Esempio n. 1
LastFmTreeModel::queueAvatarsDownload ( const QMap<QString, QString>& urls )
    bool start = m_avatarQueue.isEmpty();
    m_avatarQueue.unite ( urls );

    QMutableMapIterator<QString, QString> i ( m_avatarQueue );
    while ( i.hasNext() )

        QString const name = i.key();
        QString const url = i.value();

        //         if ( !KUrl( url ).host().startsWith( USER_AVATAR_HOST ) )
        //         {
        // Don't download avatar if it's just the default blank avatar!
        // but do if it's the current username since we have to show something at the top there
        //             if ( name != m_username )
        //                 i.remove();
        //         }

    if ( start )
        downloadAvatar ( m_avatarQueue.keys().value ( 0 ), m_avatarQueue.values().value ( 0 ) );