void QgsComposerColumnWidthDelegate::setEditorData( QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index ) const
  int value = index.model()->data( index, Qt::EditRole ).toInt();

  QgsDoubleSpinBox *spinBox = static_cast<QgsDoubleSpinBox*>( editor );
  spinBox->setValue( value );
Esempio n. 2
void TestQgsDoubleSpinBox::clear()
  QgsDoubleSpinBox* spinBox = new QgsDoubleSpinBox();
  spinBox->setMaximum( 10.0 );
  spinBox->setMinimum( 1.0 );
  spinBox->setValue( 5.0 );
  spinBox->setClearValueMode( QgsDoubleSpinBox::MinimumValue );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->value(), 1.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->clearValue(), 1.0 );
  spinBox->setClearValueMode( QgsDoubleSpinBox::MaximumValue );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->value(), 10.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->clearValue(), 10.0 );
  spinBox->setClearValue( 7.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->value(), 7.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->clearValue(), 7.0 );
  delete spinBox;
Esempio n. 3
void TestQgsDoubleSpinBox::expression()
  QgsDoubleSpinBox* spinBox = new QgsDoubleSpinBox();
  spinBox->setMinimum( -10.0 );
  spinBox->setMaximum( 10.0 );
  spinBox->setValue( 1.0 );
  spinBox->setExpressionsEnabled( false );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "5" ) ), 5.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "5+2" ) ), -10.0 );
  spinBox->setExpressionsEnabled( true );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "5" ) ), 5.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "5+2" ) ), 7.0 );
  spinBox->setClearValue( 3.0 );
  spinBox->setShowClearButton( true );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "" ) ), 3.0 ); //clearing should set to clearValue
  spinBox->setShowClearButton( false );
  spinBox->setValue( 8.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "" ) ), 8.0 ); //if no clear button, clearing should set to previous value
  spinBox->setShowClearButton( true );
  spinBox->setValue( 4.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "5/" ) ), 4.0 ); //invalid expression should reset to previous value

  //suffix tests
  spinBox->setSuffix( QString( "mm" ) );
  spinBox->setExpressionsEnabled( false );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "5mm" ) ), 5.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "5+2mm" ) ), -10.0 );
  spinBox->setExpressionsEnabled( true );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "5 mm" ) ), 5.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "5+2 mm" ) ), 7.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "5mm" ) ), 5.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "5+2mm" ) ), 7.0 );
  spinBox->setClearValue( 3.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mm" ) ), 3.0 ); //clearing should set to clearValue
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "" ) ), 3.0 );
  spinBox->setValue( 4.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "5/mm" ) ), 4.0 ); //invalid expression should reset to previous value

  //prefix tests
  spinBox->setSuffix( QString() );
  spinBox->setPrefix( QString( "mm" ) );
  spinBox->setExpressionsEnabled( false );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mm5" ) ), 5.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mm5+2" ) ), -10.0 );
  spinBox->setExpressionsEnabled( true );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mm 5" ) ), 5.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mm 5+2" ) ), 7.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mm5" ) ), 5.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mm5+2" ) ), 7.0 );
  spinBox->setClearValue( 3.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mm" ) ), 3.0 ); //clearing should set to clearValue
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "" ) ), 3.0 );
  spinBox->setValue( 4.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mm5/" ) ), 4.0 ); //invalid expression should reset to previous value

  //both suffix and prefix
  spinBox->setSuffix( QString( "ll" ) );
  spinBox->setPrefix( QString( "mm" ) );
  spinBox->setExpressionsEnabled( true );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mm 5 ll" ) ), 5.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mm 5+2 ll" ) ), 7.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mm5ll" ) ), 5.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mm5+2ll" ) ), 7.0 );
  spinBox->setClearValue( 3.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mmll" ) ), 3.0 ); //clearing should set to clearValue
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "" ) ), 3.0 );
  spinBox->setValue( 4.0 );
  QCOMPARE( spinBox->valueFromText( QString( "mm5/ll" ) ), 4.0 ); //invalid expression should reset to previous value

  delete spinBox;
Esempio n. 4
void QgsFontButton::prepareMenu()
  //we need to tear down and rebuild this menu every time it is shown. Otherwise the space allocated to any
  //QgsColorSwatchGridAction is not recalculated by Qt and the swatch grid may not be the correct size
  //for the number of colors shown in the grid. Note that we MUST refresh color swatch grids every time this
  //menu is opened, otherwise color schemes like the recent color scheme grid are meaningless

  QWidgetAction *sizeAction = new QWidgetAction( mMenu );
  QWidget *sizeWidget = new QWidget();
  QVBoxLayout *sizeLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
  sizeLayout->setMargin( 0 );
  sizeLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 3 );
  sizeLayout->setSpacing( 2 );

  QString fontHeaderLabel;
  switch ( mMode )
    case ModeTextRenderer:
      fontHeaderLabel = tr( "Font size (%1)" ).arg( QgsUnitTypes::toString( mFormat.sizeUnit() ) );

    case ModeQFont:
      fontHeaderLabel = tr( "Font size (pt)" );

  QgsMenuHeader *sizeLabel = new QgsMenuHeader( fontHeaderLabel );
  sizeLayout->addWidget( sizeLabel );

  QgsDoubleSpinBox *sizeSpin = new QgsDoubleSpinBox( nullptr );
  sizeSpin->setDecimals( 4 );
  sizeSpin->setMaximum( 1e+9 );
  sizeSpin->setShowClearButton( false );
  sizeSpin->setValue( mMode == ModeTextRenderer ? mFormat.size() : mFont.pointSizeF() );
  connect( sizeSpin, static_cast < void ( QgsDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QgsDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
           this, [ = ]( double value )
    switch ( mMode )
      case ModeTextRenderer:
        mFormat.setSize( value );
      case ModeQFont:
        mFont.setPointSizeF( value );
    emit changed();
  } );
  QHBoxLayout *spinLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
  spinLayout->setMargin( 0 );
  spinLayout->setContentsMargins( 4, 0, 4, 0 );
  spinLayout->addWidget( sizeSpin );
  sizeLayout->addLayout( spinLayout );
  sizeWidget->setLayout( sizeLayout );
  sizeAction->setDefaultWidget( sizeWidget );
  sizeWidget->setFocusProxy( sizeSpin );
  sizeWidget->setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
  mMenu->addAction( sizeAction );

  QMenu *recentFontMenu = new QMenu( tr( "Recent fonts" ), mMenu );
  Q_FOREACH ( const QString &family, QgsFontUtils::recentFontFamilies() )
    QAction *fontAction = new QAction( family, recentFontMenu );
    QFont f = fontAction->font();
    f.setFamily( family );
    fontAction->setFont( f );
    fontAction->setToolTip( family );
    recentFontMenu->addAction( fontAction );
    if ( ( mMode == ModeTextRenderer && family == mFormat.font().family() )
         || ( mMode == ModeQFont && family == mFont.family() ) )
      fontAction->setCheckable( true );
      fontAction->setChecked( true );
    auto setFont = [this, family]
      switch ( mMode )
        case ModeTextRenderer:
          QgsTextFormat newFormat = mFormat;
          QFont f = newFormat.font();
          f.setFamily( family );
          newFormat.setFont( f );
          setTextFormat( newFormat );
          QgsFontUtils::addRecentFontFamily( mFormat.font().family() );
        case ModeQFont:
          QFont font = mFont;
          font.setFamily( family );
          setCurrentFont( font );
          QgsFontUtils::addRecentFontFamily( family );
    connect( fontAction, &QAction::triggered, this, setFont );