Esempio n. 1
void tst_QSimToolkit::testDeliverRefresh()
    QFETCH( QByteArray, data );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, resp );
    QFETCH( int, resptype );
    QFETCH( int, refreshtype );
    QFETCH( int, numfiles );
    QFETCH( QString, fileids );
    QFETCH( int, options );

    // Output a dummy line to give some indication of which test we are currently running.
    qDebug() << "";

    // Clear the client/server state.
    deliveredCommand = QSimCommand();

    // Compose and send the command.
    QSimCommand cmd;
    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::Refresh );
    cmd.setRefreshType( (QSimCommand::RefreshType)refreshtype );
    if ( numfiles > 0 ) {
        QByteArray extData;
        extData += (char)numfiles;
        extData += QAtUtils::fromHex( fileids );
        cmd.addExtensionField( 0x92, extData );
    server->emitCommand( cmd );

    // Wait for the command to arrive in the client.
    QVERIFY( QFutureSignal::wait( this, SIGNAL(commandSeen()), 100 ) );

    // Verify that the command was delivered exactly as we asked.
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.type() == cmd.type() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.refreshType() == cmd.refreshType() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.extensionData() == cmd.extensionData() );
    QCOMPARE( deliveredCommand.toPdu( (QSimCommand::ToPduOptions)options ), data );

    // The response should have been sent immediately.
    QCOMPARE( server->responseCount(), 1 );
    QCOMPARE( server->envelopeCount(), 0 );
    if ( resptype != 0x0003 ) {
        QCOMPARE( server->lastResponse(), resp );
    } else {
        // We cannot test the "additional EF's read" case because the qtopiaphone
        // library will always respond with "command performed successfully".
        QByteArray resp2 = resp;
        resp2[resp2.size() - 1] = 0x00;
        QCOMPARE( server->lastResponse(), resp2 );
Esempio n. 2
void tst_QSimToolkit::testEncodeRefresh()
    QFETCH( QByteArray, data );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, resp );
    QFETCH( int, resptype );
    QFETCH( int, refreshtype );
    QFETCH( int, numfiles );
    QFETCH( QString, fileids );
    QFETCH( int, options );

    // Output a dummy line to give some indication of which test we are currently running.
    qDebug() << "";

    // Check that the command PDU can be parsed correctly.
    QSimCommand decoded = QSimCommand::fromPdu(data);
    QVERIFY( decoded.type() == QSimCommand::Refresh );
    QVERIFY( decoded.destinationDevice() == QSimCommand::ME );
    QCOMPARE( (int)decoded.refreshType(), refreshtype );
    if ( numfiles > 0 ) {
        QCOMPARE( decoded.extensionField(0x92)[0] & 0xFF, numfiles );
        QCOMPARE( decoded.extensionField(0x92).mid(1), QAtUtils::fromHex(fileids) );
    } else {
        QCOMPARE( decoded.extensionField(0x92), QByteArray() );

    // Check that the original command PDU can be reconstructed correctly.
    QByteArray encoded = decoded.toPdu( (QSimCommand::ToPduOptions)options );
    QCOMPARE( encoded, data );

    // Check that the terminal response PDU can be parsed correctly.
    QSimTerminalResponse decodedResp = QSimTerminalResponse::fromPdu(resp);
    QVERIFY( data.contains( decodedResp.commandPdu() ) );
    if ( resptype < 0x0100 ) {
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.result() == (QSimTerminalResponse::Result)resptype );
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.causeData().isEmpty() );
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.cause() == QSimTerminalResponse::NoSpecificCause );
    } else {
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.result() == (QSimTerminalResponse::Result)(resptype >> 8) );
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.causeData().size() == 1 );
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.cause() == (QSimTerminalResponse::Cause)(resptype & 0xFF) );

    // Check that the original terminal response PDU can be reconstructed correctly.
    QCOMPARE( decodedResp.toPdu(), resp );