Esempio n. 1
int msc_regexec_ex(RE2 &re, const char *s, unsigned int slen, 
                   int startoffset, int *ovector, int ovecsize)
        size_t startpos = startoffset;
        const size_t endpos = slen;
        // Total # of submatches in the regex pattern
        int num_submatch = 1 + re.NumberOfCapturingGroups();
        // Index of the last non empty submatch
        int last_nonempty_submatch = num_submatch - 1;
        re2::StringPiece submatches[num_submatch];

        // If the string does not match the pattern
        if (!re.Match(s, startpos, endpos, RE2::UNANCHORED, submatches, num_submatch)) {
                return -1;

        // Find the last non empty submatch 
        while (!submatches[last_nonempty_submatch].data()) {

        int count = min(last_nonempty_submatch + 1, ovecsize / 3);
        // Extract submatch information as much as possible
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                // An empty submatch
                if (!submatches[i].data()) {
                        ovector[2 * i] = -1;
                        ovector[2 * i + 1] = -1;
                } else {
                        ovector[2 * i] = submatches[i].data() - s;
                        ovector[2 * i + 1] = ovector[2 * i] + submatches[i].length();

        // The output vector has enough space to store the information of  
        // all non empty submatches + empty submatches among non empty submatches
        if (last_nonempty_submatch + 1 <= ovecsize / 3) {
                return last_nonempty_submatch + 1;

        // Truncate empty submatches at the tail of 'ovector'        
        if (!submatches[ovecsize / 3 - 1].data()) {
                for (int i = ovecsize / 3 - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                        if (submatches[i].data()) {
                                return i + 1;
        return 0;        
Esempio n. 2
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_logentries_re2_RE2Matcher_findImpl
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jobject matcher, jlong re2_pointer, jlong str_pointer, jint ngroups, jint start, jint end) {

    RE2 *regex = reinterpret_cast<RE2*>(re2_pointer);
    char *str = reinterpret_cast<char*>(str_pointer);

    StringPiece* groups;
    StringPiece stackgroups[stackSize];
    StringPiece* heapgroups = NULL;

    if (ngroups <= stackSize) {
        groups = stackgroups;
    } else {
        groups = new StringPiece[ngroups];
        heapgroups = groups;

    StringPiece text(str);
    const bool res = regex->Match(text, start, end, RE2::UNANCHORED, groups, ngroups);
    if (res) {
        jclass matcher_class = env->FindClass("com/logentries/re2/RE2Matcher");
        jmethodID addID = env->GetStaticMethodID(matcher_class, "addGroup", "(Lcom/logentries/re2/RE2Matcher;II)V");
        for (int i=0; i<ngroups; i++) {
            if (groups[i] != NULL) {
                    static_cast<jint>(groups[i].data() - str),
                    static_cast<jint>(groups[i].data() - str + groups[i].size())
            } else {
                env->CallStaticObjectMethod(matcher_class, addID,
                    matcher, static_cast<jint>(-1), static_cast<jint>(-1));

    delete[] heapgroups;
    return static_cast<jboolean>(res);