staticMetaObject.enumerator(QCPLineEnding::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("EndingStyle")); double offset = -0.2; double step = 1.4/((double)endingStyleEnum.keyCount()-1); for (int i=0; i<endingStyleEnum.keyCount(); ++i) { QCPLineEnding ending(static_cast<QCPLineEnding::EndingStyle>(endingStyleEnum.value(i))); QString endingName(endingStyleEnum.key(i)); if ( == QCPLineEnding::esSkewedBar) ending.setInverted(true); QCPItemLine *line = new QCPItemLine(customPlot); line->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap)); customPlot->addItem(line); line->start->setCoords(offset+i*step-0.1, -0.2); line->end->setCoords(offset+i*step, 0.5); line->setHead(ending); QCPItemText *text = new QCPItemText(customPlot); customPlot->addItem(text); text->position->setParentAnchor(line->end); text->position->setCoords(8, -15-(i%2)*15); text->setFont(QFont(font().family(), 8)); text->setText(endingName); } customPlot->savePng(dir.filePath("QCPLineEnding.png"), 500, 100); }
QString flagsToString(const QMetaEnum &aMetaEnum, const int &aValue) { QString res="["; for (int i=0; i<aMetaEnum.keyCount(); ++i) { int aFlag=aMetaEnum.value(i); if (((aValue & aFlag)==aFlag) && (aFlag!=0 || aValue==0)) { bool good=true; while (aFlag) { if (aFlag & 1) { good=(aFlag==1); break; } aFlag>>=1; } if (good) { if (res.length()>1) { res.append(", "); } res.append(QString::fromLatin1(aMetaEnum.key(i))); } } }
void copyEnumsToProperties(QObject* object) { const QMetaObject* meta = object->metaObject(); for (int i = 0; i < meta->enumeratorCount(); ++i) { QMetaEnum metaenum = meta->enumerator(i); for (int j = 0; j < metaenum.keyCount(); ++j) { object->setProperty(metaenum.key(j), metaenum.value(j)); } } }
QWidget *MoveTypeDelegate::createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &/* option */, const QModelIndex &/* index */) const { QComboBox *editor = new QComboBox(parent); QMetaEnum moveInput = KeyBind::staticMetaObject.enumerator( KeyBind::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("MoveInputs") ); for(int i=0; i<moveInput.keyCount(); ++i) { editor->addItem(moveInput.key(i),moveInput.value(i)); } return editor; }
QString QObjectWriter:: toString(const QVariant& val, const QMetaProperty& mprop) const { QString result; QVariant::Type t = mprop.type(); if (t == QVariant::Time) { QTime t = qVariantValue<QTime>(val); if (t.hour() > 0) { return t.toString("hh:mm:ss"); } else { return t.toString("m:ss"); } } if (mprop.isEnumType()) { int value = val.toInt(); QMetaEnum menum = mprop.enumerator(); if (mprop.isFlagType()) { QStringList selectedFlags; int kc = menum.keyCount(); for (int j=0; j<kc; ++j) { if (menum.value(j) == 0) continue; if ((value & menum.value(j)) == menum.value(j)) { selectedFlags << menum.key(j); } } result = selectedFlags.join("|") + QString(" (%1)").arg(val.toInt()); } else result = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(menum.valueToKey(value)).arg(val.toInt()); return result; } if (m_map.contains(t)) { VariantWriter* vw = m_map[t]; result = vw->toString(val, mprop); } else if (m_vwriter != 0 && result == QString()) result = m_vwriter->toString(val, mprop); if (result == QString()) result = Qt::escape(val.toString()); else result = Qt::escape(result); return result; }
void Terrain3D::loadUserSettings() { const QMetaObject &mo = Settings::staticMetaObject; const QMetaEnum me = mo.enumerator(mo.indexOfEnumerator("Key")); //loop through every Settings::Key and tell ourself that a value has //changed to effectively load the value for (int i=0; i<me.keyCount(); i++) { Settings::Key key = static_cast<Settings::Key>(me.value(i)); settingsValueChanged(key, mMainSettings->value(key)); } }
SimpleLoggerRoutingInfo::SimpleLoggerRoutingInfo(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_levels(nullptr), m_routing(nullptr), m_locationRegExp(nullptr), m_messageRegExp(nullptr), m_locationRegExpPatternSyntax(QRegExp::RegExp2), m_messageRegExpPatternSyntax(QRegExp::RegExp2), m_locRegExpCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive), m_messageRegExpCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive), m_enabled(true) { const QMetaObject* metaObj = metaObject(); QMetaEnum metaEnum = metaObj->enumerator(metaObj->indexOfEnumerator("MessageCategory")); m_levels = new QMap<MessageCategory, int>(); for (int i=0; i<metaEnum.keyCount(); ++i) { m_levels->insert(static_cast<MessageCategory>(metaEnum.value(i)), 0); } metaEnum = metaObj->enumerator(metaObj->indexOfEnumerator("MessageRouting")); m_routing = new QMap<MessageRouting, bool>(); for (int i=0; i<metaEnum.keyCount(); ++i) { m_routing->insert(static_cast<MessageRouting>(metaEnum.value(i)), false); } }
void GCF::Components::EnumEditorCreator::initialize(QWidget* editor, QMetaEnum enumStruct) { QComboBox* combo = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>(editor); if(!combo) return; for(int i=enumStruct.keyCount()-1; i>=0; i--) { QString key = QString("%1").arg(enumStruct.key(i)); int value = enumStruct.value(i); combo->insertItem(0, key); combo->setItemData(0, value); } }
void SimpleLoggerRoutingInfo::setRouting(MessageRoutings messageRoutings, bool state) { const QMetaObject* metaObj = metaObject(); QMetaEnum metaEnum = metaObj->enumerator(metaObj->indexOfEnumerator("MessageRouting")); for (int i=0; i<metaEnum.keyCount(); ++i) { MessageRouting messageRouting = static_cast<MessageRouting>(metaEnum.value(i)); if ((messageRoutings & messageRouting) == messageRouting) { m_routing->insert(messageRouting, state); } } }
int ObjectControllerPrivate::enumToInt(const QMetaEnum &metaEnum, int enumValue) const { QMap<int, int> valueMap; // dont show multiple enum values which have the same values int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++) { int value = metaEnum.value(i); if (!valueMap.contains(value)) { if (value == enumValue) return pos; valueMap[value] = pos++; } } return -1; }
int ObjectControllerPrivate::intToEnum(const QMetaEnum &metaEnum, int intValue) const { QMap<int, bool> valueMap; // dont show multiple enum values which have the same values QList<int> values; for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++) { int value = metaEnum.value(i); if (!valueMap.contains(value)) { valueMap[value] = true; values.append(value); } } if (intValue >= values.count()) return -1; return; }
QString enumToString(const QMetaEnum &aMetaEnum, const int &aValue) { QString res=qApp->translate("Property", "[No enumeration value]"); for (int i=0; i<aMetaEnum.keyCount(); ++i) { if (aMetaEnum.value(i)==aValue) { res=QString::fromLatin1(aMetaEnum.key(i)); break; } } return res; }
void QtScriptEngine::copyEnumsToScriptObject( QScriptEngine *engine, const QMetaObject *metaObject, QScriptValue *object) { for (int enumIndex = 0; enumIndex < metaObject->enumeratorCount(); enumIndex++) { QMetaEnum metaEnum = metaObject->enumerator(enumIndex); QScriptValue enumClass = engine->newObject(); for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < metaEnum.keyCount(); keyIndex++) { enumClass.setProperty(metaEnum.key(keyIndex), metaEnum.value(keyIndex)); } object->setProperty(, enumClass); } }
int ObjectControllerPrivate::flagToInt(const QMetaEnum &metaEnum, int flagValue) const { if (!flagValue) return 0; int intValue = 0; QMap<int, int> valueMap; // dont show multiple enum values which have the same values int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++) { int value = metaEnum.value(i); if (!valueMap.contains(value) && isPowerOf2(value)) { if (isSubValue(flagValue, value)) intValue |= (1 << pos); valueMap[value] = pos++; } } return intValue; }
void QQmlTypePrivate::insertEnums(const QMetaObject *metaObject) const { // Add any enum values defined by 'related' classes if (metaObject->d.relatedMetaObjects) { const QMetaObject **related = metaObject->d.relatedMetaObjects; if (related) { while (*related) insertEnums(*related++); } } // Add any enum values defined by this class, overwriting any inherited values for (int ii = 0; ii < metaObject->enumeratorCount(); ++ii) { QMetaEnum e = metaObject->enumerator(ii); for (int jj = 0; jj < e.keyCount(); ++jj) m_enums.insert(QString::fromUtf8(e.key(jj)), e.value(jj)); } }
QWidget *EnumPropItem::createProperyEditor(QWidget *parent) const { ComboBoxEditor *editor = new ComboBoxEditor(parent,false); connect(editor,SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)),this,SLOT(slotEnumChanged(QString))); QStringList enumValues; QMetaEnum propEnum = object()->metaObject()->property(object()->metaObject()->indexOfProperty(propertyName().toLatin1())).enumerator(); for (int i=0;i<propEnum.keyCount();i++){ if (m_acceptableValues.isEmpty()) enumValues.append(propEnum.key(i)); else { if (m_acceptableValues.contains(propEnum.value(i))){ enumValues.append(propEnum.key(i)); } } } editor->addItems(enumValues); return editor; }
QVariant ObjectEnumModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.parent().isValid()) { return SuperClass::data(index, role); } if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { const QMetaEnum e = m_metaObject->enumerator(index.parent().row()); if (index.column() == 0) { return e.key(index.row()); } if (index.column() == 1) { return e.value(index.row()); } } return QVariant(); }
CollectionAssetsModel::CollectionAssetsModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractItemModel(parent), d(new Private(this)) { // set the role names based on the values of the DisplayRoles enum for // the sake of QML QHash<int, QByteArray> roles; QMetaEnum e = metaObject()->enumerator(metaObject()->indexOfEnumerator("DisplayRoles")); for (int i = 0; i < e.keyCount(); ++i) { roles.insert(e.value(i), e.key(i)); } setRoleNames(roles); connect(this, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SIGNAL(countChanged())); connect(this, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SIGNAL(countChanged())); connect(this, SIGNAL(modelReset()), this, SIGNAL(countChanged())); connect(this, SIGNAL(collectionIdChanged()), this, SLOT(fetchAssets())); }
int ObjectControllerPrivate::intToFlag(const QMetaEnum &metaEnum, int intValue) const { QMap<int, bool> valueMap; // dont show multiple enum values which have the same values QList<int> values; for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++) { int value = metaEnum.value(i); if (!valueMap.contains(value) && isPowerOf2(value)) { valueMap[value] = true; values.append(value); } } int flagValue = 0; int temp = intValue; int i = 0; while (temp) { if (i >= values.count()) return -1; if (temp & 1) flagValue |=; i++; temp = temp >> 1; } return flagValue; }
void PropertiesEditorDialog::canvasSelectionChanged() { // Clear the existing properties. QMap<QtProperty *, QString>::ConstIterator itProp = m_property_to_id.constBegin(); while (itProp != m_property_to_id.constEnd()) { delete itProp.key(); itProp++; } m_property_to_id.clear(); m_id_to_property.clear(); if (!m_canvas) { return; } QList<QGraphicsSvgItem *> list = m_canvas->selectedGeneralItems(); QObject *item = m_canvas; int firstProperty = Canvas::staticMetaObject.propertyOffset(); bool canvasItemProperties = false; if (list.count() > 0) { item = list.front(); canvasItemProperties = true; firstProperty = QGraphicsSvgItem::staticMetaObject.propertyOffset(); } QtVariantProperty *property = NULL; const QMetaObject* metaObject = item->metaObject(); QStringList properties; for(int i = firstProperty; i < metaObject->propertyCount(); ++i) { //qDebug("== %s", metaObject->property(i).name()); // Justin: Get rid of the first 2 special properties for QGraphicsSvgItems; it's meaningless to display them. if (QString(metaObject->property(i).name()).compare(QString("elementId")) == 0 || QString(metaObject->property(i).name()).compare(QString("maximumCacheSize")) == 0) continue; const QMetaProperty& prop = metaObject->property(i); int type = prop.userType(); if (type == QVariant::UInt) { type = QVariant::Int; } //qDebug("## %s, %d, %s",, prop.userType(), item->property(; if (prop.isEnumType()) { property = m_variant_manager->addProperty(QtVariantPropertyManager::enumTypeId(), QLatin1String(; QMetaEnum metaEnum = prop.enumerator(); QMap<int, bool> valueMap; // dont show multiple enum values which have the same values QStringList enumNames; for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++) { int value = metaEnum.value(i); if (!valueMap.contains(value)) { valueMap[value] = true; enumNames.append(QLatin1String(metaEnum.key(i))); } } property->setAttribute(QLatin1String("enumNames"), enumNames); //qDebug() << << "= " << item->property(<dunnart::Connector::RoutingType>(); int enumValueIndex = *reinterpret_cast<const int *> (item->property(; property->setValue(metaEnum.value(enumValueIndex)); } else if (m_variant_manager->isPropertyTypeSupported(type)) { if (!prop.isWritable()) { property = m_read_only_manager->addProperty(type, QLatin1String( + QLatin1String(" (read-only)")); } else { property = m_variant_manager->addProperty(type, QLatin1String(; } property->setValue(item->property(; } else { property = m_read_only_manager->addProperty(QVariant::String, QLatin1String(; property->setValue(QLatin1String("< Unknown Type >")); property->setEnabled(false); } Q_ASSERT(property); //property->setAttribute(QLatin1String("minimum"), 0); //property->setAttribute(QLatin1String("maximum"), 100); addProperty(property,; } QList<QByteArray> propertyList = item->dynamicPropertyNames(); for (int i = 0; i < propertyList.size(); ++i) { //qDebug("-- %s",; const char *propName =; const QVariant& propVariant = item->property(propName); property = m_variant_manager->addProperty(propVariant.userType(), QString(propName)); //property->setAttribute(QLatin1String("minimum"), 0); //property->setAttribute(QLatin1String("maximum"), 100); property->setValue(propVariant); Q_ASSERT(property); addProperty(property, propName); } }
QJsonObject QMetaObjectPublisher::classInfoForObject(const QObject *object) { QJsonObject data; if (!object) { qWarning("null object given to MetaObjectPublisher - bad API usage?"); return data; } QJsonArray qtSignals; QJsonArray qtMethods; QJsonArray qtProperties; QJsonObject qtEnums; const QMetaObject *metaObject = object->metaObject(); QSet<int> notifySignals; QSet<QString> identifiers; for (int i = 0; i < metaObject->propertyCount(); ++i) { const QMetaProperty &prop = metaObject->property(i); QJsonArray propertyInfo; const QString &propertyName = QString::fromLatin1(; propertyInfo.append(i); propertyInfo.append(propertyName); identifiers << propertyName; QJsonArray signalInfo; if (prop.hasNotifySignal()) { notifySignals << prop.notifySignalIndex(); const int numParams = prop.notifySignal().parameterCount(); if (numParams > 1) { qWarning("Notify signal for property '%s' has %d parameters, expected zero or one.",, numParams); } // optimize: compress the common propertyChanged notification names, just send a 1 const QByteArray ¬ifySignal = prop.notifySignal().name(); static const QByteArray changedSuffix = QByteArrayLiteral("Changed"); if (notifySignal.length() == changedSuffix.length() + propertyName.length() && notifySignal.endsWith(changedSuffix) && notifySignal.startsWith( { signalInfo.append(1); } else { signalInfo.append(QString::fromLatin1(notifySignal)); } signalInfo.append(prop.notifySignalIndex()); } else if (!prop.isConstant()) { qWarning("Property '%s'' of object '%s' has no notify signal and is not constant, " "value updates in HTML will be broken!",, object->metaObject()->className()); } propertyInfo.append(signalInfo); propertyInfo.append(wrapResult(; qtProperties.append(propertyInfo); } for (int i = 0; i < metaObject->methodCount(); ++i) { if (notifySignals.contains(i)) { continue; } const QMetaMethod &method = metaObject->method(i); //NOTE: this must be a string, otherwise it will be converted to '{}' in QML const QString &name = QString::fromLatin1(; // optimize: skip overloaded methods/signals or property getters, on the JS side we can only // call one of them anyways // TODO: basic support for overloaded signals, methods if (identifiers.contains(name)) { continue; } identifiers << name; // send data as array to client with format: [name, index] QJsonArray data; data.append(name); data.append(i); if (method.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal) { qtSignals.append(data); } else if (method.access() == QMetaMethod::Public) { qtMethods.append(data); } } for (int i = 0; i < metaObject->enumeratorCount(); ++i) { QMetaEnum enumerator = metaObject->enumerator(i); QJsonObject values; for (int k = 0; k < enumerator.keyCount(); ++k) { values[QString::fromLatin1(enumerator.key(k))] = enumerator.value(k); } qtEnums[QString::fromLatin1(] = values; } data[KEY_SIGNALS] = qtSignals; data[KEY_METHODS] = qtMethods; data[KEY_PROPERTIES] = qtProperties; if (!qtEnums.isEmpty()) { data[KEY_ENUMS] = qtEnums; } return data; }
Parser::Parser(Can *onCan, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), consoleKey1(), consoleKey2(), ipdState(), mcoLimits(), mcoMode(), mcoState(), mmCoord(), mmAltLong(), mpState(), mvdDd(), sysDiagnostics(), sysKey(), tskbmState(), uktolDd1(), vdsState() { QMetaEnum auxDescriptors = AuxResource::staticMetaObject.enumerator ( AuxResource::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator ("Descriptor")); for (int i = 0; i < auxDescriptors.keyCount(); i ++) { AuxResource::Descriptor descriptor = AuxResource::Descriptor(auxDescriptors.value(i)); auxResources[descriptor] = new AuxResourceVersion (descriptor, this); auxResources[descriptor]->connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)), SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); this->connect (auxResources[descriptor], SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); } consoleKey1.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)), SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); consoleKey2.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)), SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); ipdState.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)),SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); mcoLimits.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)),SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); mcoMode.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)), SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); mcoState.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)),SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); mmAltLong.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)),SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); mmCoord.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)),SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); mpState.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)),SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); mvdDd.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)),SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); sysDiagnostics.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)), SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); sysKey.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)), SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); tskbmState.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)),SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); uktolDd1.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)),SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); vdsState.connect (onCan, SIGNAL(messageReceived(CanFrame)),SLOT(processCanMessage(CanFrame))); this->connect (&consoleKey1, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); this->connect (&consoleKey1, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); this->connect (&ipdState, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); this->connect (&mcoLimits, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); this->connect (&mcoMode, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); this->connect (&mcoState, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); this->connect (&mmAltLong, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); this->connect (&mmCoord, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); this->connect (&mpState, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); this->connect (&mvdDd, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); this->connect (&sysDiagnostics, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); this->connect (&sysKey, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); this->connect (&tskbmState, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); this->connect (&uktolDd1, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); this->connect (&vdsState, SIGNAL(whateverChanged()), SLOT(getChildChagnedSignal())); }
bool Xsd::GetEnumXSD( HTTPRequest *pRequest, QString sEnumName ) { if (sEnumName.isEmpty()) return false; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // sEnumName needs to be in class.enum format // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (sEnumName.count('.') != 1 ) return false; QStringList lstTypeParts = sEnumName.split( '.' ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create Parent object so we can get to its metaObject // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QString sParentFQN = "DTC::" + lstTypeParts[0]; int nParentId = QMetaType::type( sParentFQN.toUtf8() ); #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0) QObject *pParentClass = (QObject *)QMetaType::construct( nParentId ); #else QObject *pParentClass = (QObject *)QMetaType::create( nParentId ); #endif const QMetaObject *pMetaObject = pParentClass->metaObject(); QMetaType::destroy( nParentId, pParentClass ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Now look up enum // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- int nEnumIdx = pMetaObject->indexOfEnumerator( lstTypeParts[1].toUtf8() ); if (nEnumIdx < 0 ) return false; QMetaEnum metaEnum = pMetaObject->enumerator( nEnumIdx ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // render xsd for this enum // // <xs:simpleType name="RecordingInfo.RecordingDupMethodEnum"> // <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> // <xs:enumeration value="kDupCheckNone"> // <xs:annotation> // <xs:appinfo> // <EnumerationValue xmlns="">1</EnumerationValue> // </xs:appinfo> // </xs:annotation> // </xs:enumeration> // <xs:enumeration value="kDupCheckSub"> // <xs:annotation> // <xs:appinfo> // <EnumerationValue xmlns="">2</EnumerationValue> // </xs:appinfo> // </xs:annotation> // </xs:enumeration> // </xs:restriction> // </xs:simpleType> // // <xs:element name="RecordingInfo.RecordingDupMethodEnum" type="tns:RecordingInfo.RecordingDupMethodEnum" nillable="true"/> // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!pRequest->m_mapParams.contains( "raw" )) { appendChild( createProcessingInstruction( "xml-stylesheet", "type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"/xslt/enum.xslt\"" )); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create xs:simpleType structure // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QDomElement oTypeNode = createElement( "xs:simpleType" ); QDomElement oRestrictNode = createElement( "xs:restriction" ); oTypeNode .setAttribute( "name", sEnumName ); oRestrictNode.setAttribute( "base", "xs:string" ); oTypeNode.appendChild( oRestrictNode ); for( int nIdx = 0; nIdx < metaEnum.keyCount(); nIdx++) { QDomElement oEnum = createElement( "xs:enumeration" ); oEnum.setAttribute( "value", metaEnum.key( nIdx )); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Add appInfo to store numerical value & translated text // ------------------------------------------------------------------ QDomElement oAnn = createElement( "xs:annotation" ); QDomElement oApp = createElement( "xs:appinfo" ); QDomElement oEnumVal = createElement( "EnumerationValue" ); QDomElement oEnumDesc = createElement( "EnumerationDesc" ); oEnum.appendChild( oAnn ); oAnn .appendChild( oApp ); oApp .appendChild( oEnumVal ); oApp .appendChild( oEnumDesc ); oEnumVal .appendChild( createTextNode( QString::number( metaEnum.value( nIdx )))); oEnumDesc.appendChild( createTextNode( QObject::tr( metaEnum.key( nIdx ), "Enums" ))); oRestrictNode.appendChild( oEnum ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QDomElement oElementNode = createElement( "xs:element" ); oElementNode.setAttribute( "name" , sEnumName ); oElementNode.setAttribute( "type" , "tns:" + sEnumName ); oElementNode.setAttribute( "nillable", "true" ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QDomElement oRoot = CreateSchemaRoot(); oRoot.appendChild( oTypeNode ); oRoot.appendChild( oElementNode ); appendChild( oRoot ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return xsd doc to caller // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QTextStream os( &(pRequest->m_response) ); pRequest->m_eResponseType = ResponseTypeXML; save( os, 0 ); return true; }
void ObjectControllerPrivate::addClassProperties(const QMetaObject *metaObject) { if (!metaObject) return; addClassProperties(metaObject->superClass()); QtProperty *classProperty = m_classToProperty.value(metaObject); if (!classProperty) { QString className = QLatin1String(metaObject->className()); classProperty = m_manager->addProperty(QtVariantPropertyManager::groupTypeId(), className); m_classToProperty[metaObject] = classProperty; m_propertyToClass[classProperty] = metaObject; for (int idx = metaObject->propertyOffset(); idx < metaObject->propertyCount(); idx++) { QMetaProperty metaProperty = metaObject->property(idx); int type = metaProperty.userType(); QtVariantProperty *subProperty = 0; if (!metaProperty.isReadable()) { subProperty = m_readOnlyManager->addProperty(QVariant::String, QLatin1String(; subProperty->setValue(QLatin1String("< Non Readable >")); } else if (metaProperty.isEnumType()) { if (metaProperty.isFlagType()) { subProperty = m_manager->addProperty(QtVariantPropertyManager::flagTypeId(), QLatin1String(; QMetaEnum metaEnum = metaProperty.enumerator(); QMap<int, bool> valueMap; QStringList flagNames; for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++) { int value = metaEnum.value(i); if (!valueMap.contains(value) && isPowerOf2(value)) { valueMap[value] = true; flagNames.append(QLatin1String(metaEnum.key(i))); } subProperty->setAttribute(QLatin1String("flagNames"), flagNames); subProperty->setValue(flagToInt(metaEnum,; } } else { subProperty = m_manager->addProperty(QtVariantPropertyManager::enumTypeId(), QLatin1String(; QMetaEnum metaEnum = metaProperty.enumerator(); QMap<int, bool> valueMap; // dont show multiple enum values which have the same values QStringList enumNames; for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++) { int value = metaEnum.value(i); if (!valueMap.contains(value)) { valueMap[value] = true; enumNames.append(QLatin1String(metaEnum.key(i))); } } subProperty->setAttribute(QLatin1String("enumNames"), enumNames); subProperty->setValue(enumToInt(metaEnum,; } } else if (m_manager->isPropertyTypeSupported(type)) { if (!metaProperty.isWritable()) subProperty = m_readOnlyManager->addProperty(type, QLatin1String( + QLatin1String(" (Non Writable)")); if (!metaProperty.isDesignable()) subProperty = m_readOnlyManager->addProperty(type, QLatin1String( + QLatin1String(" (Non Designable)")); else subProperty = m_manager->addProperty(type, QLatin1String(; subProperty->setValue(; } else { subProperty = m_readOnlyManager->addProperty(QVariant::String, QLatin1String(; subProperty->setValue(QLatin1String("< Unknown Type >")); subProperty->setEnabled(false); } classProperty->addSubProperty(subProperty); m_propertyToIndex[subProperty] = idx; m_classToIndexToProperty[metaObject][idx] = subProperty; } } else { updateClassProperties(metaObject, false); } m_topLevelProperties.append(classProperty); m_browser->addProperty(classProperty); }
QString qax_generateDocumentation(QAxBase *that) { that->metaObject(); if (that->isNull()) return QString(); ITypeInfo *typeInfo = 0; IDispatch *dispatch = 0; that->queryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&dispatch); if (dispatch) dispatch->GetTypeInfo(0, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, &typeInfo); QString docu; QTextStream stream(&docu, QIODevice::WriteOnly); const QMetaObject *mo = that->metaObject(); QString coClass = QLatin1String(mo->classInfo(mo->indexOfClassInfo("CoClass")).value()); stream << "<h1 align=center>" << coClass << " Reference</h1>" << endl; stream << "<p>The " << coClass << " COM object is a " << that->qObject()->metaObject()->className(); stream << " with the CLSID " << that->control() << ".</p>" << endl; stream << "<h3>Interfaces</h3>" << endl; stream << "<ul>" << endl; const char *inter = 0; int interCount = 1; while ((inter = mo->classInfo(mo->indexOfClassInfo("Interface " + QByteArray::number(interCount))).value())) { stream << "<li>" << inter << endl; interCount++; } stream << "</ul>" << endl; stream << "<h3>Event Interfaces</h3>" << endl; stream << "<ul>" << endl; interCount = 1; while ((inter = mo->classInfo(mo->indexOfClassInfo("Event Interface " + QByteArray::number(interCount))).value())) { stream << "<li>" << inter << endl; interCount++; } stream << "</ul>" << endl; QList<QString> methodDetails, propDetails; const int slotCount = mo->methodCount(); if (slotCount) { stream << "<h2>Public Slots:</h2>" << endl; stream << "<ul>" << endl; int defArgCount = 0; for (int islot = mo->methodOffset(); islot < slotCount; ++islot) { const QMetaMethod slot = mo->method(islot); if (slot.methodType() != QMetaMethod::Slot) continue; if (slot.attributes() & QMetaMethod::Cloned) { ++defArgCount; continue; } QByteArray returntype(slot.typeName()); if (returntype.isEmpty()) returntype = "void"; QByteArray prototype = namedPrototype(slot.parameterTypes(), slot.parameterNames(), defArgCount); QByteArray signature = slot.methodSignature(); QByteArray name = signature.left(signature.indexOf('(')); stream << "<li>" << returntype << " <a href=\"#" << name << "\"><b>" << name << "</b></a>" << prototype << ";</li>" << endl; prototype = namedPrototype(slot.parameterTypes(), slot.parameterNames()); QString detail = QString::fromLatin1("<h3><a name=") + QString::fromLatin1(name.constData()) + QLatin1String("></a>") + QLatin1String(returntype.constData()) + QLatin1Char(' ') + QLatin1String(name.constData()) + QLatin1Char(' ') + QString::fromLatin1(prototype.constData()) + QLatin1String("<tt> [slot]</tt></h3>\n"); prototype = namedPrototype(slot.parameterTypes(), QList<QByteArray>()); detail += docuFromName(typeInfo, QString::fromLatin1(name.constData())); detail += QLatin1String("<p>Connect a signal to this slot:<pre>\n"); detail += QString::fromLatin1("\tQObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal") + QString::fromLatin1(prototype.constData()) + QLatin1String("), object, SLOT(") + QString::fromLatin1(name.constData()) + QString::fromLatin1(prototype.constData()) + QLatin1String("));"); detail += QLatin1String("</pre>\n"); if (1) { detail += QLatin1String("<p>Or call the function directly:<pre>\n"); bool hasParams = slot.parameterTypes().count() != 0; if (hasParams) detail += QLatin1String("\tQVariantList params = ...\n"); detail += QLatin1String("\t"); QByteArray functionToCall = "dynamicCall"; if (returntype == "IDispatch*" || returntype == "IUnknown*") { functionToCall = "querySubObject"; returntype = "QAxObject *"; } if (returntype != "void") detail += QLatin1String(returntype.constData()) + QLatin1String(" result = "); detail += QLatin1String("object->") + QLatin1String(functionToCall.constData()) + QLatin1String("(\"" + name + prototype + '\"'); if (hasParams) detail += QLatin1String(", params"); detail += QLatin1Char(')'); if (returntype != "void" && returntype != "QAxObject *" && returntype != "QVariant") detail += QLatin1Char('.') + QLatin1String(toType(returntype)); detail += QLatin1String(";</pre>\n"); } else { detail += QLatin1String("<p>This function has parameters of unsupported types and cannot be called directly."); } methodDetails << detail; defArgCount = 0; } stream << "</ul>" << endl; } int signalCount = mo->methodCount(); if (signalCount) { ITypeLib *typeLib = 0; if (typeInfo) { UINT index = 0; typeInfo->GetContainingTypeLib(&typeLib, &index); typeInfo->Release(); } typeInfo = 0; stream << "<h2>Signals:</h2>" << endl; stream << "<ul>" << endl; for (int isignal = mo->methodOffset(); isignal < signalCount; ++isignal) { const QMetaMethod signal(mo->method(isignal)); if (signal.methodType() != QMetaMethod::Signal) continue; QByteArray prototype = namedPrototype(signal.parameterTypes(), signal.parameterNames()); QByteArray signature = signal.methodSignature(); QByteArray name = signature.left(signature.indexOf('(')); stream << "<li>void <a href=\"#" << name << "\"><b>" << name << "</b></a>" << prototype << ";</li>" << endl; QString detail = QLatin1String("<h3><a name=") + QLatin1String(name.constData()) + QLatin1String("></a>void ") + QLatin1String(name.constData()) + QLatin1Char(' ') + QLatin1String(prototype.constData()) + QLatin1String("<tt> [signal]</tt></h3>\n"); if (typeLib) { interCount = 0; do { if (typeInfo) typeInfo->Release(); typeInfo = 0; typeLib->GetTypeInfo(++interCount, &typeInfo); QString typeLibDocu = docuFromName(typeInfo, QString::fromLatin1(name.constData())); if (!typeLibDocu.isEmpty()) { detail += typeLibDocu; break; } } while (typeInfo); } prototype = namedPrototype(signal.parameterTypes(), QList<QByteArray>()); detail += QLatin1String("<p>Connect a slot to this signal:<pre>\n"); detail += QLatin1String("\tQObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(") + QString::fromLatin1(name.constData()) + QString::fromLatin1(prototype.constData()) + QLatin1String("), receiver, SLOT(someSlot") + QString::fromLatin1(prototype.constData()) + QLatin1String("));"); detail += QLatin1String("</pre>\n"); methodDetails << detail; if (typeInfo) typeInfo->Release(); typeInfo = 0; } stream << "</ul>" << endl; if (typeLib) typeLib->Release(); } const int propCount = mo->propertyCount(); if (propCount) { if (dispatch) dispatch->GetTypeInfo(0, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, &typeInfo); stream << "<h2>Properties:</h2>" << endl; stream << "<ul>" << endl; for (int iprop = 0; iprop < propCount; ++iprop) { const QMetaProperty prop = mo->property(iprop); QByteArray name(; QByteArray type(prop.typeName()); stream << "<li>" << type << " <a href=\"#" << name << "\"><b>" << name << "</b></a>;</li>" << endl; QString detail = QLatin1String("<h3><a name=") + QString::fromLatin1(name.constData()) + QLatin1String("></a>") + QLatin1String(type.constData()) + QLatin1Char(' ') + QLatin1String(name.constData()) + QLatin1String("</h3>\n"); detail += docuFromName(typeInfo, QString::fromLatin1(name)); QVariant::Type vartype = QVariant::nameToType(type); if (!prop.isReadable()) continue; if (prop.isEnumType()) vartype = QVariant::Int; if (vartype != QVariant::Invalid) { detail += QLatin1String("<p>Read this property's value using QObject::property:<pre>\n"); if (prop.isEnumType()) detail += QLatin1String("\tint val = "); else detail += QLatin1Char('\t') + QLatin1String(type.constData()) + QLatin1String(" val = "); detail += QLatin1String("object->property(\"") + QLatin1String(name.constData()) + QLatin1String("\").") + QLatin1String(toType(type).constData()) + QLatin1String(";\n"); detail += QLatin1String("</pre>\n"); } else if (type == "IDispatch*" || type == "IUnknown*") { detail += QLatin1String("<p>Get the subobject using querySubObject:<pre>\n"); detail += QLatin1String("\tQAxObject *") + QLatin1String(name.constData()) + QLatin1String(" = object->querySubObject(\"") + QLatin1String(name.constData()) + QLatin1String("\");\n"); detail += QLatin1String("</pre>\n"); } else { detail += QLatin1String("<p>This property is of an unsupported type.\n"); } if (prop.isWritable()) { detail += QLatin1String("Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:<pre>\n"); if (prop.isEnumType()) { detail += QLatin1String("\tint newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported\n"); } else { detail += QLatin1String("\t") + QString::fromLatin1(type.constData()) + QLatin1String(" newValue = ...\n"); } detail += QLatin1String("\tobject->setProperty(\"") + QString::fromLatin1(name) + QLatin1String("\", newValue);\n"); detail += QLatin1String("</pre>\n"); detail += QLatin1String("Or using the "); QByteArray setterSlot; if (isupper( { setterSlot = "Set" + name; } else { QByteArray nameUp = name; nameUp[0] = toupper(; setterSlot = "set" + nameUp; } detail += QLatin1String("<a href=\"#") + QString::fromLatin1(setterSlot) + QLatin1String("\">") + QString::fromLatin1(setterSlot.constData()) + QLatin1String("</a> slot.\n"); } if (prop.isEnumType()) { detail += QLatin1String("<p>See also <a href=\"#") + QString::fromLatin1(type) + QLatin1String("\">") + QString::fromLatin1(type) + QLatin1String("</a>.\n"); } propDetails << detail; } stream << "</ul>" << endl; } const int enumCount = mo->enumeratorCount(); if (enumCount) { stream << "<hr><h2>Member Type Documentation</h2>" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < enumCount; ++i) { const QMetaEnum enumdata = mo->enumerator(i); stream << "<h3><a name=" << << "></a>" << << "</h3>" << endl; stream << "<ul>" << endl; for (int e = 0; e < enumdata.keyCount(); ++e) { stream << "<li>" << enumdata.key(e) << "\t=" << enumdata.value(e) << "</li>" << endl; } stream << "</ul>" << endl; } } if (methodDetails.count()) { stream << "<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < methodDetails.count(); ++i) stream << << endl; } if (propDetails.count()) { stream << "<hr><h2>Property Documentation</h2>" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < propDetails.count(); ++i) stream << << endl; } if (typeInfo) typeInfo->Release(); if (dispatch) dispatch->Release(); return docu; }