    : QMainWindow( 0, "kernelinfo", WDestructiveClose )
    printer = new QPrinter;
    QPixmap openIcon, saveIcon, printIcon;

    QToolBar * fileTools = new QToolBar( this, "file operations" );
    fileTools->setLabel( tr("File Operations") );

    openIcon = QPixmap( fileopen );
    QToolButton * fileOpen
	= new QToolButton( openIcon, tr("Open File"), QString::null,
			   this, SLOT(choose()), fileTools, "open file" );

    saveIcon = QPixmap( filesave );
    QToolButton * fileSave
	= new QToolButton( saveIcon, tr("Save File"), QString::null,
			   this, SLOT(save()), fileTools, "save file" );

    printIcon = QPixmap( fileprint );
    QToolButton * filePrint
	= new QToolButton( printIcon, tr("Print File"), QString::null,
			   this, SLOT(print()), fileTools, "print file" );

    (void)QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton( fileTools );

    QString fileOpenText = tr("<p><img source=\"fileopen\"> "
	         "Click this button to open a <em>new file</em>. <br>"
                 "You can also select the <b>Open</b> command "
                 "from the <b>File</b> menu.</p>");

    QWhatsThis::add( fileOpen, fileOpenText );

    QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "fileopen", openIcon );

    QString fileSaveText = tr("<p>Click this button to save the file you "
                 "are editing. You will be prompted for a file name.\n"
                 "You can also select the <b>Save</b> command "
                 "from the <b>File</b> menu.</p>");

    QWhatsThis::add( fileSave, fileSaveText );

    QString filePrintText = tr("Click this button to print the file you "
                 "are editing.\n You can also select the Print "
                 "command from the File menu.");

    QWhatsThis::add( filePrint, filePrintText );

    QPopupMenu * file = new QPopupMenu( this );
    menuBar()->insertItem( tr("&File"), file );

    file->insertItem( tr("&New"), this, SLOT(newDoc()), CTRL+Key_N );

    int id;
    id = file->insertItem( openIcon, tr("&Open..."),
			   this, SLOT(choose()), CTRL+Key_O );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, fileOpenText );

    id = file->insertItem( saveIcon, tr("&Save"),
			   this, SLOT(save()), CTRL+Key_S );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, fileSaveText );

    id = file->insertItem( tr("Save &As..."), this, SLOT(saveAs()) );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, fileSaveText );


    id = file->insertItem( printIcon, tr("&Print..."),
			   this, SLOT(print()), CTRL+Key_P );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, filePrintText );


    file->insertItem( tr("&Close"), this, SLOT(close()), CTRL+Key_W );

    file->insertItem( tr("&Quit"), qApp, SLOT( closeAllWindows() ), CTRL+Key_Q );


    QPopupMenu * help = new QPopupMenu( this );
    menuBar()->insertItem( tr("&Help"), help );

    help->insertItem( tr("&About"), this, SLOT(about()), Key_F1 );
    help->insertItem( tr("About &Qt"), this, SLOT(aboutQt()) );
    help->insertItem( tr("What's &This"), this, SLOT(whatsThis()), SHIFT+Key_F1 );

    e = new QTextEdit( this, "editor" );
    setCentralWidget( e );
    statusBar()->message( tr("Ready"), 2000 );

    resize( 450, 600 );
Esempio n. 2
int KAction::plug( QWidget *w, int index )
  //kdDebug(129) << "KAction::plug( " << w << ", " << index << " )" << endl;
  if (!w ) {
	kdWarning(129) << "KAction::plug called with 0 argument\n";
 	return -1;

  // Ellis: print warning if there is a shortcut, but no KAccel available (often due to no widget available in the actioncollection)
  // David: Well, it doesn't matter much, things still work (e.g. Undo in koffice) via QAccel.
  // We should probably re-enable the warning for things that only KAccel can do, though - e.g. WIN key (mapped to Meta).
#if 0 //ndef NDEBUG
  KAccel* kaccel = kaccelCurrent();
  if( !d->m_cut.isNull() && !kaccel ) {
    kdDebug(129) << "KAction::plug(): has no KAccel object; this = " << this << " name = " << name() << " parentCollection = " << m_parentCollection << endl; // ellis

  // Check if action is permitted
  if (kapp && !kapp->authorizeKAction(name()))
    return -1;


  if ( ::qt_cast<QPopupMenu *>( w ) )
    QPopupMenu* menu = static_cast<QPopupMenu*>( w );
    int id;
    // Don't insert shortcut into menu if it's already in a KAccel object.
    int keyQt = (d->m_kaccelList.count() || d->m_kaccel) ? 0 : d->m_cut.keyCodeQt();

    if ( d->hasIcon() )
        KInstance *instance;
        if ( m_parentCollection )
          instance = m_parentCollection->instance();
          instance = KGlobal::instance();
        id = menu->insertItem( d->iconSet( KIcon::Small, 0, instance ), d->text(), this,//dsweet
                                 SLOT( slotPopupActivated() ), keyQt,
                                 -1, index );
        id = menu->insertItem( d->text(), this,
                               SLOT( slotPopupActivated() ),
                               keyQt, -1, index );

    // If the shortcut is already in a KAccel object, then
    //  we need to set the menu item's shortcut text.
    if ( d->m_kaccelList.count() || d->m_kaccel )
        updateShortcut( menu, id );

    // call setItemEnabled only if the item really should be disabled,
    // because that method is slow and the item is per default enabled
    if ( !d->isEnabled() )
        menu->setItemEnabled( id, false );

    if ( !d->whatsThis().isEmpty() )
        menu->setWhatsThis( id, whatsThisWithIcon() );

    addContainer( menu, id );
    connect( menu, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) );

    if ( m_parentCollection )
      m_parentCollection->connectHighlight( menu, this );

    return d->m_containers.count() - 1;
  else if ( ::qt_cast<KToolBar *>( w ) )
    KToolBar *bar = static_cast<KToolBar *>( w );

    int id_ = getToolButtonID();
    KInstance *instance;
    if ( m_parentCollection )
      instance = m_parentCollection->instance();
      instance = KGlobal::instance();

    if ( icon().isEmpty() && !iconSet().pixmap().isNull() ) // old code using QIconSet directly
        bar->insertButton( iconSet().pixmap(), id_, SIGNAL( buttonClicked(int, Qt::ButtonState) ), this,
                           SLOT( slotButtonClicked(int, Qt::ButtonState) ),
                           d->isEnabled(), d->plainText(), index );
Esempio n. 3
    : QMainWindow( 0, "example application main window", WDestructiveClose )
    int id;

    QPixmap openIcon, saveIcon;

    fileTools = new QToolBar( this, "file operations" );
    addToolBar( fileTools, tr( "File Operations" ), Top, TRUE );

    openIcon = QPixmap( fileopen );
    QToolButton * fileOpen
	= new QToolButton( openIcon, "Open File", QString::null,
			   this, SLOT(load()), fileTools, "open file" );

    saveIcon = QPixmap( filesave );
    QToolButton * fileSave
	= new QToolButton( saveIcon, "Save File", QString::null,
			   this, SLOT(save()), fileTools, "save file" );

    printer = new QPrinter;
    QPixmap printIcon;

    printIcon = QPixmap( fileprint );
    QToolButton * filePrint
	= new QToolButton( printIcon, "Print File", QString::null,
			   this, SLOT(print()), fileTools, "print file" );
    QWhatsThis::add( filePrint, filePrintText );

    (void)QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton( fileTools );

    QWhatsThis::add( fileOpen, fileOpenText );
    QWhatsThis::add( fileSave, fileSaveText );

    QPopupMenu * file = new QPopupMenu( this );
    menuBar()->insertItem( "&File", file );

    file->insertItem( "&New", this, SLOT(newDoc()), CTRL+Key_N );

    id = file->insertItem( openIcon, "&Open",
			   this, SLOT(load()), CTRL+Key_O );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, fileOpenText );

    id = file->insertItem( saveIcon, "&Save",
			   this, SLOT(save()), CTRL+Key_S );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, fileSaveText );
    id = file->insertItem( "Save &as...", this, SLOT(saveAs()) );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, fileSaveText );
    id = file->insertItem( printIcon, "&Print",
			   this, SLOT(print()), CTRL+Key_P );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, filePrintText );
    file->insertItem( "&Close", this, SLOT(closeWindow()), CTRL+Key_W );
    file->insertItem( "&Quit", qApp, SLOT( closeAllWindows() ), CTRL+Key_Q );

    windowsMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
    windowsMenu->setCheckable( TRUE );
    connect( windowsMenu, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ),
	     this, SLOT( windowsMenuAboutToShow() ) );
    menuBar()->insertItem( "&Windows", windowsMenu );

    QPopupMenu * help = new QPopupMenu( this );
    menuBar()->insertItem( "&Help", help );

    help->insertItem( "&About", this, SLOT(about()), Key_F1);
    help->insertItem( "About &Qt", this, SLOT(aboutQt()));
    help->insertItem( "What's &This", this, SLOT(whatsThis()), SHIFT+Key_F1);

    QVBox* vb = new QVBox( this );
    vb->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken );
    ws = new QWorkspace( vb );
    setCentralWidget( vb );
    statusBar()->message( "Ready", 2000 );
Esempio n. 4
    : QMainWindow( 0, "example application main window", WDestructiveClose )
    int id;

    printer = new QPrinter;
    QPixmap openIcon, saveIcon, printIcon;

    fileTools = new QToolBar( this, "file operations" );
    fileTools->setLabel( tr( "File Operations" ) );

    openIcon = QPixmap( fileopen );
    QToolButton * fileOpen
	= new QToolButton( openIcon, "Open File", QString::null,
			   this, SLOT(load()), fileTools, "open file" );

    saveIcon = QPixmap( filesave );
    QToolButton * fileSave
	= new QToolButton( saveIcon, "Save File", QString::null,
			   this, SLOT(save()), fileTools, "save file" );

    printIcon = QPixmap( fileprint );
    QToolButton * filePrint
	= new QToolButton( printIcon, "Print File", QString::null,
			   this, SLOT(print()), fileTools, "print file" );

    (void)QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton( fileTools );

    QWhatsThis::add( fileOpen, fileOpenText );
    QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "fileopen", openIcon );
    QWhatsThis::add( fileSave, fileSaveText );
    QWhatsThis::add( filePrint, filePrintText );

    QPopupMenu * file = new QPopupMenu( this );
    menuBar()->insertItem( "&File", file );

    file->insertItem( "&New", this, SLOT(newDoc()), CTRL+Key_N );

    id = file->insertItem( openIcon, "&Open",
			   this, SLOT(load()), CTRL+Key_O );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, fileOpenText );

    id = file->insertItem( saveIcon, "&Save",
			   this, SLOT(save()), CTRL+Key_S );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, fileSaveText );
    id = file->insertItem( "Save &as...", this, SLOT(saveAs()) );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, fileSaveText );
    id = file->insertItem( printIcon, "&Print",
			   this, SLOT(print()), CTRL+Key_P );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, filePrintText );
    file->insertItem( "&Close", this, SLOT(close()), CTRL+Key_W );
    file->insertItem( "&Quit", qApp, SLOT( closeAllWindows() ), CTRL+Key_Q );

    QPopupMenu * help = new QPopupMenu( this );
    menuBar()->insertItem( "&Help", help );

    help->insertItem( "&About", this, SLOT(about()), Key_F1 );
    help->insertItem( "About &Qt", this, SLOT(aboutQt()) );
    help->insertItem( "What's &This", this, SLOT(whatsThis()), SHIFT+Key_F1 );

    e = new QMultiLineEdit( this, "editor" );
    setCentralWidget( e );
    statusBar()->message( "Ready", 2000 );
    resize( 450, 600 );