static PyObject *meth_QUrlInfo_setFile(PyObject *sipSelf, PyObject *sipArgs)
    PyObject *sipParseErr = NULL;
    bool sipSelfWasArg = (!sipSelf || sipIsDerived((sipSimpleWrapper *)sipSelf));

        bool a0;
        QUrlInfo *sipCpp;

        if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, "Bb", &sipSelf, sipType_QUrlInfo, &sipCpp, &a0))
            (sipSelfWasArg ? sipCpp->QUrlInfo::setFile(a0) : sipCpp->setFile(a0));

            return Py_None;

    /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */
    sipNoMethod(sipParseErr, sipName_QUrlInfo, sipName_setFile, doc_QUrlInfo_setFile);

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 2
void Qip::socketReadyRead()
    // read from the server
    QTextStream stream( socket );
    QString line;
    while ( socket->canReadLine() ) {
	line = stream.readLine();
	if ( line.startsWith( "500" ) ) {
	    error( ErrValid, line.mid( 4 ) ); 
	} else if ( line.startsWith( "550" ) ) {
	    error( ErrFileNotExisting, line.mid( 4 ) ); 
	} else if ( line.startsWith( "212+" ) ) {
	    if ( state != List ) {
		state = List;
	        emit start( operationInProgress() );
	    QUrlInfo inf;
	    inf.setName( line.mid( 6 ) + QString( ( line[ 4 ] == 'D' ) ? "/" : "" ) );
	    inf.setDir( line[ 4 ] == 'D' );
	    inf.setSymLink( FALSE );
	    inf.setFile( line[ 4 ] == 'F' );
	    inf.setWritable( FALSE );
	    inf.setReadable( TRUE );
	    emit newChild( inf, operationInProgress() );
	} else if ( line.startsWith( "213+" ) ) {
	    state = Data;
	    emit data( line.mid( 4 ).utf8(), operationInProgress() );
	if( line[3] == ' ' && state != Start) {
	    state = Start;
	    operationInProgress()->setState( StDone );
	    emit finished( operationInProgress() );
Esempio n. 3
void Nntp::parseGroups()
    if ( !commandSocket->canReadLine() )

    // read one line after the other
    while ( commandSocket->canReadLine() ) {
	QString s = commandSocket->readLine();

	// if the  line starts with a dot, all groups or articles have been listed,
	// so we finished processing the listChildren() command
	if ( s[ 0 ] == '.' ) {
	    readGroups = FALSE;
	    operationInProgress()->setState( StDone );
	    emit finished( operationInProgress() );

	// if the code of the server response is 215 or 211
	// the next line will be the first group or article (depending on what we read).
	// So let others know that we start reading now...
	if ( s.left( 3 ) == "215" || s.left( 3 ) == "211" ) {
	    operationInProgress()->setState( StInProgress );
	    emit start( operationInProgress() );

	// parse the line and create a QUrlInfo object
	// which describes the child (group or article)
	bool tab = s.find( '\t' ) != -1;
	QString group = s.mid( 0, s.find( tab ? '\t' : ' ' ) );
	QUrlInfo inf;
	inf.setName( group );
	QString path = url()->path();
	inf.setDir( path.isEmpty() || path == "/" );
	inf.setSymLink( FALSE );
	inf.setFile( !inf.isDir() );
	inf.setWritable( FALSE );
	inf.setReadable( TRUE );

	// let others know about our new child
	emit newChild( inf, operationInProgress() );
