// Write the current Ranges portion of controls to an XML stream bool US_RunProtocol::RunProtoRanges::toXml( QXmlStreamWriter& xmlo ) { nranges = chrngs.count(); xmlo.writeStartElement( "ranges" ); for ( int ii = 0; ii < nranges; ii++ ) { xmlo.writeStartElement( "range" ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "channel", chrngs[ ii ].channel ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "start_radius", QString::number( chrngs[ ii ].lo_rad ) ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "end_radius", QString::number( chrngs[ ii ].hi_rad ) ); for ( int jj = 0; jj < chrngs[ ii ].wvlens.count(); jj++ ) { xmlo.writeStartElement( "wavelength" ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "lambda", QString::number( chrngs[ ii ].wvlens[ jj ] ) ); xmlo.writeEndElement(); // wavelength } xmlo.writeEndElement(); // range } xmlo.writeEndElement(); // ranges return ( ! xmlo.hasError() ); }
// Write all current controls to an XML stream bool US_RunProtocol::toXml( QXmlStreamWriter& xmlo ) { xmlo.writeStartDocument(); xmlo.writeDTD ( "<!DOCTYPE US_RunProtocol>" ); xmlo.writeStartElement ( "ProtocolData" ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "version", "1.0" ); xmlo.writeStartElement ( "protocol" ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "description", protname ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "guid", pGUID ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "optima_host", optimahost ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "investigator", investigator ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "temperature", QString::number( temperature ) ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "temeq_delay", QString::number( temeq_delay ) ); rpRotor.toXml( xmlo ); rpSpeed.toXml( xmlo ); rpCells.toXml( xmlo ); rpSolut.toXml( xmlo ); rpOptic.toXml( xmlo ); rpRange.toXml( xmlo ); xmlo.writeEndElement(); // protocol xmlo.writeEndElement(); // ProtocolData xmlo.writeEndDocument(); return ( ! xmlo.hasError() ); }
// Write the current Cells portion of controls to an XML stream bool US_RunProtocol::RunProtoCells::toXml( QXmlStreamWriter& xmlo ) { xmlo.writeStartElement( "cells" ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "total_holes", QString::number( ncell ) ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "used_holes", QString::number( nused ) ); for ( int ii = 0; ii < nused; ii++ ) { xmlo.writeStartElement( "cell" ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "id", QString::number( used[ ii ].cell ) ); // if ( ( ii + 1 ) < nused ) //ALEXEY bug // { // xmlo.writeAttribute( "centerpiece", used[ ii ].centerpiece ); // xmlo.writeAttribute( "windows", used[ ii ].windows ); // } if ( used[ ii ].cell != ncell ) { xmlo.writeAttribute( "centerpiece", used[ ii ].centerpiece ); xmlo.writeAttribute( "windows", used[ ii ].windows ); } else { xmlo.writeAttribute( "counterbalance", used[ ii ].cbalance ); // ALEXEY: Potential BUG: WHY last cell is always counterbalance ?? } xmlo.writeEndElement(); // cell } xmlo.writeEndElement(); // cells return ( ! xmlo.hasError() ); }
// Write the current Speed portion of controls to an XML stream bool US_RunProtocol::RunProtoSpeed::toXml( QXmlStreamWriter& xmlo ) { xmlo.writeStartElement( "speed" ); xmlo.writeAttribute( "spin_down", spin_down ? "1" : "0" ); xmlo.writeAttribute( "radial_calibration", radial_calib ? "1" : "0" ); for ( int ii = 0; ii < ssteps.count(); ii++ ) { QString s_durat; QString s_delay; QString s_sintv; US_RunProtocol::timeToString( ssteps[ ii ].duration, s_durat ); US_RunProtocol::timeToString( ssteps[ ii ].delay, s_delay ); US_RunProtocol::timeToString( ssteps[ ii ].scanintv, s_sintv ); xmlo.writeStartElement( "speedstep" ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "rotorspeed", QString::number( ssteps[ ii ].speed ) ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "acceleration", QString::number( ssteps[ ii ].accel ) ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "duration", s_durat ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "delay", s_delay ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "scan_interval", s_sintv ); xmlo.writeEndElement (); // speedstep } xmlo.writeEndElement(); // speed return ( ! xmlo.hasError() ); }
// Write the current Solutions portion of controls to an XML stream bool US_RunProtocol::RunProtoSolutions::toXml( QXmlStreamWriter& xmlo ) { nschan = chsols.count(); xmlo.writeStartElement( "solutions" ); for ( int ii = 0; ii < nschan; ii++ ) { xmlo.writeStartElement( "solution" ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "channel", chsols[ ii ].channel ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "name", chsols[ ii ].solution ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "id", chsols[ ii ].sol_id ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "chan_comment", chsols[ ii ].ch_comment ); xmlo.writeEndElement(); // solution } xmlo.writeEndElement(); // solutions return ( ! xmlo.hasError() ); }
// Write the current Optical Systems portion of controls to an XML stream bool US_RunProtocol::RunProtoOptics::toXml( QXmlStreamWriter& xmlo ) { nochan = chopts.count(); xmlo.writeStartElement( "optics" ); for ( int ii = 0; ii < nochan; ii++ ) { xmlo.writeStartElement( "optical_system" ); xmlo.writeAttribute ( "channel", chopts[ ii ].channel ); if ( ! chopts[ ii ].scan1.isEmpty() ) xmlo.writeAttribute ( "scan1", chopts[ ii ].scan1 ); if ( ! chopts[ ii ].scan2.isEmpty() ) xmlo.writeAttribute ( "scan2", chopts[ ii ].scan2 ); if ( ! chopts[ ii ].scan3.isEmpty() ) xmlo.writeAttribute ( "scan3", chopts[ ii ].scan3 ); xmlo.writeEndElement(); // optical_system } xmlo.writeEndElement(); // optics return ( ! xmlo.hasError() ); }
// Write the current Rotor portion of controls to an XML stream bool US_RunProtocol::RunProtoRotor::toXml( QXmlStreamWriter& xmlo ) { xmlo.writeStartElement( "rotor" ); xmlo.writeAttribute( "laboratory", laboratory ); xmlo.writeAttribute( "rotor", rotor ); xmlo.writeAttribute( "calibration", calibration ); xmlo.writeAttribute( "labid", QString::number( labID ) ); xmlo.writeAttribute( "rotid", QString::number( rotID ) ); xmlo.writeAttribute( "calid", QString::number( calID ) ); xmlo.writeAttribute( "absid", QString::number( absID ) ); xmlo.writeAttribute( "labguid", labGUID ); xmlo.writeAttribute( "rotguid", rotGUID ); xmlo.writeAttribute( "calguid", calGUID ); xmlo.writeAttribute( "absguid", absGUID ); xmlo.writeEndElement(); // rotor return ( ! xmlo.hasError() ); }
void Table::setXML(QXmlStreamWriter& w) const{ int s=datalist.size(); for(int i=0;i<s && !w.hasError();i++) { QString xname=datalist[i]->getName()->text(); QString xtype=datalist[i]->getType()->text(); QString xlv=datalist[i]->getLV()->text(); QString xstrength=datalist[i]->getStrength()->text(); QString xconstitution=datalist[i]->getConstitution()->text(); w.writeStartElement(xtype); w.writeTextElement("Name",xname); w.writeTextElement("LV",xlv); w.writeTextElement("Strength",xstrength); w.writeTextElement("Constitution",xconstitution); if(xtype!="Golem") { QString xmp=datalist[i]->getMP()->text(); QString xwisdom=datalist[i]->getWisdom()->text(); w.writeTextElement("MP",xmp); w.writeTextElement("Wisdom",xwisdom); } w.writeEndElement(); } }
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