Esempio n. 1
 * Traverses the vertical outer borders of the given render flow's line
 * boxes and appends the point coordinates to the given point array.
 * @param line line box to begin traversal
 * @param pointArray point array
 * @param left \c true, traverse the left vertical coordinates,
 *	\c false, traverse the right vertical coordinates.
 * @param lastline if not 0, returns the pointer to the last line box traversed
static void collectVerticalBoxCoordinates(InlineRunBox *line, QValueVector< QPoint > &pointArray, bool left, int offset, InlineRunBox **lastline = 0)
    InlineRunBox *last = 0;
    offset = left ? -offset : offset;
    for(InlineRunBox *curr = line; curr && !last; curr = left ? curr->prevLineBox() : curr->nextLineBox())
        InlineBox *root = curr;

        bool isLast = lineBoxesDisjoint(curr, kAbs(offset), left);
            last = curr;

        if(root != line && !isLast)
                root = root->parent();
        QPoint newPnt(curr->xPos() + !left * curr->width() + offset, (left ? root->topOverflow() : root->bottomOverflow()) + offset);
            QPoint lastPnt = pointArray.back();
            if(newPnt.x() > lastPnt.x() && !left)
                pointArray.back().setY(kMin(lastPnt.y(), root->topOverflow() - offset));
            else if(newPnt.x() < lastPnt.x() && left)
                pointArray.back().setY(kMax(lastPnt.y(), root->bottomOverflow() + offset));
            QPoint insPnt(newPnt.x(), pointArray.back().y());
            //         kdDebug(6040) << "left: " << lastPnt << " == " << insPnt << ": " << (insPnt == lastPnt) << endl;
            appendPoint(pointArray, insPnt);
        appendPoint(pointArray, newPnt);
        *lastline = last;
	bool endElement( const QString& /*namespaceURI*/, const QString& /*localName*/, const QString& /*qName*/ )
		cElement* element = elements.pop();
		if ( --( levels.back() ) == 0 )
			// Ignore root
			return true;

		if ( element == elements.current() )
			// Ignore include
			return true;

		// Did we complete a parent node?
		if ( elements.current() == NULL )
			// Find a category node
			unsigned int i = 0;

			// Sort it into a category.
			while ( categories[i].name != 0 )
				if ( element->name() == categories[i].name )
					QString tagId = element->getAttribute( "id" );

					// If the element has an id,
					if ( !tagId.isEmpty() )
						if ( impl->unique[categories[i].key].contains( tagId ) && !Config::instance()->overwriteDefinitions() )
							Console::instance()->log( LOG_WARNING, tr( "Duplicate %1: %2\n[File: %3, Line: %4]\n" )
								.arg( element->name() ).arg( tagId ).arg( filenames.back() ).arg( locators.current()->lineNumber() ) );
							delete element;
							impl->unique[categories[i].key].insert( tagId, element, true );
						impl->nonunique[categories[i].key].push_back( element );

					return true;

			Console::instance()->log( LOG_WARNING, tr( "Unknown element: %1\n[File: %2, Line: %3]\n" )
				.arg( element->name() ).arg( filenames.back() ).arg( locators.current()->lineNumber() ) );
			delete element;

		return true;
Esempio n. 3
 * Traverses the horizontal inline boxes and appends the point coordinates to
 * the given array.
 * @param box inline box
 * @param pointArray array collecting coordinates
 * @param bottom \c true, collect bottom coordinates, \c false, collect top
 * 	coordinates.
 * @param limit lower limit that an y-coordinate must at least reach. Note
 *	that limit designates the highest y-coordinate for \c bottom, and
 *	the lowest for !\c bottom.
static void collectHorizontalBoxCoordinates(InlineBox *box, QValueVector< QPoint > &pointArray, bool bottom, int offset, int limit = -500000)
    //   kdDebug(6000) << "collectHorizontalBoxCoordinates: " << endl;
    offset = bottom ? offset : -offset;
    int y = box->yPos() + bottom * box->height() + offset;
    if(limit != -500000 && (bottom ? y < limit : y > limit))
        y = limit;
    int x = box->xPos() + bottom * box->width() + offset;
    QPoint newPnt(x, y);
    // Add intersection point if point-array not empty.
        QPoint lastPnt = pointArray.back();
        QPoint insPnt(newPnt.x(), lastPnt.y());
        if(offset && ((bottom && lastPnt.y() > y) || (!bottom && lastPnt.y() < y)))
            insPnt.rx() = lastPnt.x();
            insPnt.ry() = y;
        //         kdDebug(6040) << "left: " << lastPnt << " == " << insPnt << ": " << (insPnt == lastPnt) << endl;
        appendPoint(pointArray, insPnt);
    // Insert starting point of box
    appendPoint(pointArray, newPnt);

    newPnt.rx() += (bottom ? -box->width() : box->width()) - 2 * offset;

        InlineFlowBox *flowBox = static_cast< InlineFlowBox * >(box);
        for(InlineBox *b = bottom ? flowBox->lastChild() : flowBox->firstChild(); b; b = bottom ? b->prevOnLine() : b->nextOnLine())
            // Don't let boxes smaller than this flow box' height influence
            // the vertical position of the outline if they have a different
            // x-coordinate
            int l2;
            if(b->xPos() != box->xPos() && b->xPos() + b->width() != box->xPos() + box->width())
                l2 = y;
                l2 = limit;
            collectHorizontalBoxCoordinates(b, pointArray, bottom, kAbs(offset), l2);

        // Add intersection point if flow box contained any children
            QPoint lastPnt = pointArray.back();
            QPoint insPnt(lastPnt.x(), newPnt.y());
            //             kdDebug(6040) << "right: " << lastPnt << " == " << insPnt << ": " << (insPnt == lastPnt) << endl;
            appendPoint(pointArray, insPnt);

    // Insert ending point of box
    appendPoint(pointArray, newPnt);

    //     kdDebug(6000) << "collectHorizontalBoxCoordinates: " << "ende" << endl;
	bool startElement( const QString& /*namespaceURI*/, const QString& localName, const QString& qName, const QXmlAttributes& atts )

		// Ignore document root
		if ( levels.back() == 1 )
			if ( levels.isEmpty() )
				// Top level
				elements.push( NULL );
				// Within an include
				elements.push( elements.current() );
			return true;

		// Include another file
		if ( qName == "include" )
			QString value = atts.value( "file" );
			load( value );

			elements.push( elements.current() );
			return true;

		cElement* element = new cElement;
		element->setName( localName.latin1() );
		element->copyAttributes( atts );

		// Child Element?
		if ( elements.current() != NULL )
			cElement* parent = elements.current(); // Pop the potential parent
			parent->addChild( element ); // Add the child to it's parent
			element->setParent( parent );
		} else {

		elements.push( element ); // Push our element (there may be children)

		return true;
Esempio n. 5
 * Appends the given coordinate-pair to the point-array if it is not
 * equal to the last element.
 * @param pointArray point-array
 * @param pnt point to append
 * @return \c true if \c pnt has actually been appended
inline static bool appendIfNew(QValueVector< QPoint > &pointArray, const QPoint &pnt)
    //   if (!pointArray.isEmpty()) kdDebug(6040) << "appifnew: " << pointArray.back() << " == " << pnt << ": " << (pointArray.back() == pnt) << endl;
    //   else kdDebug(6040) << "appifnew: " << pnt << " (unconditional)" << endl;
    if(!pointArray.isEmpty() && pointArray.back() == pnt)
        return false;
    return true;
	bool fatalError( const QXmlParseException& exception )
		Console::instance()->log( LOG_ERROR, tr( "%1\n[File: %2, Line: %3, Column: %4]" )
			.arg( exception.message(), filenames.back() ).arg( exception.lineNumber() ).arg( exception.columnNumber() ) );
		return true; // continue