const QMimeSource* GofunMimeSourceFactory::data(const QString& abs_name) const { if(abs_name.contains(".png") || abs_name.contains("bslogo")) { if(images.find(abs_name) != images.end()) { QMimeSourceFactory* mf = new QMimeSourceFactory(); mf->setPixmap(abs_name,*images[abs_name]); const QMimeSource* r = mf->data(abs_name); return r; } http->setHost(""); http->get(abs_name); if(!image_countdown[http->currentRequest().path()]) { image_countdown[http->currentRequest().path()] = 2; //We start from 2, because 0 is the default and we will count down to 1. } else { ++image_countdown[http->currentRequest().path()]; } } else //if(abs_name.contains("index.php")) { if(p_gofun_help) p_gofun_help->openLink(abs_name); } const QMimeSource * r = QMimeSourceFactory::data( abs_name ); return r; }
void FLSmtpClient::startSend() { emit sendStarted(); emit sendTotalSteps(attachments_.count() + 3); int step = 0; emit sendStepNumber(++step); changeStatus(tr("Componiendo mensaje"), Composing); // only send logo when configured if (FLUtil::readSettingEntry("email/sendMailLogo", "true").toBool()) { QString logo(FLUtil::readSettingEntry("email/mailLogo", AQ_DATA + "/logo_mail.png").toString()); if (!QFile::exists(logo)) { logo = AQ_DISKCACHE_DIRPATH + "/logo.png"; QPixmap::fromMimeSource("logo_abanq.png").save(logo, "PNG"); } attachments_ << logo; mapAttachCid_.insert(logo, QFileInfo(logo).fileName() + "@3d8b627b6292"); } QString headerStr(QString::fromLatin1("from: ") + from_); if (!replyTo_.isEmpty()) headerStr += QString::fromLatin1("\nreply-to: ") + replyTo_; headerStr += QString::fromLatin1("\nto: ") + to_ + QString::fromLatin1("\nsubject: ") + subject_; if (!cc_.isEmpty()) headerStr += QString::fromLatin1("\ncc: ") + cc_; if (!bcc_.isEmpty()) headerStr += QString::fromLatin1("\nbcc: ") + bcc_; if (!organization_.isEmpty()) headerStr += QString::fromLatin1("\norganization: ") + organization_; if (priority_ > 0) headerStr += QString::fromLatin1("\npriority: ") + QString::number(priority_); CharSets chS; HeaderClass hdr(headerStr.local8Bit()); MessageClass msg(hdr); LocalMailFolder folder(AQ_DISKCACHE_DIRPATH + '/'); QString idMessage = folder.createMessage(body_.local8Bit(), QCString(), QDateTime::currentDateTime(), "", &msg); IndexClass *idx = folder.indexIDict()[ idMessage ]; MessageDevice msgDev(idx); MimePart *part0 = new MimePart(); part0->charset = chS.getDefaultCharset(); part0->mimetype = (mimeType_.isEmpty() ? "text/plain" : mimeType_); part0->encoding = "quoted-printable"; part0->name = "body"; part0->type = "text"; QByteArray partData0 = body_.local8Bit(); part0->length = partData0.count(); int npart0 = idx->addPart(part0, false); msgDev.setPartData(npart0, partData0); emit sendStepNumber(++step); for (uint i = 0; i < textParts_.count(); i += 2) { part0 = new MimePart(); part0->charset = chS.getDefaultCharset(); part0->mimetype = textParts_[i + 1]; part0->encoding = "quoted-printable"; part0->type = "text"; partData0 = textParts_[i].local8Bit(); part0->length = partData0.count(); npart0 = idx->addPart(part0, false); msgDev.setPartData(npart0, partData0); emit sendStepNumber(++step); } QStringList::Iterator itAttach; QString fileName; for (uint i = 0; i < attachments_.count(); i++) { itAttach =; fileName = *itAttach; changeStatus(tr("Adjuntando %1").arg(QFileInfo(fileName).fileName()), Attach); MimePart *part1 = new MimePart(); part1->charset = chS.getDefaultCharset(); QFile f(fileName); | IO_ReadOnly); QByteArray partData1 = f.readAll(); f.close(); part1->length = partData1.count(); part1->name = QFileInfo(fileName).fileName(); if (mapAttachCid_.contains(fileName)) part1->cid = mapAttachCid_[fileName]; const QMimeSource *mime = 0; QMimeSourceFactory *mimeFactory = mimeSourceFactory(); if (mimeFactory) { mime = mimeFactory->data(fileName); } else { mime = QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->data(fileName); } if (mime && mime->format()) { part1->mimetype = mime->format(); part1->encoding = "base64"; } int npart1 = idx->addPart(part1, false); msgDev.setPartData(npart1, partData1); emit sendStepNumber(++step); } QStringList rcpts(hdr.To.toQStringList()); rcpts += hdr.Cc.toQStringList(); rcpts += hdr.Bcc.toQStringList(); Smtp *smtp = new Smtp(from_, rcpts, msgDev.rfc822Header(), mailServer_, port_, this); smtp->setUser(user_); smtp->setPassword(password_); smtp->setConnectionType(connectionType_); smtp->setAuthMethod(authMethod_); emit sendStepNumber(++step); connect(smtp, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SIGNAL(sendEnded())); connect(smtp, SIGNAL(statusChanged(const QString &, int)), this, SLOT(changeStatus(const QString &, int))); smtp->init(); }