Esempio n. 1
static bool monochromeMediaFeatureEval(CSSValueImpl* value, RenderStyle*, KHTMLPart* part,  MediaFeaturePrefix op)
    KHTMLPart* rootPart = part;
    while (rootPart->parentPart()) rootPart = rootPart->parentPart();
    DOM::DocumentImpl *doc =  static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl*>(rootPart->document().handle());
    QPaintDevice *pd = doc->paintDevice(); 
    bool printing = pd ? (pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer) : false;
    int depth = 0;
    if (printing) {
        if (pd->numColors() < 2)
            depth = 1;
        // assume printer is either b&w or color.
    } else {
        int sn = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber( rootPart->view() );
        if (QApplication::desktop()->screen(sn)->depth() == 1)
            depth = 1;
        else if (QColormap::instance(sn).mode() == QColormap::Gray)
            depth = QApplication::desktop()->screen(sn)->depth();
    if (value)
        float number = 0;
        return numberValue(value, number) && compareValue(depth, static_cast<int>(number), op);
    return depth;
Esempio n. 2
static bool orientationMediaFeatureEval(CSSValueImpl *value, RenderStyle *, KHTMLPart *part,  MediaFeaturePrefix /*op*/)
    if (value) {
        CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *pv = static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *>(value);
        if (!value->isPrimitiveValue() || pv->primitiveType() != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT ||
                (pv->getIdent() != CSS_VAL_PORTRAIT && pv->getIdent() != CSS_VAL_LANDSCAPE)) {
            return false;

        KHTMLPart *rootPart = part;
        while (rootPart->parentPart()) {
            rootPart = rootPart->parentPart();
        DOM::DocumentImpl *doc =  static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl *>(rootPart->document().handle());
        QPaintDevice *pd = doc->paintDevice();
        bool printing = pd ? (pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer) : false;
        if (printing) {
            if (pd->width() > pd->height()) {
                return (pv->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_LANDSCAPE);
        } else {
            if (part->view()->visibleWidth() > part->view()->visibleHeight()) {
                return (pv->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_LANDSCAPE);
        return (pv->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_PORTRAIT);
    return false;
    Returns a QImage pointer which represents the actual buffer the \a widget
    is drawn into or 0 if this is unavailable.

    You must call beginPaint() before you call this function and the returned
    pointer is only valid until endPaint() is called.
QImage* QWindowSurface::buffer(const QWidget *widget)
    if (widget->window() != window())
        return 0;

    QPaintDevice *pdev = paintDevice();
    if (!pdev || pdev->devType() != QInternal::Image)
        return 0;

    const QPoint off = offset(widget);
    QImage *img = static_cast<QImage*>(pdev);

    QRect rect(off, widget->size());
    rect &= QRect(QPoint(), img->size());

    if (rect.isEmpty())
        return 0;

    img = new QImage(img->scanLine(rect.y()) + rect.x() * img->depth() / 8,
                     rect.width(), rect.height(),
                     img->bytesPerLine(), img->format());

    return img;
Esempio n. 4
static bool aspect_ratioMediaFeatureEval(CSSValueImpl *value, RenderStyle *, KHTMLPart *part,  MediaFeaturePrefix op)
    if (value) {
        KHTMLPart *rootPart = part;
        while (rootPart->parentPart()) {
            rootPart = rootPart->parentPart();
        DOM::DocumentImpl *doc =  static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl *>(rootPart->document().handle());
        QPaintDevice *pd = doc->paintDevice();
        bool printing = pd ? (pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer) : false;
        QSize vs;
        int h = 0, v = 0;
        if (printing) {
            vs = QSize(pd->width(), pd->height());
        } else {
            vs = QSize(part->view()->visibleWidth(), part->view()->visibleHeight());
        if (parseAspectRatio(value, h, v)) {
            return v != 0  && compareValue(vs.width() * v, vs.height() * h, op);
        return false;
    // ({,min-,max-}aspect-ratio)
    // assume if we have a viewport, its aspect ratio is non-zero
    return true;
Esempio n. 5
static bool device_aspect_ratioMediaFeatureEval(CSSValueImpl *value, RenderStyle *, KHTMLPart *part,  MediaFeaturePrefix op)
    if (value) {
        KHTMLPart *rootPart = part;
        while (rootPart->parentPart()) {
            rootPart = rootPart->parentPart();
        DOM::DocumentImpl *doc =  static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl *>(rootPart->document().handle());
        QPaintDevice *pd = doc->paintDevice();
        bool printing = pd ? (pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer) : false;
        QRect sg;
        int h = 0, v = 0;
        if (printing) {
            sg = QRect(0, 0, pd->width(), pd->height());
        } else {
            sg = QApplication::desktop()->screen(QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(rootPart->view()))->rect();
        if (parseAspectRatio(value, h, v)) {
            return v != 0  && compareValue(sg.width() * v, sg.height() * h, op);
        return false;

    // ({,min-,max-}device-aspect-ratio)
    // assume if we have a device, its aspect ratio is non-zero
    return true;
Esempio n. 6
static bool colorMediaFeatureEval(CSSValueImpl *value, RenderStyle *, KHTMLPart *part,  MediaFeaturePrefix op)
    KHTMLPart *rootPart = part;
    while (rootPart->parentPart()) {
        rootPart = rootPart->parentPart();
    DOM::DocumentImpl *doc =  static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl *>(rootPart->document().handle());
    QPaintDevice *pd = doc->paintDevice();
    bool printing = pd ? (pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer) : false;
    int bitsPerComponent = 0;
    if (printing) {
        if (pd->colorCount() > 2) {
            bitsPerComponent = pd->depth() / 3;
        // assume printer is either b&w or color.
    } else {
        int sn = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(rootPart->view());
        if (QColormap::instance(sn).mode() != QColormap::Gray) {
            bitsPerComponent = QApplication::desktop()->screen(sn)->depth() / 3;
    if (value && bitsPerComponent) {
        float number = 0;
        return numberValue(value, number) && compareValue(bitsPerComponent, static_cast<int>(number), op);
    return bitsPerComponent;
Esempio n. 7
static bool color_indexMediaFeatureEval(CSSValueImpl *value, RenderStyle *, KHTMLPart *part,  MediaFeaturePrefix op)
    KHTMLPart *rootPart = part;
    while (rootPart->parentPart()) {
        rootPart = rootPart->parentPart();
    DOM::DocumentImpl *doc =  static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl *>(rootPart->document().handle());
    QPaintDevice *pd = doc->paintDevice();
    bool printing = pd ? (pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer) : false;
    unsigned int numColors = 0;
    if (printing) {
        numColors = pd->colorCount();
    } else {
        int sn = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(rootPart->view());
        numColors = QApplication::desktop()->screen(sn)->colorCount();
    if (numColors == INT_MAX) {
        numColors = UINT_MAX;
    if (value) {
        float number = 0;
        return numberValue(value, number) && compareValue(numColors, static_cast<unsigned int>(number), op);

    return numColors;
Esempio n. 8
static cairo_image_surface_t *
_cairo_qt_surface_map_to_image (void *abstract_surface,
				const cairo_rectangle_int_t *extents)
    cairo_qt_surface_t *qs = (cairo_qt_surface_t *) abstract_surface;
    QImage *qimg = NULL;

    D(fprintf(stderr, "q[%p] acquire_dest_image\n", abstract_surface));

    if (qs->image_equiv)
	return _cairo_image_surface_map_to_image (qs->image_equiv,

    QPoint offset;

    if (qs->pixmap) {
        qimg = new QImage(qs->pixmap->toImage());
    } else {
        // Try to figure out what kind of QPaintDevice we have, and
        // how we can grab an image from it
        QPaintDevice *pd = qs->p->device();
	if (!pd)
	    return (cairo_image_surface_t *) _cairo_surface_create_in_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);

	QPaintDevice *rpd = QPainter::redirected(pd, &offset);
	if (rpd)
	    pd = rpd;

        if (pd->devType() == QInternal::Image) {
            qimg = new QImage(((QImage*) pd)->copy());
        } else if (pd->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap) {
            qimg = new QImage(((QPixmap*) pd)->toImage());
        } else if (pd->devType() == QInternal::Widget) {
            qimg = new QImage(QPixmap::grabWindow(((QWidget*)pd)->winId()).toImage());

    return (cairo_image_surface_t *) map_qimage_to_image (qimg, extents);
Esempio n. 9
void StylePainterQStyle::init(GraphicsContext* context, QStyle* themeStyle)
    painter = static_cast<QPainter*>(context->platformContext());
    widget = 0;
    QPaintDevice* dev = 0;
    if (painter)
        dev = painter->device();
    if (dev && dev->devType() == QInternal::Widget)
        widget = static_cast<QWidget*>(dev);
    style = themeStyle;

Esempio n. 10
StylePainter::StylePainter(const RenderObject::PaintInfo& paintInfo)
    painter = (paintInfo.context ? static_cast<QPainter*>(paintInfo.context->platformContext()) : 0);
    widget = 0;
    QPaintDevice* dev = 0;
    if (painter)
        dev = painter->device();
    if (dev && dev->devType() == QInternal::Widget)
        widget = static_cast<QWidget*>(dev);
    style = (widget ? widget->style() : QApplication::style());

    if (painter) {
        // the styles often assume being called with a pristine painter where no brush is set,
        // so reset it manually
        oldBrush = painter->brush();
void CarioQImageMainWindow::on_create_image_by_xlib_button_clicked()
    int height = ui->label->height();
    int width = ui->label->width();

    QPixmap *pixmap = new QPixmap(width, height);

    QPainter painter(pixmap);
    QPaintDevice *pd = painter.device();
    if(pd->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap)
        QPixmap *pixmap_inner = (QPixmap*) pd;
        Drawable d = (Drawable) pixmap_inner->handle();
        QX11Info xinfo = pixmap_inner->x11Info();
        int width = pixmap_inner->width();
        int height = pixmap_inner->height();

        cairo_surface_t * pCairoSurface =
                     ScreenOfDisplay(xinfo.display(), xinfo.screen()),
                     XRenderFindVisualFormat (xinfo.display(), (Visual*) xinfo.visual()),

        cairo_t* pCairoContext = cairo_create(pCairoSurface);
            cairo_set_source_rgb (pCairoContext, 0.627, 0, 0);
            cairo_set_font_size (pCairoContext, 24.0);

            cairo_move_to (pCairoContext, 10.0, 34.0);
            cairo_show_text (pCairoContext, "Hello, world\nUsing Image X11 Surface");


Esempio n. 12
static bool heightMediaFeatureEval(CSSValueImpl* value, RenderStyle* style, KHTMLPart* part,  MediaFeaturePrefix op)
    KHTMLPart* rootPart = part;
    while (rootPart->parentPart()) rootPart = rootPart->parentPart();
    DOM::DocumentImpl *doc =  static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl*>(rootPart->document().handle());
    QPaintDevice *pd = doc->paintDevice(); 
    bool printing = pd ? (pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer) : false;
    int height;
    if (printing)
        height = pd->height();
    else {
        height = part->view()->visibleHeight();
        doc = static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl*>(part->document().handle());
    int logicalDpiY = doc->logicalDpiY();
    if (value)
        return value->isPrimitiveValue() && compareValue(height, static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl*>(value)->computeLength(style, logicalDpiY), op);

    return height > 0;
Esempio n. 13
static bool device_widthMediaFeatureEval(CSSValueImpl* value, RenderStyle* style, KHTMLPart* part,  MediaFeaturePrefix op)
    if (value) {
        KHTMLPart* rootPart = part;
        while (rootPart->parentPart()) rootPart = rootPart->parentPart();
        DOM::DocumentImpl *doc =  static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl*>(rootPart->document().handle());
        QPaintDevice *pd = doc->paintDevice(); 
        bool printing = pd ? (pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer) : false;
        int width;
        if (printing)
            width = pd->width();
        else {
            width = QApplication::desktop()->screen(QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber( rootPart->view() ))->rect().width();
            doc = static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl*>(part->document().handle());
        int logicalDpiY = doc->logicalDpiY();
        return value->isPrimitiveValue() && compareValue(width, static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl*>(value)->computeLength(style,logicalDpiY), op);
    // ({,min-,max-}device-width)
    // assume if we have a device, assume non-zero
    return true;
Esempio n. 14
StylePainter::StylePainter(const RenderObject::PaintInfo& paintInfo)
    painter = (paintInfo.context ? static_cast<QPainter*>(paintInfo.context->platformContext()) : 0);
    widget = 0;
    QPaintDevice* dev = 0;
    if (painter)
        dev = painter->device();
    if (dev && dev->devType() == QInternal::Widget)
        widget = static_cast<QWidget*>(dev);
    style = (widget ? widget->style() : QApplication::style());

    if (painter) {
        // the styles often assume being called with a pristine painter where no brush is set,
        // so reset it manually
        oldBrush = painter->brush();

        // painting the widget with anti-aliasing will make it blurry
        // disable it here and restore it later
        oldAntialiasing = painter->testRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
        painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
Esempio n. 15
void StylePainter::init(GraphicsContext* context, QStyle* themeStyle)
    painter = static_cast<QPainter*>(context->platformContext());
    widget = 0;
    QPaintDevice* dev = 0;
    if (painter)
        dev = painter->device();
    if (dev && dev->devType() == QInternal::Widget)
        widget = static_cast<QWidget*>(dev);
    style = themeStyle;

    if (painter) {
        // the styles often assume being called with a pristine painter where no brush is set,
        // so reset it manually
        oldBrush = painter->brush();

        // painting the widget with anti-aliasing will make it blurry
        // disable it here and restore it later
        oldAntialiasing = painter->testRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
        painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
Esempio n. 16
static bool widthMediaFeatureEval(CSSValueImpl *value, RenderStyle *style, KHTMLPart *part,  MediaFeaturePrefix op)
    KHTMLPart *rootPart = part;
    while (rootPart->parentPart()) {
        rootPart = rootPart->parentPart();
    DOM::DocumentImpl *doc =  static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl *>(rootPart->document().handle());
    QPaintDevice *pd = doc->paintDevice();
    bool printing = pd ? (pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer) : false;
    int width;
    if (printing) {
        width = pd->width();
    } else {
        width = part->view()->visibleWidth();
        doc = static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl *>(part->document().handle());
    int logicalDpiY = doc->logicalDpiY();
    if (value) {
        return value->isPrimitiveValue() && compareValue(width, static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *>(value)->computeLength(style, style, logicalDpiY), op);

    return width > 0;
Esempio n. 17
void PluginView::paint(GraphicsContext* context, const IntRect& rect)
    if (!m_isStarted) {
        paintMissingPluginIcon(context, rect);

    if (context->paintingDisabled())


    if (m_isWindowed || !m_drawable)

    const bool syncX = m_pluginDisplay && m_pluginDisplay != QX11Info::display();

    QPainter* painter = context->platformContext();
    IntRect exposedRect(rect);
    exposedRect.move(-frameRect().x(), -frameRect().y());

    QPixmap qtDrawable = QPixmap::fromX11Pixmap(m_drawable, QPixmap::ExplicitlyShared);
    const int drawableDepth = ((NPSetWindowCallbackStruct*)m_npWindow.ws_info)->depth;
    ASSERT(drawableDepth == qtDrawable.depth());

    // When printing, Qt uses a QPicture to capture the output in preview mode. The
    // QPicture holds a reference to the X Pixmap. As a result, the print preview would
    // update itself when the X Pixmap changes. To prevent this, we create a copy.
    if (m_element->document()->printing())
        qtDrawable = qtDrawable.copy();

    if (m_isTransparent && drawableDepth != 32) {
        // Attempt content propagation for drawable with no alpha by copying over from the backing store
        QPoint offset;
        QPaintDevice* backingStoreDevice =  QPainter::redirected(painter->device(), &offset);
        offset = -offset; // negating the offset gives us the offset of the view within the backing store pixmap

        const bool hasValidBackingStore = backingStoreDevice && backingStoreDevice->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap;
        QPixmap* backingStorePixmap = static_cast<QPixmap*>(backingStoreDevice);

        // We cannot grab contents from the backing store when painting on QGraphicsView items
        // (because backing store contents are already transformed). What we really mean to do 
        // here is to check if we are painting on QWebView, but let's be a little permissive :)
        QWebPageClient* client = m_parentFrame->view()->hostWindow()->platformPageClient();
        const bool backingStoreHasUntransformedContents = client && qobject_cast<QWidget*>(client->pluginParent());

        if (hasValidBackingStore && backingStorePixmap->depth() == drawableDepth 
            && backingStoreHasUntransformedContents) {
            GC gc = XDefaultGC(QX11Info::display(), QX11Info::appScreen());
            XCopyArea(QX11Info::display(), backingStorePixmap->handle(), m_drawable, gc,
                offset.x() + m_windowRect.x() + exposedRect.x(), offset.y() + m_windowRect.y() + exposedRect.y(),
                exposedRect.width(), exposedRect.height(), exposedRect.x(), exposedRect.y());
        } else { // no backing store, clean the pixmap because the plugin thinks its transparent
            QPainter painter(&qtDrawable);
            painter.fillRect(exposedRect, Qt::white);

        if (syncX)

    XEvent xevent;
    memset(&xevent, 0, sizeof(XEvent));
    XGraphicsExposeEvent& exposeEvent = xevent.xgraphicsexpose;
    exposeEvent.type = GraphicsExpose;
    exposeEvent.display = QX11Info::display();
    exposeEvent.drawable = qtDrawable.handle();
    exposeEvent.x = exposedRect.x();
    exposeEvent.y = exposedRect.y();
    exposeEvent.width = exposedRect.x() + exposedRect.width(); // flash bug? it thinks width is the right in transparent mode
    exposeEvent.height = exposedRect.y() + exposedRect.height(); // flash bug? it thinks height is the bottom in transparent mode


    if (syncX)
        XSync(m_pluginDisplay, False); // sync changes by plugin

    painter->drawPixmap(QPoint(frameRect().x() + exposedRect.x(), frameRect().y() + exposedRect.y()), qtDrawable,
Esempio n. 18
Style::drawTabBar(const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const
    ASSURE_OPTION(tbb, TabBarBase);

    if (!config.invert.headers) {
        if (tbb->selectedTabRect.isEmpty())
            return; // only paint tab shapes
        if HAVE_OPTION(tbb2, TabBarBaseV2) {
            if (tbb2->documentMode) {
                return; // useless and adds confliciting horizintal lines
        painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
        painter->setPen(QPen(FRAME_COLOR, FRAME_STROKE_WIDTH));
        switch (tbb->shape) {
        case QTabBar::RoundedNorth: case QTabBar::TriangularNorth:
            painter->drawLine(RECT.x(), RECT.bottom(), tbb->selectedTabRect.x(), RECT.bottom());
            painter->drawLine(tbb->selectedTabRect.right(), RECT.bottom(), RECT.right(), RECT.bottom());
        case QTabBar::RoundedSouth: case QTabBar::TriangularSouth:
            painter->drawLine(RECT.x(),, tbb->selectedTabRect.x(),;
            painter->drawLine(tbb->selectedTabRect.right(),, RECT.right(),;
        case QTabBar::RoundedEast: case QTabBar::TriangularEast:
            painter->drawLine(RECT.x(), RECT.y(), RECT.x(), tbb->selectedTabRect.y());
            painter->drawLine(RECT.x(), tbb->selectedTabRect.bottom(), RECT.x(), RECT.bottom());
        case QTabBar::RoundedWest: case QTabBar::TriangularWest:
            painter->drawLine(RECT.right(), RECT.y(), RECT.right(), tbb->selectedTabRect.y());
            painter->drawLine(RECT.right(), tbb->selectedTabRect.bottom(), RECT.right(), RECT.bottom());

    QWidget *win = 0;

    if (widget) {
        if (widget->parentWidget() && qobject_cast<QTabWidget*>(widget->parentWidget())) {
            if (widget->parentWidget()->style() == this) {
                return; // otherwise it's a proxystyle like on konqueror / kdevelop...
        } else if (qobject_cast<const QTabBar*>(widget) || (appType == KDevelop && widget->inherits("QLabel"))) {
            return; // usually we alter the paintevent by eventfiltering
        win = widget->window();
    } else {
        if (painter->device()->devType() == QInternal::Widget)
            widget = static_cast<QWidget*>(painter->device());
        else {
            QPaintDevice *dev = QPainter::redirected(painter->device());
            if (dev && dev->devType() == QInternal::Widget)
                widget = static_cast<QWidget*>(dev);
        if ( widget )
            win = widget->window();

    QRect winRect;
    if (win) {
        winRect = win->rect();
        winRect.moveTopLeft(widget->mapFrom(win, winRect.topLeft()));
//     else
//         winRect = tbb->tabBarRect; // we set this from the eventfilter QEvent::Paint

    painter->setBrush(PAL.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText));

    // TODO: half rounded rect?
    if (RECT.x() == winRect.x() || RECT.y() == winRect.y() || RECT.right() == winRect.right() || RECT.bottom() == winRect.bottom()) {
        painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
    } else {
        painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
        const int rnd = qMin(config.frame.roundness, verticalTabs(tbb->shape) ? RECT.width()/2 : RECT.height()/2);
        painter->drawRoundedRect(RECT, rnd, rnd);
void WindowSurfaceImpl::updateSurfaceData()
    // If painting is active, i.e. beginPaint has been called 
    // surface data is not updated
    QWindowSurface* surface = mMainSurface.widget->windowSurface();
    // If window surface is null it means that the widget has been 
    // sent to background and widget's window surface has been deleted, 
    // in such case create own QImage as local surface in order to support 
    // rendering in background
    if(surface == NULL)
        // check if we already have local surface with valid size
            // incase we have invalid surface delete the current one
            // and create new
            // set info
            mMainSurface.qSurface = NULL;
            mMainSurface.device = mMainSurface.localSurface;
            mMainSurface.type = WsTypeQtImage;
            mMainSurface.localSurfaceInUse = true;
            // We have valid local surface so make sure its active and return
            mMainSurface.localSurfaceInUse = true;
        // We got Qt's window surface, so in case we had local surface in use
        // delete it as it's not used anymore
            // in case we have needed the local surface as temp
            // buffer for a client, it is not deleted as we most likely
            // will need it again. In any case the local surface 
            // stops to be the main surface and is atleast demoted to 
            // temp surface.
    // We got window surface so extract information
    QPaintDevice* device = surface->paintDevice();
    QPaintEngine* engine = NULL;
    // If the device is active it means that some painter is attached to the widget,
    // if not then we attach our own painter to do the job
        engine = device->paintEngine();
        engine = mPainter.paintEngine();
    // determine the surface type based on the engine used
    // as Qt does not provide exact info of the surface type
    switch (engine->type())
        case QPaintEngine::OpenVG:
            // surface is EGL window surface
            mMainSurface.type = WsTypeEglSurface;
        case QPaintEngine::Raster:
            mMainSurface.type = WsTypeSymbianBitmap;
            if(device->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap)
                QPixmap* pixmap = static_cast<QPixmap*>(device);
                mMainSurface.symbianBitmap = pixmap->toSymbianCFbsBitmap();
                throw GfxException(EGfxErrorIllegalArgument, "Unsupported device type");
            throw GfxException(EGfxErrorIllegalArgument, "Unsupported widget window surface type");
    // release painter if its active
    mMainSurface.qSurface = surface;
    mMainSurface.device = device;
    mMainSurface.localSurfaceInUse = false;
Esempio n. 20
static cairo_status_t
_cairo_qt_surface_acquire_dest_image (void *abstract_surface,
				      cairo_rectangle_int_t *interest_rect,
				      cairo_image_surface_t **image_out,
				      cairo_rectangle_int_t *image_rect,
				      void **image_extra)
    cairo_qt_surface_t *qs = (cairo_qt_surface_t *) abstract_surface;
    QImage *qimg = NULL;

    D(fprintf(stderr, "q[%p] acquire_dest_image\n", abstract_surface));

    *image_extra = NULL;

    if (qs->image_equiv) {
        *image_out = (cairo_image_surface_t*)
                     cairo_surface_reference (qs->image_equiv);

        image_rect->x = qs->window.x();
        image_rect->y = qs->window.y();
        image_rect->width = qs->window.width();
        image_rect->height = qs->window.height();

        return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;

    QPoint offset;

    if (qs->pixmap) {
        qimg = new QImage(qs->pixmap->toImage());
    } else {
        // Try to figure out what kind of QPaintDevice we have, and
        // how we can grab an image from it
        QPaintDevice *pd = qs->p->device();
	if (!pd)
	    return _cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);

	QPaintDevice *rpd = QPainter::redirected(pd, &offset);
	if (rpd)
	    pd = rpd;

        if (pd->devType() == QInternal::Image) {
            qimg = new QImage(((QImage*) pd)->copy());
        } else if (pd->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap) {
            qimg = new QImage(((QPixmap*) pd)->toImage());
        } else if (pd->devType() == QInternal::Widget) {
            qimg = new QImage(QPixmap::grabWindow(((QWidget*)pd)->winId()).toImage());

    if (qimg == NULL)
        return _cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);

    *image_out = (cairo_image_surface_t*)
                 cairo_image_surface_create_for_data (qimg->bits(),
                                                      _cairo_format_from_qimage_format (qimg->format()),
                                                      qimg->width(), qimg->height(),
    *image_extra = qimg;

    image_rect->x = qs->window.x() + offset.x();
    image_rect->y = qs->window.y() + offset.y();
    image_rect->width = qs->window.width() - offset.x();
    image_rect->height = qs->window.height() - offset.y();
