QRegion::QRegion( const QRect &r, RegionType t )
    data = new QRegionData;
    Q_CHECK_PTR( data );
    data->hgt = 0;
    data->is_null = FALSE;
    if ( r.isEmpty() ) {
	data->rgn = 0;
    } else {
        HPS hps = qt_display_ps();
	if ( t == Rectangle ) {			// rectangular region
            RECTL rcl = { r.left(), -(r.bottom()+1), r.right()+1, -r.top() };
            data->rgn = GpiCreateRegion( hps, 1, &rcl );
	} else if ( t == Ellipse ) {		// elliptic region
            // if the width or height of the ellipse is odd, GPI always
            // converts it to a nearest even value, which is obviously stupid
            // (see also QPainter::drawArcInternal()). So, we don't use
            // GpiCreateEllipticRegion(), but create an array of points to
            // call GpiCreatePolygonRegion() instead.
            QPointArray a;
            a.makeArc( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), 0, 360 * 16 );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < a.size(); ++ i )
                a[i].ry() = -(a[i].y() + 1);
            // GpiCreatePolygonRegion() is bogus and always starts a poligon from
            // the current position. Make the last point the current one and reduce
            // the number of points by one.
            GpiMove( hps, (PPOINTL) &a[ a.size() - 1 ] );
            POLYGON poly = { a.size() - 1, (PPOINTL) a.data() };
            data->rgn = GpiCreatePolygonRegion( hps, 1, &poly, POLYGON_ALTERNATE );
Esempio n. 2
QRegion::QRegion( const QPointArray &a, bool winding )
    data = new QRegionData;
    CHECK_PTR( data );
    data->is_null = FALSE;
    data->rgn = XPolygonRegion( (XPoint*)a.data(), a.size(),
				winding ? WindingRule : EvenOddRule );
Esempio n. 3
QRegion::QRegion( const QRect &r, RegionType t )
    QRect rr = r.normalize();
    data = new QRegionData;
    CHECK_PTR( data );
    data->is_null = FALSE;
    if ( t == Rectangle ) {			// rectangular region
	data->rgn = XCreateRegion();
	XRectangle xr;
	xr.x = rr.x();
	xr.y = rr.y();
	xr.width  = rr.width();
	xr.height = rr.height();
	XUnionRectWithRegion( &xr, data->rgn, data->rgn );
    } else if ( t == Ellipse ) {		// elliptic region
	QPointArray a;
	a.makeEllipse( rr.x(), rr.y(), rr.width(), rr.height() );
	data->rgn = XPolygonRegion( (XPoint*)a.data(), a.size(), EvenOddRule );