Esempio n. 1
void QTextOdfWriter::writeBlockFormat(QXmlStreamWriter &writer, QTextBlockFormat format, int formatIndex) const
    writer.writeStartElement(styleNS, QString::fromLatin1("style"));
    writer.writeAttribute(styleNS, QString::fromLatin1("name"), QString::fromLatin1("p%1").arg(formatIndex));
    writer.writeAttribute(styleNS, QString::fromLatin1("family"), QString::fromLatin1("paragraph"));
    writer.writeStartElement(styleNS, QString::fromLatin1("paragraph-properties"));

    if (format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BlockAlignment)) {
        const Qt::Alignment alignment = format.alignment() & Qt::AlignHorizontal_Mask;
        QString value;
        if (alignment == Qt::AlignLeading)
            value = QString::fromLatin1("start");
        else if (alignment == Qt::AlignTrailing)
            value = QString::fromLatin1("end");
        else if (alignment == (Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignAbsolute))
            value = QString::fromLatin1("left");
        else if (alignment == (Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignAbsolute))
            value = QString::fromLatin1("right");
        else if (alignment == Qt::AlignHCenter)
            value = QString::fromLatin1("center");
        else if (alignment == Qt::AlignJustify)
            value = QString::fromLatin1("justify");
            qWarning() << "QTextOdfWriter: unsupported paragraph alignment; " << format.alignment();
        if (! value.isNull())
            writer.writeAttribute(foNS, QString::fromLatin1("text-align"), value);

    if (format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BlockTopMargin))
        writer.writeAttribute(foNS, QString::fromLatin1("margin-top"), pixelToPoint(qMax(qreal(0.), format.topMargin())) );
    if (format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BlockBottomMargin))
        writer.writeAttribute(foNS, QString::fromLatin1("margin-bottom"), pixelToPoint(qMax(qreal(0.), format.bottomMargin())) );
    if (format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BlockLeftMargin) || format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BlockIndent))
        writer.writeAttribute(foNS, QString::fromLatin1("margin-left"), pixelToPoint(qMax(qreal(0.),
            format.leftMargin() + format.indent())));
    if (format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BlockRightMargin))
        writer.writeAttribute(foNS, QString::fromLatin1("margin-right"), pixelToPoint(qMax(qreal(0.), format.rightMargin())) );
    if (format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::TextIndent))
        writer.writeAttribute(foNS, QString::fromLatin1("text-indent"), pixelToPoint(format.textIndent()));
    if (format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::PageBreakPolicy)) {
        if (format.pageBreakPolicy() & QTextFormat::PageBreak_AlwaysBefore)
            writer.writeAttribute(foNS, QString::fromLatin1("break-before"), QString::fromLatin1("page"));
        if (format.pageBreakPolicy() & QTextFormat::PageBreak_AlwaysAfter)
            writer.writeAttribute(foNS, QString::fromLatin1("break-after"), QString::fromLatin1("page"));
    if (format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BackgroundBrush)) {
        QBrush brush = format.background();
        writer.writeAttribute(foNS, QString::fromLatin1("background-color"), brush.color().name());
    if (format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BlockNonBreakableLines))
        writer.writeAttribute(foNS, QString::fromLatin1("keep-together"),
                format.nonBreakableLines() ? QString::fromLatin1("true") : QString::fromLatin1("false"));
    if (format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::TabPositions)) {
        QList<QTextOption::Tab> tabs = format.tabPositions();
        writer.writeStartElement(styleNS, QString::fromLatin1("tab-stops"));
        QList<QTextOption::Tab>::Iterator iterator = tabs.begin();
        while(iterator != tabs.end()) {
            writer.writeEmptyElement(styleNS, QString::fromLatin1("tab-stop"));
            writer.writeAttribute(styleNS, QString::fromLatin1("position"), pixelToPoint(iterator->position) );
            QString type;
            switch(iterator->type) {
            case QTextOption::DelimiterTab: type = QString::fromLatin1("char"); break;
            case QTextOption::LeftTab: type = QString::fromLatin1("left"); break;
            case QTextOption::RightTab: type = QString::fromLatin1("right"); break;
            case QTextOption::CenterTab: type = QString::fromLatin1("center"); break;
            writer.writeAttribute(styleNS, QString::fromLatin1("type"), type);
            if (iterator->delimiter != 0)
                writer.writeAttribute(styleNS, QString::fromLatin1("char"), iterator->delimiter);

        writer.writeEndElement(); // tab-stops

    writer.writeEndElement(); // paragraph-properties
    writer.writeEndElement(); // style
Esempio n. 2
void HtmlExporter::emitBlock( const QTextBlock &block )
    // save and later restore, in case we 'change' the default format by
    // emitting block char format information

    // NOTE the bottom line is commented, to use default charFormat, which can be set from outside.
    //QTextCharFormat oldDefaultCharFormat = defaultCharFormat;

    QString blockTag;
    bool isBlockQuote = false;
    const QTextBlockFormat blockFormat = block.blockFormat();

    if ( blockFormat.hasProperty( BilboTextFormat::IsBlockQuote ) && 
         blockFormat.boolProperty( BilboTextFormat::IsBlockQuote ) ) {
        isBlockQuote = true;
    QTextList *list = block.textList();
    if ( list ) {
        if ( list->itemNumber( block ) == 0 ) { // first item? emit <ul> or appropriate
//    qDebug() << "first item" << endl;
            if ( isBlockQuote ) {
                html += QLatin1String( "<blockquote>" );
            const QTextListFormat format = list->format();
            const int style =;
            switch ( style ) {
                case QTextListFormat::ListDecimal:
                    html += QLatin1String( "<ol" );
                case QTextListFormat::ListDisc:
                    html += QLatin1String( "<ul" );
                case QTextListFormat::ListCircle:
                    html += QLatin1String( "<ul type=\"circle\"" );
                case QTextListFormat::ListSquare:
                    html += QLatin1String( "<ul type=\"square\"" );
                case QTextListFormat::ListLowerAlpha:
                    html += QLatin1String( "<ol type=\"a\"" );
                case QTextListFormat::ListUpperAlpha:
                    html += QLatin1String( "<ol type=\"A\"" );
                    html += QLatin1String( "<ul" ); // ### should not happen
                    //qDebug() << html;
            if (format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::ListIndent)) {
                html += QLatin1String(" style=\"-qt-list-indent: ");
                html += QString::number(format.indent());
                html += QLatin1String(";\"");

            html += QLatin1Char( '>' );
        blockTag = QLatin1String( "li" );
//         html += QLatin1String( "<li " );

//     const QTextBlockFormat blockFormat = block.blockFormat();
    if ( blockFormat.hasProperty( QTextFormat::BlockTrailingHorizontalRulerWidth ) ) { 
        if ( ( blockFormat.hasProperty( BilboTextFormat::IsHtmlTagSign ) ) && 
            ( blockFormat.boolProperty( BilboTextFormat::IsHtmlTagSign ) ) ) {
            html += QLatin1String( "<!--split-->" );
        } else {
            html += QLatin1String( "<hr" );
            QTextLength width = blockFormat.lengthProperty( QTextFormat::BlockTrailingHorizontalRulerWidth );
            if ( width.type() != QTextLength::VariableLength ) {
                emitTextLength( "width", width );
            } else {
                html += QLatin1Char( ' ' );
            html += QLatin1String( "/>" );

    const bool pre = blockFormat.nonBreakableLines();
    if ( pre ) {
//   qDebug() << "NonBreakable lines" << endl;
//         if (list) {
//             html += QLatin1Char('>');
//   }
//         html += QLatin1String( "<pre" );
//         emitBlockAttributes( block );
//         html += QLatin1Char( '>' );
        blockTag = QLatin1String( "pre" );

    } else {
        if (!list) {
            if ( isBlockQuote ) {
                html += QLatin1String( "<blockquote>" );

            if ( ( blockFormat.hasProperty( BilboTextFormat::HtmlHeading ) ) && (
                blockFormat.intProperty( BilboTextFormat::HtmlHeading ) ) ) {
                const int index = blockFormat.intProperty( BilboTextFormat::HtmlHeading );
                blockTag = QLatin1Char( 'h' ) + QString::number( index );
            } else {
                //html += QLatin1String("<div");
//                 html += QLatin1String( "<p" );
                blockTag = QLatin1String( "p" );
    if ( !blockTag.isEmpty() ) {
        html += QLatin1Char( '<' ) + blockTag;
        emitBlockAttributes( block );
        html += QLatin1Char( '>' );

    QTextBlock::Iterator it = block.begin();

    for ( ; !it.atEnd(); ++it ) {
        emitFragment( it.fragment(), blockFormat );

    if ( !blockTag.isEmpty() ) {
        html += QLatin1String( "</" ) + blockTag + QLatin1String( ">\n" );

//     if ( pre ) {
//         html += QLatin1String( "</pre>\n" );
//     } else {
//         if ( list ) {
//             html += QLatin1String( "</li>\n" );
//         } else {
//             if ( blockFormat::boolProperty( BilboTextFormat::IsHtmlHeading ) ) {
//                 const int index = format.intProperty( QTextFormat::FontSizeAdjustment );
//                 switch ( index ) {
//                     case -2:
//                        html += QLatin1String( "</h6>" );
//                        break;
//                     case -1:
//                        html += QLatin1String( "</h5>" );
//                        break;
//                     case 0:
//                        html += QLatin1String( "</h4>" );
//                        break;
//                     case 1:
//                        html += QLatin1String( "</h3>" );
//                        break;
//                     case 2:
//                        html += QLatin1String( "<h2" );
//                        break;
//                     case 3:
//                        html += QLatin1String( "<h1" );
//                        break;
//                 }
//             } else {
//                 html += QLatin1String( "</p>\n" );
//             }
//         }
//     }
    // HACK html.replace( QRegExp("<br[\\s]*/>[\\n]*<br[\\s]*/>[\\n]*"),"<br />&nbsp;<br />" );

    if ( list ) {
        if ( list->itemNumber( block ) == list->count() - 1 ) { // last item? close list
            if ( isOrderedList( list->format().style() ) ) {
                html += QLatin1String( "</ol>\n" );
            } else {
                html += QLatin1String( "</ul>\n" );
            if ( isBlockQuote ) {
                html += QLatin1String( "</blockquote>\n" );
    } else {
        if ( isBlockQuote ) {
            html += QLatin1String( "</blockquote>\n" );
    // NOTE the bottom line is commented, to use default charFormat, which can be set from outside.
    //defaultCharFormat = oldDefaultCharFormat;