Esempio n. 1
double calcExactMW(const ROMol &mol, bool onlyHeavy) {
  double res = 0.0;
  int nHsToCount = 0;
  const PeriodicTable *table = PeriodicTable::getTable();
  for (ROMol::ConstAtomIterator atomIt = mol.beginAtoms();
       atomIt != mol.endAtoms(); ++atomIt) {
    int atNum = (*atomIt)->getAtomicNum();
    if (atNum != 1 || !onlyHeavy) {
      if (!(*atomIt)->getIsotope()) {
        res += table->getMostCommonIsotopeMass(atNum);
      } else {
        res += (*atomIt)->getMass();
      res -= constants::electronMass * (*atomIt)->getFormalCharge();

    // add our implicit Hs if we need to:
    if (!onlyHeavy) {
      nHsToCount += (*atomIt)->getTotalNumHs(false);
  if (!onlyHeavy) {
    res += nHsToCount * table->getMostCommonIsotopeMass(1);
  return res;
Esempio n. 2
bool classifyAtoms(ROMol &mol, std::vector<double> &radii,
                   const SASAOpts &opts) {
  const freesasa_classifier *classifier = nullptr;
  switch (opts.classifier) {
    case SASAOpts::Protor:
      classifier = &freesasa_protor_classifier;
    case SASAOpts::NACCESS:
      classifier = &freesasa_naccess_classifier;
    case SASAOpts::OONS:
      classifier = &freesasa_oons_classifier;
      throw ValueErrorException("unknown FreeSASA classifier specified");
      return false;

  bool success = true;
  for (ROMol::AtomIterator at = mol.beginAtoms(); at != mol.endAtoms(); ++at) {
    Atom *atom = *at;
    freesasa_atom_class cls = FREESASA_ATOM_UNKNOWN;
    std::string classification = "Unclassified";
    double radius = 0.0;

    const AtomMonomerInfo *info = atom->getMonomerInfo();
    if (info) {
      const char *atom_name = info->getName().c_str();
      const char *res_name = nullptr;

      if (info->getMonomerType() == AtomMonomerInfo::PDBRESIDUE) {
        res_name = ((AtomPDBResidueInfo *)info)->getResidueName().c_str();
        radius = freesasa_classifier_radius(classifier, res_name, atom_name);

        if (radius == 0.0) {
              << "Atom " << atom->getIdx() << " has zero radius" << std::endl;

        cls = freesasa_classifier_class(classifier, res_name, atom_name);
        if (cls == FREESASA_ATOM_UNKNOWN) {
          BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "Atom " << atom->getIdx()
                                  << " could not be classified" << std::endl;
          success = false;
        } else {
          classification = freesasa_classifier_class2str(cls);

    atom->setProp<int>(common_properties::Atom::SASAClass, (int)cls);
    atom->setProp(common_properties::Atom::SASAClassName, classification);

  return success;
Esempio n. 3
    void setHybridization(ROMol &mol) {
      ROMol::AtomIterator ai;
      int norbs;
      for (ai = mol.beginAtoms(); ai != mol.endAtoms(); ai++) {
        } else {
          norbs = numBondsPlusLonePairs(*ai);
          switch(norbs) {
          case 0:
            // This occurs for things like Na+
          case 1:
          case 2:
          case 3:
          case 4:
            // potentially SP3, but we'll set it down to SP2
            // if we have a conjugated bond (like the second O
            // in O=CO)
            // we'll also avoid setting the hybridization down to
            // SP2 in the case of an atom with degree higher than 3
            // (e.g. things like CP1(C)=CC=CN=C1C, where the P
            //   has norbs = 4, and a conjugated bond, but clearly should
            //   not be SP2)
            // This is Issue276
            if((*ai)->getDegree()>3 || !MolOps::atomHasConjugatedBond(*ai)){
            } else {
          case 5:
          case 6:
          default :
Esempio n. 4
std::string MolToSequence(const ROMol &mol)
  std::string result;

  for (ROMol::ConstAtomIterator atomIt=mol.beginAtoms();
    const Atom *atom = *atomIt;
    AtomPDBResidueInfo *info = (AtomPDBResidueInfo*)(atom->getMonomerInfo());
    if (info && info->getMonomerType()==AtomMonomerInfo::PDBRESIDUE &&
        info->getName() == " CA ") {
      result += getOneLetterCode(info);
  return result;
Esempio n. 5
double calcAMW(const ROMol &mol, bool onlyHeavy) {
  double res = 0.0;
  for (ROMol::ConstAtomIterator atomIt = mol.beginAtoms();
       atomIt != mol.endAtoms(); ++atomIt) {
    int atNum = (*atomIt)->getAtomicNum();
    if (atNum != 1 || !onlyHeavy) {
      res += (*atomIt)->getMass();

    // add our implicit Hs if we need to:
    if (!onlyHeavy) {
      const PeriodicTable *table = PeriodicTable::getTable();
      res += (*atomIt)->getTotalNumHs() * table->getAtomicWeight(1);
  return res;
Esempio n. 6
void setConjugation(ROMol &mol) {
  // start with all bonds being marked unconjugated
  // except for aromatic bonds
  ROMol::BondIterator bi;
  for (bi = mol.beginBonds(); bi != mol.endBonds(); bi++) {
    if ((*bi)->getIsAromatic()) {
    } else {

  ROMol::AtomIterator ai;
  // loop over each atom and check if the bonds connecting to it can
  // be conjugated
  for (ai = mol.beginAtoms(); ai != mol.endAtoms(); ai++) {
Esempio n. 7
  /*! \brief compute the Gasteiger partial charges and return a new molecule with the charges set
   * Ref : J.Gasteiger, M. Marsili, "Iterative Equalization of Oribital Electronegatiity
   *  A Rapid Access to Atomic Charges", Tetrahedron Vol 36 p3219 1980
  void computeGasteigerCharges(const ROMol &mol, std::vector<double> &charges,
                               int nIter, bool throwOnParamFailure) {
    PRECONDITION(charges.size()>=mol.getNumAtoms(),"bad array size");
    PeriodicTable *table = PeriodicTable::getTable();
    const GasteigerParams *params = GasteigerParams::getParams();

    double damp = DAMP;
    int natms = mol.getNumAtoms();
    // space for parameters for each atom in the molecule 
    std::vector<DOUBLE_VECT> atmPs;

    DOUBLE_VECT hChrg; // total charge on the implicit hydrogen on each heavy atom
    hChrg.resize(natms, 0.0);

    ionX.resize(natms, 0.0);

    DOUBLE_VECT energ;
    energ.resize(natms, 0.0);

    ROMol::ADJ_ITER nbrIdx,endIdx;

    // deal with the conjugated system - distribute the formal charges on atoms of same type in each
    // conjugated system
    Gasteiger::splitChargeConjugated(mol, charges);

    // now read in the parameters
    ROMol::ConstAtomIterator ai; 
    for (ai = mol.beginAtoms(); ai != mol.endAtoms(); ai++) {
      std::string elem = table->getElementSymbol((*ai)->getAtomicNum());
      std::string mode;

      switch ((*ai)->getHybridization()) {
      case Atom::SP3:
        mode = "sp3";
      case Atom::SP2:
        mode = "sp2";
      case Atom::SP:
        mode = "sp";
        if ((*ai)->getAtomicNum() == 1) {
          // if it is hydrogen 
          mode = "*";
        } else if ((*ai)->getAtomicNum() == 16) {
          // we have a sulfur atom with no hydribidation information
          // check how many oxygens we have on the sulfer
          boost::tie(nbrIdx,endIdx) = mol.getAtomNeighbors(*ai);
          int no = 0;
          while (nbrIdx != endIdx) {
            if (mol.getAtomWithIdx(*nbrIdx)->getAtomicNum() == 8){
          if (no == 2) {
            mode = "so2";
          } else if (no == 1) {
            mode = "so";
          } else {
            // some other sulfur state. Default to sp3
            mode = "sp3";

      // if we get a unknown mode or element type the 
      // following will will throw an exception
      atmPs.push_back(params->getParams(elem, mode,throwOnParamFailure));

      // set ionX paramters
      // if Hydrogen treat differently 
      int idx = (*ai)->getIdx();
      if ((*ai)->getAtomicNum() == 1) {
        ionX[idx] = IONXH;
      else {
        ionX[idx] = atmPs[idx][0] + atmPs[idx][1] + atmPs[idx][2];

    // do the iteration here
    int itx, aix, sgn, niHs;
    double enr, dq, dx, qHs, dqH;
    // parameters for hydrogen atoms (for case where the hydrogen are not in the
    // graph (implicit hydrogens)
    DOUBLE_VECT hParams;
    hParams = params->getParams("H", "*", throwOnParamFailure);

    int itmp;
    for (itmp = 0; itmp < 5; itmp++) {
      std::cout << " aq:" << charges[itmp] << "\n";

    for (itx = 0; itx < nIter; itx++) {
      for (aix = 0; aix < natms; aix++) {
        //enr = p0 + charge*(p1 + p2*charge)
        enr = atmPs[aix][0] + charges[aix]*(atmPs[aix][1] + atmPs[aix][2]*charges[aix]);
        energ[aix] = enr;
      for (aix = 0; aix < natms; aix++) {
        dq = 0.0;
        boost::tie(nbrIdx,endIdx) = mol.getAtomNeighbors(mol.getAtomWithIdx(aix));
        while (nbrIdx != endIdx) {
          dx = energ[*nbrIdx] - energ[aix];
          if (dx < 0.0) {
            sgn = 0;
          } else {
            sgn = 1;
          dq += dx/( (sgn*(ionX[aix] - ionX[*nbrIdx])) + ionX[*nbrIdx]);            
        // now loop over the implicit hydrogens and get their contributions
        // since hydrogens don't connect to anything else, update their charges at the same time
        niHs = mol.getAtomWithIdx(aix)->getTotalNumHs();
        if (niHs > 0) {
          qHs = hChrg[aix]/niHs;
          enr = hParams[0] + qHs*(hParams[1] + hParams[2]*qHs);
          dx = enr - energ[aix];
          if (dx < 0.0) {
            sgn = 0;
          } else {
            sgn = 1;
          dqH = dx/((sgn*(ionX[aix] - IONXH)) + IONXH);
          dq += (niHs*dqH);
          //adjust the charges on the hydrogens simultaneously (possible because each of the
          // hydrogens have no other neighbors)
          hChrg[aix] -= (niHs*dqH*damp);
        charges[aix] += (damp*dq);

      damp *= DAMP_SCALE;

    for (aix = 0; aix < natms; aix++) {
      mol.getAtomWithIdx(aix)->setProp("_GasteigerCharge", charges[aix], true);
      // set the implicit hydrogen charges
      mol.getAtomWithIdx(aix)->setProp("_GasteigerHCharge", hChrg[aix], true);
Esempio n. 8
std::string MolToHELM(const ROMol &mol)
  std::vector<AtomPDBResidueInfo*> seq[10];
  std::string result;
  bool first = true;
  std::string chain;
  int id = 1;

  /* First pass: Monomers */
  for (ROMol::ConstAtomIterator atomIt=mol.beginAtoms();
    const Atom *atom = *atomIt;
    AtomPDBResidueInfo *info = (AtomPDBResidueInfo*)(atom->getMonomerInfo());
    // We can only write HELM if all atoms have PDB residue information
    if (!info || info->getMonomerType()!=AtomMonomerInfo::PDBRESIDUE)
      return "";

    if (info->getName() == " CA ") {
      const char *mono = getHELMMonomer(info);
      if (!mono)
        return "";
      if (first) {
        chain = info->getChainId();
        result = "PEPTIDE1{";
        first = false;
      } else if (info->getChainId() != chain) {
        // Nine chains should be enough?
        if (id == 9)
          return "";
        chain = info->getChainId();
        result += "}|PEPTIDE";
        result += (char)(id+'0');
        result += "{";
      } else result += ".";
      result += mono;
    } else if (info->getResidueName() == "NH2" &&
               info->getName() == " N  ") {
      if (first)
        return "";
      result += ".[am]";
    } else if (info->getResidueName() == "ACE" &&
               info->getName() == " C  ") {
      if (first) {
        chain = info->getChainId();
        result = "PEPTIDE1{[ac]";
        first = false;
      } else if (info->getChainId() != chain) {
        // Nine chains should be enough?
        if (id == 9)
          return "";
        chain = info->getChainId();
        result += "}|PEPTIDE";
        result += (char)(id+'0');
        result += "{[ac]";
      } else return "";

  if (first)
    return "";

  result += "}$";

  first = true;
  for (ROMol::ConstBondIterator bondIt=mol.beginBonds();
       bondIt!=mol.endBonds(); ++bondIt){
    const Bond *bond = *bondIt;
    Atom *beg = bond->getBeginAtom();
    Atom *end = bond->getEndAtom();
    if (!beg || !end)
    AtomPDBResidueInfo *binfo = (AtomPDBResidueInfo*)(beg->getMonomerInfo());
    AtomPDBResidueInfo *einfo = (AtomPDBResidueInfo*)(end->getMonomerInfo());
    if (!binfo || !einfo)
    // Test if this is an uninteresting intra-residue bond
    if (binfo->getResidueNumber() == einfo->getResidueNumber() &&
        binfo->getResidueName() == einfo->getResidueName() &&
        binfo->getChainId() == einfo->getChainId() &&
        binfo->getInsertionCode() == einfo->getInsertionCode())
    if (bond->getBondType() != Bond::SINGLE)
      return "";
    if (IsEupeptideBond(binfo,einfo))
    if (!IsSupportedHELMBond(binfo,einfo))
      return "";
    std::string tmp = NameHELMBond(seq,binfo,einfo);
    if (tmp.empty())
      return "";
    if (!first)
      result += "|";
    else first = false;
    result += tmp;

  result += "$$$";
  return result;
Esempio n. 9
// --------------------------------------------------
// Calculates chiral invariants for the atoms of a molecule
//  These are based on Labute's proposal in:
//  "An Efficient Algorithm for the Determination of Topological
//   RS Chirality" Journal of the CCG (1996)
// --------------------------------------------------
void buildCIPInvariants(const ROMol &mol, DOUBLE_VECT &res) {
  PRECONDITION(res.size() >= mol.getNumAtoms(), "res vect too small");
  int atsSoFar = 0;
  // NOTE:
  // If you make modifications to this, keep in mind that it is
  // essential that the initial comparison of ranks behave properly.
  // So, though it seems like it would makes sense to include
  // information about the number of Hs (or charge, etc) in the CIP
  // invariants, this will result in bad rankings.  For example, in
  // this molecule: OC[C@H](C)O, including the number of Hs would
  // cause the methyl group (atom 3) to be ranked higher than the CH2
  // connected to O (atom 1).  This is totally wrong.
  // We also don't include any pre-existing stereochemistry information.
  // Though R and S assignments do factor in to the priorities of atoms,
  // we're starting here from scratch and we'll let the R and S stuff
  // be taken into account during the iterations.
  for (ROMol::ConstAtomIterator atIt = mol.beginAtoms(); atIt != mol.endAtoms();
       ++atIt) {
    const unsigned short nMassBits = 10;
    const unsigned short maxMass = 1 << nMassBits;
    Atom const *atom = *atIt;
    unsigned long invariant = 0;
    int num = atom->getAtomicNum() % 128;
    // get an int with the deviation in the mass from the default:
    int mass = 0;
    if (atom->getIsotope()) {
      mass =
          atom->getIsotope() -
      if (mass >= 0) mass += 1;
    mass += maxMass / 2;
    if (mass < 0)
      mass = 0;
      mass = mass % maxMass;

#if 0
        // NOTE: the inclusion of hybridization in the invariant (as
        // suggested in the original paper), leads to the situation
        // that
        //   C[C@@](O)(C=C)C(C)CC
        // and
        //   C[C@@](O)(C=C)C(C)CO
        // are assigned S chirality even though the rest of the world
        // seems to agree that they ought to be R (atom 3, sp2, is ranked
        // higher than atom 5, sp3, no matter what their environments)
        int hyb=0;
        switch(atom->getHybridization()) {
        case Atom::SP: hyb=6;break;
        case Atom::SP2: hyb=5;break;
        case Atom::SP3: hyb=1;break;
        case Atom::SP3D: hyb=3;break;
        case Atom::SP3D2: hyb=2;break;
        default: break;

    invariant = num;  // 7 bits here
    invariant = (invariant << nMassBits) | mass;

    int mapnum = -1;
    atom->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::molAtomMapNumber, mapnum);
    mapnum = (mapnum + 1) % 1024;  // increment to allow map numbers of zero
                                   // (though that would be stupid)
    invariant = (invariant << 10) | mapnum;

    res[atsSoFar++] = invariant;
Esempio n. 10
// finds all possible chiral special cases.
// at the moment this is just candidates for ring stereochemistry
void findChiralAtomSpecialCases(ROMol &mol,
                                boost::dynamic_bitset<> &possibleSpecialCases) {
  PRECONDITION(possibleSpecialCases.size() >= mol.getNumAtoms(),
               "bit vector too small");
  if (!mol.getRingInfo()->isInitialized()) {
    VECT_INT_VECT sssrs;
    MolOps::symmetrizeSSSR(mol, sssrs);
  boost::dynamic_bitset<> atomsSeen(mol.getNumAtoms());
  boost::dynamic_bitset<> atomsUsed(mol.getNumAtoms());
  boost::dynamic_bitset<> bondsSeen(mol.getNumBonds());

  for (ROMol::AtomIterator ait = mol.beginAtoms(); ait != mol.endAtoms();
       ++ait) {
    const Atom *atom = *ait;
    if (atomsSeen[atom->getIdx()]) continue;
    if (atom->getChiralTag() == Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED ||
        atom->hasProp(common_properties::_CIPCode) ||
        !mol.getRingInfo()->numAtomRings(atom->getIdx()) ||
        !atomIsCandidateForRingStereochem(mol, atom)) {
    // do a BFS from this ring atom along ring bonds and find other
    // stereochemistry candidates.
    std::list<const Atom *> nextAtoms;
    // start with finding viable neighbors
    ROMol::OEDGE_ITER beg, end;
    boost::tie(beg, end) = mol.getAtomBonds(atom);
    while (beg != end) {
      unsigned int bidx = mol[*beg]->getIdx();
      if (!bondsSeen[bidx]) {
        if (mol.getRingInfo()->numBondRings(bidx)) {
          const Atom *oatom = mol[*beg]->getOtherAtom(atom);
          if (!atomsSeen[oatom->getIdx()]) {
    INT_VECT ringStereoAtoms(0);
    if (!nextAtoms.empty()) {

    while (!nextAtoms.empty()) {
      const Atom *ratom = nextAtoms.front();
      if (ratom->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED &&
          !ratom->hasProp(common_properties::_CIPCode) &&
          atomIsCandidateForRingStereochem(mol, ratom)) {
        int same = (ratom->getChiralTag() == atom->getChiralTag()) ? 1 : -1;
        ringStereoAtoms.push_back(same * (ratom->getIdx() + 1));
        INT_VECT oringatoms(0);
        oringatoms.push_back(same * (atom->getIdx() + 1));
        ratom->setProp(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms, oringatoms, true);
      // now push this atom's neighbors
      boost::tie(beg, end) = mol.getAtomBonds(ratom);
      while (beg != end) {
        unsigned int bidx = mol[*beg]->getIdx();
        if (!bondsSeen[bidx]) {
          if (mol.getRingInfo()->numBondRings(bidx)) {
            const Atom *oatom = mol[*beg]->getOtherAtom(ratom);
            if (!atomsSeen[oatom->getIdx()] && !atomsUsed[oatom->getIdx()]) {
    }  // end of BFS
    if (ringStereoAtoms.size() != 0) {
      atom->setProp(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms, ringStereoAtoms, true);
      // because we're only going to hit each ring atom once, the first atom we
      // encounter in a ring is going to end up with all the other atoms set as
      // stereoAtoms, but each of them will only have the first atom present. We
      // need to fix that. because the traverse from the first atom only
      // followed ring bonds, these things are all by definition in one ring
      // system. (Q: is this true if there's a spiro center in there?)
      INT_VECT same(mol.getNumAtoms(), 0);
      BOOST_FOREACH (int ringAtomEntry, ringStereoAtoms) {
        int ringAtomIdx =
            ringAtomEntry < 0 ? -ringAtomEntry - 1 : ringAtomEntry - 1;
        same[ringAtomIdx] = ringAtomEntry;
      for (INT_VECT_CI rae = ringStereoAtoms.begin();
           rae != ringStereoAtoms.end(); ++rae) {
        int ringAtomEntry = *rae;
        int ringAtomIdx =
            ringAtomEntry < 0 ? -ringAtomEntry - 1 : ringAtomEntry - 1;
        INT_VECT lringatoms(0);
            ->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms, lringatoms);
        CHECK_INVARIANT(lringatoms.size() > 0, "no other ring atoms found.");
        for (INT_VECT_CI orae = rae + 1; orae != ringStereoAtoms.end();
             ++orae) {
          int oringAtomEntry = *orae;
          int oringAtomIdx =
              oringAtomEntry < 0 ? -oringAtomEntry - 1 : oringAtomEntry - 1;
          int theseDifferent = (ringAtomEntry < 0) ^ (oringAtomEntry < 0);
          lringatoms.push_back(theseDifferent ? -(oringAtomIdx + 1)
                                              : (oringAtomIdx + 1));
          INT_VECT olringatoms(0);
          CHECK_INVARIANT(olringatoms.size() > 0, "no other ring atoms found.");
          olringatoms.push_back(theseDifferent ? -(ringAtomIdx + 1)
                                               : (ringAtomIdx + 1));
              ->setProp(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms, olringatoms);
            ->setProp(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms, lringatoms);

    } else {
Esempio n. 11
INT_MAP_INT pickBondsToWedge(const ROMol &mol) {
    // we need ring information; make sure findSSSR has been called before
    // if not call now
    if (!mol.getRingInfo()->isInitialized()) {

    static int noNbrs = 100;
    INT_VECT nChiralNbrs(mol.getNumAtoms(), noNbrs);

    // start by looking for bonds that are already wedged
    for (ROMol::ConstBondIterator cbi = mol.beginBonds(); cbi != mol.endBonds();
            ++cbi) {
        const Bond *bond = *cbi;
        if (bond->getBondDir() == Bond::BEGINWEDGE ||
                bond->getBondDir() == Bond::BEGINDASH ||
                bond->getBondDir() == Bond::UNKNOWN) {
            nChiralNbrs[bond->getBeginAtomIdx()] = noNbrs + 1;
            // std::cerr<<"skip: "<<bond->getBeginAtomIdx()<<std::endl;

    // now rank atoms by the number of chiral neighbors or Hs they have:
    bool chiNbrs = false;
    for (ROMol::ConstAtomIterator cai = mol.beginAtoms(); cai != mol.endAtoms();
            ++cai) {
        const Atom *at = *cai;
        if (nChiralNbrs[at->getIdx()] > noNbrs) {
            // std::cerr<<" SKIPPING1: "<<at->getIdx()<<std::endl;
        Atom::ChiralType type = at->getChiralTag();
        if (type != Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CW && type != Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CCW)
        nChiralNbrs[at->getIdx()] = 0;
        chiNbrs = true;
        ROMol::ADJ_ITER nbrIdx, endNbrs;
        boost::tie(nbrIdx, endNbrs) = mol.getAtomNeighbors(at);
        while (nbrIdx != endNbrs) {
            const ATOM_SPTR nat = mol[*nbrIdx];
            if (nat->getAtomicNum() == 1) {
                // special case: it's an H... we weight these especially high:
                nChiralNbrs[at->getIdx()] -= 10;
            type = nat->getChiralTag();
            if (type != Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CW && type != Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CCW)
            nChiralNbrs[at->getIdx()] -= 1;
    std::vector<unsigned int> indices(mol.getNumAtoms());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mol.getNumAtoms(); ++i) indices[i] = i;
    if (chiNbrs) {
        std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.end(),
#if 0
    std::cerr<<"  nbrs: ";
    std::copy(nChiralNbrs.begin(),nChiralNbrs.end(),std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cerr," "));
    std::cerr<<"  order: ";
    std::copy(indices.begin(),indices.end(),std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cerr," "));
    // picks a bond for each atom that we will wedge when we write the mol file
    // here is what we are going to do
    // - at each chiral center look for a bond that is begins at the atom and
    //   is not yet picked to be wedged for a different chiral center, preferring
    //   bonds to Hs
    // - if we do not find a bond that begins at the chiral center - we will take
    //   the first bond that is not yet picked by any other chiral centers
    // we use the orders calculated above to determine which order to do the
    // wedging
    INT_MAP_INT res;
    BOOST_FOREACH (unsigned int idx, indices) {
        if (nChiralNbrs[idx] > noNbrs) {
            // std::cerr<<" SKIPPING2: "<<idx<<std::endl;
            continue;  // already have a wedged bond here
        const Atom *atom = mol.getAtomWithIdx(idx);
        Atom::ChiralType type = atom->getChiralTag();
        // the indices are ordered such that all chiral atoms come first. If
        // this has no chiral flag, we can stop the whole loop:
        if (type != Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CW && type != Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CCW)
        RDKit::ROMol::OBOND_ITER_PAIR atomBonds = mol.getAtomBonds(atom);
        std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > nbrScores;
        while (atomBonds.first != atomBonds.second) {
            const Bond *bond = mol[*atomBonds.first].get();

            // can only wedge single bonds:
            if (bond->getBondType() != Bond::SINGLE) continue;

            int bid = bond->getIdx();
            if (res.find(bid) == res.end()) {
                // very strong preference for Hs:
                if (bond->getOtherAtom(atom)->getAtomicNum() == 1) {
                        std::make_pair(-1000, bid));  // lower than anything else can be
                int nbrScore = 0;
                // prefer neighbors that are nonchiral or have as few chiral neighbors
                // as possible:
                int oIdx = bond->getOtherAtomIdx(idx);
                if (nChiralNbrs[oIdx] < noNbrs) {
                    // the counts are negative, so we have to subtract them off
                    nbrScore -= 10 * nChiralNbrs[oIdx];
                // prefer non-ring bonds;
                nbrScore += mol.getRingInfo()->numBondRings(bid);
                nbrScores.push_back(std::make_pair(nbrScore, bid));
        // There's still one situation where this whole thing can fail: an unlucky
        // situation where all neighbors of all neighbors of an atom are chiral and
        // that atom ends up being the last one picked for stereochem assignment.
        // We'll catch that as an error here and hope that it's as unlikely to occur
        // as it seems like it is. (I'm going into this knowing that it's bound to
        // happen; I'll kick myself and do the hard solution at that point.)
                        "no eligible neighbors for chiral center");
        std::sort(nbrScores.begin(), nbrScores.end(),
                  Rankers::pairLess<int, int>());
        res[nbrScores[0].second] = idx;
    return res;
Esempio n. 12
std::string calcMolFormula(const ROMol &mol, bool separateIsotopes,
                           bool abbreviateHIsotopes) {
  std::ostringstream res;
  std::map<std::pair<unsigned int, std::string>, unsigned int> counts;
  int charge = 0;
  unsigned int nHs = 0;
  const PeriodicTable *table = PeriodicTable::getTable();
  for (ROMol::ConstAtomIterator atomIt = mol.beginAtoms();
       atomIt != mol.endAtoms(); ++atomIt) {
    int atNum = (*atomIt)->getAtomicNum();
    std::pair<unsigned int, std::string> key =
        std::make_pair(0, table->getElementSymbol(atNum));
    if (separateIsotopes) {
      unsigned int isotope = (*atomIt)->getIsotope();
      if (abbreviateHIsotopes && atNum == 1 && (isotope == 2 || isotope == 3)) {
        if (isotope == 2)
          key.second = "D";
          key.second = "T";
      } else {
        key.first = isotope;
    if (counts.find(key) != counts.end()) {
      counts[key] += 1;
    } else {
      counts[key] = 1;
    nHs += (*atomIt)->getTotalNumHs();
    charge += (*atomIt)->getFormalCharge();

  if (nHs) {
    std::pair<unsigned int, std::string> key = std::make_pair(0, "H");
    if (counts.find(key) != counts.end()) {
      counts[key] += nHs;
    } else {
      counts[key] = nHs;
  std::list<std::pair<unsigned int, std::string> > ks;
  for (std::map<std::pair<unsigned int, std::string>,
                unsigned int>::const_iterator countIt = counts.begin();
       countIt != counts.end(); ++countIt) {

  for (std::list<std::pair<unsigned int, std::string> >::const_iterator kIter =
       kIter != ks.end(); ++kIter) {
    const std::pair<unsigned int, std::string> &key = *kIter;
    if (key.first > 0) {
      res << "[" << key.first << key.second << "]";
    } else {
      res << key.second;
    if (counts[key] > 1) res << counts[key];
  if (charge > 0) {
    res << "+";
    if (charge > 1) res << charge;
  } else if (charge < 0) {
    res << "-";
    if (charge < -1) res << -1 * charge;
  return res.str();