Esempio n. 1
// React to a click on a day button, by removing it from the list
void ByWeekdayColumnWidget::onDayClicked()
    QPushButton *dayButton = qobject_cast<QPushButton*>(this->sender());

    // Remove the last number button

    // Remove the day from the internal list
    days.removeOne(reverse ? -dayButton->text().toInt() : dayButton->text().toInt());
Esempio n. 2
CertificateDialog::CertificateDialog(const QSslCertificate &cert, QWidget *parent, bool removePath)
:	QDialog( parent )
,	d( new CertificateDialogPrivate )
	d->setupUi( this );
	QPushButton *save = d->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save);
	if(save && Settings(QSettings::SystemScope).value("disableSave", false).toBool())
		d->tabWidget->removeTab( 2 );

	d->cert = cert;
	SslCertificate c = cert;
	QString i;
	QTextStream s( &i );
	s << "<b>" << tr("Certificate Information") << "</b><br />";
	s << "<hr>";
	s << "<b>" << tr("This certificate is intended for following purpose(s):") << "</b>";
	s << "<ul>";
	for(const QString &ext: c.enhancedKeyUsage())
		s << "<li>" << ext << "</li>";
	s << "</ul>";
	s << "<br /><br /><br /><br />";
	//s << tr("* Refer to the certification authority's statement for details.") << "<br />";
	s << "<hr>";
	s << "<p style='margin-left: 30px;'>";
	s << "<b>" << tr("Issued to:") << "</b> " << c.subjectInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName );
	s << "<br /><br /><br />";
	s << "<b>" << tr("Issued by:") << "</b> " << c.issuerInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName );
	s << "<br /><br /><br />";
	s << "<b>" << tr("Valid from") << "</b> " << c.effectiveDate().toLocalTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy" ) << " ";
	s << "<b>" << tr("to") << "</b> "<< c.expiryDate().toLocalTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy" );
	s << "</p>";
	d->info->setHtml( i );

	d->addItem( tr("Version"), "V" + c.version() );
	d->addItem( tr("Serial number"), QString( "%1 (0x%2)" )
		.arg( c.serialNumber().constData() )
		.arg( c.serialNumber( true ).constData() ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Signature algorithm"), c.signatureAlgorithm() );

	QStringList text, textExt;
	for(const QByteArray &obj: c.issuerInfoAttributes())
		const QString &data = c.issuerInfo( obj );
		if( data.isEmpty() )
		text << data;
		textExt << QString( "%1 = %2" ).arg( obj.constData() ).arg( data );
	d->addItem( tr("Issuer"), text.join( ", " ), textExt.join( "\n" ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Valid from"), DateTime( c.effectiveDate().toLocalTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Valid to"), DateTime( c.expiryDate().toLocalTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );

	for(const QByteArray &obj: c.subjectInfoAttributes())
		const QString &data = c.subjectInfo( obj );
		if( data.isEmpty() )
		text << data;
		textExt << QString( "%1 = %2" ).arg( obj.constData() ).arg( data );
	d->addItem( tr("Subject"), text.join( ", " ), textExt.join( "\n" ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Public key"), c.keyName(), c.publicKeyHex() );

	QStringList enhancedKeyUsage = c.enhancedKeyUsage().values();
	if( !enhancedKeyUsage.isEmpty() )
		d->addItem( tr("Enhanched key usage"), enhancedKeyUsage.join( ", " ), enhancedKeyUsage.join( "\n" ) );
	QStringList policies = c.policies();
	if( !policies.isEmpty() )
		d->addItem( tr("Certificate policies"), policies.join( ", " ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Authority key identifier"), c.toHex( c.authorityKeyIdentifier() ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Subject key identifier"), c.toHex( c.subjectKeyIdentifier() ) );
	QStringList keyUsage = c.keyUsage().values();
	if( !keyUsage.isEmpty() )
		d->addItem( tr("Key usage"), keyUsage.join( ", " ), keyUsage.join( "\n" ) );

	d->parameters->header()->setSectionResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);