Esempio n. 1
QPrinter::PrinterState QPrinterProto::printerState() const
  QPrinter *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QPrinter*>(thisObject());
  if (item)
    return item->printerState();
  return QPrinter::Idle;
Esempio n. 2
void GL_widget_2::export_to_vector(QString file_name) {
	QPrinter printer;
	//	printer.setOrientation(QPrinter::Landscape); //ps would be not correct

	QPainter painter;

	if (printer.printerState() < 2) // idle or active
		std::cout << "Image written to " << file_name.toStdString() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Could not write image to " << file_name.toStdString() << std::endl;
Esempio n. 3
int FilePrinter::doPrintFiles( QPrinter &printer, QStringList fileList, FileDeletePolicy fileDeletePolicy,
                               PageSelectPolicy pageSelectPolicy, const QString &pageRange,
                               QPrinter::Orientation documentOrientation )

    if ( fileList.size() < 1 ) {
        return -8;

    for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = fileList.constBegin(); it != fileList.constEnd(); ++it) {
        if (!QFile::exists(*it)) {
            return -7;

    if ( printer.printerState() == QPrinter::Aborted || printer.printerState() == QPrinter::Error ) {
        return -6;

    QString exe;
    QStringList argList;
    int ret;

    // Print to File if a filename set, assumes there must be only 1 file
    if ( !printer.outputFileName().isEmpty() ) {

        if ( QFile::exists( printer.outputFileName() ) ) {
            QFile::remove( printer.outputFileName() );

        QFileInfo inputFileInfo = QFileInfo( fileList[0] );
        QFileInfo outputFileInfo = QFileInfo( printer.outputFileName() );

        bool doDeleteFile = (fileDeletePolicy == FilePrinter::SystemDeletesFiles);
        if ( inputFileInfo.suffix() == outputFileInfo.suffix() ) {
            if ( doDeleteFile ) {
                bool res = QFile::rename( fileList[0], printer.outputFileName() );
                if ( res ) {
                    doDeleteFile = false;
                    ret = 0;
                } else {
                    ret = -5;
            } else {
                bool res = QFile::copy( fileList[0], printer.outputFileName() );
                if ( res ) {
                    ret = 0;
                } else {
                    ret = -5;
        } else if ( inputFileInfo.suffix() == "ps" && printer.outputFormat() == QPrinter::PdfFormat && ps2pdfAvailable() ) {
            exe = "ps2pdf";
            argList << fileList[0] << printer.outputFileName();
            kDebug(OkularDebug) << "Executing" << exe << "with arguments" << argList;
            ret = KProcess::execute( exe, argList );
        } else if ( inputFileInfo.suffix() == "pdf" && printer.outputFormat() == QPrinter::PostScriptFormat && pdf2psAvailable() ) {
            exe = "pdf2ps";
            argList << fileList[0] << printer.outputFileName();
            kDebug(OkularDebug) << "Executing" << exe << "with arguments" << argList;
            ret = KProcess::execute( exe, argList );
        } else {
            ret = -5;

        if ( doDeleteFile ) {
            QFile::remove( fileList[0] );

    } else {  // Print to a printer via lpr command

        //Decide what executable to use to print with, need the CUPS version of lpr if available
        //Some distros name the CUPS version of lpr as lpr-cups or lpr.cups so try those first 
        //before default to lpr, or failing that to lp

        if ( !KStandardDirs::findExe("lpr-cups").isEmpty() ) {
            exe = "lpr-cups";
        } else if ( !KStandardDirs::findExe("lpr.cups").isEmpty() ) {
            exe = "lpr.cups";
        } else if ( !KStandardDirs::findExe("lpr").isEmpty() ) {
            exe = "lpr";
        } else if ( !KStandardDirs::findExe("lp").isEmpty() ) {
            exe = "lp";
        } else {
            return -9;

        bool useCupsOptions = cupsAvailable();
        argList = printArguments( printer, fileDeletePolicy, pageSelectPolicy, 
                                  useCupsOptions, pageRange, exe, documentOrientation ) << fileList;
        kDebug(OkularDebug) << "Executing" << exe << "with arguments" << argList;

        ret = KProcess::execute( exe, argList );


    return ret;
Esempio n. 4
void FilePrinter::doPrintFile( QPrinter &printer, const QString &file, FileDeletePolicy fileDeletePolicy,
                               PageSelectPolicy pageSelectPolicy, const QString &pageRange )

    if (!QFile::exists(file)) {

    bool doDeleteFile = (fileDeletePolicy == FilePrinter::SystemDeletesFiles);

    if ( printer.printerState() == QPrinter::Aborted || printer.printerState() == QPrinter::Error ) {
        if ( doDeleteFile ) {
            QFile::remove( file );

    // Print to a printer via lpr command

    //Decide what executable to use to print with, need the CUPS version of lpr if available
    //Some distros name the CUPS version of lpr as lpr-cups or lpr.cups so try those first 
    //before default to lpr, or failing that to lp

    QString exe;
    if ( !QStandardPaths::findExecutable(QStringLiteral("lpr-cups")).isEmpty() ) {
        exe = QStringLiteral("lpr-cups");
    } else if ( !QStandardPaths::findExecutable(QStringLiteral("lpr.cups")).isEmpty() ) {
        exe = QStringLiteral("lpr.cups");
    } else if ( !QStandardPaths::findExecutable(QStringLiteral("lpr")).isEmpty() ) {
        exe = QStringLiteral("lpr");
    } else if ( !QStandardPaths::findExecutable(QStringLiteral("lp")).isEmpty() ) {
        exe = QStringLiteral("lp");
    } else {
        if ( doDeleteFile ) {
            QFile::remove( file );

    bool useCupsOptions = cupsAvailable();
    QStringList argList = printArguments( printer, fileDeletePolicy, pageSelectPolicy,
                                          useCupsOptions, pageRange, exe ) << file;

    QProcess *process = new QProcess();
    QObject::connect(process, static_cast<void (QProcess::*)(QProcess::ProcessError)>(&QProcess::error), [=](QProcess::ProcessError) {
        if ( doDeleteFile ) {
            QFile::remove( file );
    QObject::connect(process, static_cast<void (QProcess::*)(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)>(&QProcess::finished), [=](int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus) {
        if ( doDeleteFile && (exitStatus != QProcess::NormalExit || exitCode != 0) ) {
            // lpr failed, so delete the temporary file in case it still exists.
            // In case of success, we let lpr delete it, it knows best when it is safe to do so.
            // (lpr queues jobs asynchronously.)
            QFile::remove( file );
    process->start( exe, argList );
Esempio n. 5
int Printer::printerState(lua_State * L) // const : PrinterState 
	QPrinter* lhs = ValueBinding<MyQPrinter>::check( L, 1 );
	Util::push( L, lhs->printerState() );
	return 1; 