Esempio n. 1
void QgsPgNewConnection::testConnection()
  QgsDataSourceUri uri;
  if ( !txtService->text().isEmpty() )
    uri.setConnection( txtService->text(), txtDatabase->text(),
                       txtUsername->text(), txtPassword->text(),
                       ( QgsDataSourceUri::SslMode ) cbxSSLmode->currentData().toInt(),
                       mAuthConfigSelect->configId() );
    uri.setConnection( txtHost->text(), txtPort->text(), txtDatabase->text(),
                       txtUsername->text(), txtPassword->text(),
                       ( QgsDataSourceUri::SslMode ) cbxSSLmode->currentData().toInt(),
                       mAuthConfigSelect->configId() );

  QgsPostgresConn *conn = QgsPostgresConn::connectDb( uri.connectionInfo( false ), true );

  if ( conn )
    // Database successfully opened; we can now issue SQL commands.
    bar->pushMessage( tr( "Connection to %1 was successful" ).arg( txtDatabase->text() ),
                      QgsMessageBar::INFO );

    // free pg connection resources
    bar->pushMessage( tr( "Connection failed - consult message log for details." ),
                      QgsMessageBar::WARNING );
void QgsOracleNewConnection::testConnection()
  QgsDataSourceUri uri;
  uri.setConnection( txtHost->text(), txtPort->text(), txtDatabase->text(), txtUsername->text(), txtPassword->text() );
  if ( !txtOptions->text().isEmpty() )
    uri.setParam( QStringLiteral( "dboptions" ), txtOptions->text() );
  if ( !txtWorkspace->text().isEmpty() )
    uri.setParam( QStringLiteral( "dbworkspace" ), txtWorkspace->text() );

  QgsOracleConn *conn = QgsOracleConnPool::instance()->acquireConnection( QgsOracleConn::toPoolName( uri ) );

  if ( conn )
    // Database successfully opened; we can now issue SQL commands.
    bar->pushMessage( tr( "Connection to %1 was successful." ).arg( txtName->text() ),
                      Qgis::Info );
    // free connection resources
    QgsOracleConnPool::instance()->releaseConnection( conn );
    bar->pushMessage( tr( "Connection failed - consult message log for details." ),
                      Qgis::Warning );
void QgsOracleNewConnection::on_btnConnect_clicked()
  QgsDataSourceUri uri;
  uri.setConnection( txtHost->text(), txtPort->text(), txtDatabase->text(), txtUsername->text(), txtPassword->text() );
  if ( !txtOptions->text().isEmpty() )
    uri.setParam( "dboptions", txtOptions->text() );
  if ( !txtWorkspace->text().isEmpty() )
    uri.setParam( "dbworkspace", txtWorkspace->text() );

  QgsOracleConn *conn = QgsOracleConnPool::instance()->acquireConnection( QgsOracleConn::toPoolName( uri ) );

  if ( conn )
    // Database successfully opened; we can now issue SQL commands.
    QMessageBox::information( this,
                              tr( "Test connection" ),
                              tr( "Connection to %1 was successful" ).arg( txtDatabase->text() ) );

    // free connection resources
    QgsOracleConnPool::instance()->releaseConnection( conn );
    QMessageBox::information( this,
                              tr( "Test connection" ),
                              tr( "Connection failed - consult message log for details.\n\n" ) );
Esempio n. 4
void QgsPgNewConnection::testConnection()
  QgsTemporaryCursorOverride cursorOverride( Qt::WaitCursor );

  QgsDataSourceUri uri;
  if ( !txtService->text().isEmpty() )
    uri.setConnection( txtService->text(), txtDatabase->text(),
                       mAuthSettings->username(), mAuthSettings->password(),
                       ( QgsDataSourceUri::SslMode ) cbxSSLmode->currentData().toInt(),
                       mAuthSettings->configId() );
    uri.setConnection( txtHost->text(), txtPort->text(), txtDatabase->text(),
                       mAuthSettings->username(), mAuthSettings->password(),
                       ( QgsDataSourceUri::SslMode ) cbxSSLmode->currentData().toInt(),
                       mAuthSettings->configId() );

  QgsPostgresConn *conn = QgsPostgresConn::connectDb( uri.connectionInfo( false ), true );

  if ( conn )
    // Database successfully opened; we can now issue SQL commands.
    bar->pushMessage( tr( "Connection to %1 was successful." ).arg( txtDatabase->text() ),
                      Qgis::Info );

    // free pg connection resources
    bar->pushMessage( tr( "Connection failed - consult message log for details." ),
                      Qgis::Warning );
Esempio n. 5
QgsDataSourceUri QgsOracleConn::connUri( QString theConnName )
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "theConnName = " + theConnName, 3 );

  QSettings settings;

  QString key = "/Oracle/connections/" + theConnName;

  QString database = settings.value( key + "/database" ).toString();

  QString host = settings.value( key + "/host" ).toString();
  QString port = settings.value( key + "/port" ).toString();
  if ( port.length() == 0 )
    port = "1521";

  bool useEstimatedMetadata = settings.value( key + "/estimatedMetadata", false ).toBool();

  QString username;
  QString password;
  if ( settings.value( key + "/saveUsername" ).toString() == "true" )
    username = settings.value( key + "/username" ).toString();

  if ( settings.value( key + "/savePassword" ).toString() == "true" )
    password = settings.value( key + "/password" ).toString();

  QgsDataSourceUri uri;
  uri.setConnection( host, port, database, username, password );
  uri.setUseEstimatedMetadata( useEstimatedMetadata );
  if ( !settings.value( key + "/dboptions" ).toString().isEmpty() )
    uri.setParam( "dboptions", settings.value( key + "/dboptions" ).toString() );
  if ( !settings.value( key + "/dbworkspace" ).toString().isEmpty() )
    uri.setParam( "dbworkspace", settings.value( key + "/dbworkspace" ).toString() );

  return uri;