void HierarchyList::removeTabPage() { QWidget *w = current(); if ( !w ) return; if ( w->inherits( "QTabWidget" ) ) { QTabWidget *tw = (QTabWidget*)w; if ( tw->currentPage() ) { QDesignerTabWidget *dtw = (QDesignerTabWidget*)tw; DeleteTabPageCommand *cmd = new DeleteTabPageCommand( i18n("Delete Page %1 of %2" ). arg( dtw->pageTitle() ).arg( tw->name() ), formWindow, tw, tw->currentPage() ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } } else if ( w->inherits( "QWizard" ) ) { QWizard *wiz = (QWizard*)formWindow->mainContainer(); if ( wiz->currentPage() ) { QDesignerWizard *dw = (QDesignerWizard*)wiz; DeleteWizardPageCommand *cmd = new DeleteWizardPageCommand( i18n("Delete Page %1 of %2" ). arg( dw->pageTitle() ).arg( wiz->name() ), formWindow, wiz, wiz->indexOf( wiz->currentPage() ), true ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } } }
void HierarchyList::showRMBMenu( QListViewItem *i, const QPoint & p ) { if ( !i ) return; QWidget *w = findWidget( i ); if ( !w ) return; if ( w != formWindow && !formWindow->widgets()->find( w ) ) return; if ( w->isVisibleTo( formWindow ) ) { if ( !w->inherits( "QTabWidget" ) && !w->inherits( "QWizard" ) ) { if ( !normalMenu ) normalMenu = formWindow->mainWindow()->setupNormalHierarchyMenu( this ); normalMenu->popup( p ); } else { if ( !tabWidgetMenu ) tabWidgetMenu = formWindow->mainWindow()->setupTabWidgetHierarchyMenu( this, SLOT( addTabPage() ), SLOT( removeTabPage() ) ); tabWidgetMenu->popup( p ); } } }
void KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::editableWidgetBlurred( QWidget * /*widget*/ ) { QWidget *oldWidget = m_editableFormWidget; m_editableFormWidget = 0; enableAction( "cut", false ); enableAction( "paste", false ); m_part->emitSelectionChanged(); if ( m_connectedToClipboard ) { disconnect( QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()), this, SLOT(updateEditActions()) ); if ( oldWidget ) { if ( oldWidget->inherits( "QLineEdit" ) || oldWidget->inherits( "QTextEdit" ) ) disconnect( oldWidget, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(updateEditActions()) ); } m_connectedToClipboard = false; } editableWidgetBlurred(); }
void ViewSwitches::refreshVolumeLevels() { //kdDebug(67100) << "ViewSwitches::refreshVolumeLevels()\n"; QWidget *mdw = _mdws.first(); MixDevice* md; for ( md = _mixSet->first(); md != 0; md = _mixSet->next() ) { if ( mdw == 0 ) { kdError(67100) << "ViewSwitches::refreshVolumeLevels(): mdw == 0\n"; break; // sanity check (normally the lists are set up correctly) } else { if ( mdw->inherits("MDWSwitch")) { //kdDebug(67100) << "ViewSwitches::refreshVolumeLevels(): updating\n"; // a slider, fine. Lets update its value static_cast<MDWSwitch*>(mdw)->update(); } else if ( mdw->inherits("MDWEnum")) { static_cast<MDWEnum*>(mdw)->update(); } else { kdError(67100) << "ViewSwitches::refreshVolumeLevels(): mdw is not slider\n"; // no switch. Cannot happen in theory => skip it // If I start putting other stuff in the switch tab, I will get a nice warning. } } mdw = _mdws.next(); } }
void GridLayout::doLayout() { bool needMove, needReparent; if ( !prepareLayout( needMove, needReparent ) ) return; QDesignerGridLayout *layout = (QDesignerGridLayout*)WidgetFactory::createLayout( layoutBase, 0, WidgetFactory::Grid ); if ( !grid ) buildGrid(); QWidget* w; int r, c, rs, cs; for ( w = widgets.first(); w; w = widgets.next() ) { if ( grid->locateWidget( w, r, c, rs, cs) ) { if ( needReparent && w->parent() != layoutBase ) w->reparent( layoutBase, 0, QPoint( 0, 0 ), FALSE ); if ( rs * cs == 1 ) { layout->addWidget( w, r, c, w->inherits( "Spacer" ) ? ( (Spacer*)w )->alignment() : 0 ); } else { layout->addMultiCellWidget( w, r, r+rs-1, c, c+cs-1, w->inherits( "Spacer" ) ? ( (Spacer*)w )->alignment() : 0 ); } w->show(); } else { qWarning("ooops, widget '%s' does not fit in layout", w->name() ); } } finishLayout( needMove, layout ); }
void KHelpMenu::contextHelpActivated() { QWhatsThis::enterWhatsThisMode(); QWidget* w = QApplication::widgetAt( QCursor::pos(), true ); while ( w && !w->isTopLevel() && !w->inherits("QXEmbed") ) w = w->parentWidget(); #ifdef Q_WS_X11 if ( w && w->inherits("QXEmbed") ) (( QXEmbed*) w )->enterWhatsThisMode(); #endif }
void Style::drawLineEdit(const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget, bool round) const { // spinboxes and combos allready have a lineedit as global frame // TODO: exclude Q3Combo?? QWidget *daddy = widget ? widget->parentWidget() : 0L; if (qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionFrame*>(option) && static_cast<const QStyleOptionFrame *>(option)->lineWidth < 1) { if (appType == KDM || (daddy && ( qobject_cast<QComboBox*>(daddy) || daddy->inherits("QAbstractSpinBox")))) return; painter->fillRect(RECT, FCOLOR(Base)); return; } if (Hacks::config.invertDolphinUrlBar && daddy && daddy->inherits("KUrlNavigator")) return; OPT_ENABLED OPT_FOCUS // round = true; isEnabled = isEnabled && !(option->state & State_ReadOnly); QRect r = RECT; QRect RECT2 = QRect( 1, 0, r.width()-1, r.height() ); if (isEnabled) { const Tile::Set &mask = masks.rect[round && appType != GTK]; r.setBottom(r.bottom() - F(2)); if (PAL.brush(QPalette::Base).style() > 1 ) // pixmap, gradient, whatever { QPixmap *buffer = bgBuffer(PAL, r); mask.render(r, painter, *buffer); delete buffer; } else if (r.height() > 2*option->fontMetrics.height()) // no lineEdit... like some input frames in QWebKit { const QColor &c = FCOLOR(Base); mask.render(r, painter, (hasFocus && Colors::value(c) < 100) ? c.lighter(112) : c); } else mask.render(r, painter, Gradients::Sunken, Qt::Vertical, FCOLOR(Base)); if (hasFocus) lights.glow[round].render(RECT, painter, FCOLOR(Highlight)); } if (appType == GTK) shadows.fallback.render(RECT,painter); else shadows.sunken[round][isEnabled].render(RECT2, painter); painter->setPen( QColor( 0, 0, 0, 100 ) ); // Black color painter->drawRoundedRect( 1, 1, r.width()-3, r.height()-2, 3, 3 ); painter->setPen( QColor( 220, 220, 220, 255 ) ); // White color painter->drawRoundedRect( 0, 0, r.width()-1, r.height(), 3, 3 ); }
void MTable::setCellContentFromEditor( int row, int col ) { QWidget *editor = cellWidget( row, col ); if ( !editor ) return; clearCell( row, col ); if ( editor->inherits( "QComboBox" ) ){ QString str = ((QComboBox*)editor )->currentText(); //if ( str == "no medium" ) str = ""; setText( row, col, str ); } else if ( editor->inherits( "QLineEdit" ) ) setText( row, col, ( (QLineEdit*)editor )->text() ); }
void TestBuddies::testSplitViewBuddies() { Sublime::MainWindow *pMainWindow = toSublimeWindow(m_uiController->activeMainWindow()); enableBuddies(); enableOpenAfterCurrent(); QTemporaryDir tempDirA; QDir dirA(tempDirA.path()); createFile(dirA, "classA.cpp"); createFile(dirA, "classA.h"); Sublime::Area *pCodeArea = m_uiController->activeArea(); QVERIFY(pCodeArea); IDocument *pClassAHeader = m_documentController->openDocument(QUrl::fromLocalFile(dirA.filePath("classA.h"))); QVERIFY(pClassAHeader); pMainWindow->activeView()->setObjectName("classA.h"); // now, create a splitted view of the active view (pClassAHeader) Sublime::View *pNewView = pMainWindow->activeView()->document()->createView(); pNewView->setObjectName("splitOf" + pMainWindow->activeView()->objectName()); pCodeArea->addView(pNewView, pMainWindow->activeView(), Qt::Vertical); // and activate it pMainWindow->activateView(pNewView); // get the current view's container from the mainwindow QWidget *pCentral = pMainWindow->centralWidget(); QVERIFY(pCentral); QVERIFY(pCentral->inherits("QWidget")); QWidget *pSplitter = pCentral->findChild<QSplitter*>(); QVERIFY(pSplitter); QVERIFY(pSplitter->inherits("QSplitter")); Sublime::Container *pContainer = pSplitter->findChild<Sublime::Container*>(); QVERIFY(pContainer); // check that it only contains pNewView QVERIFY(pContainer->count() == 1 && pContainer->hasWidget(pNewView->widget())); // now open the correponding definition file, classA.cpp IDocument *pClassAImplem = m_documentController->openDocument(QUrl::fromLocalFile(dirA.filePath("classA.cpp"))); QVERIFY(pClassAImplem); pMainWindow->activeView()->setObjectName("classA.cpp"); // and check its presence alongside pNewView in pContainer QVERIFY(pContainer->hasWidget(pNewView->widget())); QVERIFY(pContainer->hasWidget(pMainWindow->activeView()->widget())); }
void QsvTextOperationsWidget::showBottomWidget(QWidget* w) { if (w == NULL) { if (m_replace && m_replace->isVisible()) w = m_replace; else if (m_search && m_search->isVisible()) w = m_search; else if (m_gotoLine && m_gotoLine->isVisible()) w = m_gotoLine; } if (!w) return; QRect r; QWidget *parent = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(this->parent()); // I must admit this line looks ugly, but I am open to suggestions if (parent->inherits("QAbstractScrollArea")) parent = ((QAbstractScrollArea*) (parent))->viewport(); r = parent->rect(); w->adjustSize(); r.adjust(10, 0, -10, 0); r.setHeight(w->height()); r.moveBottom(parent->rect().height()-10); r.moveLeft(parent->pos().x() + 10); w->setGeometry(r); w->show(); }
logical OFrame :: DA_SaveClose ( ) { QWidget *qwidget = WidgetQ(); QWidget *qparent = qwidget ? qwidget->parentWidget() : NULL; logical term = NO; BEGINSEQ OEHDataWidget::DA_Save(); /// q3 there is no mainWidget // if ( qwidget == qApp->mainWidget() ) // term = Quit(); // else { if ( !qparent ) ERROR if ( qparent->inherits("QDialog") ) ((ODialog *)(QDialog *)qparent)->accept(); else qparent->close(); } RECOVER term = YES; ENDSEQ return(term); }
DateBookWeekLstHeader::DateBookWeekLstHeader(bool onM, QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl) : DateBookWeekLstHeaderBase(parent, name, fl) { setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); labelDate->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); forwardweek->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); forwardweek->setPixmap( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "forward", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ) ); forwardmonth->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); forwardmonth->setPixmap( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "fastforward", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ) ); backweek->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); backweek->setPixmap( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "back", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ) ); backmonth->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); backmonth->setPixmap( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "fastback", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ) ); DateBookWeekLstHeaderBaseLayout->setSpacing(0); DateBookWeekLstHeaderBaseLayout->setMargin(0); //setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed,QSizePolicy::Expanding)); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Fixed)); QWidget *tl = topLevelWidget(); if (tl->inherits("QMainWindow")) { QMainWindow *mw = (QMainWindow*)tl; connect( mw, SIGNAL(pixmapSizeChanged(bool)), backmonth, SLOT(setUsesBigPixmap(bool))); connect( mw, SIGNAL(pixmapSizeChanged(bool)), backweek, SLOT(setUsesBigPixmap(bool))); connect( mw, SIGNAL(pixmapSizeChanged(bool)), forwardweek, SLOT(setUsesBigPixmap(bool))); connect( mw, SIGNAL(pixmapSizeChanged(bool)), forwardmonth, SLOT(setUsesBigPixmap(bool))); } connect(backmonth, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(prevMonth())); connect(backweek, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(prevWeek())); connect(forwardweek, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(nextWeek())); connect(forwardmonth, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(nextMonth())); connect(labelDate, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(pickDate())); connect(dbl, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SIGNAL(setDbl(bool))); bStartOnMonday=onM; }
MsgFile::MsgFile(CToolCustom *parent, Message *msg) : QLineEdit(parent) { m_client = msg->client(); for (QWidget *p = parent->parentWidget(); p; p = p->parentWidget()){ if (p->inherits("MsgEdit")){ m_edit = static_cast<MsgEdit*>(p); break; } } m_edit->m_edit->setTextFormat(PlainText); QString t = msg->getPlainText(); if (!t.isEmpty()) m_edit->m_edit->setText(t); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); parent->addWidget(this); QToolButton *btn = new QToolButton(parent); btn->setAutoRaise(true); btn->setIconSet(*Icon("fileopen")); btn->setTextLabel(i18n("Select file")); parent->addWidget(btn); btn->show(); connect(btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(selectFile())); parent->setText(i18n("File:")); connect(this, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(changed(const QString&))); Command cmd; cmd->id = CmdSend; cmd->param = m_edit; Event e(EventCommandWidget, cmd); btnSend = (QToolButton*)(e.process()); setText(static_cast<FileMessage*>(msg)->getFile()); changed(text()); show(); }
void MacMenu::manage(QMenuBar *menu) { if (!menu) // ... return; // we only accept menus that are placed on a QMainWindow - for the moment, and probably ever QWidget *dad = menu->parentWidget(); if (!(dad && dad->isWindow() && dad->inherits("QMainWindow") && dad->layout() && dad->layout()->menuBar() == menu)) return; // if ((dad = dad->parentWidget()) && dad->inherits("QMdiSubWindow")) // return; if (!instance) { instance = new MacMenu; /*MacMenuAdaptor *adapt = */new MacMenuAdaptor(instance); fullscreenWatcher = new FullscreenWatcher; } else if (instance->items.contains(menu)) return; // no double adds please! if (instance->usingMacMenu) instance->activate(menu); connect (menu, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject *)), instance, SLOT(_release(QObject *))); instance->items.append(menu); }
void Menu::openBookmark() { QWidget *menu = this; while (menu) { menu->close(); menu = menu->parentWidget(); if (!menu || !menu->inherits(QLatin1String("QMenu").data())) { break; } } MainWindow *mainWindow = MainWindow::findMainWindow(parent()); QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender()); if (action && action->data().type() == QVariant::ModelIndex) { m_bookmark = dynamic_cast<BookmarksItem*>(BookmarksManager::getModel()->itemFromIndex(action->data().toModelIndex())); } if (mainWindow) { const WindowsManager::OpenHints hints = (action ? static_cast<WindowsManager::OpenHints>(action->data().toInt()) : WindowsManager::DefaultOpen); mainWindow->getWindowsManager()->open(m_bookmark, ((hints == WindowsManager::DefaultOpen) ? WindowsManager::calculateOpenHints() : hints)); } m_bookmark = NULL; }
void WeatherPlugin::showBar() { if (m_bar || getID().isEmpty()) return; QWidgetList *list = QApplication::topLevelWidgets(); QWidgetListIt it( *list ); QWidget *w; QMainWindow *main = NULL; while ((w=it.current()) != 0) { ++it; if (w->inherits("MainWindow")) { main = static_cast<QMainWindow*>(w); break; } } delete list; if (main == NULL) return; EventToolbar e(BarWeather, main); e.process(); m_bar = e.toolBar(); restoreToolbar(m_bar, data.bar); connect(m_bar, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(barDestroyed())); QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timeout())); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(timeout())); timer->start(120000); updateButton(); }
void Menu::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (m_role == BookmarksMenuRole && (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton || event->button() == Qt::MiddleButton)) { QAction *action = actionAt(event->pos()); if (action && action->isEnabled() && action->data().type() == QVariant::ModelIndex) { QWidget *menu = this; while (menu) { menu->close(); menu = menu->parentWidget(); if (!menu || !menu->inherits(QLatin1String("QMenu").data())) { break; } } MainWindow *mainWindow = MainWindow::findMainWindow(parent()); if (mainWindow) { mainWindow->getWindowsManager()->open(dynamic_cast<BookmarksItem*>(BookmarksManager::getModel()->itemFromIndex(action->data().toModelIndex())), WindowsManager::calculateOpenHints(event->modifiers(), event->button())); return; } } } QMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(event); }
void ShiptoEdit::sNew() { if (canOpen()) { if (!_x_privileges->check(_newPriv)) return; ParameterList params; params.append("mode", "new"); params.append("cust_id", _custid); QWidget* w = 0; if (parentWidget()->window()) { if (parentWidget()->window()->isModal()) w = _guiClientInterface->openWindow(_uiName, params, parentWidget()->window() , Qt::WindowModal, Qt::Dialog); else w = _guiClientInterface->openWindow(_uiName, params, parentWidget()->window() , Qt::NonModal, Qt::Window); } if (w->inherits("QDialog")) { QDialog* newdlg = qobject_cast<QDialog*>(w); int id = newdlg->exec(); if (id != QDialog::Rejected) { silentSetId(id); emit newId(_id); emit valid(_id != -1); } } } }
void WeatherPlugin::showBar() { if (m_bar || (*getID() == 0)) return; QWidgetList *list = QApplication::topLevelWidgets(); QWidgetListIt it( *list ); QWidget *w; while ((w=it.current()) != 0) { ++it; if (w->inherits("MainWindow")) break; } delete list; if (w == NULL) return; BarShow b; b.bar_id = BarWeather; b.parent = (QMainWindow*)w; Event e(EventShowBar, &b); m_bar = (QToolBar*)e.process(); restoreToolbar(m_bar, data.bar); connect(m_bar, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(barDestroyed())); QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timeout())); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(timeout())); timer->start(120000); updateButton(); }
EXPORT void restoreToolbar(QToolBar *bar, Data state[7]) { if (bar == NULL) return; if (state[0].value != SAVE_STATE){ if (state[1].value == 0) state[1].value = (unsigned)(QMainWindow::Top); state[2].value = 0; state[3].value = 0; state[4].value = SAVE_STATE; state[5].value = 0; state[6].value = 0; } QMainWindow *main = NULL; for (QWidget *w = bar->parentWidget(); w; w = w->parentWidget()){ if (w->inherits("QMainWindow")){ main = static_cast<QMainWindow*>(w); break; } } if (main == NULL) return; QMainWindow::ToolBarDock dock = (QMainWindow::ToolBarDock)state[1].value; main->moveToolBar(bar, dock, state[2].value != 0, state[3].value != 0, state[4].value); if (dock == QMainWindow::TornOff) bar->move(state[5].value, state[6].value); }
void ViewApplet::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *qre) { //kdDebug(67100) << "ViewApplet::resizeEvent() size=" << qre->size() << "\n"; // decide whether we have to show or hide all icons bool showIcons = shouldShowIcons(qre->size()); for ( QWidget *mdw = _mdws.first(); mdw != 0; mdw = _mdws.next() ) { if ( mdw == 0 ) { kdError(67100) << "ViewApplet::resizeEvent(): mdw == 0\n"; break; // sanity check (normally the lists are set up correctly) } else { if ( mdw->inherits("MDWSlider")) { static_cast<MDWSlider*>(mdw)->setIcons(showIcons); static_cast<MDWSlider*>(mdw)->setValueStyle(MixDeviceWidget::NNONE); //static_cast<MDWSlider*>(mdw)->resize(qre->size()); } } } // kdDebug(67100) << "ViewApplet::resizeEvent(). SHOULD resize _layoutMDW to " << qre->size() << endl; //QWidget::resizeEvent(qre); // resizing changes our own sizeHint(), because we must take the new PanelSize in account. // So updateGeometry() is amust for us. updateGeometry(); }
/****************************************************************************** * Set a buddy widget. * If it (or its focus proxy) is a radio button, create a focus widget. * When the accelerator key is pressed, the focus widget then receives focus. * That event triggers the selection of the radio button. */ void Label::setBuddy(QWidget *bud) { if(mRadioButton) disconnect(mRadioButton, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(buddyDead())); QWidget *w = bud; if(w) { while(w->focusProxy()) w = w->focusProxy(); if(!w->inherits("QRadioButton")) w = 0; } if(!w) { // The buddy widget isn't a radio button QLabel::setBuddy(bud); delete mFocusWidget; mFocusWidget = 0; mRadioButton = 0; } else { // The buddy widget is a radio button, so set a different buddy if(!mFocusWidget) mFocusWidget = new LabelFocusWidget(this); QLabel::setBuddy(mFocusWidget); mRadioButton = (QRadioButton *)bud; connect(mRadioButton, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(buddyDead())); } }
bool DlgCustomActionsImp::event(QEvent* e) { bool ok = QWidget::event(e); if (e->type() == QEvent::ParentChange || e->type() == QEvent::ParentAboutToChange) { QWidget* topLevel = this->parentWidget(); while (topLevel && !topLevel->inherits("QDialog")) topLevel = topLevel->parentWidget(); if ( topLevel ) { int index = topLevel->metaObject()->indexOfSignal( QMetaObject::normalizedSignature("addMacroAction(const QByteArray&)") ); if ( index >= 0 ) { if ( e->type() == QEvent::ParentChange ) { connect(this, SIGNAL(addMacroAction( const QByteArray& )), topLevel, SIGNAL(addMacroAction( const QByteArray& ))); connect(this, SIGNAL(removeMacroAction( const QByteArray& )), topLevel, SIGNAL(removeMacroAction( const QByteArray& ))); connect(this, SIGNAL(modifyMacroAction( const QByteArray& )), topLevel, SIGNAL(modifyMacroAction( const QByteArray& ))); } else { disconnect(this, SIGNAL(addMacroAction( const QByteArray& )), topLevel, SIGNAL(addMacroAction( const QByteArray& ))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(removeMacroAction( const QByteArray& )), topLevel, SIGNAL(removeMacroAction( const QByteArray& ))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(modifyMacroAction( const QByteArray& )), topLevel, SIGNAL(modifyMacroAction( const QByteArray& ))); } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Is called when the select toolbar button is pressed. void QucsApp::slotSelect(bool on) { QWidget *w = DocumentTab->currentPage(); if(w->inherits("QTextEdit")) { ((TextDoc*)w)->viewport()->setFocus(); select->blockSignals(true); select->setOn(true); select->blockSignals(false); return; } // goto to insertWire mode if ESC pressed during wiring Schematic *Doc = (Schematic*)DocumentTab->currentPage(); if(MouseMoveAction == &MouseActions::MMoveWire2) { MouseMoveAction = &MouseActions::MMoveWire1; MousePressAction = &MouseActions::MPressWire1; Doc->viewport()->update(); view->drawn = false; select->blockSignals(true); select->setOn(false); select->blockSignals(false); return; } if(performToggleAction(on, select, 0, 0, &MouseActions::MPressSelect)) { MouseReleaseAction = &MouseActions::MReleaseSelect; MouseDoubleClickAction = &MouseActions::MDoubleClickSelect; } }
void PlayPauseAction::engineStateChanged( Engine::State state, Engine::State /*oldState*/ ) { QString text; switch( state ) { case Engine::Playing: setChecked( false ); setIcon( Amarok::icon( "pause" ) ); text = i18n( "Pause" ); break; case Engine::Paused: setChecked( true ); setIcon( Amarok::icon( "pause" ) ); text = i18n( "Pause" ); break; case Engine::Empty: setChecked( false ); setIcon( Amarok::icon( "play" ) ); text = i18n( "Play" ); break; case Engine::Idle: return; } //update menu texts for this special action for( int x = 0; x < containerCount(); ++x ) { QWidget *w = container( x ); if( w->inherits( "QPopupMenu" ) ) static_cast<QPopupMenu*>(w)->changeItem( itemId( x ), text ); //TODO KToolBar sucks so much // else if( w->inherits( "KToolBar" ) ) // static_cast<KToolBar*>(w)->getButton( itemId( x ) )->setText( text ); } }
static void write(QTextStream &ts, const RenderObject &o, int indent = 0) { writeIndent(ts, indent); ts << o << "\n"; if (o.isText() && !o.isBR()) { const RenderText &text = static_cast<const RenderText &>(o); for (InlineTextBox* box = text.firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) { writeIndent(ts, indent+1); writeTextRun(ts, text, *box); } } for (RenderObject *child = o.firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) { if (child->layer()) { continue; } write(ts, *child, indent + 1); } if (o.isWidget()) { QWidget *widget = static_cast<const RenderWidget &>(o).widget(); if (widget && widget->inherits("KHTMLView")) { KHTMLView *view = static_cast<KHTMLView *>(widget); RenderObject *root = KWQ(view->part())->renderer(); if (root) { view->layout(); RenderLayer* l = root->layer(); if (l) writeLayers(ts, l, l, QRect(l->xPos(), l->yPos(), l->width(), l->height()), indent+1); } } } }
EXPORT void saveToolbar(QToolBar *bar, Data state[8]) { memset(state, 0, sizeof(state)); if (bar == NULL) return; QMainWindow *main = NULL; for (QWidget *w = bar->parentWidget(); w; w = w->parentWidget()){ if (w->inherits("QMainWindow")){ main = static_cast<QMainWindow*>(w); break; } } if (main == NULL) return; QMainWindow::ToolBarDock dock; int index; bool nl; int extraOffset; main->getLocation(bar, dock, index, nl, extraOffset); state[0].value = 1; state[1].value = (long)dock; state[2].value = index; state[3].value = nl ? 1 : 0; state[4].value = extraOffset; if (dock == QMainWindow::TornOff){ QPoint pos = bar->geometry().topLeft(); state[5].value = pos.x(); state[6].value = pos.y(); } }
int main() { //! [1] Counter a, b; //! [1] //! [2] QObject::connect(&a, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), &b, SLOT(setValue(int))); //! [2] //! [3] a.setValue(12); // a.value() == 12, b.value() == 12 //! [3] //! [4] b.setValue(48); // a.value() == 12, b.value() == 48 //! [4] QWidget *widget = reinterpret_cast<QWidget *>(new QObject(0)); //! [5] if (widget->inherits("QAbstractButton")) { QAbstractButton *button = static_cast<QAbstractButton *>(widget); button->toggle(); //! [5] //! [6] } //! [6] //! [7] if (QAbstractButton *button = qobject_cast<QAbstractButton *>(widget)) button->toggle(); //! [7] }
void QwtPlotItem::updateLegend(QwtLegend *legend) const { if ( !legend ) return; QWidget *lgdItem = legend->find(this); if ( testItemAttribute(QwtPlotItem::Legend) ) { if ( lgdItem == NULL ) { lgdItem = legendItem(); if ( lgdItem ) { if ( lgdItem->inherits("QwtLegendItem") ) { QwtLegendItem *label = (QwtLegendItem *)lgdItem; label->setItemMode(legend->itemMode()); if ( d_data->plot ) { QObject::connect(label, SIGNAL(clicked()), d_data->plot, SLOT(legendItemClicked())); QObject::connect(label, SIGNAL(checked(bool)), d_data->plot, SLOT(legendItemChecked(bool))); } } legend->insert(this, lgdItem); }
// // changing a spinbox in klipper's config-dialog causes the lineedit-contents // of the spinbox to be selected and hence the clipboard changes. But we don't // want all those items in klipper's history. See #41917 // bool Klipper::ignoreClipboardChanges() const { QWidget *focusWidget = qApp->focusWidget(); if ( focusWidget ) { if ( focusWidget->inherits( "QSpinBox" ) || (focusWidget->parentWidget() && focusWidget->inherits("QLineEdit") && focusWidget->parentWidget()->inherits("QSpinWidget")) ) { return true; } } return false; }