Esempio n. 1
void QgsBookmarks::addClicked()
  Q_ASSERT( mModel );
  Q_ASSERT( mQgisModel );

  QgsMapCanvas *canvas = QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas();
  Q_ASSERT( canvas );

  QSqlQuery query( "INSERT INTO tbl_bookmarks(bookmark_id,name,project_name,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,projection_srid)"
                   "  VALUES (NULL,:name,:project_name,:xmin,:xmax,:ymin,:ymax,:projection_srid)",
                   mQgisModel->database() );

  QString projStr( QLatin1String( "" ) );
  if ( QgsProject::instance() )
    if ( !QgsProject::instance()->title().isEmpty() )
      projStr = QgsProject::instance()->title();
    else if ( !QgsProject::instance()->fileName().isEmpty() )
      QFileInfo fi( QgsProject::instance()->fileName() );
      projStr = fi.exists() ? fi.fileName() : QLatin1String( "" );

  query.bindValue( QStringLiteral( ":name" ), tr( "New bookmark" ) );
  query.bindValue( QStringLiteral( ":project_name" ), projStr );
  query.bindValue( QStringLiteral( ":xmin" ), canvas->extent().xMinimum() );
  query.bindValue( QStringLiteral( ":ymin" ), canvas->extent().yMinimum() );
  query.bindValue( QStringLiteral( ":xmax" ), canvas->extent().xMaximum() );
  query.bindValue( QStringLiteral( ":ymax" ), canvas->extent().yMaximum() );
  query.bindValue( QStringLiteral( ":projection_srid" ), QVariant::fromValue( canvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs().srsid() ) );
  if ( query.exec() )
    mQgisModel->setSort( 0, Qt::AscendingOrder );
    lstBookmarks->scrollTo( mModel->index( mQgisModel->rowCount() - 1, 1 ) );
    lstBookmarks->setCurrentIndex( mModel->index( mQgisModel->rowCount() - 1, 1 ) );
    lstBookmarks->edit( mModel->index( mQgisModel->rowCount() - 1, 1 ) );
    QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "Unable to create the bookmark.\nDriver:%1\nDatabase:%2" )
                          .arg( query.lastError().driverText(),
                                query.lastError().databaseText() ) );
Esempio n. 2
void GlobePlugin::syncExtent()
  QgsMapCanvas* mapCanvas = mQGisIface->mapCanvas();
  QgsMapRenderer* mapRenderer = mapCanvas->mapRenderer();
  QgsRectangle extent = mapCanvas->extent();

  osgEarth::Util::EarthManipulator* manip = dynamic_cast<osgEarth::Util::EarthManipulator*>( mOsgViewer->getCameraManipulator() );
  //rotate earth to north and perpendicular to camera
  manip->setRotation( osg::Quat() );

  QgsDistanceArea dist;

  dist.setSourceCrs( mapRenderer->destinationCrs().srsid() );
  dist.setEllipsoidalMode( mapRenderer->hasCrsTransformEnabled() );
  dist.setEllipsoid( QgsProject::instance()->readEntry( "Measure", "/Ellipsoid", GEO_NONE ) );

  QgsPoint ll = QgsPoint( extent.xMinimum(), extent.yMinimum() );
  QgsPoint ul = QgsPoint( extent.xMinimum(), extent.yMaximum() );
  double height = dist.measureLine( ll, ul );

  //camera viewing angle
  double viewAngle = 30;
  //camera distance
  double distance = height / tan( viewAngle * osg::PI / 180 ); //c = b*cotan(B(rad))

  OE_NOTICE << "map extent: " << height << " camera distance: " << distance << std::endl;

  osgEarth::Util::Viewpoint viewpoint( osg::Vec3d(,, 0.0 ), 0.0, -90.0, distance );
  manip->setViewpoint( viewpoint, 4.0 );
Esempio n. 3
void QgsInterpolationDialog::on_mBBoxToCurrentExtent_clicked()
  if ( mIface )
    QgsMapCanvas* canvas = mIface->mapCanvas();
    if ( canvas )
      QgsRectangle extent = canvas->extent();
      mXMinLineEdit->setText( QString::number( extent.xMinimum() ) );
      mXMaxLineEdit->setText( QString::number( extent.xMaximum() ) );
      mYMinLineEdit->setText( QString::number( extent.yMinimum() ) );
      mYMaxLineEdit->setText( QString::number( extent.yMaximum() ) );
Esempio n. 4
void GlobePlugin::syncExtent()
  QgsMapCanvas* mapCanvas = mQGisIface->mapCanvas();
  const QgsMapSettings &mapSettings = mapCanvas->mapSettings();
  QgsRectangle extent = mapCanvas->extent();

  long epsgGlobe = 4326;
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem globeCrs;
  globeCrs.createFromOgcWmsCrs( QString( "EPSG:%1" ).arg( epsgGlobe ) );

  // transform extent to WGS84
  if ( mapSettings.destinationCrs().authid().compare( QString( "EPSG:%1" ).arg( epsgGlobe ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) != 0 )
    QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem srcCRS( mapSettings.destinationCrs() );
    QgsCoordinateTransform* coordTransform = new QgsCoordinateTransform( srcCRS, globeCrs );
    extent = coordTransform->transformBoundingBox( extent );
    delete coordTransform;

  osgEarth::Util::EarthManipulator* manip = dynamic_cast<osgEarth::Util::EarthManipulator*>( mOsgViewer->getCameraManipulator() );
  //rotate earth to north and perpendicular to camera
  manip->setRotation( osg::Quat() );

  QgsDistanceArea dist;

  dist.setSourceCrs( globeCrs );
  dist.setEllipsoidalMode( true );
  dist.setEllipsoid( "WGS84" );

  QgsPoint ll = QgsPoint( extent.xMinimum(), extent.yMinimum() );
  QgsPoint ul = QgsPoint( extent.xMinimum(), extent.yMaximum() );
  double height = dist.measureLine( ll, ul );

  //camera viewing angle
  double viewAngle = 30;
  //camera distance
  double distance = height / tan( viewAngle * osg::PI / 180 ); //c = b*cotan(B(rad))

  OE_NOTICE << "map extent: " << height << " camera distance: " << distance << std::endl;

  osgEarth::Util::Viewpoint viewpoint( osg::Vec3d(,, 0.0 ), 0.0, -90.0, distance );
  manip->setViewpoint( viewpoint, 4.0 );
Esempio n. 5
QgsAttributeTableDialog::QgsAttributeTableDialog( QgsVectorLayer *theLayer, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags )
    : QDialog( parent, flags )
    , mDock( nullptr )
    , mLayer( theLayer )
    , mRubberBand( nullptr )
    , mCurrentSearchWidgetWrapper( nullptr )
  setupUi( this );

  // Fix selection color on loosing focus (Windows)
  setStyleSheet( QgisApp::instance()->styleSheet() );

  setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );

  QSettings settings;

  // Initialize the window geometry
  restoreGeometry( settings.value( "/Windows/BetterAttributeTable/geometry" ).toByteArray() );

  QgsAttributeEditorContext context;

  myDa = new QgsDistanceArea();

  myDa->setSourceCrs( mLayer->crs() );
  myDa->setEllipsoidalMode( QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas()->mapSettings().hasCrsTransformEnabled() );
  myDa->setEllipsoid( QgsProject::instance()->readEntry( "Measure", "/Ellipsoid", GEO_NONE ) );

  context.setDistanceArea( *myDa );
  context.setVectorLayerTools( QgisApp::instance()->vectorLayerTools() );

  QgsFeatureRequest r;
  if ( mLayer->geometryType() != QGis::NoGeometry &&
       settings.value( "/qgis/attributeTableBehaviour", QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowAll ).toInt() == QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowVisible )
    QgsMapCanvas *mc = QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas();
    QgsRectangle extent( mc->mapSettings().mapToLayerCoordinates( theLayer, mc->extent() ) );
    r.setFilterRect( extent );

    QgsGeometry *g = QgsGeometry::fromRect( extent );
    mRubberBand = new QgsRubberBand( mc, QGis::Polygon );
    mRubberBand->setToGeometry( g, theLayer );
    delete g;

    mActionShowAllFilter->setText( tr( "Show All Features In Initial Canvas Extent" ) );

  // Initialize dual view
  mMainView->init( mLayer, QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas(), r, context );

  // Initialize filter gui elements
  mFilterActionMapper = new QSignalMapper( this );
  mFilterColumnsMenu = new QMenu( this );
  mActionFilterColumnsMenu->setMenu( mFilterColumnsMenu );
  mApplyFilterButton->setDefaultAction( mActionApplyFilter );

  // Set filter icon in a couple of places
  QIcon filterIcon = QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionFilter.svg" );
  mActionShowAllFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );
  mActionAdvancedFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );
  mActionSelectedFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );
  mActionVisibleFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );
  mActionEditedFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );

  // Connect filter signals
  connect( mActionAdvancedFilter, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( filterExpressionBuilder() ) );
  connect( mActionShowAllFilter, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( filterShowAll() ) );
  connect( mActionSelectedFilter, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( filterSelected() ) );
  connect( mActionVisibleFilter, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( filterVisible() ) );
  connect( mActionEditedFilter, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( filterEdited() ) );
  connect( mFilterActionMapper, SIGNAL( mapped( QObject* ) ), SLOT( filterColumnChanged( QObject* ) ) );
  connect( mFilterQuery, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), SLOT( filterQueryAccepted() ) );
  connect( mActionApplyFilter, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( filterQueryAccepted() ) );
  connect( mSetStyles, SIGNAL( pressed() ), SLOT( openConditionalStyles() ) );

  // info from layer to table
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( editingStarted() ), this, SLOT( editingToggled() ) );
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( editingStopped() ), this, SLOT( editingToggled() ) );
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( layerDeleted() ), this, SLOT( close() ) );
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateTitle() ) );
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( featureAdded( QgsFeatureId ) ), this, SLOT( updateTitle() ) );
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( featuresDeleted( QgsFeatureIds ) ), this, SLOT( updateTitle() ) );
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( attributeAdded( int ) ), this, SLOT( columnBoxInit() ) );
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( attributeDeleted( int ) ), this, SLOT( columnBoxInit() ) );

  // connect table info to window
  connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( filterChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateTitle() ) );

  // info from table to application
  connect( this, SIGNAL( saveEdits( QgsMapLayer * ) ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( saveEdits( QgsMapLayer * ) ) );

  bool myDockFlag = settings.value( "/qgis/dockAttributeTable", false ).toBool();
  if ( myDockFlag )
    mDock = new QgsAttributeTableDock( tr( "Attribute table - %1 (%n Feature(s))", "feature count", mMainView->featureCount() ).arg( mLayer->name() ), QgisApp::instance() );
    mDock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea | Qt::TopDockWidgetArea );
    mDock->setWidget( this );
    connect( this, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), mDock, SLOT( close() ) );
    QgisApp::instance()->addDockWidget( Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, mDock );


  mRemoveSelectionButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionUnselectAttributes.png" ) );
  mSelectedToTopButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSelectedToTop.png" ) );
  mCopySelectedRowsButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionCopySelected.png" ) );
  mZoomMapToSelectedRowsButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionZoomToSelected.svg" ) );
  mPanMapToSelectedRowsButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionPanToSelected.svg" ) );
  mInvertSelectionButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionInvertSelection.png" ) );
  mToggleEditingButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionToggleEditing.svg" ) );
  mSaveEditsButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSaveEdits.svg" ) );
  mDeleteSelectedButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionDeleteSelected.svg" ) );
  mOpenFieldCalculator->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionCalculateField.png" ) );
  mAddAttribute->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionNewAttribute.png" ) );
  mRemoveAttribute->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionDeleteAttribute.png" ) );
  mTableViewButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionOpenTable.png" ) );
  mAttributeViewButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionPropertyItem.png" ) );
  mExpressionSelectButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mIconExpressionSelect.svg" ) );
  mAddFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionNewTableRow.png" ) );

  // toggle editing
  bool canChangeAttributes = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeAttributeValues;
  bool canDeleteFeatures = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteFeatures;
  bool canAddAttributes = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddAttributes;
  bool canDeleteAttributes = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteAttributes;
  bool canAddFeatures = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures;

  mToggleEditingButton->blockSignals( true );
  mToggleEditingButton->setCheckable( true );
  mToggleEditingButton->setChecked( mLayer->isEditable() );
  mToggleEditingButton->setEnabled(( canChangeAttributes || canDeleteFeatures || canAddAttributes || canDeleteAttributes || canAddFeatures ) && !mLayer->isReadOnly() );
  mToggleEditingButton->blockSignals( false );

  mSaveEditsButton->setEnabled( mToggleEditingButton->isEnabled() && mLayer->isEditable() );
  mReloadButton->setEnabled( ! mLayer->isEditable() );
  mAddAttribute->setEnabled(( canChangeAttributes || canAddAttributes ) && mLayer->isEditable() );
  mDeleteSelectedButton->setEnabled( canDeleteFeatures && mLayer->isEditable() );
  mAddFeature->setEnabled( canAddFeatures && mLayer->isEditable() );
  mAddFeature->setHidden( !canAddFeatures );

  mMainViewButtonGroup->setId( mTableViewButton, QgsDualView::AttributeTable );
  mMainViewButtonGroup->setId( mAttributeViewButton, QgsDualView::AttributeEditor );

  // Load default attribute table filter
  QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::FilterMode defaultFilterMode = ( QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::FilterMode ) settings.value( "/qgis/attributeTableBehaviour", QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowAll ).toInt();

  switch ( defaultFilterMode )
    case QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowVisible:

    case QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowSelected:

    case QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowAll:

  mUpdateExpressionText->registerGetExpressionContextCallback( &_getExpressionContext, mLayer );

  mFieldModel = new QgsFieldModel( this );
  mFieldModel->setLayer( mLayer );
  mFieldCombo->setModel( mFieldModel );
  connect( mRunFieldCalc, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( updateFieldFromExpression() ) );
  connect( mRunFieldCalcSelected, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( updateFieldFromExpressionSelected() ) );
  // NW TODO Fix in 2.6 - Doesn't work with field model for some reason.
//  connect( mUpdateExpressionText, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( updateFieldFromExpression() ) );
  connect( mUpdateExpressionText, SIGNAL( fieldChanged( QString, bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateButtonStatus( QString, bool ) ) );
  mUpdateExpressionText->setLayer( mLayer );
  mUpdateExpressionText->setLeftHandButtonStyle( true );

  mMainView->setView( QgsDualView::AttributeTable );

bool QgsDecorationNorthArrow::calculateNorthDirection()
  QgsMapCanvas* mapCanvas = QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas();

  bool goodDirn = false;

  if ( mapCanvas->layerCount() > 0 )
    QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem outputCRS = mapCanvas->mapRenderer()->destinationCrs();

    if ( outputCRS.isValid() && !outputCRS.geographicFlag() )
      // Use a geographic CRS to get lat/long to work out direction
      QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem ourCRS;
      ourCRS.createFromOgcWmsCrs( GEO_EPSG_CRS_AUTHID );
      assert( ourCRS.isValid() );

      QgsCoordinateTransform transform( outputCRS, ourCRS );

      QgsRectangle extent = mapCanvas->extent();
      QgsPoint p1( );
      // A point a bit above p1. XXX assumes that y increases up!!
      // May need to involve the maptopixel transform if this proves
      // to be a problem.
      QgsPoint p2( p1.x(), p1.y() + extent.height() * 0.25 );

      // project p1 and p2 to geographic coords
        p1 = transform.transform( p1 );
        p2 = transform.transform( p2 );
      catch ( QgsCsException &e )
        Q_UNUSED( e );
        // just give up
        QgsDebugMsg( "North Arrow: Transformation error, quitting" );
        return false;

      // Work out the value of the initial heading one takes to go
      // from point p1 to point p2. The north direction is then that
      // many degrees anti-clockwise or vertical.

      // Take some care to not divide by zero, etc, and ensure that we
      // get sensible results for all possible values for p1 and p2.

      goodDirn = true;
      double angle = 0.0;

      // convert to radians for the equations below
      p1.multiply( PI / 180.0 );
      p2.multiply( PI / 180.0 );

      double y = sin( p2.x() - p1.x() ) * cos( p2.y() );
      double x = cos( p1.y() ) * sin( p2.y() ) -
                 sin( p1.y() ) * cos( p2.y() ) * cos( p2.x() - p1.x() );

      if ( y > 0.0 )
        if ( x > TOL )
          angle = atan( y / x );
        else if ( x < -TOL )
          angle = PI - atan( -y / x );
          angle = 0.5 * PI;
      else if ( y < 0.0 )
        if ( x > TOL )
          angle = -atan( -y / x );
        else if ( x < -TOL )
          angle = atan( y / x ) - PI;
          angle = 1.5 * PI;
        if ( x > TOL )
          angle = 0.0;
        else if ( x < -TOL )
          angle = PI;
          angle = 0.0; // p1 = p2
          goodDirn = false;
      // And set the angle of the north arrow. Perhaps do something
      // different if goodDirn = false.
      mRotationInt = static_cast<int>( round( fmod( 360.0 - angle * 180.0 / PI, 360.0 ) ) );
      // For geographic CRS and for when there are no layers, set the
      // direction back to the default
      mRotationInt = 0;
  return goodDirn;
QgsAttributeTableDialog::QgsAttributeTableDialog( QgsVectorLayer *theLayer, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags )
    : QDialog( parent, flags )
    , mDock( nullptr )
    , mLayer( theLayer )
    , mRubberBand( nullptr )
    , mCurrentSearchWidgetWrapper( nullptr )
  setupUi( this );

  Q_FOREACH ( const QgsField& field, mLayer->fields() )
    mVisibleFields.append( );

  // Fix selection color on loosing focus (Windows)
  setStyleSheet( QgisApp::instance()->styleSheet() );

  setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );

  layout()->setMargin( 0 );
  layout()->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
  static_cast< QGridLayout* >( layout() )->setVerticalSpacing( 0 );

  QSettings settings;

  int size = settings.value( "/IconSize", 16 ).toInt();
  if ( size > 32 )
    size -= 16;
  else if ( size == 32 )
    size = 24;
    size = 16;
  mToolbar->setIconSize( QSize( size, size ) );

  // Initialize the window geometry
  restoreGeometry( settings.value( "/Windows/BetterAttributeTable/geometry" ).toByteArray() );

  myDa = new QgsDistanceArea();

  myDa->setSourceCrs( mLayer->crs() );
  myDa->setEllipsoidalMode( QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas()->mapSettings().hasCrsTransformEnabled() );
  myDa->setEllipsoid( QgsProject::instance()->readEntry( "Measure", "/Ellipsoid", GEO_NONE ) );

  mEditorContext.setDistanceArea( *myDa );
  mEditorContext.setVectorLayerTools( QgisApp::instance()->vectorLayerTools() );

  QgsFeatureRequest r;
  if ( mLayer->geometryType() != QGis::NoGeometry &&
       settings.value( "/qgis/attributeTableBehaviour", QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowAll ).toInt() == QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowVisible )
    QgsMapCanvas *mc = QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas();
    QgsRectangle extent( mc->mapSettings().mapToLayerCoordinates( theLayer, mc->extent() ) );
    r.setFilterRect( extent );

    QgsGeometry *g = QgsGeometry::fromRect( extent );
    mRubberBand = new QgsRubberBand( mc, QGis::Polygon );
    mRubberBand->setToGeometry( g, theLayer );
    delete g;

    mActionShowAllFilter->setText( tr( "Show All Features In Initial Canvas Extent" ) );

  // Initialize dual view
  mMainView->init( mLayer, QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas(), r, mEditorContext );

  QgsAttributeTableConfig config = mLayer->attributeTableConfig();
  mMainView->setAttributeTableConfig( config );

  // Initialize filter gui elements
  mFilterActionMapper = new QSignalMapper( this );
  mFilterColumnsMenu = new QMenu( this );
  mActionFilterColumnsMenu->setMenu( mFilterColumnsMenu );
  mApplyFilterButton->setDefaultAction( mActionApplyFilter );

  // Set filter icon in a couple of places
  QIcon filterIcon = QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionFilter2.svg" );
  mActionShowAllFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );
  mActionAdvancedFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );
  mActionSelectedFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );
  mActionVisibleFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );
  mActionEditedFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );

  // Connect filter signals
  connect( mActionAdvancedFilter, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( filterExpressionBuilder() ) );
  connect( mActionShowAllFilter, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( filterShowAll() ) );
  connect( mActionSelectedFilter, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( filterSelected() ) );
  connect( mActionVisibleFilter, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( filterVisible() ) );
  connect( mActionEditedFilter, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( filterEdited() ) );
  connect( mFilterActionMapper, SIGNAL( mapped( QObject* ) ), SLOT( filterColumnChanged( QObject* ) ) );
  connect( mFilterQuery, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), SLOT( filterQueryAccepted() ) );
  connect( mActionApplyFilter, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( filterQueryAccepted() ) );
  connect( mActionSetStyles, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( openConditionalStyles() ) );

  // info from layer to table
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( editingStarted() ), this, SLOT( editingToggled() ) );
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( editingStopped() ), this, SLOT( editingToggled() ) );
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( layerDeleted() ), this, SLOT( close() ) );
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateTitle() ) );
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( featureAdded( QgsFeatureId ) ), this, SLOT( updateTitle() ) );
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( featuresDeleted( QgsFeatureIds ) ), this, SLOT( updateTitle() ) );
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( attributeAdded( int ) ), this, SLOT( columnBoxInit() ) );
  connect( mLayer, SIGNAL( attributeDeleted( int ) ), this, SLOT( columnBoxInit() ) );

  // connect table info to window
  connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( filterChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateTitle() ) );
  connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( filterExpressionSet( QString, QgsAttributeForm::FilterType ) ), this, SLOT( formFilterSet( QString, QgsAttributeForm::FilterType ) ) );
  connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( formModeChanged( QgsAttributeForm::Mode ) ), this, SLOT( viewModeChanged( QgsAttributeForm::Mode ) ) );

  // info from table to application
  connect( this, SIGNAL( saveEdits( QgsMapLayer * ) ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( saveEdits( QgsMapLayer * ) ) );

  bool myDockFlag = settings.value( "/qgis/dockAttributeTable", false ).toBool();
  if ( myDockFlag )
    mDock = new QgsAttributeTableDock( tr( "%1 (%n Feature(s))", "feature count", mMainView->featureCount() ).arg( mLayer->name() ), QgisApp::instance() );
    mDock->setWidget( this );
    connect( this, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), mDock, SLOT( close() ) );
    QgisApp::instance()->addDockWidget( Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, mDock );


  mActionRemoveSelection->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionDeselectAll.svg" ) );
  mActionSelectAll->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSelectAll.svg" ) );
  mActionSelectedToTop->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSelectedToTop.svg" ) );
  mActionCopySelectedRows->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionEditCopy.svg" ) );
  mActionPasteFeatures->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionEditPaste.svg" ) );
  mActionZoomMapToSelectedRows->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionZoomToSelected.svg" ) );
  mActionPanMapToSelectedRows->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionPanToSelected.svg" ) );
  mActionInvertSelection->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionInvertSelection.svg" ) );
  mActionToggleEditing->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionToggleEditing.svg" ) );
  mActionSaveEdits->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSaveEdits.svg" ) );
  mActionDeleteSelected->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionDeleteSelected.svg" ) );
  mActionOpenFieldCalculator->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionCalculateField.svg" ) );
  mActionAddAttribute->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionNewAttribute.svg" ) );
  mActionRemoveAttribute->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionDeleteAttribute.svg" ) );
  mTableViewButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionOpenTable.svg" ) );
  mAttributeViewButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionFormView.svg" ) );
  mActionExpressionSelect->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mIconExpressionSelect.svg" ) );
  mActionAddFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionNewTableRow.svg" ) );

  // toggle editing
  bool canChangeAttributes = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeAttributeValues;
  bool canDeleteFeatures = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteFeatures;
  bool canAddAttributes = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddAttributes;
  bool canDeleteAttributes = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteAttributes;
  bool canAddFeatures = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures;

  mActionToggleEditing->blockSignals( true );
  mActionToggleEditing->setCheckable( true );
  mActionToggleEditing->setChecked( mLayer->isEditable() );
  mActionToggleEditing->setEnabled(( canChangeAttributes || canDeleteFeatures || canAddAttributes || canDeleteAttributes || canAddFeatures ) && !mLayer->readOnly() );
  mActionToggleEditing->blockSignals( false );

  mActionSaveEdits->setEnabled( mActionToggleEditing->isEnabled() && mLayer->isEditable() );
  mActionReload->setEnabled( ! mLayer->isEditable() );
  mActionAddAttribute->setEnabled(( canChangeAttributes || canAddAttributes ) && mLayer->isEditable() );
  mActionRemoveAttribute->setEnabled( canDeleteAttributes && mLayer->isEditable() );
  mActionDeleteSelected->setEnabled( canDeleteFeatures && mLayer->isEditable() );
  if ( !canDeleteFeatures )
    mToolbar->removeAction( mActionDeleteSelected );
  mActionAddFeature->setEnabled( canAddFeatures && mLayer->isEditable() );
  if ( !canAddFeatures )
    mToolbar->removeAction( mActionAddFeature );

  if ( canDeleteFeatures || canAddFeatures )
    mToolbar->insertSeparator( mActionExpressionSelect );

  mMainViewButtonGroup->setId( mTableViewButton, QgsDualView::AttributeTable );
  mMainViewButtonGroup->setId( mAttributeViewButton, QgsDualView::AttributeEditor );

  // Load default attribute table filter
  QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::FilterMode defaultFilterMode = ( QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::FilterMode ) settings.value( "/qgis/attributeTableBehaviour", QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowAll ).toInt();

  switch ( defaultFilterMode )
    case QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowVisible:

    case QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowSelected:

    case QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowAll:

  mUpdateExpressionText->registerGetExpressionContextCallback( &_getExpressionContext, mLayer );
  mFieldCombo->setFilters( QgsFieldProxyModel::All | QgsFieldProxyModel::HideReadOnly );
  mFieldCombo->setLayer( mLayer );

  connect( mRunFieldCalc, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( updateFieldFromExpression() ) );
  connect( mRunFieldCalcSelected, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( updateFieldFromExpressionSelected() ) );
  // NW TODO Fix in 2.6 - Doesn't work with field model for some reason.
//  connect( mUpdateExpressionText, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( updateFieldFromExpression() ) );
  connect( mUpdateExpressionText, SIGNAL( fieldChanged( QString, bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateButtonStatus( QString, bool ) ) );
  mUpdateExpressionText->setLayer( mLayer );
  mUpdateExpressionText->setLeftHandButtonStyle( true );

  int initialView = settings.value( "/qgis/attributeTableView", -1 ).toInt();
  if ( initialView < 0 )
    initialView = settings.value( "/qgis/attributeTableLastView", QgsDualView::AttributeTable ).toInt();
  mMainView->setView( static_cast< QgsDualView::ViewMode >( initialView ) );
  mMainViewButtonGroup->button( initialView )->setChecked( true );

  connect( mActionToggleMultiEdit, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), mMainView, SLOT( setMultiEditEnabled( bool ) ) );
  connect( mActionSearchForm, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), mMainView, SLOT( toggleSearchMode( bool ) ) );

  if ( mLayer->editFormConfig()->layout() == QgsEditFormConfig::UiFileLayout )
    //not supported with custom UI
    mActionToggleMultiEdit->setEnabled( false );
    mActionToggleMultiEdit->setToolTip( tr( "Multiedit is not supported when using custom UI forms" ) );
    mActionSearchForm->setEnabled( false );
    mActionSearchForm->setToolTip( tr( "Search is not supported when using custom UI forms" ) );

bool QgsDecorationNorthArrow::calculateNorthDirection()
  QgsMapCanvas* mapCanvas = QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas();

  bool goodDirn = false;

  // Get the shown extent...
  QgsRectangle canvasExtent = mapCanvas->extent();
  // ... and all layers extent, ...
  QgsRectangle fullExtent = mapCanvas->fullExtent();
  // ... and combine
  QgsRectangle extent = canvasExtent.intersect( & fullExtent );

  // If no layers are added or shown, we can't get any direction
  if ( mapCanvas->layerCount() > 0 && ! extent.isEmpty() )
    QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem outputCRS = mapCanvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs();

    if ( outputCRS.isValid() && !outputCRS.geographicFlag() )
      // Use a geographic CRS to get lat/long to work out direction
      QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem ourCRS = QgsCrsCache::instance()->crsByOgcWmsCrs( GEO_EPSG_CRS_AUTHID );
      assert( ourCRS.isValid() );

      QgsCoordinateTransform transform( outputCRS, ourCRS );

      QgsPoint p1( );
      // A point a bit above p1. XXX assumes that y increases up!!
      // May need to involve the maptopixel transform if this proves
      // to be a problem.
      QgsPoint p2( p1.x(), p1.y() + extent.height() * 0.25 );

      // project p1 and p2 to geographic coords
        p1 = transform.transform( p1 );
        p2 = transform.transform( p2 );
      catch ( QgsCsException &e )
        Q_UNUSED( e );
        // just give up
        QgsDebugMsg( "North Arrow: Transformation error, quitting" );
        return false;

      // Work out the value of the initial heading one takes to go
      // from point p1 to point p2. The north direction is then that
      // many degrees anti-clockwise or vertical.

      // Take some care to not divide by zero, etc, and ensure that we
      // get sensible results for all possible values for p1 and p2.

      goodDirn = true;
      double angle = 0.0;

      // convert to radians for the equations below
      p1.multiply( PI / 180.0 );
      p2.multiply( PI / 180.0 );

      double y = sin( p2.x() - p1.x() ) * cos( p2.y() );
      double x = cos( p1.y() ) * sin( p2.y() ) -
                 sin( p1.y() ) * cos( p2.y() ) * cos( p2.x() - p1.x() );

      // Use TOL to decide if the quotient is big enough.
      // Both x and y can be very small, if heavily zoomed
      // For small y/x, we set directly angle 0. Not sure
      // if this is needed.
      if ( y > 0.0 )
        if ( x > 0.0 && ( y / x ) > TOL )
          angle = atan( y / x );
        else if ( x < 0.0 && ( y / x ) < -TOL )
          angle = PI - atan( -y / x );
          angle = 0.5 * PI;
      else if ( y < 0.0 )
        if ( x > 0.0 && ( y / x ) < -TOL )
          angle = -atan( -y / x );
        else if ( x < 0.0 && ( y / x ) > TOL )
          angle = atan( y / x ) - PI;
          angle = 1.5 * PI;
        if ( x > TOL )
          angle = 0.0;
        else if ( x < -TOL )
          angle = PI;
          angle = 0.0; // p1 = p2
          goodDirn = false;
      // And set the angle of the north arrow. Perhaps do something
      // different if goodDirn = false.
      mRotationInt = qRound( fmod( 360.0 - angle * 180.0 / PI, 360.0 ) );
      // For geographic CRS and for when there are no layers, set the
      // direction back to the default
      mRotationInt = 0;

  mRotationInt += mapCanvas->mapSettings().rotation();

  return goodDirn;
Esempio n. 9
QgsAttributeTableDialog::QgsAttributeTableDialog( QgsVectorLayer *layer, QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::FilterMode initialMode, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags )
  : QDialog( parent, flags )
  , mLayer( layer )

  setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "QgsAttributeTableDialog/" ) + layer->id() );
  setupUi( this );
  connect( mActionCutSelectedRows, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionCutSelectedRows_triggered );
  connect( mActionCopySelectedRows, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionCopySelectedRows_triggered );
  connect( mActionPasteFeatures, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionPasteFeatures_triggered );
  connect( mActionToggleEditing, &QAction::toggled, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionToggleEditing_toggled );
  connect( mActionSaveEdits, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionSaveEdits_triggered );
  connect( mActionReload, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionReload_triggered );
  connect( mActionInvertSelection, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionInvertSelection_triggered );
  connect( mActionRemoveSelection, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionRemoveSelection_triggered );
  connect( mActionSelectAll, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionSelectAll_triggered );
  connect( mActionZoomMapToSelectedRows, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionZoomMapToSelectedRows_triggered );
  connect( mActionPanMapToSelectedRows, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionPanMapToSelectedRows_triggered );
  connect( mActionSelectedToTop, &QAction::toggled, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionSelectedToTop_toggled );
  connect( mActionAddAttribute, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionAddAttribute_triggered );
  connect( mActionRemoveAttribute, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionRemoveAttribute_triggered );
  connect( mActionOpenFieldCalculator, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionOpenFieldCalculator_triggered );
  connect( mActionDeleteSelected, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionDeleteSelected_triggered );
  connect( mMainView, &QgsDualView::currentChanged, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mMainView_currentChanged );
  connect( mActionAddFeature, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionAddFeature_triggered );
  connect( mActionExpressionSelect, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::mActionExpressionSelect_triggered );
  connect( mMainView, &QgsDualView::showContextMenuExternally, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::showContextMenu );

  const QgsFields fields = mLayer->fields();
  for ( const QgsField &field : fields )
    mVisibleFields.append( );

  // Fix selection color on losing focus (Windows)
  setStyleSheet( QgisApp::instance()->styleSheet() );

  setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );

  layout()->setMargin( 0 );
  layout()->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
  static_cast< QGridLayout * >( layout() )->setVerticalSpacing( 0 );

  QgsSettings settings;

  int size = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "/qgis/iconSize" ), 16 ).toInt();
  if ( size > 32 )
    size -= 16;
  else if ( size == 32 )
    size = 24;
    size = 16;
  mToolbar->setIconSize( QSize( size, size ) );

  // Initialize the window geometry
  restoreGeometry( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "Windows/BetterAttributeTable/geometry" ) ).toByteArray() );

  myDa = new QgsDistanceArea();

  myDa->setSourceCrs( mLayer->crs(), QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
  myDa->setEllipsoid( QgsProject::instance()->ellipsoid() );

  mEditorContext.setDistanceArea( *myDa );
  mEditorContext.setVectorLayerTools( QgisApp::instance()->vectorLayerTools() );
  mEditorContext.setMapCanvas( QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas() );

  QgsFeatureRequest r;
  bool needsGeom = false;
  if ( mLayer->geometryType() != QgsWkbTypes::NullGeometry &&
       initialMode == QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowVisible )
    QgsMapCanvas *mc = QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas();
    QgsRectangle extent( mc->mapSettings().mapToLayerCoordinates( layer, mc->extent() ) );
    r.setFilterRect( extent );
    needsGeom = true;
  else if ( initialMode == QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowSelected )
    r.setFilterFids( layer->selectedFeatureIds() );
  if ( !needsGeom )
    r.setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::NoGeometry );

  // Initialize dual view
  mMainView->init( mLayer, QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas(), r, mEditorContext, false );

  QgsAttributeTableConfig config = mLayer->attributeTableConfig();
  mMainView->setAttributeTableConfig( config );

  // Initialize filter gui elements
  mFilterActionMapper = new QSignalMapper( this );
  mFilterColumnsMenu = new QMenu( this );
  mActionFilterColumnsMenu->setMenu( mFilterColumnsMenu );
  mApplyFilterButton->setDefaultAction( mActionApplyFilter );

  // Set filter icon in a couple of places
  QIcon filterIcon = QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionFilter2.svg" );
  mActionShowAllFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );
  mActionAdvancedFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );
  mActionSelectedFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );
  mActionVisibleFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );
  mActionEditedFilter->setIcon( filterIcon );

  mActionFeatureActions = new QToolButton();
  mActionFeatureActions->setAutoRaise( false );
  mActionFeatureActions->setPopupMode( QToolButton::InstantPopup );
  mActionFeatureActions->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mAction.svg" ) ) );
  mActionFeatureActions->setText( tr( "Actions" ) );
  mActionFeatureActions->setToolTip( tr( "Actions" ) );
  mToolbar->addWidget( mActionFeatureActions );

  // Connect filter signals
  connect( mActionAdvancedFilter, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::filterExpressionBuilder );
  connect( mActionShowAllFilter, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::filterShowAll );
  connect( mActionSelectedFilter, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::filterSelected );
  connect( mActionVisibleFilter, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::filterVisible );
  connect( mActionEditedFilter, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::filterEdited );
  connect( mFilterActionMapper, SIGNAL( mapped( QObject * ) ), SLOT( filterColumnChanged( QObject * ) ) );
  connect( mFilterQuery, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::filterQueryAccepted );
  connect( mActionApplyFilter, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::filterQueryAccepted );
  connect( mActionSetStyles, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::openConditionalStyles );

  // info from layer to table
  connect( mLayer, &QgsVectorLayer::editingStarted, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::editingToggled );
  connect( mLayer, &QgsVectorLayer::editingStopped, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::editingToggled );
  connect( mLayer, &QObject::destroyed, mMainView, &QgsDualView::cancelProgress );
  connect( mLayer, &QgsVectorLayer::selectionChanged, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::updateTitle );
  connect( mLayer, &QgsVectorLayer::featureAdded, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::updateTitle );
  connect( mLayer, &QgsVectorLayer::featuresDeleted, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::updateTitle );
  connect( mLayer, &QgsVectorLayer::editingStopped, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::updateTitle );
  connect( mLayer, &QgsVectorLayer::attributeAdded, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::columnBoxInit );
  connect( mLayer, &QgsVectorLayer::attributeDeleted, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::columnBoxInit );
  connect( mLayer, &QgsVectorLayer::readOnlyChanged, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::editingToggled );

  // connect table info to window
  connect( mMainView, &QgsDualView::filterChanged, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::updateTitle );
  connect( mMainView, &QgsDualView::filterExpressionSet, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::formFilterSet );
  connect( mMainView, &QgsDualView::formModeChanged, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::viewModeChanged );

  // info from table to application
  connect( this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::saveEdits, this, [ = ] { QgisApp::instance()->saveEdits(); } );

  const bool dockTable = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/dockAttributeTable" ), false ).toBool();
  if ( dockTable )
    mDock = new QgsAttributeTableDock( QString(), QgisApp::instance() );
    mDock->setWidget( this );
    connect( this, &QObject::destroyed, mDock, &QWidget::close );
    QgisApp::instance()->addDockWidget( Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, mDock );
  mActionDockUndock->setChecked( dockTable );
  connect( mActionDockUndock, &QAction::toggled, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::toggleDockMode );
  installEventFilter( this );


  mActionRemoveSelection->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDeselectAll.svg" ) ) );
  mActionSelectAll->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSelectAll.svg" ) ) );
  mActionSelectedToTop->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSelectedToTop.svg" ) ) );
  mActionCopySelectedRows->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionEditCopy.svg" ) ) );
  mActionPasteFeatures->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionEditPaste.svg" ) ) );
  mActionZoomMapToSelectedRows->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomToSelected.svg" ) ) );
  mActionPanMapToSelectedRows->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionPanToSelected.svg" ) ) );
  mActionInvertSelection->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionInvertSelection.svg" ) ) );
  mActionToggleEditing->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionToggleEditing.svg" ) ) );
  mActionSaveEdits->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSaveEdits.svg" ) ) );
  mActionDeleteSelected->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDeleteSelected.svg" ) ) );
  mActionOpenFieldCalculator->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionCalculateField.svg" ) ) );
  mActionAddAttribute->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionNewAttribute.svg" ) ) );
  mActionRemoveAttribute->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDeleteAttribute.svg" ) ) );
  mTableViewButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionOpenTable.svg" ) ) );
  mAttributeViewButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionFormView.svg" ) ) );
  mActionExpressionSelect->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconExpressionSelect.svg" ) ) );
  mActionAddFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionNewTableRow.svg" ) ) );
  mActionFeatureActions->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mAction.svg" ) ) );

  // toggle editing
  bool canChangeAttributes = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeAttributeValues;
  bool canDeleteFeatures = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteFeatures;
  bool canAddAttributes = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddAttributes;
  bool canDeleteAttributes = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteAttributes;
  bool canAddFeatures = mLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures;

  mActionToggleEditing->blockSignals( true );
  mActionToggleEditing->setCheckable( true );
  mActionToggleEditing->setChecked( mLayer->isEditable() );
  mActionToggleEditing->blockSignals( false );

  mActionSaveEdits->setEnabled( mActionToggleEditing->isEnabled() && mLayer->isEditable() );
  mActionReload->setEnabled( ! mLayer->isEditable() );
  mActionAddAttribute->setEnabled( ( canChangeAttributes || canAddAttributes ) && mLayer->isEditable() );
  mActionRemoveAttribute->setEnabled( canDeleteAttributes && mLayer->isEditable() );
  if ( !canDeleteFeatures )
    mToolbar->removeAction( mActionDeleteSelected );
    mToolbar->removeAction( mActionCutSelectedRows );
  mActionAddFeature->setEnabled( canAddFeatures && mLayer->isEditable() );
  mActionPasteFeatures->setEnabled( canAddFeatures && mLayer->isEditable() );
  if ( !canAddFeatures )
    mToolbar->removeAction( mActionAddFeature );
    mToolbar->removeAction( mActionPasteFeatures );

  mMainViewButtonGroup->setId( mTableViewButton, QgsDualView::AttributeTable );
  mMainViewButtonGroup->setId( mAttributeViewButton, QgsDualView::AttributeEditor );

  switch ( initialMode )
    case QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowVisible:

    case QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowSelected:

    case QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowAll:

  // Layer might have been destroyed while loading!
  if ( mLayer )
    mUpdateExpressionText->registerExpressionContextGenerator( this );
    mFieldCombo->setFilters( QgsFieldProxyModel::AllTypes | QgsFieldProxyModel::HideReadOnly );
    mFieldCombo->setLayer( mLayer );

    connect( mRunFieldCalc, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::updateFieldFromExpression );
    connect( mRunFieldCalcSelected, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::updateFieldFromExpressionSelected );
    // NW TODO Fix in 2.6 - Doesn't work with field model for some reason.
    //  connect( mUpdateExpressionText, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( updateFieldFromExpression() ) );
    connect( mUpdateExpressionText, static_cast < void ( QgsFieldExpressionWidget::* )( const QString &, bool ) > ( &QgsFieldExpressionWidget::fieldChanged ), this, &QgsAttributeTableDialog::updateButtonStatus );
    mUpdateExpressionText->setLayer( mLayer );
    mUpdateExpressionText->setLeftHandButtonStyle( true );

    int initialView = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/attributeTableView" ), -1 ).toInt();
    if ( initialView < 0 )
      initialView = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/attributeTableLastView" ), QgsDualView::AttributeTable ).toInt();
    mMainView->setView( static_cast< QgsDualView::ViewMode >( initialView ) );
    mMainViewButtonGroup->button( initialView )->setChecked( true );

    connect( mActionToggleMultiEdit, &QAction::toggled, mMainView, &QgsDualView::setMultiEditEnabled );
    connect( mActionSearchForm, &QAction::toggled, mMainView, &QgsDualView::toggleSearchMode );

    if ( mLayer->editFormConfig().layout() == QgsEditFormConfig::UiFileLayout )
      //not supported with custom UI
      mActionToggleMultiEdit->setEnabled( false );
      mActionToggleMultiEdit->setToolTip( tr( "Multiedit is not supported when using custom UI forms" ) );
      mActionSearchForm->setEnabled( false );
      mActionSearchForm->setToolTip( tr( "Search is not supported when using custom UI forms" ) );

    // Close and delete if the layer has been destroyed
    connect( mLayer, &QObject::destroyed, this, &QWidget::close );
Esempio n. 10
// Slot called when the menu item is triggered
void SqlAnywhere::addSqlAnywhereLayer()
  QgsMapCanvas *mMapCanvas = mQGisIface->mapCanvas();
  if ( mMapCanvas && mMapCanvas->isDrawing() )

  // show the data source dialog
  SaSourceSelect *dbs = new SaSourceSelect( mQGisIface->mainWindow() );


  if ( dbs->exec() )
    // add files to the map canvas
    QStringList tables = dbs->selectedTables();
    SaDebugMsg( "Selected tables:\n" + tables.join( "\n" ) + "\n\n" );

    QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );

    // retrieve database connection string
    QString connectionInfo = dbs->connectionInfo();

    // create a new map layer for each selected table and register it
    for ( QStringList::Iterator it = tables.begin() ; it != tables.end() ; it++ )
      // create the layer
      SaDebugMsg( "Creating layer " + *it );
      SaLayer *layer = new SaLayer( connectionInfo + " " + *it, *it );
      if ( layer->isValid() )
        // set initial layer name to table name
        SaDebugMsg( "Beautifying layer name.  old: " + layer->name() );

        QgsDataSourceURI layerUri = QgsDataSourceURI( *it );
        QString newName = QString( "%1 (%2)" )
                          .arg( layerUri.table() )
                          .arg( layerUri.geometryColumn() );
        if ( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayers().contains( newName ) )
          newName = QString( "%1.%2 (%3)" )
                    .arg( layerUri.schema() )
                    .arg( layerUri.table() )
                    .arg( layerUri.geometryColumn() );

          if ( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayers().contains( newName ) )
            // give up and revert to original name
            newName = layer->name();
        layer->setLayerName( newName );
        SaDebugMsg( "Beautifying layer name.  new: " + layer->name() );

        // register this layer with the central layers registry
        QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->addMapLayer(( QgsVectorLayer* )layer );
        SaDebugMsg(( *it ) + " is an invalid layer - not loaded" );
        QMessageBox::critical( mQGisIface->mainWindow(), tr( "Invalid Layer" ), tr( "%1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded." ).arg( *it ) );
        delete layer;


    (( QMainWindow * ) mQGisIface->mainWindow() )->statusBar()->showMessage( mMapCanvas->extent().toString( 2 ) );

  delete dbs;

  // update UI

  // draw the map
  mMapCanvas->freeze( false );

} // SqlAnywhere::addSqlAnywhereLayer()